The Duchess of Arad, Chapter 5

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The Duchess of Arad
Chapter 5

We'll Always Have Paris

by Jenny Sugar
Copyright © 2012 Jenny Sugar
All Rights Reserved.

They spent a day sleeping in Nuremburg with no incidents or sightings of the hunters and Rachel relaxed a bit. Rather than sight-see as per usual, Maria agreed that they should move on and soon the SUV was entering Frankfurt.

Rachel was slightly surprised that Maria seemed to have no prejudice against Germans while nearly always had something bad to say about Russians. Maria thought this silly and elaborated.

Rachel there was no World Wars when I was around, as you know. Your emotions are colored by the history that you grew up with. Of course I can access your studies about the Second World War and share your outrage at the atrocities. We have done much reading and I feel that I am catching up on events well. World War Two was horrifying, yes. However, I never really had any bad relations with Germans.

There were the Teutonic Knights, of course. Stinky bunch, you know that they never bathed? An enemy might well throw down their swords and run when faced with that stench! Ugh! The French were far more of a conquering nation back then. Napoleon took over quite a bit of Europe, as you know. Who is to say that if circumstances were different, another people could not have taken as much as Germany and committed atrocities of their own?

Rachel nodded because Maria had a good point. However, Maria, I don’t think a Hitler would have gotten quite as far in France, or even Russia. Germany was broke and the people were desperate for a leader who could get them out of the mess they were in.

Ah, yes, they were. But Rachel, who is responsible for making this mess in the first place, eh? The nations who wanted to punish Germany for World War One, yes? Inflicting horrendous reparation payments on them, taking away their right to an Army or much of any fighting force?

And what, exactly, did the Germans do that was so wrong in that war? They were on the losing side along with Austria-Hungary, of course. From all of our reading and your memories I think that the winning side went too far in punishing Germany.

You cannot wreck a nation’s pride while at the same time nearly starve them and not expect consequences. I do not argue in favor of the Nazis! But events conspired to make things easy for them to take power.

When people are cold, hungry, and beaten down they will naturally turn to a strong leader who promises to lead them into greatness and security, Rachel. Give people hope, point them to a menace — real or imagined! - that caused their suffering and let nature take its course. Any leader who is a student of humanity and knows people and has a strong projection of leadership can lead the masses to where he wishes.

I know you’ve read a lot with me since you woke up, Maria. But I am surprised you were not shocked at the events in Europe in the twentieth century. It feels as if you almost expected it when we were reading the other night. Rachel remembered their reading about the events of the First World War, then into the Depression that followed and the events in Germany in the Thirties. She’d not been shocked at all at any of the outcomes. She’d snorted when the Russian Revolution led to the brutal thuggery and mass murders committed by Stalin, as well.

You are a student of history, Rachel. You could say that I am a student of humanity, in a way. Let a human live one hundred years and he or she could be considered very wise, yes?

Rachel nodded in agreement. Yes I agree that if their mind is still sharp, older people are usually much wiser. I had a professor in college who was nearly eighty! The man had a mind like a steel trap. He often challenged me and made me think — much as you do!

Ah, well multiply your centenarian’s age by three but keep the faculties sharp and the ability to learn and grow never atrophied and you have… me. The bible says that there is nothing new under the sun, and when speaking of humanity in general this is very true!

Now, Rachel, all this talk has made me thirsty, and I am also in the mood to dance again. Shall we see if Frankfurt has a good nightclub that we can visit?

Rachel laughed and rolled her eyes, but agreed and they went searching for a busy club.


The club they had chosen had a long line but all Rachel had to do was walk up and smile at the bouncer and she was immediately allowed to enter. She didn’t even have to put the “whammy” on him, which pleased her, somehow. Maria told her that being a beautiful woman with class who dressed in style was plenty enough and often obviated the need for any vampiric ‘help’ with men.

They danced for a while and had one snack and then the karaoke began. Rachel explained to Maria what it was about, and was not surprised that she wanted to try it. She chose a song they’d heard in several clubs, Adele’s ‘Rolling in the Deep’. To Rachel’s ears Maria sang it pitch-perfect, and obviously to the crowd’s ears as well because they got a roar of applause when it ended.

So vampires have perfect pitch, too?

Maria giggled. Rachel I do not know, but I was a good singer before I was turned.

The crowd demanded an encore and after searching for a time on the machine they found another song that Maria had learned during their clubbing. It had interested her at a club in Prague and she remembered the tune and hit every note of “I Touch Myself.” Once again, she was pitch-perfect and sounding as good as, or better, than the original singer. She stepped off the makeshift stage to thunderous applause and cries for another song. Rachel was amazed and internally applauded Maria for the performance.

I would like to sing more but I just do not know all of these songs, yet. Perhaps, someday we can do this again?

Your singing was just incredible, Maria! I always wished that I could sing well.

Rachel dear, you can sing just as well as me, you know!

I think I’d need a lot of practice, still, before I could do what you just did. I do remember someone telling me that we needed to keep a low profile, Maria. Who said that?

Some fool, I suppose! Maria dissolved into giggles and Rachel joined her.

They had been dancing some more, and had fed already upon a man in the club when a chilling sentence came from Maria. They are here. Look, over there at that corner table!

Two men, dressed all in black, were sitting at a table with heads close to each other, talking.

Maria hissed internally at Rachel: I wish to talk to them!

Rachel did not think that was a very good idea but agreed that it might get them some more information. She hated blundering around in the dark, not knowing what was going on or why they were being chased. She headed towards the men.

What if that is just two men hanging out at the club and not our pursuers?

We shall find out!

As Rachel approached the table both men stood instantly and headed for the door, ignoring her — or pretending to. Rachel followed them at a distance, cautiously. When she exited the building there was no sign of them.

They searched the parking area, the streets adjoining the club, and Maria was all for spiraling out to the next block when Rachel pronounced the men gone and got reluctant agreement. Their mood spoiled, they returned to the hotel to rest.

Rachel reached her room with no incident and had spotted nobody following them or showing any interest. Rachel felt that she was becoming paranoid and often caught herself carefully scanning every man they came near if he was tall or had a bulky build.

It is not paranoid when they really ARE out to get you! Maria agreed and didn’t laugh at her joke at all.


The next evening Rachel guided her SUV into the outskirts of Paris. The car was working out flawlessly and she was very glad she had decided to purchase it. She’d let Maria drive for a bit and while at times Maria managed to scare her, nothing bad had happened.

As she drove they continued their conversation they’d begun many kilometers back. They were also practicing with body control and so were speaking out loud. The idea had been to switch back and forth without even thinking about it. Rachel had suggested they talk to each other in this way and it was working out perfectly.

“Rachel, I don’t know how they are tracking us! It must be some magical spell?”

“I think that is the most likely thing. I’ve searched all of our belongings and the car and I cannot find anything suspicious or electronic devices of any kind. That leaves… mystical things. That is more your department than mine!”

“I think that it is very much your department now, also, Rachel. You keep forgetting that you are a vampire now as well. I am not the only spirit inhabiting an undead corpse riding into Paris, am I?”

Rachel’s laughter filled the car. Despite their constant run-ins with the homicidal hunters and the hunters who wanted to capture her, she was having the time of her life.

Rachel turned serious. “Do you have a plan, Maria? Or maybe some idea at all on what we can do? I have to confess that this stuff is way out of my league.”

“Obviously we need to be cautious and keep our eyes open, and we are doing that. Capturing one of them to enthrall and question should be our top priority, certainly. We have no information and no idea why they are doing this. And we must soon find out and find a way to put an end to this nonsense.”

“I still don’t think those two men in the club were part of this gang that is after us, Maria. If they were, wouldn’t they and maybe some others outside have jumped on us when we followed them out?”

“Perhaps you are right, Rachel. We are walking about in the darkness, blind. The next time that they appear, I intend to shed some light onto this situation and see what is going on!”


The funds were getting low so after some inquiries they made their way to one of the wealthier sections of Paris. Soon they were in a mansion with a new devoted follower. Arnaud Roussel was a multimillionaire exporter of wines, pharmaceuticals, and autos. He was delighted to tell Rachel all about it but she soon shut him up out of boredom. Deeply enthralled, he was the perfect host and gave them the run of the place, of course.

He was a widower, so they decided to spend the day and the next night at his home, rather than at a hotel. Maria had pointed out that their pursuers might be slowed down a bit if they were looking at hotels rather than in the suburban areas of Paris. Rachel felt that she was correct and agreed.

Arnaud offered them thousands of Euros if they could but wait one day while he arranged the funds. Rachel asked him to honestly state how much he could give them as a gift without it incurring financial damage on him, or triggering some kind of alarm bells with his accountant or banker. He told her that forty thousand or so would be nothing, and he was of course eager to give it. After some debate with Maria, Rachel agreed.

Rachel had opened a bank account with their remaining funds, as soon as they hit Paris. After some mesmerizing of the bank staff, she found that she qualified for a Platinum credit card with a high limit.
Maria didn’t like the idea of credit cards, at all. She thought the idea of usury itself to be bad, and spending money you did not yet have to be even worse. They had a long debate on the merits, or lack thereof, of credit cards, mortgages, and fractional-reserve banking. Maria was frighteningly fast becoming an expert at any topic that caught her interest in her marathon reading sessions. Rachel found herself soaking up knowledge right along with Maria, and enjoyed the experience.

Maria hinted that she wanted to spend some intimate time with Arnaud, but Rachel asked her if they could find someone else, maybe a bit younger.

So, you are no longer objecting to trying this with a man, you are objecting to this particular man, Rachel?

Yes, he puts me off for some reason. He just doesn’t seem all that interesting to me at all. But, if we can find someone we both like I am open to trying it and see how it goes.

Excellent, Rachel! Very well, we will, ‘shop around’ as you say, and see who we can find. Thank you, dear! I appreciate that you are willing to do this for me.

You have changed my life in so many ways, Maria. I should be the one thanking you for everything you have done. It’s true I was not happy at all when this all started back in Romania but I am beginning to love being a woman. Being a vampire means I will have many years to enjoy and experience everything that life has to offer. I owe you so much! How could I deny you something that means so much to you?

Maria was silent and before Rachel knew it she felt tears running down her face. Maria was crying and it was pushing through to make Rachel physically cry as well. They were truly bonding more and more now, and Rachel found that she loved her companion and could honestly say that Maria had improved her lonely and boring life.


Maria wanted to see the Eiffel Tower and Rachel, having only seen it in the distance, agreed happily. They came to it just after sunset and both were enjoying themselves. Rachel told Maria a joke.

Here is a joke for you, Maria. Why did the French plant trees along the Champs-á‰lysées?

Why, Rachel?

So the Germans could march in the shade!

Maria had been reading a lot of twentieth century history and appreciated the joke, laughing along with Rachel. They spent over an hour prowling around the Tower, and for a while visited the restaurant on the second floor, La Jules Verne. Although they didn’t need to eat, Rachel wanted to sample some of the cuisine and enjoyed it.

They returned to the ground and were debating about going back to Arnaud’s home or finding a nightclub. Standing near the Tower itself, Rachel spotted a tall man in black clothing, sporting a thick beard, trailing them. She warned Maria and they went on alert.

Soon they spotted a second man, who was keeping his distance and obviously trying not to look their way. Rachel looked in all directions but it seemed there were only two of the strange men around at the moment.

The first man was closing in on them when Rachel whirled and began to close with him. He glanced around, seeing no spectators around, and then whipped out a sharpened stake. He said nothing as the distance between them closed.

When he got within striking range he slowed and prepared his stake to plunge forward at her chest, but Rachel had other ideas. Rather then turn control over to Maria she decided to run at the man, then at the last moment stepped slightly left, grabbed him by the upper arm and spun. This sent him flying nearly twenty feet. He sprang up and started back towards her.

As the man with the beard tried to stake Rachel again, the other man they had spotted earlier slipped behind the first man, and then plunged a knife into the bearded man’s back, dropping him to the ground as the knife pierced his kidney. She stared in absolute shock as the man retrieved his knife, and then winked at her!

Maria spoke before Rachel could even react. “Get away from me, you Russian pig or you will join your friend in death!”

The man smirked at her. “I am not Russian, love, I am English, thank you very much. And he was certainly not my friend. Why don’t you come with me and save yourself all of this running and fighting? You’ve fought the good fight but sooner or later we will capture you.”

Rachel replied to him, as Maria would likely curse or attack rather than talk. “WHY are you trying to capture me rather than kill me? “

“I can’t tell you that yet, love. If you surrender, though, you’ll soon know all about it.”

“I won’t let you dissect me or put me in a cage!” Maria cried and lashed out with her nails, leaving bloody scratches on the man’s face.

He cursed but backed away rather than attack her. “No need for that, now! I was protecting you, you daft vampire! That’s a piss poor way to thank me!”

“Protecting me? Why would you do that? Aren’t you with the other ones?”

“No, I am not. And maybe I wanted to rescue a fair damsel in distress?”

Rachel snorted and rolled her eyes. This made the man laugh. “You’re quite beautiful, you know. So why not chalk this up as a man stepping up to save a beautiful lady?”

Rachel shook her head. “You know what is going on here and you are going to tell me.” She tried to make eye contact but he obviously knew that was a bad idea and would not let her.

“Sadly, love, our chat must be ending. If you don’t want to surrender then I must be on my way.”

Rachel snarled, “You’re not going anywhere till you give me some answers!” She started toward him, intending to grab his head and force him to look into her eyes. But he continued backing away until they reached the street. Before she could say another word an SUV pulled up and she could see it was packed full of men. A second one came behind the first.

The man winked at her again, and stopped, obviously baiting her to keep coming. Rachel knew the odds were very much against her, and took off running as fast as she could. After a time she slowed down and made her way back to their own SUV.

Rachel, you did well with that. There were at least eight men to deal with so running was our best option.

Rachel nodded, still thinking about what the man had said to her. Why on earth would they protect me? And kill the one trying to stake me? Maria this makes no sense!

It makes perfect sense to them, does it not? This means that eventually it will to us, as well. Let us shake these bad feelings off and find a nightclub, eh?

Maria I hardly think that now is the time for us to go dancing! We need to figure out what our next move is. Or, maybe, get out of Paris now!

They will not attack us in a crowded place, Rachel. We know this from past experiences. And while we dance and enjoy ourselves we can think more on this and plan our next move. I would like to go on to England, soon.

I thought you wanted to fly from Paris to the United States?

That was before all of this business with these men started, Rachel. Gregor once told me that England hosted quite a few vampires. I have hopes of finding one or more there and perhaps they will know what this is all about.

That sounds like a great idea, Maria! And, even if they don’t know anything about our pursuit, they could possibly help us out.

Exactly, Rachel!


Rachel danced with abandon, completely enjoying herself in a nightclub. It was a surprising development but all of the clubbing was starting to rub off on her, she suspected. Maria was very pleased to see her having so much fun.

Maria was not able to talk Rachel into any karaoke but to see her dancing was pleasure enough for now.

She’d gone in the ladies to freshen her makeup and had found a drunken woman shouting at anyone who entered. She was asking women who came in the room if they were the “worthless putain who stole my date?”

Rachel assured her that she was not, and then was surprised when Maria told her to feed on the woman. She did, and found enthralling her was childishly simple and easy. After she finished she ordered the woman to go home and sober up, and Maria explained that drunken people were always easier, male or female.

Rachel asked her if the alcohol would affect her at all, as the woman’s blood alcohol must have been very high. Maria told her that sadly, no, it would have no affect at all.

This is one of the bad things about being vampire, Rachel. We cannot get drunk!

Rachel didn’t see this as a bad thing at all.

She eventually found herself dancing with a very striking young man, about her own age. His eyes stayed with her for most of the night, and when they danced close during a slow song she could feel a tight bulge in his jeans. They sat at a table with him, later, and soon were kissing passionately and doing some heavy petting, indeed.

Let us take this one to a hotel room, Rachel? Please? Rachel was amused at the way Maria asked with such need, so agreed that they would bring him along. He did not hesitate to accept their invitation, and soon Jean was sitting in the passenger seat of the SUV, still smiling at Rachel from time to time.

He asked her, “You are American, no?” and she confirmed that she was. “I like Americans, you know. Some do not, but I have never had any bad experiences with them. And you are such a lovely American woman!”

Rachel smiled and thanked him but inside she thought, Hey, Jean, you already got the girl and a trip to her hotel room, so you don’t need the hard sell now! She then addressed Maria. Does he think if he doesn’t keep talking me up I will change my mind?

Oh, Rachel, he is just being nice! Relax and enjoy this!

Rachel felt the orgasm coming, and when it did she felt that she would black out. She continued panting occasionally, even though she did not really need to. Maria had suggested it so that she would not freak her lover out.

Men have enough performance worries that we do not need to add to them!

Rachel had decided not to feed on him, after Maria had told her it would affect his performance if she did. Besides, they’d snacked well at the club, including the drunken woman in the ladies room.

After a time, Jean departed, leaving Rachel with a long slow kiss and a genuine smile before he left. She sighed and leaned against the door, closing it.

I had NO idea it would be this good as a vampire, Maria!

Maria laughed long and hard, as she had known that if she could ever get Rachel to cooperate, the fledgling girl vampire would truly enjoy herself with a man.

Well, Rachel it IS better as a vampire, and from what I have been told over the years, also better as a woman. So you are twice blessed!

I can see us doing this more often, for sure!

Good! I know you hate wasting money, but let us go back to Arnaud’s for the day. We put this room to good enough use, anyway.


Upon rising the next evening, Rachel was happy to find Arnaud handing her a receipt from his bank. It showed that he had transferred forty-five thousand Euros to her bank account. She took the receipt with a huge smile and gave him a kiss.

Rachel packed all of her things and prepared for the journey to England. She’d debated with herself and Maria at length on keeping or selling the car. She had become slightly attached to it already, but pointed out to Maria many times that the English drove on the left side of the road and it would be annoying at the least for them. Also on her list of reasons to get rid of the car was their plan to fly to America when they were ready to leave England.

Do not let me stop you from talking yourself into selling the car, Rachel! Maria was amused at Rachel’s dithering over selling it or not. Just remember that money should not be a problem for us and we can replace it when and if we need to.

Eventually Rachel decided to sell it, and added the proceeds to their already large bank account. She let herself smile as they bid farewell to Calais and boarded the train to take them to England.

They both hoped that England would hold some answers, or if not answers at least some other vampires to compare notes with.

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