Dear readers and friends,
Some of you may have been wondering where I have been gone to for two months, some may not, but I have received a number of emails from my friends and readers concerning my absence from the TG world. It was only in the last few days that I was able to bring myself to reply to them all.
I'm gonna keep this brief and simple.
The reason I haven't been around is because somebody very close to me died recently. My best friend committed suicide. Yeah, there's no nice way to say it but its the reality of the situation. Times have been tough recently as I have moved cross country. Despite making loads of new friends I have never felt more isolated and alone.
Basically, my whole life has gone to shit.
I believe I will be returning to my writing soon as I find it therapeutic.
*hugs you tight!!!!*
You Are Not Alone!
We find your writing awesome, so by all means continue. It will make us all happy! ^_^
*HuggleSnugglePurrKissLickyourface* <3
I'm so sorry!
Please, please, don't follow after them!
I must admit to not really reading anything you've written... there's just so much here, but still. Any loss of life is unfortunate, and everyone is important. Please take whatever time you need and do whatever it is you need to do to get yourself back into a positive mental state. I'm sure lots of people will miss you if you follow your friend.
It's unfortunate that your friend felt that was the only answer for them. :/
Abigail Drew.