Hello, I'm Back
Relatively new author sigh here. I have not posted anything - comments, reviews, nada - for about the last week. Suffice it to say I have been with an ill family member out of state, and private internet access has not been available. Emphasis on private. I didn't want anyone to think I'm stuck up or snooty.
And, let me just say, I find it intimidating - just a little - posting here. Not because of the people - you all have been great, and so kind and polite - but rather due to the quality of the work. I find myself thinking that my stuff will be a stinkweed in a room full of roses. Or, to keep my analogy "Big Closet"-ish, like a pair of argyle socks among VS lingerie. But, I want to grow as a writer. And there's some stuff in my head and heart that needs to come out. And not a quikly written poorly spellid one handed self stimulation fest as seen some other places Found Mainly elsewhere. I love how so many stories here at BCTS are brimming with emotion and relationship and events - even the titillating ones. (Not to mention the buttulating and vaginalating ones. ....okay. I crossed the line to bad taste there probably.)
So as I read your wonderful stories, please bear with me as I work up the courage to post more of my own; I started with a tearjerker, but I may try comedy or horror or a "stuck" story next. Thank you, you girls who share my hopes/dreams/fantasies.... **sigh of anticipation** - sighed sigh, anticipatingly
if you want a beta reader or editor
there are lots of people here, including me, who could help you polish your stories.
Welcome back :D
And follow your heart and your muse according to what you wish to write :D
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Welcome back I got your pm. I
Welcome back I got your pm. I would love to read your stuff.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Thanx Jenn C
You're a doll. I'll send you a draft of my latest when done - may take a while..... Sigh
Sighs are the natural language of the heart.
-Thomas Shadwell
Hello, I'm back
I hope that you ALL stories here.
May Your Light Forever Shine