It was a rainy day in 1982. : 8

It was a rainy day in 1982. : 8
as written by Barbara Lynn Terry

Part I - Dawn talks to her friends.

The next morning, Dawn's mother came in a woke her up. It was still somewhat dark outside, but it looked like the sun was just coming up. Dawn thought that only good thing about Fall was, there was no snow, and was still warm enough to wear skirts and dresses to school.
She slipped out of bed, and put her robe on, stepped in to her slippers, and went to take her bath. She thought that it would be an apple blossom day, since it would be Spring again before they bloomed. So, she poured a capful of aplleblossom bubble bath in the tub, and let it foam up. She brushed her teeth, and then got out of her night clothes, and in to the tub. She knew she didn't have much time, so she just cascaded the water over her shoulders several times, and then washed. After rinsing completely, she patted down with one of the soft terry towels. She then slipped her robe and slippers back on and went to get dressed.

When she got to her room, she saw her peach colored dress, a white full slip, white panties with a lace waistband and knee high knit socks laying on her bed. On the floor was her black Mary Janes.

She got in to her lingerie, and then put her arms in to the bottom of the dress and lifted it over her head. When I was completely on her, her mother came in, and helped her button up the back.

"Sit down, dear, and let me brush your hair."

Dawn sat down, and her mother started brushing her hair.

"You know, Dawn, that some of the kids at school are going to be wondering why you are dressed this way, except maybe for the kids in your class. Do you think you will have any problems?"

"No, mother. Patti s in my class, and Nicole is right down the hall. Then there is Billy Sanders. So, I will be all right, mother. This is going to be the telling day, though."

"Yes, dear, I quite agree. This is going to tell everybody who you are, and what you are, so then there will be no misunderstandings. The only problem is, that you would have to wait until you are eighteen to be physically female. But we can take care of another problem right now. Just leave that to your father and me."

Dawn smiled as her mother finished brushing her hair, and they both went down to the kitchen. Dawn was never a big eater, so she just had a slice of peanut butter and jelly toast, a glass of milk and a glass of orange juice. When she was finished, she rinsed her dishes and put them in the sink. Then she kissed her mother and hugged her.

"I love you, mom."

"I love you, too, dear. Have a good day."

"Thank you, mother, you too."

Dawn got her coat on, grabbed her back pack, and headed for the bus stop.

"Hey Dawn," Billy Sanders said, as she got on the bus. "Do you want to sit with me?"

"Hi Billy, I would love to, but I have to talk to Patti and Nicole before we get to school."

Billy looked sad, when Dawn told him that, but he put a fake smile on his face.

"Oh, okay, Dawn. Maybe tomorrow."


Dawn learned how to be noncommittal when talking with boys from Nicole and Patti. Not that they taught her knowingly, but because Dawn had watched them do it. Dawn Sat down by Patti and Nicole. It was a good thing the school buss could seat three people to a seat.

"Hey," they said to each other, almost simultaneously. When Dawn, Patti and Nicole talked, they kind of whispered, so others couldn't hear what they were saying.

"I see that you are being yourself today, Dawn. Hey, Patti and I are going to go to the Burger Place and hang around on Saturday. Do you want to come with us?"

"I will see what my parents say. My mom told me I was supposed to help her around the house, then do my homework, then I could spend time with my friends. She said this morning, that this would be the telling day, whether everybody would accpetme, or there would be those that would give me problems. I mean, not in those words, but it was what she maeant. So, I guess I will find out."

"You will be fine, Dawn. We are there for you."

"At lunch time, there is something I need to talk to you two about. Something me and my mom talked about last night. But, at lunch time, though."

"Okay, because we don't have time right now, anyway. We're at the dungeon where the dragons will eat us alive if we don't do our school work." All three girls giggled.

As they filed in to the school, several of the boys from other classes were looking oddly at Dawn. She knew they were looking at her, but she paid them no mind. After putting her coat away, she sat at her desk. Mrs. Wells complimented Dawn on her dress.

Dawn sat down, and Mrs. Wells took roll call. Then she began by telling the students that the quiz she was going to give today, was going to be the next day, because she wanted them to have an extra day to study.

So, today, the only school work would be to study for the quiz for tomorrow.

We have all been through the quiz and surprise quizes that our teachers perpetrated on us hapless students. Well, Mrs. Wells wasn't one of those teachers. She believed in her students and wanted her students to succeed. If only there were more teachers like her.

Dawn took her studies seriously, and always paid attention to detail. If she wanted to know more, she went to the library and read about things that wasn't explained enough in her school books.

But even if Dawn studied and helped around the house, she always had time for her friends. She just had to remember what she told Billy Sanders about she could still hunt frogs with him. So, as they studied, Patti slipped Dawn a note that said Billy was watching her. She smiled, without looking at Billy. She thought that it was just like a boy to girl watch and not do what he is suppposed to.

The morning went by fast. Studying seems to make time either go slow, or fast, depending on your study habits. As they all went to the cafeteria, Dawn told Patti she needed to speak with her and Nicole. Patti said okay, and they got their, whatever it was called, and went to sit down and eat.

"So, girlfriend, what's so important?"

"Me and my mom were talking last night, and she wants to know if I want to go to middle school next semester for sixth grade. I told her I would have to talk to you, Patti, and find out if that would be great. Then all three of us would be in middle school."

"That sounds like a good idea, Dawn. It means, thouogh, that you would have gym class. Maybe your parents can do something to get you out of it. I will tell my parents that you are going to middle school for sixth grade, and I would like to go, too. I will tell them that I will have my sister and my friend there, so there will two people I actually know."

"That sounds good. I will let my parents know tonight, because they said it was up to me which I wanted to do. I would like to go to middle school, because then I don't have to worry about another school until after eighth grade."

"This sounds good, Dawn," Patti and Nicole said together.

"Dawn, did you want to hang around with us this weekend?"

"I can't, Patti. My mom told me my grandparents are coming to visit this weekend, and my grandma wants to take me shopping."

"Oh, I would love to go with you, if it was okay with your grandma."

"If you came over, just as they got there, then of course, they wouldn't see that we planned this whole thing." The three girls giggled. Just at thast moment, Billy Sanders came by.

"Dawn, would you like to hunt frogs with me on Saturday?"

"I can't, Billy, my grandparents are coming to visit, and I have to be there."

"Oh, okay, then." Billy looked so dejected and placed his hands in his pockets and kicked his right foot, and left.

"I think Billy likes you, Dawn," Nicole said, with a smirk.

"You think," Dawn replied.

The bell rang ending the lunch period and they returned to their class. As they sat down, Mrs. Wells cautioned the boys to please be quiet and do their studying. Some said yes, but most didn't answer.
Everybody was so intent on looking in their books. Mrs. Wells said there was going to be a quiz, but didn't say on what subject, which meant that the quiz was going to be on all subjects. So the girls just assumed, anyway. If it was just on one subject, they would be ready. Mr. Sharpe came in the room to talk to Mrs. Wells. Nobody heard what was said, and when Mr. Sharpe was finished, he left.
The bell rang for the end of class and the day. Everybody put their books in their book bags, and stood in line to go their buses.

Part II - At home.

When the bus stopped to let the girls and a few more students off, Patti, Nicole and Dawn walked the short distance to Dawn's house.
"See you tomorrow, Dawn," Patti said. The three girls hugged and Dawn went inside her house.

"Mom, I'm home."

"I'm in the kitchen, dear."

Dawn went in the kitchen and poured herself a glass of lemonade.

"How was school, dear?"

"It was okay, mom. All we did was study, study and study. Mrs. Wells changed the day for the quiz until tomorrow. So, we didn't have too much to do, except that."

"Did you talk to Patti and Nicole?"

"Yes. They both said it was a good idea and Patti is going to talk to her parents tonight to see if they will let her go to middle school for sixth grade.

Nicole goes to middle school anyway, because she is in the sixth grade already."

"We said it was up to you, so, whatever you decide to do, is alright with us. If Patti says her parents agree, then you can go to middle school."

"Thank you, mother."

"You are welcome, dear. I was trying to think of what to have for dinner, tonight."

"How about 'pig in-a-blanket"? We haven't had those for a while."

"What should we have to go with them?"

"How about mac and cheese, mother? It would be a simple dinner, and it can be nutritious. Maybe we should have some cole slaw, too."

"Sounds good to me. Would you shred the cabbage and marinate it until dinner?"

"Yes, mother."

Dawn set about shredding the lettuce and got out the bottle of vinegar. She filled the bowl half full of vinegar. She got out the bell shaped shredder, and the head of cabbage. She ran the cabbage up and down the shredder, until the cabbage was just under the top of the vinegar. To take the sting out of the vinegar, Dawn put a one half teaspoon of sugar in the bowl. She then put aluminum foil over the top of the bowl, and set it in he fridge to marinate. To properly marinate cabbage for cole slaw, it should be marinated at least over night. But this was a last minute decision, so it was a rushed job. It would still taste like cole slaw.

When Dawn was finished, she asked her mother if there was anything else she could do.

"Well, dear, I think we can wait for a bit before we do the mac and cheese and the 'pigs in-a-blanket'. They don't take long to make. So, let's sit down and talk for a bit. Tell me about Billy."

"Mom, you know Billy. He was the boy I was going down by the river with. We hunted frogs, crabs, and we even did a little fishing, too. He has never been by the house, because I always met him. Nicole even said she thinks Billy likes me. This morning when I got on the bus, he asked me to sit with him, but I politely said I had to talk to Nicole and Patti. He looked really sad when I said that. Then at lunch, he came by our table and asked me if I wanted to hang around with hiim on Saturday. When I told him my grandparents were coming to visit, he looked really lost, put his hands in his pockets and kicked his foot, and left. Nicole may be right. Billy may like me."

"Well, dear, it sure sounds that way. Normally that is the way a boy gets when he is let down by a girl he has feelings for. So, how you handle Billy, is up to you. You can keep letting him down gently until he figures you don't like him and he finds someone else to be friends with."

"Mother, I don't think Billy wants to be just friends. I think he wants to be my boyfriend."

"Well, it is up to you."

"Mom, I don't want Nicole and Patti to think I am ignoring them, either."

"Well, if you talk to them, and let them know that you have plans with Billy, I am sure they will understand. Also, you have to tell Billy, too, that there will be times when you have plans with Nicole and Patti and maybe a few other girls as well. Explain to hem, and I am sure they will understand."

"Thank you, mom." Dawn hugged her mother

Part III - Dinner at the Palmer house.

Dawn's father came in the house, and asked what was for dinner. When he was told, he said they hadn't had that in quite a while.

"That is what Dawn said, dear."

"So, how was school, punkin?"

"It was good, daddy. All we did was study for our quiz. Mrs. Wells said she changed the day of our quiz for tomorrow so we could study a little more."

"Mrs. Wells is a good teacher. I have talked with her on a couple of parent/teacher conferences, and she struck me as a very nice person."

"She even complimented me on my dress this morning, too, when I got in the classroom."

"That is a pretty dress for a pretty girl."

"Thank you, daddy." Dawn hugged her father.

"I'm going to get the rest of dinner started now, so, why don't you two go in the living room and talk."

"Are you sure you don't need me to do anything, mom?"

"No, dear, I can handle this. Besides, too many cooks spoil the broth."

"When I figure out what that means..." She trailed off and let it alone.

Her mother didn't explain it to her. She just smiled, because she knows Dawn probably never heard it before. She got out one thing of dinner biscuits, and opened it up. She got out a cookie sheet, and sprayed it with cooking oil, then she placed the biscuits on to the cookie sheet, unrolled, and wrapped the hot dogs into the biscuits. She then placed the cookie sheet in the oven, and let them cook. She got out a pan for the mac and cheese and got out the brick of cheddar cheese.

She rinsed and washed the bell shaped grader, and put it on the table. She filed the pan three quarters of the way with water, and set it on the burner to boil. She got out a one pound box of elbow macaroni. Dawn's mother always made her mac and cheese from scratch, never from a box mix.
After about thirty minutes, everything was done, and dinner was called. Everybody went in the kitchen, instead of the dining room. Dawn's father said grace, and they sat down.

"Too bad it isn't warm outside, we could had a picnic."

"Yes, daddy, then we could eat with the ants."

There was laughter and giggles in the Palmer household. This is what it means to be family.

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