I never like to do this but bills keep coming due. If you can please contribute. Either click on the Hatbox link i the right column to donate via Amazon or communicate with me through PM and I can give a Paypal or postal address. Thanks.
September Donations
will get my annual donation as well as additional come Wednesday
May Your Light Forever Shine
Which are better, lump sum or monthly payments?
As you know, I contribute what I can. I do understand and know it isn't free.
I suspect this is a computer in your house. I've known other folks who do this. Shoot, I still have a BBS up, sort of (11PM to 6AM). The forum I moderate is in a server farm though, even if it is owned by an individual.
Noticed a speedup today, here is hoping it lasts. Even if it doesn't I won't go away. While I'm going through some rough times right now, I do like it here.
I do my work from home
But the servers are actually in Denver and Pittsburgh. Six in Denver and one in Pittsburgh for all the sites Piper and I operate. The Pittsburgh one is just a rented virtual machine we use for DNS but the Denver ones are owned by us and co-loed at a server farm there. We are also using a CDN to serve things like images and pdfs and other static files and that has servers all over the world.
Lump sum is nice but monthly payments help even things out over the year so both are good.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Donation on the way
via Amazon.
Sorry I've been
slow in contributing lately but my other half is a wee bit ill and it's been expensive. Anyhow, I just did the Paypal thing and you should get a 'you got money' notice very soon.
Thanks for all you and your crew do for us. It's much appreciated.
Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue