so anyway …
given it’s the focus of so many postings on BCTS I figured this is probably about as safe an environment as I’m gonna find to come clean on my love hate relationship with food I mean one in three stories on the site are seemingly half transition half recipe book n while I may not be the most particular person in the world when it comes to what goes in my mouth I do have a pretty good palette love good food multi-textures n subtle flavours what I hate is the impact on my body n have to admit did let myself go to seed somewhat over the last few years but re-girded my loins this spring n am starting to get my act together again including a new diet that’s sloughed like 26 pounds off in six months ‘oh k-jo tell us your secret’ I hear you beggin’ waddever, it’s a unique approach based on a simple Chinese philosophy, eat less food, so I bin putting smaller heaps on my plate avoiding seconds n cutting down on the ‘tween meals chocolot, HaggleDash ice cream n lick-risk allsorts n while the results have yet to fully return me to my inner-svelte I’m at least on the way to the nimble girl I once was n half the woman I became not that I have anything against girls with something to hold on to (unfortunately) I mean Jem’s got my weather dreams filled with forecasts of heavy Rayne but don’t ask me for any recipes coz I’m more of a bedroom carpet miss than kitchen linoleum misses n don’t really have the shoes for cooking sure I can boil a kettle n toast bread with the best of ‘em but to me ‘over-easy ‘ is less a culinary instruction and more a compliment of my physical enthusiasm n it’s not as if there’s a complete dearth of domesticity in Ditzyland I can fry as well as boil n even have a special spatula with a screw-in extension so I can reach to flip while standing beyond spitting distance coz olive oil n haute couture are not happy bunk-bunnies I mean the whole reason I swallow is so as not to risk dribbling on the designer-wear but it’s just not practical to align a matching apron for every outfit n uncoordinated cooking covers are pretty much self-defeating as it’s not safe to eat for at least four hours after a wardrobe clash. Anyroadup, Psychodelia Smith need never fear ‘K-Jo’s Corn-Cob Creations’ keeping her ‘50 Million Ways to Crack an Egg’ off the top of the literary cook book bestsellers list as the only cookery club I ever invested in has a long handle n bounces off the heads of food fascists I mean for all the current popularity for TV chefs none of them pass anywaay, with my attention span recipes are never gonna work I mean in any tri-step programme my third point is always ‘What was step 1 again?’ besides recipes always start out with something like ‘first take one platypus’ n that’s just the wrong way round for a girl that expects to be taken, preferably to somewhere nice n expensive . Keep ‘em puckered ...
Ditz Diary 5
guess you must do a lot of microwave
May Your Light Forever Shine
Ditz Diary 5
Hi Stanman just gave you a little microwave there, a quick finger flutter, but no micro-cooking, this may come as a surprise but I guess I am pretty high maintenance and have exactinrequirements so far as food is concerned - I get either cooked for or taken out. k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
Food is a comfort item. As a baby you cry and someone shoves a cookie in your mouth to shut you up and that is how it starts .Now when you feel upset or angry you shove a cookie in your own mouth and the it becomes 2 then 3 and so on till you have to do like so many of us and pull the zipper across your mouth.
Good for you K-Jo on your weight loss HUGS RICHIE2
Cookie Comforts
Thankyou Richietwo for your dietary support, its a struggle somtimes, specially coz I so love fresh cream n your right about them siren cookies that call to you in the night n you can never stop at one. Also I think I must be a bit of a baby coz I find that people still shove stuff in my mouth when I cry, food is such a comfort k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
‘first take one platypus’ ?
Noooo! Not Perry!
Platypus Fricassee
Never fear Ms Colleen I could never fricassee Agent P, apart from anything else he's been around a while so would be a pretty tough chew k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
lol cookin with style.
An SO once accused me of having an affair with another woman. She let it slide when she found out I was sneaking around with "Twinkies". Keep em comin girl you get me in stitches everytime.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
little sew n sew
Wow Jenn, I'm always getting accused of having affairs with others n have snuck around a few twinkies in my time too, 'though they never let it slide, not sure I know how. Don't drop those stiches k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
Interesting writing style you have. It appears to be almost completely devoid of paragraphs and fullstops. I was sitting in my big chair reading your blogpost, and I still felt rather breathless... I need to go curl up in my basket now, or I won't have enough energy for my main catnap later on...
Lobster in a cat-basket
Hi there Ms Vagance, you're not the first girl who's breath I've taken away but thanks for the complement. I hope you enjoyd the ride despite the unpuntuation. I'm intrigued by your little image as from some angles it looks like a furry lobster n from others a ginger cat suckling kittens. Not intrigued by the big bottom pic of you winking out of the sun though - just weak-kneed n gooey inside. k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
And people tell me I'M cheeky... : )
are you? ;) k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
if you click on my username and go to the track page, you can follow my commentary. If you look at all the articles on the first few pages, that will give you plenty of scope to decide for yourself. :)
I wouldn't bother going too far back, my psyche is constantly evolving, and earlier results will be less accurate. = )
Thanks for the challenge. k-jo
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me