Ditz Diary 3

so anyway …
you can’t get khaki car-keys but you can get a khaki car-key holder though it wouldn’t match with anything in my purse n why you’d ever want an accessory camouflaged to the hue of elephants’ doo-doo is dumbo to me but khaki’s being trumpeted as the in colour at London fashion week today, well my advice is keep it in, don’t let it out in public n don’t look up if elephants can fly, I mean the only thing stupider was Kelly Osborne’s artificial eyebrows sticking up from the top of her sunglasses n that might not be very Charcoal Sunday but at least she doesn’t expect people to take her seriously, oh, I was forgetting Lady Gar-Goyle’s pink ghost outfit she wore to open Philip Treacey’s comeback show, but she’s got a ready-made excuse n you know what they say, if you wanna gedda head, gedda ha-ha hat an she’s got plenty of those n gets plenty that from what I hear. Waddever, the Gar-Goyle did command a proper celebrity audience n guess who I spotted hunkered up together in the front row, Kim Cattrall n Bryan Ferry or as they're known in Ditzyland, FoxyRoxy n I can’t swear by it but it did look to me like they were sharing a walking stick together, come on come on lets. Anyroadup, the day was not a total loss thanks to Holly Futton’s oh so feminoso and wonderfully pretty 60s inspired laid back California dresses, tight bodices with A-line skirts angling out from high waists showing lots of leg and simply crying for the highest of heels and I got to drool my wardrobe envy alongside oh-oh-seven-times-oh girl Gemma Arterton with (and I’m sure she could do better) current tow Stefano Catelli, yes I know he’s Italian but so is spaghetti n that’s great to pop in your mouth now and again but don’t take it to bed. So after a tough walk at the cattery I’m typing this one handed while spooning HagleDash praline onto my repetitive strain injury, I should be geddin’ ice cream on medicare with my swollen tongue n sore throat, all the talking I’ve had to do today having to say everything twice to make sure it got through n mostly at the top of my voice to be heard above the shushes like some people just have no consideration n don’t mention mobile phones, I mean ok mine’s always on vibrate so I don’t mind killin the Beethoven ringtone but it’s a bit much having to leave the hall to take the call even though I was proper polite n always turned my back to the stage before picking up. Well, I’m too bushed to write anymore tonight so, while I go shave, keep 'em puckered ...

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