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Part Two
"Thank God It's Thursday"
April was just as nervous going to the G.I.R.L. Thanksgiving Dinner as she had been when she attended her first meeting. She had been going for years and these were all her friends, but things were a lot different for her now. She started out as just one of the many crossdressers in the gender group, content with occasionally dressing up, but always comfortable with being a man underneath.
However, a terrifying incident on a spooky Halloween night had suddenly changed that situation, possibly forever. She was a woman now, inside and out, with a woman's feelings and, as she was slowly beginning to suspect, a woman's desires.
How would her longtime friends in the group relate to her as a real woman now? And on the other side, how would she feel about them?
It had been a hectic four weeks for both her and May. First came dealing with the shock of the transformation. Then Summer, April's closest friend in the gender group was called and told. In her male mode, Summer was of great help and support to the new women. April and May had to tell their disbelieving wives, families, friends, and bosses.
The days after that had been filled with grueling medical tests by every kind of doctor imaginable. Questions by medical staff were unrelenting and then the authorities got involved. The police checked out their story, but there was no house in the woods. The only thing they had to back up their story was the fact that they were physiologically female now where they had been male before. Fingerprints and military records confirmed their identity. Doctors and police were baffled.
It wasn't long after that the media got wind of the story. First local reporters hounded them and their families, then the national press. They appeared on and in every newspaper, magazine, morning show, late show, talk show, and tabloid there was until another big story broke and the media lost all interest.
So now, with her life starting to settle down again, she approached the door of the rental hall with her potluck dish in hand. As she opened the door and entered, the smell of a turkey roasting in the oven was the first thing to greet her.
Summer spotted her and came forward. Dressed en femme now in a blue dress with white lace trim, she looked a lot different than April had been used to seeing her the past few weeks. She was slightly surprised at how much she missed seeing Summer in boy mode. Summer had been more of a comfort to her than she let on throughout that trying time. She had come to rely on Summer's strength and sensitivity. April's memory of an incident of Summer's strong arms holding her during an emotional outbreak resulted in a dream just two nights before. The dream involved her and a very masculine Summer and April blushed every time she thought about it.
"April!" Summer warmly greeted. "You came! I'm so glad! And you look very nice."
"You too!" April muttered softly. It wasn't exactly a lie, but April would have preferred seeing Summer in a suit and tie today. Summer did not pass real well due to a strong build and a decidedly masculine jawline, but she did the best she could and always dressed with the utmost taste.
"Let me take your coat and dish while you say hi to some of the others."
Already several members were following Summer's lead and were approaching the nervous girl. They all greeted April with warm hugs which quickly melted the awkwardness of the situation.
"April! Welcome back!" greeted Joan.
"Glad to have you back!" said Sunny.
"You'll always be welcome here!" assured Octavia.
"Now we have something to really be thankful for," added Elly.
Many others added their greetings as well. April was encouraged by their warm welcome. Soon she was talking with them about what had happened and answering their many questions. Some of the members had some pretty wild theories about what had happened, but then, April conceded that what had happened to her was pretty wild too. Several of the folks remarked on how nice she looked. Elly even commented that she never would have recognized April if Summer hadn't come up and said her name. April agreed that the transformation had been quite comprehensive and very complete.
More questions were asked and more wild theories were discussed. At this point Summer, who had been popping in on the conversation on short breaks from her kitchen duties where she was watching the turkey, reported on some research she had done at the library where she worked.
"According to my research on the history of our local area, a hundred years ago back in 1897, a spinster lady named Mary Whitherspoon was murdered by three drifters who cut off her head, then burned her house to the ground to hide their crime. They were caught however and hanged. The house was located in the Marquam Hills."
"I've never believed in ghosts before," Joan disclosed, "but now I think I do. It must have been so terrifying for you April."
"It was." April simply agreed. She didn't really want to revisit that horror emotionally so she changed the subject. "So how is the group doing?"
"Doing well," responded Sunny. "We've had a lot of interest and concern about you and May of course. The hotline has been ringing off of the hook."
"How is May?" asked Octavia.
"She's slowly adjusting, as I am. She's trying to get her life back in order. Her wife Emma and her are trying to work things out." answered April.
"What about your wife April?" asked Elly with deep concern.
"Hannah isn't doing so well with it." April confessed candidly. "She never approved of my crossdressing before; only tolerated it. Now it's gotten really strained between us, almost as if my transformation is somehow my fault. I'm staying in the back guest bedroom for now. I think I will have to look for a new place to live pretty soon."
"Why can't she understand that it was never your fault," Joan remarked almost bitterly, "even when you were a crossdresser?"
They all nodded.
Just then the door opened and May and Emma walked in. Of course, except for April and Summer nobody knew who they were since May looked so different and this was Emma's first time at a meeting.
Summer and April went over and greeted them and the others followed their lead. They all welcomed them warmly just as they had with April. Renee, Joan's wife, took particular interest in Emma and told her about the family support group she helped facilitate. Summer then excused herself and went into the kitchen to tend to the turkey.
As more people arrived, the group got more lively and supportive of May, Emma, and April. Many of the women, both genetic and transgendered shared in setting up the place and helping Summer in the kitchen. The turkey came out a nice golden brown. Then it had to be sliced, potatoes had to be whipped, gravy had to be made, and lastly the pies went into the oven for desert. Soon the turkey, trimmings, and potluck dishes were set out on the table. Then Summer was asked to say a blessing.
"Lord," she started, "we thank you for the food that is before us and the community of support that we have. We thank you for the many gifts that each of us brings to this group in our diversity. We thank you for helping May, her wife Emma, and April through the past few difficult weeks and ask your continued blessing on them in the trying times ahead of them. We are assured that with your help they will adjust and that all will work out according to your will. Be with this group and guide and direct it to provide whatever support is required of us in the year ahead. All these things we pray. . ."
"Amen!" the group spoke in unison.
Dinner was very tasty and the conversation was animated. April and May felt like they had finally returned home after a long voyage. Yes, some things had changed completely and irrevocably for them both, but other things, their good friends in the group for example, were still the same. They took great comfort in that.
After dinner there were several deserts to choose from as well as tea and coffee to sip. The inevitable cleanup was accomplished in record time with everyone pitching in to help. Then they all sat around some more to chat.
Renee, Emma and Lori, Elly's wife, sat off in a corner where they could talk a little more privately. Emma confessed to Renee that she was confused about what to do now that her husband was a woman. They talked for quite a while, but basically Renee advised Emma to show May as much support as possible right now without compromising her own needs and to bide her time, not making any rash decisions, but rather to be patient and just wait and see how the future was to unfold.
Many of the other girls gave April and May similar advice about patience as well as just being there to listen. Both of them described how different their lives were now. Even though they had tasted womanhood as crossdressers, it was still difficult making adjustments to their lives as women.
Eventually the evening came to a close. May and Emma left after receiving numerous hugs. April and Summer were among the last to go. Goodbye hugs went to her as well. April held Summer especially tight, almost afraid to let go, for who knew what the future would bring.
End Part 2
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Original Comments
Re: Calendar Girls -November- "Thank God It's Thursday" (Score: 1)
by MissyGirl2002 on Jul 09, 2003 - 01:05 AM
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Tammy, you've done it again. Another fine chapter in this continuing story. It is a great feeling when we who are transgendered, have love, support and acceptance, especially from our families, peers and friends...Keep up the good work.
Barbara Lynn Terry
Re: Calendar Girls -November- "Thank God It's Thursday" (Score: 0)
by Guest Reader on Jul 09, 2003 - 03:19 PM
I feel I must comment on a comment made in the story as it has sparked something in me that made understanding of a recent situation I was in with my now ex-gf.
'Why can't she understand that it was never your fault'
As with TG, TV and any other psychological, physiological issues, 90% of the time there is no fault. The question in the story could bring up a huge conversation about it. But what is ironic, is that 90% where their is no fault, blame is always laid upon those with the issues.
I must do my best not to blame someone for a fault where there really is no fault.
So I would like to say thank you for this lovely story. It has made me grow up just a little more.
Re: Calendar Girls -November- "Thank God It's Thursday" (Score: 1)
by Donnadee on Jul 10, 2003 - 10:06 AM
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I had to read this three times before I realised you had bridged the details of the transformation, family reaction and employers amazement in just a few paragraphs - and I think this was an error of judgment on your part. Part one gripped me like few other tales - it was really really good and I felt cheated (hope thats not too strong a word) when you took that giant step forward and then sketchily filled in the gaps.
Take 200 lines and stand in the corner till bedtime.
p.s. What you did write was really great
Re: Calendar Girls -November- "Thank God It's Thursday" (Score: 1)
by Jerrie526 on Jul 10, 2003 - 11:07 PM
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On behalf of Tammy, I thank you for your comments. One thing that I needed to clarify a bit about this series is that it was written and published over a series of months in a TG newsletter. The whole series is sort of a vignette of the character's lives during a period of 13 months. She only had so much room to publish this story, so it sort of made for a short and too truncated story. I am working on trying to get her to expand the whole thing into a full length story without the truncations. I hope that the next 11 parts will not be too bad on you or anyone else. Some of us get used to a continuing story without the truncations and it spoils us. But please be advised that each of the following parts will only encase a small time frame with some very interesting parts coming up. I dare not give too much away as to not spoil the surprises coming up. Thanks again.
Calendar Girls - Part 2
Glad to see how the G.I.R.L. Thanksgiving Dinner showed their love and support for April and May as wel as the historical fact behind the ghost.
May Your Light Forever Shine