Shalimar update-She had her surgery yesterday

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They did their work on the infected area on her left foot, and also lengthened the Achilles tendon on that ankle, so she will be hobbling around for quite a while. I'm taking in the walker she's used after previous surgeries today. The doctor thinks that is all she'll need to get around.



So she is doing well?

And is expected to make a near full recovery? This is very very good!

Abigail Drew.


Send my Love - RICHIE

Good news!

Glad to hear things went well. Here's a buncha get well soon huggles for you, Shelley.

hughughughughughughughughughughughughughughughughughughughughughughughughughughughug, whew... hughughughughughughughughughughughughughughughug.

Man! Those things can wear a girl out! Anyway, feel better real soon Shelley. We love you.


As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

Hang in there, Shelly

erin's picture

And Hugs to you both, Holly!


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


I'm so glad the surgery is over. Could you gives Aunt Shelly huggles for me? And here's some for you too. (((huggles))) Love ya bunches! :)