Thursday 7-17 9:00 PM PDT
We just got her home a few minutes ago, and she is enjoying a hamburger w lots of Katchup.
She wants me to thank everyone for the cyber-get-well-cards. I've been reading them to her on a daily basis.
Using a walker, she made it from where the car was parked to her bed in one move, a total of around 125 feet, with no physical help from me, including opening the doors to see if she could do it.
Tuesday 7-15 8:10 PM
Shalimar is recovering well, from the problem she went into the hospital for last Thursday.
BUT, her old nemesis, diabetes and toes problems had also been a problem, and the doctors noticed it. After trying to treat it for a couple of days while they looked more and tested, they did surgery yesterday, and she has even less toes on her left foot than she did a week ago.
But she is upbeat, and thinking about what this will do to her mobility and the short and long run, and wants to get back to her computer. She is writing, the old fashioned dead tree method, while captive.
mixed blessing
It's good to hear she's recovering nicely, but sad news about the toes. Maybe she could get some sexy pointy shoes to try to find a silver lining.
She's doing what?
She's writing with paper. Oh GOD. How vulgar. That's just plain wrong. LOL. Just kidding. Please give her all our best. I hope she feels better soon.
Jessica Marie.
Wish her well
Loss of circulation and eventual loss of limbs is a serious complication of that insidious disease.
Get well, you are a valued contributor and have even sent me words of encouragement. I am in your debt, Shalimar.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Thanks Holly, Please Tell Shalimar:-)
We wish her a speedy recovery.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Good to Hear
It's good to hear that Shelly is recovering, and a shame about her toes. Please pass along my own good wishes to her along with the others. If she's writing on paper, then that's a good sign. Let her know we miss her and will be keeping a candle in the window for her.
For Shalimar
Hi Holly.
Please pass along my wishes for a speedy recovery for Shalimar and for manageability,
I guess you'd call it for her diabetes in the future. I always find Shelly's stories
moving and inspiring, and hope to be reading HER next blog here soon.
~~~big hugs for you both, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,