Just FYI

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The next chapter of 300 Rains is written and I have started on the following chapter. Once I edit it I will be ready to post it. It won't be tonight or tomorrow as I have a party tonight and tomorrow is my birthday. So I have things to do. But when I get to it you have another chapter of that and then I will finish up K&K 7. More happiness on the horizon for you all. Yay!


birthday greetins

I am wishing you a happy birthday ... Plus I am looking forward to your next posting of K & K..



My therapist once asked me when was I going to stop killing myself for everyone around me and start living for myself. I think it was what set me on the path to who I finally have become.....Me.

Just FYI

Happy Birthday Heather! And thanks for the presents! :)

May Your Light Forever Shine


looking forward to 300 rains. happy birthday. have a great day. keep up the good work.


Here you go...

*Sets loose the Conga Rats*

Happy birthday!

Abigail Drew.

Make merry!

It only happens once a year for some reason unless one is born on Feb 29 :)


Thanks everybody!

Thanks everybody!


We are the change that will save the world.