Hi everyone I haven't blogged for a while but just had to share my experience I had yesterday, It was fathers day here in Australia and I was invited to my daughters house for lunch, The difference is I am living full time as a woman and I pass without any problem.My daughter took me shopping for make up at the local shopping center. I am still on a high as i write this blog.
Hugs to all Carla (Roo)
What wonderful news...
...I'm so thrilled for you. It's such a blessing and a wonder to know you're able to be yourself after so long, and your life gives me hope for mine. Thanks for being such a dear!
Love, Andrea Lena
best present
Nothing could be better than bonding with your child.
May Your Light Forever Shine
congrats hon, a nice present indeed
Way to go
You possums rock!
You are a woman
No doubt in your heart, you are a woman, but while your daughter accepts you as a woman, in her heart you're still her father. What a great combination. I'd be on a high myself.
I know that my oldest has always had a bit of a problem dealing with my femme side. A year ago an unfortunate series of events led us to take her in at forty-three on a temporary basis. Since my oldest has had a rocky life in which she's had a hard time dealing with things, my wife always want's me to be as masculine as I can around her. On her second night with us I got up to go to work and did my usual morning routine thinking she wouldn't be up nearly that early. Long story short, she caught me wandering around the kitchen in a half-slip (waist slip in UK English) bra and panties. I excused myself and slipped on a robe. That night I talked to her and apologized for not being more careful and discovered she had mature to a point where she could deal with my feminine expression. I had always before dreaded her coming over because it meant I'd have to rein in my femme self.
As a result of that talk I was able to go ahead and express myself as I usually do. She even agree to go out with me to a local park and take some pictures for me. The one attached is one she took. Acceptance from family is a wonderful thing.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Congrats all round
I wish you all the luck you deserve for this new chapter in your life. Good on your daughter, too.
Roo, Roo!
If you pass then you really, really need to send us a pic!
Congrats, good job and I'm so glad you had such a wonderful day and bonding time with your daughter!
Hugs and Bright Blessings,