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Part Nine of Ten
Chapter seventeen: Fun with friends
Chloe felt nervous as her mother pulled into the gravel yard at the Williams house. She was worried that Stacy’s parents would take the news that she’s like Stephanie badly and ask her not to be friends with their daughter anymore.
Stacy and Stephanie were both stood waiting when Valarie parked her car. “I’ll come and talk to my parents with you Valarie, while Chloe goes with Stacy and starts work in the stables.” Stephanie explained as she let Stacy grab Chloe’s hand and lead her in the direction of the stables.
Chloe looked back just in time to see her mother being led into the house by Stephanie. Chloe was soon looking at Stacy though when she started speaking to her. “Everything will be alright Chloe.”
“Are you sure? What if your parents stop us spending time together?” Chloe asked with worry in her voice. Chloe was also worried about her stepfather suddenly showing up while she was in a public place, not that having him suddenly show up in her bedroom or home would be any better.
“Mum and dad aren’t like that Chloe.” Stacy waved the very idea off as being silly as she did a little laugh. “If anyone will understand about all this, it will be my parents, and Stephi will make sure as well.” Stacy added with a frown.
Chloe was soon distracted as her and Stacy got stuck in to mucking out the stalls and making sure all the horses were in the field out the way while they did it. They had a little more work to do as a couple more horses were due to be returned later in the day ready for when some of the students went back to school in just over a week. Chloe had found out that a lot of the students live on the school grounds through the week and returned home at the weekends, or just stayed at school until holidays like they were having at the minute.
“Is Spirit with you all the time Chloe?” Stacy asked as they swept out one of the stalls.
“Not all the time, but she comes when I need her, or start feeling down about things.” Chloe tried to explain the connection her and Spirit had.
“Is she here now?” Stacy asked as she looked around like she could see Spirit if she looked hard enough.
“No, she’s busy sorting out other things at the minute.” Chloe said, not wanting to start explaining to Stacy about how much her stepfather hated her, and the things he wanted her to do with dirty minded men he brought back to their home while he was still alive. Chloe had no idea what he might plan to try and do now he was dead.
They had just finished the third stall when Chloe saw her mum, Stephanie and her parents walked across the court yard towards her. Chloe had a sinking feeling in her tummy. She just knew that her mother was going to take her home under orders to never come here again. Chloe’s eyes were leaking tears before they even got close.
“It looks like I have to go now Stacy.” Chloe snuffled as she put the pitchfork down and got ready to leave with her mother as she started crying softy.
“What are you talking about Chloe?” Stacy asked looking confused as she saw her parents walking toward them with Chloe’s mum and Stephanie walking with them. Stacy was also thinking Chloe was going to be leaving, and she didn’t like the idea. “This isn’t fair!” Stacy snapped as she threw her pitchfork down on the ground as she looked angrily at her parents and sister.
Valarie saw that Chloe was crying and she ran the last couple of feet and knelt on the ground to hug her daughter while she found out what was wrong. “What’s wrong sweetie?”
“I know I’m being asked to leave.” Chloe sobbed on her mother’s shoulder.
“You’re being asked to do no such thing sweetheart. Tom and Dorothy have just come out to let you know that you’re perfectly safe around them, and they will act as a back up just in case anything happens and I’m not around to deal with it.” Valarie explained as she looked at Chloe like she was being the silliest child on the planet.
“Really?” Chloe asked, still not believing what she’d just been told as she looked at Stacy’s parents to make sure.
“Yes really.” Valarie smiled as she hugged Chloe again.
“Do we look like the type of people to tell you that you can’t spend time with our daughter?” Dorothy asked as she also knelt down to look Chloe in the eyes as she spoke to her. “You know all about Stephanie, so what sort of parents would it make us to turn our backs on you just because you’re a little different.” Dorothy added with a smile.
“I was just coming out to say you got the job of stable hand with Stacy.” Tom chuckled. “And you’re the only one that can do anything with Shadow as well.” He pointed out as he looked over and saw that Shadow was pacing back and forth over near the gate where he could see that Chloe was upset about something.
Chloe had to giggle when she looked over and saw the way Shadow was looking in their direction like he knew that something was wrong. Chloe gave him a wave and a smile, and that seemed to do the trick and he wandered off again.
Stephanie stopped outside to help the girls finish off their work, while Valarie went back into the house for a cup of coffee and a chat before she left to carry on unpacking things at the house. Stephanie was going to run Chloe home later in the day, so Valarie wouldn’t have to worry about that either.
Chloe was grinning as she rode along side Stacy and Stephanie on one of the many footpaths that crisscrossed through the area. She was grinning because she was out having fun with friends, she didn’t feel alone anymore, and she even had a friend that knew what she was going through and was willing to help her not only get through it all, but had said she’d be like a big sister to her. Chloe was also grinning because Spirit had joined them for the ride, and was helping to explain some paranormal things to Stephanie as they rode.
Stephanie had packed a bag with some drinks and sandwiches, so they stopped after they had been riding for an hour and enjoyed a small picnic at a spot high on a hill that overlooked the town and the ocean just beyond.
“Wow, this place is so beautiful.” Chloe said with a sigh at the end like she’d just died and gone to heaven.
“Yes it is.” Stephanie smiled as she took in the view. “It helps you forget all your worries for a short time.”
“Do you come up here much then Stephi?” Chloe asked.
“I used to when we first moved here. I just wanted to be on my own, or away from grownups, Stacy would come with me, but I liked having her company, most the time.” Stephanie added the last bit with a roll of her eyes and a little giggle.
Chloe giggled as she watched Stephanie and Stacy play around play slapping each other on the arm. She found herself studying Stephanie for any sign that she was once a boy, but all she saw was a young woman laughing and having fun with her baby sister.
“What you thinking about Chloe?” Stephanie asked when she saw that Chloe looked deep in thought about something as she looked at her.
“I’m sorry for starring at you Stephi, but I was just looking for signs of you ever being...” Chloe found she was unable to finish the sentence, not liking to use the term boy because she never thought of herself as a boy either.
“A boy?” Stephanie giggled. “I don’t think I ever did act like a boy, just like I don’t see any boy in you when I watch you playing around with Stacy. We are girls, but we were born with the wrong body.” Stephanie added as she pulled Chloe closer. “I fixed mine, and you are working on fixing yours right now.” Stephanie started tickling Chloe as she said the last part.
They finished their picnic and were soon back on their horses enjoying the sunny weather. Once back at the stables they sorted out the horses and got them settled down for the night before making their way over to the house.
“How do the two of you fancy going into town to see a movie?” Stephanie asked with a grin.
“Cool idea sis!” Stacy grinned back.
“What about you Chloe, do you think it’s a cool idea?” Stephanie asked, using Stacy’s words.
“I’m not sure, I’ve not been out anywhere like that before, and I don’t have anything pretty to wear.” Chloe said looking nervous as she looked down at her dirty jeans and sweatshirt.
“I’ve got tons of clothes you can pick from Chloe, and you will be going to school in just over a week, so it will do you some good to start getting out a bit more.” Stacy said making Chloe’s mind up for her.
“I’ll need to call mum and make sure it’s alright for me to go with you.” Chloe pointed out as Stacy grabbed her by the hand and started dragging her towards the house even faster.
Chloe made the call and got the okay from her mother to go out and see a movie with Stephanie and Stacy. Valarie asked to speak with Stephanie, and she said that she’d give her some money when she dropped Chloe off at the end of the night, but Stephanie said it would be her treat, and she could return the favour some other time when she took Stacy out with Chloe.
Stacy sorted a nervous looking Chloe out with some of her clean underwear, which was a vest style top and panties. Stacy was still a little young for training bra’s, and Chloe had stopped wearing the one her mother had put on her the other day after she saw that Stacy was still flat chested.
“Go and take a shower and use some of my body wash to get rid of the horse smell. Stephanie will help us do our hair when we’ve got dressed.” Stacy said as she pushed Chloe towards her bathroom.
Chloe got showered and then put on the vest top and panties before leaving the bathroom to find Stephanie and Stacy stood waiting for her. Stephanie started to help Chloe get dressed, while Stacy ran off to take her shower and get clean.
“Let’s see if we can make you look even prettier shall we?” Stephanie grinned as she handed Chloe a denim skirt and red blouse to put on. “Think I’m going to have my work cut out for me though, because you already look so damn cute as it is.” She added with a giggle.
Chloe blushed as she took the items of clothing and placed them on the bed so she could pick up just the skirt and step into it. She was soon slipping on the blouse and doing up the buttons and then she sat on the bed and slipped on the sandals Stephanie had placed next to it for her to put on.
“Do you really think I’m pretty, Stephi?” Chloe asked as she took a seat at Stacy’s dressing table, so Stephanie could dry and style her hair for her.
“Yes! You’re very pretty, and you have beautiful hair.” Stephanie said. “I’m quite jealous of you.” She added with a pout just before she started grinning again.
Chloe found it hard not to giggle around Stephanie; she was always being silly and getting the most out of life. Spirit looked happy to see Chloe having a good time as well from where she was sat on the windowsill.
“Don’t you agree that your sister is very pretty Spirit?” Stephanie asked as she looked over at the window where Spirit was sat.
Spirit looked a little shocked to find Stephanie talking to her, Spirit was still trying to get use to the fact someone other than Chloe could see her when she didn’t want them to by touching her sister. “I’m sick of telling her how pretty she looks. She never believes me.” Spirit sighed, but was soon giggling when she saw Chloe blush an even deeper shade of red.
“You’re really not used to people paying you complement are you.” Stephanie giggled as she carried on styling Chloe’s hair, just before she added a little makeup to make her look older than her twelve years.
Chloe looked amazed to see the girl looking back at her from the mirror when Stephanie said she’d done the best she could. “Wow, I look pretty.” Chloe said slowly as she looked at her self.
“You looked pretty to begin with Chloe! Now you look beautiful.” Stephanie said dramatically as she threw her arms in the air.
“Wow Chloe, you look fantastic.” Stacy said from the doorway to her bathroom. “You could pass for fourteen looking like that.” Stacy added as she stepped into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around her chest, and another one keeping her wet hair from dripping all over her carpet.
“Well get dressed and I’ll see what I can do with you.” Stephanie said in a bossy voice as she led Stacy over to her bed where she’d laid out some clothes for her to put on.
Stacy finished drying herself off and then slipped on a denim skirt like the one Chloe was now wearing, and then she slipped on a yellow lady fit t-shirt with sparkly outline of a fairy on it. Stephanie sat her at the dressing table and soon had her looking just as pretty as Chloe did, and also looking like a fourteen year old instead of a twelve year old.
“I wish I’d known you when I was still alive.” Spirit said with a sigh as she looked at Stephanie’s handy work on the two girls.
“So do I, it would have been fun hanging out with the three of you.” Stephanie smiled as she looked at Spirit and saw a hint of loss in her eyes as she looked at Chloe and Stacy posing in the mirror. The look was soon gone as Spirit started giggling at the way they were trying to out pose each other.
“Yes you look very pretty, now let’s go and have popcorn and watch a movie.” Stephanie said as she led the two girls out of Stacy’s room and downstairs.
Tom and Dorothy were in the study looking over some paperwork and punching in numbers on a large looking calculator with a roll of paper attached to the top.
“It’s okay for some.” Tom said with a heavy sigh. “You get to go out and have fun, why we have to stay home and balance the accounts. Tom added with a sad face.
“We all know how much you love to see how much money you’ve really made daddy.” Stephanie giggled as she walked over and kissed her dad on the forehead.
Chloe found herself wondering what it would have been like if her father hadn’t died, or if Mark, her stepfather hadn’t been such a jerk. Chloe wondered if she might have grown up to be like this with one of them, but she doubted it. Tom was a kind friendly man that loved his children no matter what. He’d never hurt one of them, or just walk out one day and never return, never mind the things that Mark was willing to let weird old men do to her. Chloe knew that James’s father didn’t mean to die, but it still left her wondering.
“I’m ordering you three girls to go out and have fun.” Tom said snapping Chloe out of her thoughts. He handed Stephanie some money as he said it. “That should cover the movie and snacks.” He added with a smile as he got a hug from first Stephanie and then Stacy.
Chloe just stood looking at them share this moment with a look on her face that said she wished she could get one of those hugs. Chloe started grinning when she saw Tom look at her as he held his arms open to do just that. She ran into his arms and thanked him for the hug and also paying for her to go see a movie with Stacy and Stephanie.
“Thank you Tom. Thank you for everything.” Chloe said in a dreamy voice as she enjoyed the feel of this large man’s hands wrap around her in a loving hug that made her feel safer than she’d ever felt before.
“You’re welcome sweetie, now go out and have a good time, it’s long overdue.” Tom said in a gruff voice as he quickly wiped away a tear while the girls were all distracted putting their jackets on.
Tom was a loving father to his children, and what Valarie had told him, Dorothy and Stephanie had cut him to the bone. He couldn’t understand how another human being could treat a child like Chloe’s stepfather had treated her. Tom thought it was about time Chloe was shown that not all men were like the ones she’d met in the past. He was going to show her that there were more good ones, and he was one of them.
Dorothy walked the three girls to the door, so Tom had some time to pull himself together again. “I hope you have a good time, and buy yourself some supper on the way back.” Dorothy said as she slipped Stephanie some more money.
The girls all had another round of hugs with Dorothy before Stephanie led them over to her car and helped them both get in the back. Stacy said she needed some time with her best friend as she got in the back grinning. Stephanie smiled as she saw her baby sister looking happier than she had in a long time.
Stephanie had been worried about her baby sister since the girl she thought to be Stacy’s best friend found out about Stephanie once being a boy called Stephan, and she’d stopped speaking to Stacy just before she told the school. Stacy had become an outcast for a couple of weeks after word got out, but most of her old friends came back to her side once the heat died down, but Stacy could never forgive her old best friend for what she did. Stacy had become a loner, not letting anyone get to close to her, just in case it was them trying to find out more about her sister. Stephanie was glad to see that her old baby sister was back and helping Chloe come out of her shell.
They were soon on the road and heading into town where the cinema was, it had three screens and one of them was showing a film called ‘The Hunger Games’ Stephanie had read the book and hoped the film would be just as good. Stephanie got them a large drink to share, and an even larger bag of popcorn, which Chloe sat nursing on her knee while sat between Stacy and Stephanie.
Chloe enjoyed the move very much, but the company was even better, and Stephanie was just like Chloe expected a loving big sister to be. Stephanie took them for a pizza after the movie and then drove a tired but happy Chloe home.
“Will I see you tomorrow?” Stacy asked as they dropped Chloe off at home later in the evening. “We can all go out riding again.” Stacy said trying to persuade Chloe, not that she needed much persuading.
“Sounds like a great idea, count me in.” Chloe grinned as she leaned back into the car and hugged Stacy before she ran around and did the same to Stephanie. “Thank you for such an amazing day Stephi.” Chloe added as she broke the hug.
“I’ll have try harder and top it tomorrow then won’t I?” Stephanie giggled.
“You don’t have to Stephi; I love just spending time with you and Stacy.”
“Just as we love spending time with you Chloe.” Stacy shouted with a grin before Stephanie could say the same.
“Like she just said.” Stephanie giggled as she pointed a thumb towards Stacy who was now sat in the front passenger seat next to her.
Chloe stood and waved to the two of them as they drove out the drive and out of sight before she turned around and skipped into the house to tell her mother and aunt what a wonderful time she’d had.
Chloe went over to see Stacy and Stephanie on the Sunday and they went for another ride and a picnic. Chloe had taken three apples from home so she could treat the three horses to a nice treat when they stopped for lunch.
“You’ve just made three friends for life now.” Spirit giggled as she could hear the thoughts from the three horses as they savoured the wonderful flavour of the apples Chloe had just given them.
“You’re making Stacy and I look bad, treating our horses so well.” Stephanie said as she packed away the picnic stuff, and being able to hear what Spirit said still.
“Is Spirit here?” Stacy asked, as she kept looking around trying to see the girl Chloe called her sister and spirit guide.
“Yes, and it doesn’t matter how hard you look sis, you still won’t be able to see her unless she touches Chloe.” Stephanie giggled as she looked at her baby sister squinting, as she tried to see what her big sister and best friend cold see all the time.
“I’m so jealous of you two.” Stacy whined as she stamped her foot in mock anger as she stood there pouting.
“You’re jealous that we both died and came back being able to see dead people?” Stephanie asked in a spooky voice as she ran over to Stacy and started tickling her as she tried to run away from her sister while she giggled and screamed.
Chloe was soon dragged into it when Stacy tried to hide behind Chloe using her as a shield, but that just gave Stephanie two targets to attack. Stephanie hadn’t thought her plan through though, and she was soon being tickled by the two younger girls and losing as they all fell to the ground in a fit of giggles.
They rode the horses back to the stables and got them cleaned and put away for the night before Chloe hugged Stephanie and thanked her for the most fun she could ever remember having.
“I’m going to miss you Stephi.” Chloe pouted as she hugged her. Stephanie was heading back to college early the next morning, so it would be next weekend before Chloe got to see Stephanie again.
“I’ll miss you as well Chloe, but you have my number and email address, so call if you feel the need to talk, or just blow off some steam with someone that knows how you feel.” Stephanie smiled as she pulled Chloe into a hug.
Chloe gave Stacy a hug as well before she got on her bicycle and made her way home.
Valarie looked glad to see Chloe walk in the door, and she was soon sat on the sofa cuddled up to her mother while they waited for dinner to finish cooking.
“Did you have a good time today sweetie?” Valarie asked as she pulled Chloe even closer. “I’m beginning to feel like I’m losing you to your new friends.” Valarie added with a pout.
“I’m sorry mummy, but it’s just nice having people want to spend time with me, and Stephanie is a wonderful big sister to Stacy, and she treats me like a baby sister as well.” Chloe said as she looked up at her mother from where she’d rested her head on Valarie’s chest.
“I understand honey, and I’m just teasing you.” Valarie giggled. “I hope Spirit has been keeping an eye on you?”
“Yes, she’s been spending a lot of time talking to Stephi and me about our gifts in being able to see dead people. Spirit said that Stephi’s gift is small compared to what I can do.”
“In what way?” Valarie asked.
“Stephi can only see ghosts and talk to them, but I can touch them, and help them move on to the other side with more force than Stephi ever could, or so Spirit tells me.” Chloe shrugged like she wasn’t sure Spirit was right about all that stuff. All Chloe did know is that she had a Grim reaper by the name of Brut on her side if she ever needed him, and an angel called Samantha as well, they were details Chloe had kept from Valarie and the others, not wanting to worry them.
“Well I hope the ghosts remember to keep their hands to themselves.” Valarie said as she hugged Chloe even tighter.
“Spirit helps them remember to do that mummy.” Chloe giggled as she enjoyed the hug.
Chapter eighteen: On the job training
Chloe was sat at her computer on the Monday morning, or more to the point the real Chloe’s computer, trying to get her head around some of the subjects the real Chloe was taking and just how good she was at them.
“I don’t understand half of these subjects you were taking at your old school Spirit!” Chloe said looking worried. “The teachers will take one look at my work compared to the grades you were getting, and they’ll know that I’m not really you.” She pointed out as she looked over at Spirit sat playing with the two kittens.
Spirit just smiled and then asked Chloe something in French. Chloe looked shocked as she actually understood her and then gave an answer, also in French.
“How did I do that?” Chloe asked in English again as she put her hand up to her mouth like she could feel the change in her speech.
“You have all my memories and knowledge sis, so just relax and take a deep breath. All of it is there for when you need it.” Spirit shrugged in a matter of fact way. “And I’m always close by to help with the things that don’t come back to you right away.” Spirit added as she kept playing with the two kittens.
“You mean like the way I could ride a bike, even though I’d never been on one before the other day” Chloe asked as she thought she was beginning to understand.
“Yes, just like that. Everything I ever did while I was alive is part of you now, which was the parting gift I gave you when I thought we’d never see each other again, well not why you still breathed anyway.” Spirit giggled.
“Thank you for the gift Spirit, but I’m glad you came back.” Chloe said a she turned and looked at Spirit with a smile. “I’m glad I’ve got a friend like you to help me fit into this new life I have.” Chloe added as she looked around the room full of cuddly toys and other things that once belonged to Spirit.
“But not a best friend right?” Spirit pouted, but she was soon grinning, so Chloe knew she was just playing around and teasing her about being best friends with Stacy.
“You’re so much more than a best friend Spirit; you’re my sister and a part of me now and forever.” Chloe said as she got up from her computer desk and dived at Spirit who was still lying on the bed. “You represent everything that is good in my life, and I will never be able to repay that for as long as I live.” Chloe sighed as she laid her head on Spirit’s chest and let Spirit wrap her arms around her and fill her with calming energy.
“You saved our mum, and made her happy again Chloe, you have nothing more to repay.” Spirit said sounding contented with her lot in life, or death as it was.
Chloe cycled over to Stacy’s and found her already out looking after the horses, but she looked a little gloomy, but she soon smiled when she saw Chloe parking her bicycle up.
“Hi Chloe!” Stacy screamed as she ran over and threw her arms around Chloe and hugged her.
Chloe hugged Stacy back and noticed that there were a couple more people and horses around today. Chloe also noticed a girl grooming one of the new horses and looking at her and Stacy with daggers in her eyes.
“Is everything alright Stacy?” Chloe asked when they broke the hug and Chloe could look her best friend in the eyes.
“I’m fine now, but Sophie bitch face was getting on my nerves.” Stacy said it loud enough for the girl grooming the new horse to hear.
Chloe had to cover her mouth with her hand when she saw the shocked look on the girl’s face that Stacy had just called Sophie, and she wanted to laugh at the bitchy way Stacy was acting towards her. “Stacy! That’s not a nice way to talk about anyone.” Chloe scolded her friend, but it didn’t sound like it because she was trying not to giggle.
“Wait until you’ve spent five minutes with her, and see if you feel the same way.” Stacy said with a roll of her eyes.
Chloe didn’t have to wait long for her first chat with Sophie, she walked over to them after pushing the brush she had been using to groom her horse with into another girls chest. Chloe looked a little freaked out when the woman that had also been stood with Sophie followed her by walking straight through the horse and the girl that was now grooming the horse.
“Well, well, well. It looks like stable girl has a new friend, or should that be ’friend’? I think she’s your first, right?” Sophie snarled with venom in her voice as she looked at Chloe and Stacy like she was looking at two people beneath her.
“Please feel free to take your horse to another stable if you don’t like this one.” Miss Bitch Face.” Stacy snarled back, not backing down to this stuck up girl.
Chloe didn’t like this Sophie, she was just like so many girls from James’s old school, and Chloe wanted nothing to do with her. Sophie looked to be a little older than Chloe and Stacy, but she was trying to act like someone much older. Chloe could see the classic signs of a spoiled brat. Chloe couldn’t help looking at the woman with Sophie that she knew to be a ghost, and it wasn’t long before the woman noticed Chloe looking at her as well as Sophie.
“You can see me can’t you child?” The woman said with shock in her voice and written all over her face as she made a lunge for Chloe like she was going to grab hold of her, but before she had a chance to do that, Spirit was blocking her path and making the woman step back again.
“You do not touch the Whisperer.” Spirit said in a stern voice making the woman shrink back in fear of her.
“I wasn’t going to hurt the girl, I just want someone to help my daughter find a better path in life than the one she’s heading down now.” The woman said with pleading in her voice as she looked at Sophie and how she was acting towards Stacy and now Chloe.
“The Whisperer will do all she can, but laying your hands on her is forbidden by all wishing to find peace with the ones left behind.” Spirit told the woman.
“I’m sorry if I scared you child, but it’s just so hard to stand by and watch the one you love hurting others just because she is hurting inside.” The woman said as she looked at Chloe again.
Chloe wanted to answer the woman, and help her find some peace with her daughter, but she couldn’t just start talking to ghosts while in a group of other people. Spirit must have had the same thought because she spoke for Chloe.
“She will help you if she can, but not here and not now.” Spirit said as she looked around at all the other people milling around sorting out some of the other new horses now at the stable. “It will need to be done at a time when the Whisperer can get your daughter alone.” Spirit explained to the woman as she led her away from Chloe and the other two girls.
“Go easy on her Stacy.” Chloe said as she made Stacy back off on the bitchy comments. “It’s not easy dealing with the loss of a loved one.” Chloe added as she saw the look of shock sweep across Sophie’s face.
“What would you know about it?” Sophie said trying to recover from this new girl being nice to her. “Have you lost your mother?” Sophie snapped.
Chloe wanted to say yes she had, but that was James that lost his mother, not Chloe who she was now pretending to be. “No I haven’t, but I know how I would if I ever did.” Chloe sighed. “But I also know that if she was watching over me, I wouldn’t want her to feel shame at the way I was acting towards others.” Chloe added, hoping to make Sophie stop and think about the way she was acting.
Sophie did stop and looked to be deep in thought for a couple of seconds before the bitchy look returned and she spoke again like nothing had changed. “If there were any other stables around, I would have my father take my horse there, but there isn’t so we have to put up with you and your meagre little place.” Sophie said as she tried to put up a brave front to hide the pain Chloe could see in her eyes for the loss of her mother.
“Come on Chloe, let’s go and sort out our horses.” Stacy said with a sigh as she took Chloe by the hand and pulled her over towards the stalls where Shadow and Buttercup were stood looking out through the open top door.
“You’re trying to ride that beast?” Chloe heard Sophie’s shocked voice say from just behind her when she saw where Chloe was heading.
“His name's Shadow and I do ride him all the time.” Chloe snapped as she turned and looked at Sophie with anger in her eyes. Chloe didn’t like anyone talking ill of her horse.
“That horse is good for nothing but glue.” Sophie huffed before she turned and went back to grooming her own horse after she snatched the brush back off the other girl and snapped at her for doing it all wrong.
Chloe could hear a grumbling growl from just behind her, she turned expecting to see one of Stacy’s dogs sat there, but it was Shadow making a growling sound like a dog would. “Calm down boy, she’s just a mean person with no heart.” Chloe said as she stepped over and fed Shadow some mints she’d just taken out a saddle bag hanging on the wall near the end of the stables.
“She’s going to have trouble getting Maiden to move now she’s said that.” Spirit said as she leaned against the wall next to the stall Shadow was in.
“Maiden?” Chloe asked in a whisper as she fed Shadow the mints and made it look like she was whispering to him and not talking to Spirit. Chloe was also looking around to see where Sophie’s mother might be.
“Her mum is talking with Sammi at the minute, so we can work out the best way to help her help her daughter, not that I think she deserves any help.” Spirit said looking a little angry with the way Sophie was acting.
“Maiden?” Chloe reminded Spirit.
“Oh sorry. Maiden is the name of her horse, who just so happens to have a crush on Shadow here.” Spirit said as she reached over and stroked her hand across Shadow’s neck making him shudder with happiness. “And Shadow has a little thing for Maiden as well.” Spirit pointed out.
“Is this true Shadow, do you like Maiden over there?” Chloe asked her horse.
Chloe thought if horses could blush, Shadow would be a deep shade of red as he nodded his head up and down to say yes he did like Maiden.
Stacy and Chloe soon had all their jobs done and they started to saddle up their horses so they could take them out for a ride. Chloe couldn’t help giggling when she saw that Sophie was having trouble getting her horse, Maiden to do anything she wanted her to.
Sophie was trying to get Maiden to move, but the horse was refusing to budge an inch from the spot she’d been stood on since Sophie made the nasty comment towards Shadow.
“What is wrong with you Barbie Girl?” Sophie snapped at the horse.
“Barbie Girl? I thought your horse was called Maiden?” Chloe said as she pulled Shadow to a stop at the side of Sophie still trying to get her horse to move.
“How do you know that name?” Sophie asked looking a little shocked. “Her name is Barbie Girl now.” Sophie added, not bothered about waiting for an answer from Chloe.
“I don’t think I’d want to move if someone called me that name either.” Chloe frowned.
Sophie was about to say something nasty about Shadow, but changed her mind when she found herself looking up into the eyes of the large black horse. “She’s just unhappy about the move and being in a strange place with all these other horses.” Sophie said as she carried on trying to get her horse to move.
“Maybe she didn’t like the way you spoke about my horse.” Chloe pointed out. “Why don’t you try saying sorry to Shadow, and then Maiden might move for you.” Chloe added with a grin as she heard Stacy having a giggling fit just behind her.
Sophie looked at Chloe like she was insane, and then she actually said it. “You must be a little simple in the head if you think that my horse cares or even understands what we are saying to each other.” She laughed.
“Why don’t you give it a go, and try saying sorry, and also calling Maiden by her real name then and find out?” Chloe dared Sophie.
Sophie tried pulling her horse a couple more times before she let out a sigh and then turned to face Shadow before saying. “I’m sorry that I said those things about your horse.”
“You need to say sorry to Shadow, Sophie.” Chloe pointed out with a grin as she saw the look Sophie now had on her face.
Sophie looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to what she was about to do, and then she looked at Shadow. “I’m sorry that I said you were only fit for glue.” Sophie said, and it sounded like she meant it as well. She let out a squeal when she saw Shadow step forward and rest his head on her shoulder to let the girl know that he forgave her.
“He accepts your apology.” Chloe smiled. “Now don’t forget to call your horse by her real name of Maiden and I think you’ll find that she’ll be a much happier horse.” Chloe added as she made Shadow step back so they could go on their ride.
“Will you please move for me now Maiden?” Sophie asked her horse. She looked even more shocked when Maiden stepped forward and rested her head on Sophie’s shoulder just like Shadow had just done.
“Ask if she wants to come on the ride with you?” Spirit told Chloe with a look that said she needed to do this.
“Stacy and I were just heading out on a ride, would you like to come with us?” Chloe asked trying to sound friendly.
Chloe couldn’t see Stacy’s face, but judging by the way she suddenly stopped laughing, Chloe didn’t think she liked the idea of going riding with Sophie.
Sophie looked shocked that anyone would want to spend time with her, she only had the one friend here at the school and that was the girl that had been helping her to groom Maiden. “Thanks for the offer, but my friend doesn’t have a horse and I don’t think it’s fair to just leave her here while I go out riding.” Sophie said sounding like a human being for once.
Chloe felt Spirit touch her hand just before she spoke, but Chloe realised that Spirit was talking to Stacy and not her.
“Please can you help Chloe out with this Stacy, I will explain everything to you later, or Chloe will, but for right now I just need you to help Chloe get Sophie away from everyone.” Spirit pleaded with Stacy.
Stacy let out a sigh and then looked at Sophie’s friend. “Can you ride?” Stacy asked the girl whose name she couldn’t remember.
“Yes I can, but my parents can’t afford to buy me my own horse, but Sophie lets me ride Bar... I mean Maiden from time to time.” The girl said looking nervous that everyone was looking at her.
“I’ll let you ride Snowflake, my sister’s horse, but I want you to be very gentle with her.” Stacy warned the girl.
“Jade is always gentle with all the horses, but thank you for letting her borrow your sister’s horse Stacy, and I’m sorry for the way I’ve treated you in the past.” Sophie said as she hung her head in shame.
Stacy just dismounted and then led Jade over to the stall where Snowflake was watching them, and getting excited about being taken out for a ride.
“Thank you for letting me do this Stacy.” Jade smiled as she helped Stacy get Snowflake saddled up and ready to go for a ride. “I’m sorry for the way Sophie has been talking to you Stacy. She wasn’t always this way, but since the death of her mother, her father’s been throwing money at her like it’s going to make everything better, but all Sophie wants is someone to still love her.” Jade tried to explain.
“That still doesn’t give her the right to treat people like she does.” Stacy replied, but also realised that this could be the reason for Spirit asking her to help Chloe out.
Chloe was left to keep an eye on Buttercup for Stacy while a happy looking Sophie took Maiden away to get her saddled up ready for their ride. Chloe wondered how often Sophie ended up riding on her own because no one wanted to go with her.
“Her mother says she’s only got like this since she died.” Spirit said as she appeared next to Chloe and watched a smiling Sophie saddling up her horse on the other side of the courtyard.
Chloe looked at Spirit with a look that said she really needed to talk with her, but couldn’t without others looking at her like she was nuts.
“If you want to talk to me sis, just get your phone out and hold it to your ear and make it look like you’re talking to someone on it.” Spirit shrugged as she watched Chloe get her phone out and place it to her ear.
“I’m not sure this is such a good idea Spirit.” Chloe said into her phone, but looking towards Spirit as she said it. “How can I help her find piece with her mother and not have her tell the whole school about it when I start there?”
“Sophie won’t remember the conversation she will have with her mother, just that she’s found peace with what happened.” Spirit explained.
“If that’s the case, then why does Dr Kaufman remember me helping him find peace with his wife?” Chloe asked looking confused.
“We need him to remember what you did, so he can help you with the other things.” Spirit pointed out. “Everyone else you help will never remember what you did once it’s all over. That is why I asked Stacy to sort out a horse for Sophie’s friend, so Stacy can keep her friend busy while you do your job.”
Chloe understood what Spirit was saying, and she felt a little better about helping people now she knew that they wouldn’t remember what she’d done for them. “What happened with Sophie’s mum anyway? How did she die?” Chloe asked.
“She was killed during a mugging.” Spirit said with a heavy sigh. “She’d taken Sophie to see a musical and they were just making their way back to the car when it happened.” Spirit explained.
“Sophie saw her mother get murdered?” Chloe asked looking shocked.
“Yes, and Sophie blames herself for what happened, she had pestered her mother to take her to the musical, and then she watched as her mother died protecting her.” Spirit said.
“How do you live with something like that?” Chloe asked, not able to wrap her head around it.
“The answer is you don’t.” Spirit pointed out with the way Sophie had treated her and Stacy when she first met her.
Chloe put her phone away when she saw Sophie making her way back over with Maiden all saddled up and ready to leave. Stacy and Jade were soon making their way back with Snowflake all saddled up, and Jade grinning with excitement over being able to go riding with her friend.
They all set off with Stacy and Chloe leading the way and Sophie and Jade followed just behind. Chloe noticed that Stacy didn’t look as mad over what she’d done now, and Chloe wondered if Jade had said something to calm her down.
“I’m sorry I forced you to spend more time around Sophie, but Spirit says I need to help her make peace with her mother.” Chloe said in a lowered voice that Sophie and Jade couldn’t hear.
“I gathered as much from what Jade told me about Sophie’s mum dying. I just hope she’s a nicer person to be around once you’ve worked your magic.” Stacy said with a roll of her eyes.
“I’ll need you to keep Jade out the way while I help Sophie make contact with her mother, can you do that for me?” Chloe asked.
“Sure, I like Jade, and I’m positive I can keep her busy helping me with the horses while you work.” Stacy smiled, happy to be part of Chloe’s plan to cure Sophie of her bitchiness, or try to anyway.
Stacy found a good spot to rest the horses and they all took in the view for a short time before Stacy said she wanted to check on Snowflake as she wasn’t sure whether it looked like the horse was limping. Jade looked concerned and went with Stacy to make sure the horse was alright, which left Sophie and Chloe alone sat on a fallen down tree looking out over the rolling hills that ended at the ocean.
Chloe sat quietly for a couple of minutes until she saw Spirit and Sophie’s mother appear just in front of her.
“You read to do this sis?” Spirit asked with a sigh.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Chloe replied as she took a deep breath before she reached out to take hold of Spirit’s hand while she held Sophie’s mother’s in the other.
“Who are you talking to?” Sophie asked looking puzzled as she watched Chloe holding her hand out to empty space.
“I’ve got your mother here Sophie, and she wants to talk with you.” Chloe said as she held out her other hand for Sophie to take hold of.
Sophie looked at Chloe with a hurt look before it turned to one of anger as she went to stand up, but Chloe pulled her back down with a strength she never knew she had. “I thought you wanted to be friends, but this was all some sick way of getting back at me for how I treated your friend isn’t it?” Sophie asked as she tried to make Chloe let go, but all the fight left her to be replaced by a calm feeling that left her not wanting to move. Sophie suddenly smiled as she saw her mother appear holding hands with another girl around the same age as her and Chloe. “Mummy?” Sophie asked with tears in her eyes.
“Hello honey, it’s so good to be able to talk to you again.” Sophie’s mother said as she was fighting back tears herself. “I’ve been watching over you these past months and I’m not happy with the girl you’re becoming.” She added looking disappointed with her daughter.
“I’m sorry mummy, I’m sorry I got you killed, and for what you’ve seen me doing, but I miss you so much, and wish it was me that got killed that night.” Sophie sobbed.
“What happened wasn’t your fault baby, so don’t ever think that it was. I’d do the same thing again if I had it to live over again.” Her mother said as she reached out and tried to touch her daughter, but her hand just turned to mist when they came into contact with each other.
“How am I able to see and speak to you mummy?” Sophie asked as she tried to wrap her head around what was happening.
“Your new friend is a very special person that can help ghosts say goodbye to loved ones before they pass over to the other side and wait until we can see each other again.” Sophie’s mum explained. “I’ve come to take away the pain and guilt you’ve been carrying around with you all this time. I think it’s time you became your old self, the one that loved life and showed kindness to others.” Her mother added with a smile.
“I don’t want you to go mummy, please stay with me.” Sophie pleaded with her mother as she tried to grab her hand, but just kept gripping at thin air.
“I’ll always be with you Sophie, in your heart. Just please don’t carry on down this path you’ve found yourself on.” Sophie’s mother said with a pleading to her voice.
“I promise mummy.” Sophie said as she wiped her eyes and smiled at her mother feeling happy for the first time in a while.
“It’s my time to go now honey, now I know that you will be just fine.” Sophie’s mum smiled. “I love you Sophie, and I always will.” Her mother said as she blew Sophie a kiss just before she let go of Spirit’s hand and stepped into a bright light.
Sophie slumped down in Chloe’s arms for a couple of minutes while Spirit worked her magic and made Sophie forget what Chloe had just done, but left her feeling inner peace from saying goodbye to her mother.
Chloe had Sophie’s head resting on her knee when she started to wake up. “What happened?” Sophie asked as she looked up into Chloe’s worried looking eyes.
“You fainted, but I managed to catch you before you hurt yourself.” Chloe lied, but it seemed to convince Sophie.
“Thank you for doing that.” Sophie said as she sat up and smiled at Chloe. “I feel different, but I can’t put my finger on why I feel this way.” Sophie added with a strange look on her face just before she let out a little giggle.
“Are you sure you feel alright Sophie?” Chloe asked, not sure if Spirit might have done something wrong when she made her forget about talking to her mother, or what part she had played in it.
“Yes, I feel good; better than I’ve felt in a long time.” Sophie smiled as she suddenly felt the urge to give Chloe a hug. “I feel like a large weight has been lifted.” Sophie tried to explain how she felt.
Sophie was soon jumping up and running over to give Jade a hug when she saw her walking back over to her with Stacy walking at her side. “Are you okay Sophie?” Jade asked as she looked freaked out at the way Sophie was hugging her.
“Never felt better girlfriend.” Sophie giggled as she kept hugging her friend. “I’m sorry for the way I’ve been treating you these past couple of months Jade, and I promise to make it up to you.” Sophie promised.
“I’ll just be glad to see this side of you back Sophie.” Jade said with a grin as she saw her old friends spark back in her eyes.
“I promise you that Sophie bitch face has left town for good.” Sophie giggled as she used the name Stacy had called her earlier in the day. “I’m sorry Stacy for how I treated you earlier, and I hope we can start again as friends?” Sophie asked as she broke the hug with Jade and then held out a hand for Stacy to shake.
“Okay.” Stacy said looking unsure of what she was seeing, but she still reached out and shook Sophie’s hand. “I’m sorry for calling you a bitch.” Stacy said looking a little shamed for her part in the two of them not getting on.
They were soon back on their horses and making their way back to the stables. Chloe and Stacy let Sophie and Jade take the lead as they followed behind watching as the new Sophie laughed and joked animatedly with her friend.
“Doesn’t she remember speaking with her mum?” Stacy asked.
“No, Spirit did something so she wouldn’t remember what I did, but she just remembers finding peace from something that happened.” Chloe explained what she knew. “I like the way she is now.” Chloe smiled with pride in what she’d help to achieve.
“She does seem a lot more fun to be around now she’s not acting like queen bitch.” Stacy agreed.
They were nearly back at the stables when Chloe’s phone rang, so she answered it to hear her mother on the other end.
“Hi mummy, is everything okay?” Chloe asked with some worry in her voice.
“Hi Sweetie. How’s your day going, having fun with Stacy?” Valarie’s voice asked.
“Yes, and we made a couple of new friends as well.” Chloe replied with a smile in her voice as she looked at Sophie and Jade riding just up in front of them.
“That’s nice to hear sweetie.” Valarie said sounding just as happy as Chloe had when she told her.
“Did you call for a reason mummy?” Chloe asked, wanting to find out why her mother was calling her in the middle of the afternoon.
“Yes, I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be taking you to have those tests done tomorrow, so I doubt you’ll be able to go over to see Stacy.” Valarie explained.
“Oh, okay then.” Chloe said sounding worried again now as she looked over at Stacy. “I’ll let Stacy know then, and I’ll see you later. Bye mummy.” Chloe added.
“Okay sweetie, see you later, and be safe.” Valarie said before ending the call.
“What’s wrong Chloe?” Stacy asked when she saw the worried look her friend had.
“Mum says I can’t come over tomorrow because I have to go and have some tests done.” Chloe said looking nervous as she chewed her bottom lip.
“Stephi had to go and have tons of tests done, so don’t let it worry you.” Stacy said trying to reassure her friend that she’d be alright.
They were soon back at the stables and the four girls all worked together to get all the horses sorted out and bedded down for the night before they all left to go home. Chloe was nervous about the test she’d have done to her the next day, but she was happy that she now had two more friends she could hang around with, she knew that she’d need to be careful not to let them find out about her secrets though.
To Be Continued Next Tuesday 
Story by SaraUK
Edited and Posted by SamanthaK
EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you
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Not an easy life for Chloe
It appears she will be earning her keep for the gift of a new life she has just received.
At least she has protection but she may never be able to have an unguarded moment considering how many people die every second in this world. Goddess knows how many die with regrets and/or unfinished business. I am surprised Chloe does not have a line miles long of spirits who want her help. Of course Chloe is not actively looking for said spirits but, still, an modest sized city literally have tens if not more dying every day.
Hey Sara,
i have almost never commented on a story, but i couldn't let this one pass up because i love your stories and saw that there wasn't a comment yet(after 190 reads) keep up the great work and ill always be lurking to read your stories
A Ghost Of A Chance 09
Now with more friends, but wonder how they would react if they knew her secret?
May Your Light Forever Shine
That's a Relief...
...about her having all the knowledge that she needs to succeed in school without Spirit having to do all the work for her, as long as Chloe learns how to access it.
I believe we were told a while back that there are a lot of ghosts who hang around the school. I wonder how many of those are situations like the one with Sophie's mother. (Not that many of them, I guess, or they'd be following their children around.)
While I don't normally like
While I don't normally like "ghost" stories, this one is quite different and cute. Chloe is really living an interesting life as she experiences all of this.
I do like most of your stories and some are quite good.
I know it's a story, but I still cry!
Beautiful story! I love the way it's going, but I'll be sad to see it end! Maybe we'll see these characters again.