Now get your minds outta the gutter!!! Those who can't need some serious self analysis. Others I'll let slide. I know who both of You are!(Giggles)
As some here know I'd been outta work for waaaaaaaaaaay too long. I'm happy to report that that's no longer the case.;) Though my mortgage company is undoubtedly elated, I miss all of you and your stories terribly! My comments and PMs are gonna be sparse for a time, but I've got a new puter to keep me in touch and upgrade my employment status.;) I'll talk to all of you when I can.
Lotsa Love,
Jonelle (a.k.a. Bailey's Cuter Half!);0
P.S. Does anyone know how to get a new keyboard to stop an ampersand key from coming up as a quotation mark?
go to start menu and type
go to start menu and type region it will find regional settings in there you can set the language for your keyboard.
you may also be able to type language to get there directly.
Pleasantly Acquired Carpal Tunnel And Other Things? ;0
Happy for both of you
May Your Light Forever Shine
UK English
I wish there was a setting for UK English. :( I already have word set that way and it is fun to see how the spelling gets changed. I think that zeds instead of S's are really quite awful.
Gwen, my dear, I totally
Gwen, my dear, I totally agree.
There is nothing so evil as a minced language.
Then you should hate the changes the British have made in the language in the last two hundred years. :)
Theatre, colour and colonise are all recent standardizations, the American ways of spelling those words are at least as old and sometimes older than the British ways. American "spelling reform" extended about as far as curb for kerb and jail for gaol and not much further. The rest of the differences in spelling mostly grew out of developing standards that developed differently. A case could be made that American is the least changed from Georgian standard English; the Victorians made a lot of changes just because they wanted things to look better -- to them. Like changing the pint to be 20 ounces instead of 16 (which it had been since Roman times), they wanted all things British to be more Imperial.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
on the new job!
I'm assuming the pleasantly acquired carpal tunnel is from playing lots of games of table tennis? ;-)
Congrats on the new job!
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Jonelle :)
Hey, Bailey's Cuter Half. Welcome back. :) *hugs*