We all know that Santa really rides a bike, hence the myth about Rudolph and his red nose - most people see the back of the bike and its red rear light.
So how does he, deliver all those presents? How am I supposed to know, I can only assume he has panniers or a little cart hitched to his bike. Presumably with snow tyres, just in case, although here last night he'd have needed waterproofs - it chucked it down.
I can see you don't believe me, bikes aren't adaptable enough eh? Well you might just be wrong there. Click on this link and see for yourself, and see if you change your mind. It's from my favourite bike maker.
Merry Christmas to both my readers.
Angharad & Bonzi.
From Scrooge
Bah Humbug!!
From one who remembers when a 10 speed meant a 5 speed block and a double clanger.
I remember those days
Riding my elder brother's Claude Butler, with Viami rims and rat-traps on the pedals, my first intro to real cycling, it only had 10 speed. Funny thing is I used to get up hills faster then than I do now with 24 gears! Can't think why, I was three stone lighter, nah that can't have made much difference. 8)
A Real Sugar Plum—Brilliant!
Thanks, Angharad, I really enjoyed it and found it very appealing and cleverly done. I never had the pleasure or luxury of derailleur gears. My old second-hand Rudge had a Sturmey-Archer 3-speed hub, and the frame weighed a ton. Even so I covered a fair number of miles on it, especially in the peak district where I spent the summer holidays when my dad was in tghe orchestra in Buxton. Ah, happy days.
Speed Challenged here
*sighs* I feel sooo challenged, only having 5 speeds on my bike. I look at that, and shudder, wondering if I'll need to learn how to shift through half that many as I improve in my cycling.
Looking at what I can get out of my bike on 5, and then looking at that, maybe you do know what you're talking about. Santa can do a lot of things most of us meer humans don't attempt. So, maybe...