one giant splash for MtF kind! =D
(more inside)
After using almost an entire 200ml tube of nair (and a reliable water supply, see one of my previous blogposts on this issue) to get rid of unsightly hair -especially my legs which are normally almost hairy enough to pass for cat fur-, and careful re-ascension of my "man command modules" and stowing of my "torpedo tube" (all held in place without a gaff or tape, thanks to my tight one-piece swimsuit), I was able to go for a swim as a girl. :D
I've (as of the date of this blogpost) had no estrogen intake or testosterone blocking or facial feminization surgery, but I managed to avoid any negative responses. I didn't get any positive reactions or anyone expressly perceiving me to be a girl though, so I can't honestly say I passed. ...But, at least I didn't fail.
The total lack of social interaction meant (besides being the Cat-Person who swam by themselves, a potential remake of a certain just-so story) I neither won nor lost. ...But sooner or later (hopefully not later) I'll be able to pick a swimsuit that will accentuate my very successfully feminized body, wear it at the pool during a girls only session, and be promptly buried under a pile of Lesbian/BiSexual girls and possibly some written death threats from the straight ones.
Purrrr. :)
BONUS JOKE: Besides the individual exception of Extravagance the Cat-Person, what type of cat is consistently unafraid of water?
Sounds like....
...your day went swimmingly? And would that be a LaPerm?
Love, Andrea Lena
Auntie Drea, your pussy appears to be wet.
*GiggleGiggleGiggle* :D
+10 pun damage!
Oh, and add another +10 for your DIY nautical euphamisms in the main post :)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Cats and water
Fisher cats, tigers and jaguars are all unafraid of water and seem to enjoy swimming. Some leopards like water, some don't. Lions tend to not like water though they are not afraid of it and will swim if they think it necessary. In general, the painted cats (margays, ocelots) at least don't mind water, where the solid color and tabby cats dislike it.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I'm sure you're quite right, but I was trying to make a joke reliant upon popular belief. :)
*HuggleSnugglePurr* ^_^
giggle, a swimming cat?
I bet you do it puurrfectly too.
I use breaststroke for primary propulsion, and low-profile kitty paddle in crowded areas. =)
I use breast strokes for stimulation
wanna see my technique?
Giggles uncontrollably
Sounds good, maybe in the near future I can rustle you up some practice material. ;)
The catfish
No. =)
Nice try though. :D
This Completely
>> ..But sooner or later (hopefully not later) I'll be able to pick a swimsuit that will accentuate my very successfully feminized body, wear it at the pool during a girls only session, and be promptly buried under a pile of Lesbian/BiSexual girls and possibly some written death threats from the straight ones.
Purrrr. :) <<
Cracked me up! ('60s - '70s {NE US[?]} idiom? ) I won't use acronyms, cuz of Skin Horse!
Do research and get some blockers and estrogen on line. It's not very safe, but I don't think a government pshrink will give you meds for what you say you want. Alternatively, get an appointment and feed them all the regular, "I'm a TS and I knew at 3YO..... My Dad beat me, so I couldn't transition till now", / or you had memory loss/, stuff. (No offense, Drea. I had memory loss, too)
Thanks for the great Blog!
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
I am unable to tell my shrinks what you've outlined, as it does not pertain to me, and I am an Honorable Cat-Person. = )
You're welcome for the great blog though. ^_^
*HuggleSnugglePurrsoftlyintoyourearNuzzleyourcheek* <3
Purr-fect :)
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
That is so great to be able to pass in GIRL mode without external help other than makeup.Go for it HONEY good luck
Afraid of Water?
Don't you dare blame it on me! I am Bonzi's Sister by different parents, so just watch it!!
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
Or else what?
Gonna get in the water and come after me? :D
*Swishes her tail provocatively* ;)
I thought of catfish at first and lost, but Octopuss gives you more hugs!
I wonder why you don't take up Scuba diving in a wet suit, you can still wear a bikini, whilst swimming and nobody would recognise you!
But be carefull with your snorkel!!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
but good guess. :D
Is "snorkel" a euphemism for penis? Makes sense to me. Even though I'd rather be rid of it, whilst in guy mode I HAVE persuaded certain people to put their mouth over it... ;)
I wish I thought of that...
...oh dear god no. Does this mean I suffer from Euphemism Envy. Ewwwwww-phemism? EWWWWWWW.
Love, Andrea Lena
I wouldn't put it THAT way... =)
I would simply say that there's a bit of friendly rivalry between comediennes. = ) I beat you this time, but here is a consolation prize. ^_^
*HuggleSnugglePurrsoftlyintoyourearNuzzleyourcheekHappytailswish* <3
Everyone who has scuba dived has had a snorkel in their mouth.
It's used more for blowing than sucking, which makes me think that blow jobs are incorrectly named. I mean, if you said you had blown some one up you would have a totally different perception, wouldn't you?
I think I'll treat my snorkel with a little more respect thanks Extravagance!
Hmmmnnn no Octopus, ok. my next guess is Catamaran?
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Some Catamarans are even designated "SeaCat". =)
I wanted to trimaran - It was my third guess
Honestly though I have to say that "catfish" and "octopus" were CORRECT guesses - they just were not the answer YOU had in mind, right?
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
This brings up the question...
What does one call a single hulled sailboat? Monomaran or Unimaran?
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Another point to ponder...
We all accept that the 'all' of space is the universe. Many postulate that there are many universes some say they are in parallel others say they are all on top of one-another. I have heard this theory called the multiverse.
If there could be a third theory which might be partway between the two would we call it diverse or inverse? If there is a mirror image of our "all", would it be the reverse or the converse to our obverse? If the "all"s are stacked is the one below us the subverse? If there is one "all" that no-one likes, is it the averse?
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Ooh ooh ooh...
I know I know. If there is an "all" that doesn't cost anything and has no rhyme nor reason and no rhythm it MUST be freeverse.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Some might say that an "all" (or person like me) that follows a point to inanity must be perverse.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
you're right about "Octopus". It's acceptable to me as an answer, but it's not the one I had in mind.
I draw the line at "Catfish" though. To me, that is a type of FISH. I suppose I could accept that one if it were named "Fishcat" though.
Rita was first to all three answers, but I can't give her the runner-up prize as well. I can give that one to you. = )
Sea Cat!
I think that's a brand name?
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
I think so too.
= )
One swim session for Extravagance,
Aqua-Cats Love water
May Your Light Forever Shine