My how plans can change
First off I'd like to thank everyone who helped me our with my last blog. I ended up settling on the name Brynhilde.
On to my main reason for posting this blog...
I was eating breakfast this morning when clear out of the blue, an idea popped into my head. What if the story I was working on Destiny Triumph of a Spellbinder, took place over the course of year rather than a month. This would allow me to explore some ideas, and plot threads that I wanted to include, but had decided to cut because I didn't believe I'd be able to fit them all. That being said I'm not quite sold on the idea, but at this point in the story I would only need to change a few small things to make it work.
This whole thing really got me thinking back to when I initially thought of the idea for my Ragnarok Rising stories. At the very begging the story had nothing to do with Norse Mythology or Ragnarok. Those ideas came to me as I was writing Incompatible and led to some pretty big revisions. Surprisingly the basic plot for Incompatible didn't deviate too much from the original, but the other two stories have changed so much that they are for all intents and purposes completely different stories. Originally, the idea was to create a universe with broad guidelines where I would write a set of three loosely connected stories, (as well as possible future works). Aryanna would have been a central figure in all three stories, but not nearly so much as she is in the story's present incarnation.
It's really amazing to me how much these stories have evolved and changed over the course of year (Wow as it really been that long?) since I started writing them. And finally, that got me to wondering, how often does this happen to others? I know I'm not the only one to have this sort of experience, but is there anyone that once they have the course of a story set in their head that it doesn't deviate one bit from the original idea?
Well... it's hard to say. The
Well... it's hard to say. The first story I ever really wrote was without an outline. I just started and continued to write and made stuff up as it went. It wasn't all that good... The next story had me shortly outline the plot, but I should have done more... it didn't feel right. While the plot was somewhat realistic I skipped parts I didn't like to write and the result wasn't all that awesome - it's the elfstruck story on my googlesite. Then there is Soulmates together forever, which was a brainfart I got after reading another short story. It just wormed its way into my mind and I needed to write it down :D
I wrote some other stories and some outlines, but the first longer story I really liked was werewomen - sensate. I read Dr. Benders outline of the universe and my muse started to play a symphony in my head. I wrote the outline that night and continued to write the story through the week. I put a bit too much of myself into it and was shy to publish it.
I guess everyone has their stories with writing their stories. In my case its almost always fighting with the outlines and keeping the motivating to actually write the story down. Right now I have 5 stories in a somewhat unfinished condition, but I'm not sure if I'll ever finish them so I'm not going to publish yet ^^ On the other hand I have two finished stories I don't really like as they're now so they're not published either...
Your Ragnarok rising stories were pretty much awesome, so I'm awaiting their sequel hopefully. Finding conclusions to open plotlines is always a good idea, so I hope you'll manage to fit it into your final story of this series.
Thank you for writing,
Outlining? What's that?
Outlining? What's that? :P
I don't outline, period. I've tried, oh how I've tried. It seems about as a constructive use of my time as beating myself over the head repeatedly with a large blunt object. Outlining may work for other people, just not for me.
I keep track of everything up in my head. Don't ask me how, I just do.
Thank you. ^_^
You know the more I think about the more I'm leaning toward having the story take place over the course of a year.
Have a delightfully devious day,