Creating a hypertext linked word in your writing

I wished that my reader could just go to a URL or link of something that had been already posted on the internet.

At first I would just type the URL and it would self change into a hyperlink that would work. For example the URL

Of course some URLs get real unwieldy and seem to drag on forever and one time I used one of these. One of the site administrators or another friendly soul with edit access corrected my entry by replacing it with a linked word. Using the same example as above I would now have the link in the form of the story title, Blue Moon

Naturally I had to see how this was done and Erin kindly explained it to me. You just type the text you want to link, highlight it, click the make-link button, (in the tools icons above the body block you write or paste in)

fill (or paste) in the URL in the space provided (and an optional title the bottom box if you choose) and it just works. And indeed, it works just fine.