End Result

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I just got out of counseling. I am one week closer to going on HRT (July 12th or something like that). The question that keeps being asked, and one that I don't have an answer to, is what is the end result of my transitioning.

I really don't know. When I write stories I can see and know the end result, usually before I begin writing the first paragraph. That is true with most of what I write except for one concept I have where I only have the premise and have no clue where to go with it. But this is life and going on hormones is a huge step. But where am I taking things. As of now, I doubt I would get SRS. For one, the cost might be prohibitive and two, I fear going under. But where am I taking things? I want to live as a female in reality, or at least give it a try. My main hang up for not doing so already is that I fear rejection. I don't want to be at a store or mall and be made fun of. Part of my thinks that when I am on estrogen and get my weight under control, I can work on beauty later. I'm fine with that. I just really want my inside chemistry to match up with my brain. But I am still at the same place... where is this going, or where should it go?

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