I need to start collecting something or starting a hobby, but I don't know what so I was hoping for ideas.
I use to collect Christian Music CDs but with the internet and downloading, that has gone to the wayside. I wanted to collect awards for writing, but I haven't gotten one yet. But now that I have the house, it needs something with personality.
I was thinking maybe carousels. I kind of like them and played the starkeeper in my h.s. production of the musical of the same name. But, I don't know. I have cats and they might knock down anything porcelain. I was thinking maybe collecting something that is also part of a hobby. You know, something I have to put together and then can display. Problem is, I'm not too crafty. I can't paint things and I got easily bored with tedious task.
Anyone have any ideas.
You could take up photography. Cats would have difficulty knocking a picture off the wall.
Of course it's also easy to collect cats
"You could take up photography. Cats would have difficulty knocking a picture off the wall."
And cats make great subjects for photography.
Of course it's also easy to collect cats.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
I don't know if this is truly "you," but...
...I used to collect baby dolls, myself. One was put together from a kit--I got to pick the hair, skin and eye colors myself. The downside is the cost--that one doll cost me about $80, and that was fifteen years ago. If the cost is indeed too intimidating, perhaps you might consider collecting unusual coffee cups, as I do. Yes, coffee cups. You could try to get all of a set (say, Mary Englebreit mugs, or all "Far Side.") The rarer the better--I once found a Today show coffee mug, something I've never seen in any shop, anywhere. (I found it in our apartment complex's "Put and Take" room.)
Are you interested in animation or film? You can do as I've done and collect classic movies and cartoons. I have ALL the Looney Tunes Golden Collection sets, the entire Fleischer Popeye set, the Tom and Jerry Spotlight Collection, and the entire Woody Woodpecker set, as well as every episode of The Flintstones--all one hundred sixty six of them. But then, I imagine you have more of a life than I do.... =)
Livin' A Ragtime Life,

I was thinking something artsy... like maybe figurines or pictures. Part of me would like to do ballet figures or carousel horses or something like that. Something where I could have a theme in my house. My aunt use to collect boxes and unicorns and elephants. When I was younger, I use to collect clowns. When I was in h.s. I collected wrestling trophies and medals. Unfortunately all those items are gone (thanks mom and my brother jimmy for destroying my MVP trophy). Maybe I should collect amateur wrestling stuff. I like statuettes though. I use to like precious moments things.
I don't know... maybe if I get my good computer back I can just do my own artwork and put that up.
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
Hobbies and colectables
I suppose collecting Barbies is out.
How are your fingers and your manual dexterity?
Sewing of some sort like Patchwork, or Redwork Embroidery are both traditional, seen as femal persuits, and can be cheapish.
CERAMICS! This would be ideal for you Katie...
Ceramics come in all sizes, shapes and styles. You can purchase unfinished pieces from figures, animals, carousel pieces and anything else you can think of. A friend of mine took up this hobby and just painted the finished ceramic pieces. She took them to a show in Florida and won several ribbons and awards.
Now she has a side business and not only can she take a tax break on her house, her travel and a few other things are now tax deductible...
Check it out on the Internet Katie, I think you will like it.
Huggles Katie
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
Here's what I collect
I Collect & play Yu-Gi-Oh! trading card's & before u say it no it isn't just for Kids.I'm 25 yr's old & I know a 48 yr old who collect's & play's it & it really is a fun game to play
oh yeah
Reading is also a real fun Hobby too.I do both
I need a collection or hobby
Why not collect stuffed animals?
May Your Light Forever Shine
That's actually a great idea, Stan...
It's precisely what I do. I started to do that after a nervous breakdown years ago, as a means of calming myself down (ironically, I didn't play with them much as a child--I guess they weren't as soft then...) There's so many on my bed right now, there's hardly room for me to sleep!
Livin' A Ragtime Life,

It has to be something that you feel strongly about
It's sorta pointless to start a collection of anything you don't already have an interest in. Start by thinking about what is that, if you see a vintage/rare exemplar of, you think "Oooooh, that's COOL, I wish I had one like that." Otherwise, you will quickly grow bored of it and abandon the project.
It can be anything. Toy cars. Barbies. Vintage cameras. Beer coasters. Baseball caps. Tree leaves. Comic books. Stamps. Old AOL CDs (I'm sure that there's somebody somewhere that collects those...). TG stories. Pokemon cards. Bottle caps... as long as each piece in your collection tells *you* something unique, you will keep your interest.
Here's an idea
How about collecting girl's clothes? :-)
Seriously, though .. I actually collect vintage training bras. here's my collection:
This keeps me grounded in remembering where I came from and it is a collection of something I love.
As to Christian music CDs, no reason to stop things in that area. Why not try collecting Christian LPs and 45s. Many of the releases there may never make it to CD and you'll find some great music that you didn't know existed.
I collect 78 RPM records for example. These were made primarily prior to 1960. Great big band, jump, jive, R&B, and all sorts of stuff here
Judging by your recent posts
<tongue-in-cheek mode=on>
Judging by your recent posts, you sound as if you already started collecting writs...
<tongue-in-cheek mode=off>
Of course, you also have an extremely large collection of friends.
How about ...
How about getting involved with a charity that serves the transgendered community. A few hours a week might be most welcome by your local LGBT community. Aditionally, if you work in a charity shop you might find a rich source of collectibles then you might 'kill two birds with one stone'
I'm a landlord and I work with the local LGBT mostly by occasionally providing sheltered housing for young people who have been 'thrown out' (yes, believe it or not it still happens,)by their families. I just get a kick out of being philanthropic and helping my younger sisters. I've encountered some pretty sad stories and in one instance I had a kid crying in my arms as she just couldn't thank me enough. It was very, very rewarding to be able to help somebody in distress. The number of transexuals as a percentage compared with heterosexuals (and I use that word advisedly.)out of work is unbelievably high!
Just a thought.
A lot of collections seem expensive. I don't think I'll ever have my classic car collection or even a trophy husband collection.
I've always had a knack for coming up with shirt ideas... maybe I will get a copy of the latest paint shop pro and design my own artwork. I was doing that with title art for a while. Right now I just need to clear my head, arrange my house properly, and start writing again. I still have 2 unfinished stories but haven't even thought of finishing them.
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
Local people with hobbies
Gardening is a popular hobby here, but one guy takes concert t-shirts and turns them into wall decorations. He buys a shirt for 5 to 20 bucks, a frame for about the same and sells them for $40 to $100 bucks. It takes about half an hour so he makes $10 to $50 bucks on each one he sells and splits it with the music store that sells them for him.
I think my hobby is walking the dog. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Double take
Damn, I'm too tired for this nonsense.
I read that sentence as "...one guy takes concrete T-shirts..."
Well, the topic started off as gardening... that's my excuse.
As a photographer, I like Jennifer's idea of taking up photography.
I wish I could draw, and I enjoy a lot of the art that I see on the web, so I collect art. I also collect photos and use them as inspiration for my own photography.
Browse around:
http://ray-d.deviantart.com/ <--- shameless plug
Also, while you are collecting images, you can try using Gimp (like photoshop, only free) to mix and match and modify and combine to create your own art. A lot of the artwork is licensed under Collective Commons. I license all of my photos non-commercial share-and-share-alike.
I just bought a Wacom Bamboo pad and I'm at the very start of becoming familiar with it. Hopefully, it'll feel less clumsy to me soon.
By the way, you might want to get TOR anonymizer. It bounces all of your internet traffic through a network of anonymous routers so you don't have to worry about snooping eyes. I use it at the library to get into BCTS. PM me if you need more info.
Another possibility
Something that seems to be making a comeback is string art. It's a good way to mix your creativity with collectibles. There are a lot of sites online that offer patterns (for free or sale) and a lot of ideas for 3D string art (lamp shades, chandeliers, etc.). I once made my own design for some friends. She was Christian and he was Jewish so I superimposed a gold cross with a blue Star of David for them. I also did a caduceus for a friend who is a doctor - brown staff, gold top and green serpents.
You can make small stuff to collect, larger stuff to sell at a flea market or as gifts for people.
Just my two cents.