I was shown an interesting article from The Oatmeal, for those who don't know, the oatmeal is written and drawn by Matt Inman and he makes cartoons, some really crude and crass, but most of them funny. Well People take these and post them all over like with the lol cat pages. Last year, Mr. Inman contected a website, Funnyjunk and asked them to remove his copyrighted material. http://theoatmeal.com/blog/funnyjunk they also have stuff from Calvin and Hobbes, The Farside and other comics from the internet.
They complied for the most part, after sending the funnyjunk fans to harrass the Oatmeal http://theoatmeal.com/blog/funnyjunk2
It finally died down and Matt figured he was finished with that. Well at the start of this month, Mr. Inman gets a cease and desist letter from Funnyjunk's lawyer, telling him to remove all slanderous comments from his website and to pay funnyjunk $20,000 USD. Mr. Inman didn't and replied with a wonderful retort, tearing apart the lawyers letter bit by bit. http://theoatmeal.com/blog/funnyjunk_letter
As you can see in the letter he laughed at the fact he should have to pay and started a fundraiser. As of this morning, his fundraiser was over $170,000 USD, just about 4 days after it was started.
Well the lawyer who is suing him has tried to stop the fundraiser, has insisted that Matt Inman personally sent people to take down his website, and is still trying to fight back, even though he has an internet of people now set against him. Best part. He bills himself as an internet lawyer, but he says he has no idea how the internet works.
Not sure if many of you read his stuff, but it's a case of how someone with a copyright can have their work stolen from them, but then sued by the thief because they complained about the theft.
Good Bear Bad Cancer
Matt put a lot of time and research into his responce to the legal letter GOOD READING click on it and read his responce it's funny -- Hugs Richie
yeah and the picture of
yeah and the picture of Funnjunk's mother with the bear is now my fav pic of the week. To sit there and tear the letter apart line for line and send it back takes some major guts. That lawyer has no idea what he did. It's like he put his head in the bee hive, then smacked it with a stick
Striesand Effect
This is a variety of the Striesand Effect. People who aren't familiar with the Internet often come unstuck this way.