Ranting in the comments on someone else's post is not a friendly act. If you have some subject about which you feel strongly enough to post a rant, please do so at a site where ranting is allowed. It's not allowed here.
BTW, attacking Amazon for collecting credit card info is attacking the very way that I am able to run this site. If you're going to rant, even though ranting is not allowed here, please, use a bit of common sense about what subject you pick for ranting about. If no one EVER gave credit card info over the internet, BC would not exist. Neither would most of the rest of the internet except that tiny original part that is subsidized by the government and charitable organizations. Nearly all of which ALSO want to collect your credit card info.
Ranting on this subject is like telling people they should never handle money because of germs. Yes, germy money can promote disease. Yes, credit card info can be stolen in hundreds of ways including binoculars used at sporting events. Yes, dogs have fleas. This is not news and is definitely not worth disrupting the functioning of this website to make noise about it.
The rant in question, and unfortunately the replies to the rant have all been unpubbed. This all happened in about two hours while I was eating dinner.
Hugs to all,
Hurrah for you
.... ;) .....
Thought I would support you.
Kendra Manderscheid
(One step at a time is working)
Two Hour Dinner?
Hey Erin,
Either you REALLY liked dinner and were taking your own sweet time savouring every mouthful - OR - you REALLY hated it and were having trouble actually getting your fork to your mouth.
I'm sorry you had to be the police again. Take heart though, you probably only need to do that ----- what ----- a couple of million times more before we all smarten up? You could always start shooting perpetrators ........ ' computers I mean, really shooting them in the foot would bleed all over and blood is so messy to clean up and shooting them in the hand means someone else would get the messy job of cleaning their a---s after - "you know"?
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
I'm the real reason for 2 hour dinners
I have this theory that any time I talk to Erin on skype or the phone she gets famished within about 5 minutes of talking to me. And, if she just ate, the dog knows my typing and needs to go for a walk. I guess I have that effect on people.
BTW, I shop online all the time and have never had my CC number stolen. But, I was sleeping in my bedroom nude and someone took my credit card, ran up a bill and returned it... so the internet is safer than my bedroom financially.
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
I take exception, my dog doesn't have fleas. That flea stuff works for at least three weeks. As far as credit cards are concerned, I use mine all the time supporting our fine authors on Kindle and I'm not about to change. There's always going to be some conspiracy nut that thinks everything you do on the net will be found out, like I'm really that important. Give me a break. Give them Hell, Erin, Arecee
Kinda sorry you deleted the rant
I find it amusing to see people display their lack of understanding and forethought about issues that they should just leave alone.
Isn't this
a rant? Ummm?
PS: I want to stamp out intolerance.
hmmm pt2
I will not tolerate intolerance
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
Why do I always ...
... seem to miss the exciting posts that Erin unpublishes? I feel deprived somewhat :)
I say we take off...
..and rebuke the enitre site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Rants are not friendly
Why would anybody ever want to rant about how you run this site?
May Your Light Forever Shine
Simple. Because there are people whose favourite pastime is ranting.
It's a bit like people who complain about the government but don't even bother to vote.
... Martin
Not true
I voted and look what it got me.
Wait I work for the government.