Spoiler Warning!

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Just a spoiler warning about the new Prometeus/Alien series prequel movie:

{highlight area below to make the spoiler message visible}

Save your money. Don't see this turkey!

Just thinking about you sic-fi movie fans out there. :)



So I've heard

Been a lot of comments like that online. Only the first two movies were any good, and I think "Aliens" was the better of the two.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Mmmz don't really spend a lot

Mmmz don't really spend a lot of cash on movies. Just that there's a large shortage of SF movies (and series but we arer talking about movies here), so was probably going to watch it sooner or later. Besides it's an offical Alien prequel ... even if q is bad. Sometimes I miss the old SF series/moves (and not the butchered reinvented ones ->still don't like the new BSG). A well still got anime


I assume one must know what Erin is talking about to understand the spoiler. Personally I have not heard of either what I assume are films?

I do think that there is too much of stuff telling you what is comming soon, that when it arrives its a big yawn. Alleged news programmes are a good example, if you take out the 'adverts' half the programme time has gone in useless dribble.

Too late!

but thank you for the sentiment! Highlight area below to see another spoiler:

This turkey wasn't even half-baked, they should have used the automated surgery table on this movie instead

I should have watched Snow White and the Huntsman again



I was going to see it. Saw Snow White. Didn't really hate that one. It had potential but some scenes didn't make sense. Soooooo, Was Scott's special effects up to par?


Isn't it sad when the best thing you can say about a movie that you spent god knows what to see is 'Didn't really hate that one?'


I'll have to hold judgement until I see the sequel. Maybe it'll make sense, crosses fingers.

I won't be watching any sequel

erin's picture

They blew my suspension of disbelief up with an atomic grenade. Sorry.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.