Healing a Princess...43 (Stuff of Dreams)

Healing a Princess...43

(Stuff of Dreams)

By Anistasia Allread

She turned to see the fire red sky with gold touching the hills in the west. She felt him wrap his arms around her. She loved being in his arms; when they were younger, she would spend hours wrapped in his strong arms. She turned from the sunset and looked up into his strong face. She stood up on her toes, closed her eyes and puckered her lips. His course beard tickled her face but his firm lips melted her heart.
A sharp pain in her back drove the wind from her body. She stepped back and felt her husband grab a hold of her. Surely he’d take care of that horrible pain. Another sharp pain stabbed through her ribs.
“I’m sorry.” He said to her.

Ch. 43

Grymm sat atop a crate a little ways away from Monyka. The beautiful young woman had just fallen back into a sleep. While she was awake, Kaniel and Gemma made her eat as much as they could shove down her gullet. The Corporal had to admit that sitting on the crate and leaning against a bale was a lot more comfortable than riding. They seemed to be moving quite rapidly too. He couldn’t imagine his mount keeping this kind of pace for more than a few thousand paces at a time.
Gemma looked up at him and smiled. “Your face is looking better.” She stated.
“I look worse than Sergeant Takoda.” Grymm stated. He had noticed that the swelling had gone down quite a bit thereby getting rid of his slurred speech. His face still hurt at times especially when he was trying to sleep. He found that he couldn’t roll on to that side. He would immediately wake up, sometimes it would start seeping. Gemma had said that it was part of the natural healing process. He could still feel the gap in his torn lip. It bothered him mostly when he was eating, but there wasn’t much he could do about it. He wondered if the healer who was going to heal Princess Tonya would be able to do something about his wrecked face.
The deck hands who had been casually adjusting the sails and ropes suddenly broke into a manic yet organized pace. He looked ahead and saw a hill sticking up above the grassy plains. Large broken stones and what looked to be foundations stood up against a graying sky.
“We’re stopping at Vacana?” Kaniel questioned.
“I heard that Captain Bowen wanted to use it to help shelter us from the storm.” Grymm supplied.
The skinny sorcerer looked nervous and got to his feet. “Satara isn’t going to like this.”
“Why not?” Grymm asked. “It’s just a bunch of ruins.”
“Not to Satara it isn’t.” Kaniel looked around. “Can you keep an eye on Monyka? If she wakes, give her some honovi juice and some cheese.”
“Sure.” Grymm nodded. He thought the sorcerer’s reaction was a bit strange. He watched the copper haired man followed dutifully by Gemma disappear aft.
Grymm got up from the crate and made himself comfortable next to Princess Monyka. He knew he wasn’t supposed to think of her as a Princess, at least not yet, but he couldn’t help it. She was and had always been special to him. Kadyr had been a lucky man to have snared the heart of such a lovely woman.
His thoughts then turned dark. Even though Kadyr had been killed, he had found the love of his life. Grymm, looking like a bear had mauled him wouldn’t have a chance to get close to someone as beautiful. Already he could see the pity in women’s eyes when he passed. He had thought to settle down when the cavalry had become too difficult with old bones. He would meet a plump young wife and have lots of kids. Start a farm, maybe raise chickens or perhaps grow a crop of tobacco. Eventually he would be able to bounce a grandson on his knee.
Those thoughts were dashed. Women who once saw a small, but handsome young man, now only saw a small man with half of a face. He already began to re-plan his future. He’ll have to work his way up in the cavalry. Perhaps he could be a Sergeant or even a Lieutenant. He’d save his officer’s pay and open a saw mill or build a cabin out in the woods and hunt for a living. Or he could be like Sergeant Takoda and be a career soldier and either die on the battle field or become an old gate guard at the palace.
The dark skinned beauty stirred in her sleep. Grymm watched attentively but she didn’t wake. He didn’t know why the Captain insisted that he be her body guard. There were other men in the cavalry as well as Galyway’s heavies who would be as just as trustworthy and even more imposing. Were they scared of the Lady Monyka? He saw how she looked at him now. Not with pity like the others but with shame. Could the Captain be punishing her by insisting that he was to be her guard? That didn’t seem fair. He didn’t think that the Captain would treat Monyka that way. It wasn’t her fault that she did this to him. Things like this happened in battle. If it wasn’t for her gift, there would have been a lot more of his comrades sent to the gods in that funeral pyre at Lyonsgate.
A dark shadow fell over him and Princess Monyka. Grymm looked up to see the giant gray rock ruins towering over him. He was beginning to understand why the Ladamore woman might not like being near them. Something about them felt disturbed. The Corporal cast a glance at the resting Monyka and then around the ship. The sailors scampered all over the sails, masts, and rigging, folding, rolling and securing the large white canvases.
“How is she doing?” Tonya appeared from around the stacked crates.
The Mul stood behind her as always, Annyka a step behind her ready to be of assistance.
Grymm scrambled to his feet and made a bow to Tonya. “She seems to be resting comfortably, your Highness.”
The Princess watched her half-sister sleeping for a moment then smiled at Grymm. “Thank you Corporal.”
“Highness?” Grymm questioned.
“For taking good care of her.” Tonya smiled and turned away.


Adiah moved aside as a female sailor climbed up the rigging next to her.
“You should go down to the deck now.” The woman gave her a wink. “We’re preparing for the storm. This isn’t the best place for you.”
“Okay.” Adiah re-positioned her legs on the rigging and descended to the deck.
The Trunonian princess stepped back and leaned against the quarter deck, her eyes watching the acrobatic dance of the sailors above her.
Most of the canvas sails were rolled up and tied, but two large ones were lowered to the deck. One was draped over the stacked cargo and tied to the deck. Another was hoisted out over the long mast thingy that pointed out over the front of the ship. The Princess Adiah watched with curiosity as once the canvas was drawn out to the end, the sides were dropped down to the grass below.
Hardly able to contain herself, Adiah scrambled off of the land ship and dropped to the grassy plain. Riponian servants and retinue, under the supervision of the Plains Sailors closed off the small gap between the ship’s bottom and the ground.
She made her way to the front of the ship and watched as the sailors hammered stakes into the ground and tied the canvas hanging from the front pole to the large stakes.
“What are they doing?” She asked Sergeant Galyway who had just finished using a sledge to hammer in a large stake.
“Creating a sort of tent to shelter everyone from the storm.”
“And the sides?” Adiah asked.
“The same, Princess. The canvas that they are putting up along the sides will help keep the wind from blowing under, bringing rain with it. It will allow everyone sleep without getting wet and cold.”
“We’re going to sleep under that?” Adiah didn’t know if she should be scared or fascinated. “Why don’t we just put up our tents?”
Sometimes the storm winds that blow through are strong enough to blow the tents away.” Galyway explained.
The Sergeant looked up at the darkening sky to the East. “It looks like we got here just in time. That storm is going to break in the next candle mark or so.”
Adiah followed his gaze and shuttered. She didn’t much like storms. In Truno she was always safe in the palace usually burrowed in her bed covers. Out here, she would be as exposed as one can get without standing atop a boulder inviting the lightening to hit you.
“How are you doing, scamp?” Nevyre sidled up to her. “How many of the kerchiefs have you retrieved?”
Adiah sighed. “Only five. I would have had three more but those damned bells gave me away.”
“Your friend Princess Tonya wants me to stop teaching you. She said it is not a skill that you would use as a Princess or Queen.” Nevyre chuckled when he saw her eyes roll and her mouth pout in protest. “I explained to her that it was a very useful skill regardless of a person’s title.”
The sound of thunder in the distance rumbled. Adiah found her hand finding comfort in Nevyre’s. She quickly snatched it back.
“Don’t like thunder?” Nevyre inquired with a raised brow.
Adiah shook her head.
“Neither do I.”
Adiah gave him a disbelieving look.
“On my honor, I don’t.” Nevyre stated. “When I was a boy, my mother told me that thunder was Tanek and Bob fighting over who should die and who should live.”
“That’s horrible.” Adiah cried.
Nevyre nodded. “I know. I’ve been scared of thunder ever since.”
Adiah looked up at Nevyre. “You’re playing with me aren’t you?”
“On my word, Princess, I’m telling the truth.”
After a long look, Adiah nodded and looked again at the dark horizon.


Tonya looked out from the edge of the tent-like shelter under the prow of Suri. Vacana stood the stone fortress in a sea of grass being beaten against the ground by fierce winds. No one had even mentioned going up into the ruins of the fortress. When she questioned the sailors about it, they made warding signs with a dark glance at the ruins. ‘Haunted’ or ‘bad luck’ was often muttered as forgotten as people ignored her inquiries.
::What are you so intent on?:: Ka’mya asked.
::Just thinking about Vacana.:: Tonya blinked. She slowly turned away from the ruins to look at the Princess of Adwahna. ::The sailors don’t like being near it, even though it is helping to shelter us from the storm. Is it really haunted?::
::A lot of people think so.:: Ka’mya stated. ::I’ve never seen or heard anything that would lead me to believe in such things.::
::What happened to make everyone so scared of it?::
::It is said that Vacana was the last stronghold of an ancient king who was pushed out of his lands by a neighbor. That king and his most dedicated of soldiers were under siege here for a couple of years, surrounded by a vast army. The king is said to have gone mad. It is said that he sacrificed all of the women and children to some forgotten god including his wife. When that didn’t work, he then cursed the army and the fortress before he leaped from the highest tower to his death.::
::Really?:: Tonya was awed. A strong gust of wind hit the canvas causing it to make a loud snap. She jumped at the unexpected noise.
::That is what I remember from my history lessons.:: Ka’mya sighed.
::What were their names?:: Tonya asked.
::I don’t know.::
::How were they able to hold off a large army holding it siege for more than a month or two?::
::I really didn’t pay attention in those studies. History can be so boring sometimes.::
::Not as boring as treaties.:: Tonya corrected.
::Learning about treaties is like learning the rules to play a game.:: Ka’mya argued. ::Once you understand the basics, there are many variations of interpretations and it makes the game more fun.::
::For you maybe,:: Tonya shook her head. ::For me it just gives me a head ache just thinking about it.::
“Are you doing alright, Princess?:: Captain Bowen stepped up behind her.
Startled, Tonya jumped. “Uh, yes, Captain, thank you.” She blushed.
“I didn’t mean to startle you, Princess.”
“It’s alright Captain. Ka’mya and I were just talking about Vacana.”
The Captain made a warding sign. “I usually wouldn’t stop near here but we were close and it offers a little more protection from the storm.” He stroked his well groomed beard.
“I have been hearing that it is haunted?” Tonya pushed for information.
“I have heard that it is, Princess, but I don’t have the courage to go up into it to find out.” The Captain shuddered. “Bad luck follows those who enter those stone walls. I heard tell of a young man convinced that there was treasure buried there. He went into Vacana and left empty handed. Before a fortnight had passed he was found dead. His eyes were staring as if he had seen something horrible. They never found out how he died. It is said that he was scared to death by the ghosts.”
Captain Bowen nodded. “There have been several stories that people who have gone up into the ruins go mad within a fortnight and die from mysterious causes. One man was found drowned in his bath.”
“So?” Tonya shrugged. “I’ve heard stories of that happening.”
“His bath tub held no water.” Captain Bowen stated.
A bright light lit up the darkening sky as a lightning bolt touched down half a league away. A loud boom followed by a rolling roar of thunder shook the tent as well as the land ship.
Two more strong gusts hit the side of the canvas and land ship. The canvas snapped while the wood of the land ship groaned. “Here she comes.” Captain Bowen stated the obvious. “I had better check to make sure everything is in order. This looks to be a big one.” The Plains Sailor bowed and retreated to the ship, then got down on his hands and knees and crawled under the hull.
::At least it is an early storm?:: Ka’mya voiced.
::What does timing have to do with anything?:: Tonya asked.
::I don’t know how things are in Riponia but in Blaire and Adwahna, these storms usually have driving winds, heavy rain and even hail. If a farmer plants his crops too early, these kinds of storms can destroy his crop. The rain can wash out the fields or the hail can smash the young plants. If he plants it too late he runs the risk of not getting a full harvest or getting hit by an early fall storm. Having this storm this early means that he could have a successful crop.::
::We get storms, but they don’t sound anything like what you are describing.:: Tonya looked at the ruins being silhouetted by another lightening strike. “Wow, that is eerie looking.” She gasped.
“Depending upon who I spoke to it will either get more beautiful or more frightening.” Rikki joined them looking out from the side of the canvas. “That wind is gusting pretty hard, your Highness. I’d feel better if you were sitting down or further back under the prowl.”
“I’d like to watch it. Could I have a chair?”
Rikki bowed his head. “As you wish, your Highness.” The Captain of her body guard made a motion and two cavalrymen came forward with two camp chairs. “I hope you won’t mind if I join you in watching the storm.” Rikki asked for permission.
“That would be fine.” Tonya smiled. “Where is Adiah? Doesn’t she want to watch?”
“I think she is with Nevyre. They are down under the hull of the ship trying to ignore the storm.” Rikki leaned closer, his breath touching her hair and ear. “Adiah feels the way about thunder as you do about heights and I about caves.”
“Oh.” Tonya’s eyes widened at the information. She turned her head to face her Captain. Her heart skipped a beat being this near him. She cursed herself for her reaction and gathered what was left of her wits. “I wanted to speak to you about Nevyre’s interest in Adiah.” Tonya accepted Rikki’s assistance in sitting in the camp chair.
“His teaching her how to be a common thief.” Tonya stated. “I don’t like it and I don’t think Queen Dianthe will appreciate it.”
“It is mostly keeping her occupied so that she doesn’t go galloping off without an escort.” Rikki smiled. “It is harmless and it is teaching her certain cognitive skills.”
“You sound like you and Nevyre have planned this out.”
“I wouldn’t say, planned, but we have spoken on the matter.” Rikki consented. “Lieutenant Kadyr is the one who convinced me that it would serve several purposes. Nevyre is fairly harmless. He’s more of a rogue than a thief.”
“I still don’t like it.” Tonya stayed firm. “I’d like you to put an end to it.”
Rikki sighed and then nodded “Yes, your Highness.”
A loud clicking noise sounded against the canvas and the ship. It grew. Small hard balls of white began slamming into the ground.
“What is that?” Tonya pointed.
::It is hail.:: Ka’mya stated. ::It is basically frozen rain.::
::I know what hail is.:: Tonya stated. ::I’ve just never seen it so big.
::It gets bigger.:: Ka’mya tossed her head. ::I’ve seen them almost as big as hen’s eggs. I’ve heard some of the elder Horse Lords talk about hail the size of a small human’s fist.::
The noise was becoming deafening as it slammed against the ship, the canvas and the grass. The white little balls of frozen water became bigger. They bounced across the ground entering the covered area. Rikki picked one up and handed it to her to study. Lightening lanced across the sky, hitting one of the jagged ruins of a stone tower in Vacana. The Thunder boomed shaking everything around as it sounded before the light had even faded.
“For the love of Tanitha!” Tonya exclaimed above the noise. “What happens if it hits the ship or canvas?”
“Captain Bowen explained it to me. He has a metal spike attached to the top of the mast of the ship. Apparently the lightening is drawn to it. A rope cord with brass wire braided into it is attached to the piece of metal and is staked into the ground a little ways off. Bowen says that it redirects the lightening.”
::A lot of the human’s buildings and even their stables have similar things.:: Ka’mya agreed.
“So lightening won’t strike us?”
“It is not as likely to.” Rikki shrugged.
Tonya reached out and took his hand in hers and squeezed it for reassurance. For some reason, his presence always made her feel safer.
The ground outside became a covered with white bouncing white balls.
“I hope my scouts are okay.” Rikki mumbled.
“You sent scouts out during a storm?”
“Always.” Rikki stated. “Elves and brigands will attack no matter the weather. I just hope that they have found cover.”
“That hail would hurt, wouldn’t it?” Tonya asked.
Rikki nodded. “They are armored, but it still stings. It’s worse for the horses though.”
Lightening flashed everywhere. Sometimes two or three bolts were lightening the sky at the same time. Thunder seemed like its rumbling never ended. Tonya sat next to Rikki in their camp chairs and watched the storm, crashing down on them, their fingers entwined. His strong, callused hands kept her warm even though the cold wind was gusting.
“How is your leg doing, Tonya?” Rikki whispered. “We’ve been riding a lot.”
“Ka’mya says it’s because she has a smoother gait.” Tonya explained. “I’m a bit saddle sore, but my leg isn’t as sore as it usually is.”
Rikki gave her hand a squeeze. “I’m glad to hear it. We still have a lot of riding to do, unless you wish for me to make arrangements with Captain Bowen to ride aboard his ship.”
::If you leave me alone, So’ryn will find more torture for me. Please don’t leave me.:: Ka’mya begged.
“If I get sore, I’ll let you know, Rikki. For now, I’m enjoying Ka’mya’s company.”
Rikki nodded.


Kaniel crawled along under the hull of the land ship. Most of the sailors and Riponian soldiers sat or lay down on blankets or saddles along the middle of the hull leaving the more spacious sides for walkways. “How are you doing, Satara?” Kaniel inquired.
“Miserable.” The Ladamorian woman complained.
“Is it Vacana?” Kaniel asked. He looked from the dark skinned woman to her friend Delizia and back.
“Not yet. I can feel the energy from the fortress but right now it’s mostly the anxiety from everyone under the ships riding out this storm.” Satara grimaced. “The energy from the fortress will grow stronger tonight. I won’t be sleeping.”
Kaniel looked to Delizia, “Are you able to help?”
“She doesn’t want me to yet.” The blonde shook her head. A long braided lock in her otherwise very short blonde hair swung around her shoulder.
Satara had to wait until a loud blast of thunder died down to be heard. “I’ve asked Delizia to save her energy to help me this evening when I’m trying to fend off the ghosts of Vacana.” She explained.
“If you need me, I’ll be helping Gemma with our newest sister.” Kaniel smiled. “She is strong and untrained.”
“Her aura is very bright and purple.” Delizia played with the errant braid. “Do you know where her skills lay, yet?”
Kaniel shook his head. “It may just be her . . . . . heritage. I could be that the Gods don’t want us to know, or because she has just received the gift that they haven’t settled down to show where her strengths lay.” A lightening strike nearby deafened out all noise as it shook and rumbled by the ship.
“She is already throwing fireballs and lightening.” Delizia scoffed. She didn’t like being weaker in the gift than those around her especially those who had just been opened to the powers.
Kaniel caught Satara’s gaze. “If she is an empathy, I may need your help. Are you able to assist tonight?”
Satara shook her head. Being so close to Vacana, I doubt it. I’ll be too busy keeping my own sanity in check. Once we are a league or three away, I should be able to without any problems.”
“Let's just get through the night.” He nodded. “Are you warm enough?”
The two young women nodded.
“I’ll check on you later.” He promised.
Kaniel made his way to the edge of the ship and was able to crouch to move along its length next to the canvas covering the side. An occasional pellet of hail smacked into the canvas startling him.
::What do you think A’tif?:: Kaniel asked his Horse Lord friend.
::She is very powerful:: he agreed. ::She has a good shield up right now. You may want to complement Gemma on training the girl that much however, I don’t think her shields are going to last through the onslaught of Vacana.::
::Have you spoken to Princess Ka’mya or So’ryn?::
::They haven’t spent too much time with her yet. Gemma has kept her sequestered for the past few days.
A streak of lightening hit the ship’s tall mast. The sound from the electrical energy nearly dropped the sorcerer to his knees.
::That was close.:: A’tif commented.
::I can’t hear anything, my ears are ringing.:: Kaniel told his four legged friend.
::The storm is right on top of us.:: the Horse Lord explained. ::Does this one have a calm center?::
::I’ve been too busy to check.:: Kaniel made it to the prow of the ship and looked across the small open area to the ship in front of him. The hail had almost stopped. In fact the stones were more like little pebbles. Rain started to fall in its stead. The copper haired man flinched as he witnessed a lightning bolt hit the mast of the ship in front of him. He felt the thunder before he heard it.
::If this keeps up, I won’t be able to hear anything for days.::
::Too bad I can’t say the same.:: A’tif teased.
Kaniel looked out around the ships for a moment, then sprinted the few steps across the open space between them, ducking under the canvas at the rear of this ship.
Most of the Riponian soldiers were under this ship. Many stared anxiously at the canvas sides. Some even held hands over the ears to help block out the loud thunder.
It was a good thing Satara wasn’t under this one. These anxious men would be beating at her empathic shields.
Kaniel quickly made his way to the front of this ship and halted at the prowl to look out at the storm. Two more bolts of lightning struck the towers of Vacana. The hail had completely stopped but the rain was coming down in buckets. He took a deep breath and sprinted across the open area to the next ship.
Gemma and Princess Monyka hadn’t moved. “How is she?” he shouted.
Gemma put a finger to her lips to quiet him. “She is doing fine.” She mouthed.
Kaniel nodded. “I can’t hear anything over the ringing in my ears from the thunder.” He hoped that that was quiet enough for the midwife.
Gemma nodded her head understanding.
“I’m going to try and read the weather.” He told her. “Try to see what we are in for tonight.”
Gemma’s face showed her surprise. Weather reading was a higher skilled blend of skills than what the midwife could accomplish.
Kaniel lay down on a blanket next to Monyka. He closed his eyes, grounded his center and began blending different colors and strains of the gift which he then pushed out. Being magic and of a softer kind the stream could travel right through the hull of the ship. He reached out and upward looking through the storm and what was yet to come.
Kaniel’s eyes opened. He took a deep breath and waited for a few moments. Reading the weather always took a lot out of him.
“What did you see?” Gemma asked.
Kaniel took another deep breath, “We have a few more hours of this type of weather; a lot more rain.”
“Will we get a break tonight?”
The sorcerer nodded. “For a couple of hours, but there is a calm center. We should be able to get a little sleep. Hopefully.” Kaniel thought for a moment. “How are you with shielding emotions?” he asked.
“I guess as well as anyone else.”
“I might have you go back and join Satara. She is having a hard time this evening. She is very sensitive right now. She’s dealing with all of the anxieties and worries of these people riding out this storm and then add to it that we are at the base of Vacana. She’s doing all that she can and I don’t think Delizia will be strong enough to help. You-“ he pointed to Gemma. “Could be a bigger help to the poor woman.”
Gemma dipped her head in understanding.
Kaniel smiled. “Thank you, Gemma.” He crawled over to the side of the boat and began his search for Captain Bowen. He needed to inform the Captain of the coming weather.


Monyka looked into the polished brass reflecting disk. The face looking back at her wasn’t hers. It belonged to another woman. A woman clothed in a strange, ancient dress. One that looked worn and to have been mended several times.
The face in the mirror sighed heavily. Her stomach knotted from the little food that was allowed to her. The soldiers needed the food more than she did. They needed to protect her and her beloved from the army laying siege to them. Her eyes stared out of dark circles. Circles caused by sleepless nights crying and from lack of good nutrition. She tried to pin her hair up out of her face. It wasn’t as good as her hair dresser, but the hair dresser was gone now. Her husband needed to sacrifice her to protect them. They all needed to sacrifice to survive. She was sacrificing her comforts and her health. Soldiers were sacrificing their lives; her husband had sacrificed just about everything.
Shakily she got to her feet. She held onto the dressing table for a few moments to gather her waning strength before making her way across the room to a chair set up near a window. She sat heavily in the chair and picked up her needle point. She was at the end of her threads for the pass time. Two shades were all that she had left. A bit of white and a storm cloud gray. She sighed. Just another thing she had to sacrifice. Once they were able to get free of this prison of sorts she’d be able to buy all kinds of fresh, new colors. It could have been worse, she could have been forced to give up these two colors of thread for the soldiers to use to mend their clothing or even sewing together wounds.
Her heart stopped, skipped a beat then pounded like mad in her chest as footsteps approached her door.
The door swung open and her husband, her king, stepped through. He didn’t close the door behind him. She was about to say something, after all even holed up here they needed to try to be civil, when her husband fell to the mattress resting on the floor and began sobbing.
“What is it, husband?” she asked dropping her needle point. Monyka thought that it was strange that she didn’t recognize the words being spoken but understood their meaning.
Her husband looked up. His shaggy beard and wild hair was one of his sacrifices. With limited resources, he didn’t keep his face shaved. She tried to tie his hair back on several occasions but it always came undone. His eyes, full of tears were as dark as hers from lack of sleep and worry. The poor man was under so much stress. On top of worrying about his men and getting their supplies, he had been trying to figure out how the outside army got in and took her children. Their bodies had been found outside the walls of Vacana, their throats slit open. Her husband said that the enemy did it in front of his eyes so try to get him to give in.
Her husband wiped his eyes and forced a smile. “I have something to show you.”
She smiled. When they were young lovers he was always showing her special things. He helped her to her feet and guided her out of the room to the stairs. He helped her up. She tried to show that she was brave and could be strong. Her shaky muscles didn’t wish to follow her brain’s wishes.
“I forgot my shawl.” She worried.
“It isn’t that cold out and it will only take a few moments.” Her husband gave her a loving squeeze.
At the top of the tower was a ladder to the roof. “I’ll be right behind you, sweet heart.” He assured her. He hadn’t called her sweet heart in so long. It always sent warm waves through her when he did. Could the armies have given up and cleared out? Could he be showing her his success before they departed to reclaim his throne?
Thankfully the door was opened. She didn’t think she had the strength to push it open especially after climbing all of those stairs and the ladder.
Slowly, she crawled out onto the roof and slowly regained her feet. She looked out over the walls and her heart fell. The army was still there. Camped in neat rows, spaced out around Vacana.
She turned to face her husband. He really did need to lose that wild beard. “What did you wish to show me?”
He took her by the hands and guided her to the low wall surrounding the roof. “I wanted to show you the pretty sunset.” He smiled.
She turned to see the fire red sky with gold touching the hills in the west. She felt him wrap his arms around her. She loved being in his arms; when they were younger, she would spend hours wrapped in his strong arms. She turned from the sunset and looked up into his strong face. She stood up on her toes, closed her eyes and puckered her lips. His course beard tickled her face but his firm lips melted her heart.
A sharp pain in her back drove the wind from her body. She stepped back and felt her husband grab a hold of her. Surely he’d take care of that horrible pain. Another sharp pain stabbed through her ribs.
“I’m sorry.” He said to her.
She tried to inhale, but it hurt so bad to try and draw that breath. She watched in horror as her husband held a bloody knife to her throat. He screamed some words in a language that she didn’t understand and then drew the knife across her throat. She stared into his eyes wondering what she had done, how she could have betrayed him so badly that he would do this. She felt herself falling backwards. She felt the edge of the tower wall against her legs and saw the ground flying towards her, then the sky, then the ground.
Monyka tried to scream out, but nothing sounded.

* * *

Monyka looked into the polished brass reflecting disk. The face looking back at her wasn’t hers. It belonged to another woman. A woman clothed in a strange, ancient dress. One that looked worn and to have been mended several times.
The face in the mirror sighed heavily. Her stomach knotted from the little food that was allowed to her. The soldiers needed the food more than she did. They needed to protect her and her beloved from the army laying siege to them. Her eyes stared out of dark circles. Circles caused by sleepless nights crying and from lack of good nutrition
Monyka screamed. Wake up! She screamed in her mind. Wake up! She tried to move the woman’s hand, tried to will the woman in the polished reflecting disk to escape, to get out of the tower. Anything to escape!
Monyka snapped open her eyes to stare at wood planking only a foot or two from her face. Anything was better than looking into that reflecting disk.
She felt so week. And her head felt like someone was pounding on it with a sledge.
“Welcome back to the living.” A woman with short blonde hair greeted. “We didn’t expect you back so soon. I’ll bet you are thirsty.”
Monyka barely nodded her head. Thunder rolled in the distance. She nearly jumped as memories of facing off against the blood mage in the wind storm flashed through her mind.
The woman poured some liquid from a water skin into a cup. She cradled Monyka’s head and slowly tilted the liquid into her mouth. Honovi juice. Monyka gulped what she could.
“Not so fast. You may get sick.” The blonde smiled.
“Where. . .” Monyka’s voice was thick and raspy. She tried again. “Where am I? where is Gemma?” she croaked.
“Relax, She’s helping Satara. Kaniel asked me to sit with you.”
“Kaniel?” Monyka tried to look around. Are we in Eileen?”
The blonde smiled. “No. We’re out in the plains waiting out a storm next to Vacana.”
Monyka’s heart skipped a beat. Vacana. Wasn’t that the name of the fortress and tower in her dream? The tower where the woman was killed? Her children?
“You still aren’t feeling well.” The woman decided. “I know you are probably starving. You used a lot of energy; too much for one who has just been blessed with the gift. I’ll bet you have a reaction headache.” The woman held a wedge of cheese to her mouth.
Monyka bit down realizing that the woman was right. Her stomach felt like she hadn’t eaten in weeks. Monyka nodded. As she chewed.
“Satara used to get them a lot when we lived in the towns and cities. But since we moved out to the middle of nowhere, she feels a lot better. Satara is my friend. She and Kaniel were the ones who helped you with that blood mage. I tried to help, but I’m not nearly as powerful as you three.” She shrugged. “Gemma said that you were just opened by the gods a week or two ago. How were you able to throw fireballs so quickly? I couldn’t hope to throw much more than a spark. It was pretty amazing what you did. I’m just glad that we came by when we did. You were over doing it so much that you were about to collapse. Kaniel says that he needs to teach you how to do what you can using less energy so that you don’t overdo it and get reaction headaches and pass out.” She held the cheese up to Monyka’s lips again. “You should eat some more and as soon as you feel like it, get some more sleep. That is the fastest and easiest way to get over the after effects. Are you still thirsty? I know I get real thirsty when I over do it myself; which isn’t often and so easy to do. I don’t know why Satara puts up with me when I can’t do much more than grow a little bit of food.” The blonde poured another cup of honovi for Monyka.
Monyka gulped greedily again. “Thanks. . . . um. . . “
“Oh, how silly of me. I’m Delizia.” She twisted a long braid of blonde hair that was growing out of the back of her otherwise short hair. “You poor thing, waking up under a land ship during a storm with a reaction headache, and me hovering over you talking away as if your head doesn’t hurt enough.” Delizia took a deep breath, held it for a few minutes before slowly releasing it.
Monyka could see her lips moved as she counted to twenty.
“Satara says that I can be over whelming.” She slowed her speech down, and lowered her pitch. Both seemed to be easier on Monyka’s head ache. “Satara suggested that I take a deep breath and refocus.” She took another deep breath and let it out slowly. She smiled. “If I start get over whelming again, just say so. It won’t offend me.”
Monyka smiled.
“Would you like some honovi leaves?” Delizia asked. “I dry them and tuck them between my cheek and my teeth. They seem to help with the headaches.” Delizia pinched some dark leaves out of a bag and showed Monyka how to do it.
“Not now, thanks.” Monyka shook her head slightly and wished that she hadn’t.”
Movement out of the corner of her eye drew her attention. “Is she awake?” It was Grymm.
“Yes.” Delizia nodded sounding a bit weird with the leaves tucked in her cheek.
Grymm crawled over and came into better view. “You us a big scare, My Lady.” Only half of his face smiled.
“I’m sorry Grymm. You should have left when I had asked.”
“It’s actually a good thing he was there.” Delizia but in, “He blocked a lot of falling debris from hitting you after you drove that blood mage away.”
“Is everyone safe?” Monyka asked the Corporal.
“Yes, My Lady.” He nodded. “The Princesses and everyone is all right. We are just riding out a storm under these land ships.” He knocked on the wood above his head.
“I’ll have to ask about those when I’m feeling better.” Monyka yawned.
“You should be getting some more sleep. But Kaniel says that we have to get you to eat as much as we can when you do wake up.” Grymm stated.
“How about a bit of bread?” Delizia asked.
Monyka nodded. “Are we really at a place called Vacana?” she asked. She accepted a piece of bread from the blonde.
“Yes. It’s some ancient ruins on a hillock.” Grymm stated. “Why?”
Monyka swallowed. “I just had a bad dream about a place called Vacana.”
Delizia stopped what she was doing and stared down at Monyka. “Were you experiencing someone else’s life in this bad dream?”
Monyka nodded.
“Grymm could you feed her, I’ve got to go talk with Kaniel.”
Grymm nodded. He turned back to Monyka. “Cheese? Juice? Or perhaps some bread?”
“How about one of my mom’s sticky rolls.” Monyka sighed. She closed her eyes. “Some cheese and some juice.” She yawned.
She managed to swallow the cheese before she drifted off into darkness again.

Rikki looked out to see the twinkling stars in the clear night sky. The Captain said that they were in the center of the storm. He looked south east and could see a cloud bank on the horizon. If this was the center of the storm he was sure glad to have a break in the weather.
“Can you see the moons?” Tonya asked joining him.
“No. I think they are behind the ruins.”
::Do you get storms like this all of the time?:: he asked So’ryn.
::A few every year.:: So’ryn answered. “Good thing we got across that ravine this afternoon. It will be a roaring torrent of water tonight.::
::Good thing we didn’t get caught while down in it.:: Rikki agreed.
::We have about an hour of quiet until the back side of the storm slams into us.::
Captain Bowen and a few sailors were inspecting the canvas and rigging around and on top of the land ship. The Horse Lords and a few of the soldiers were out walking about, getting a break from the cramped quarters of the make shift shelter that was protecting them from the storm. A sailor had pulled a few planks down and lay them across the deep wheel ruts. They had filled half way with water and resembled a narrow stream more than long deep mud puddles.
“What happens now, Captain Bowen?" Tonya asked.
"We wait as the other side of this storm tries to tear us apart."
"Which is worse, the front of the storm or the back of the storm?" Rikki inquired.
"It all depends." Captain Bowen stated. near the oceans, the front part of the storm can be worse. It piles up the water and pushes it inland causing floods. Inland the back of the storm can be worse because the front weakened and loosened things up. The back part can come through and rip it apart. That is one of the reasons we are checking all of the canvas and rigging."
Rikki nodded understanding.
"As much as we all hate being near Vacana. Its presence help to buffer some of the winds."
"I heard that the some people are dreaming of ghosts." Rikki put forth.
Bowen nodded. "A lot of people do. I try not to sleep whenever I'm within a league of the cursed place."


Monyka stood atop the tower of Vacana. The same tower where the queen from her bad dream had been murdered. The sun was setting over the hills in the west, the clouds were painted magenta and bright orange. The wind was blowing gently carrying with it the scents of hundreds of cook fires from down in the army encamped around the fortress. Monyka turned around and found that this time she wasn’t in anyone’s body which was a relief. Being trapped in a body and feeling their emotions and thoughts and not being able to react was horrible. Three stern soldiers in strange armor stood atop the tower, two with halberds the third with just the sword at his side.
Noise below her caught her attention. She turned to see a young girl climb up out onto the roof. Her dress was dirty and torn. Several attempts at mending showed especially along the hem. Her skinny arms and legs stuck out of the dress that was too small for her. Dark hair escaped and blew around her face escaping the braid that hung down her back.
“What did you want to show me daddy?” She asked, her dirty face showing a weak smile.
The King who had killed her in the past dream joined them on the tower.
Monyka’s heart felt like it dropped to the bottom of her stomach. “No!” she screamed. “No, you can’t do this!” her voice wasn’t heard. “Run! Get away from here!” she screamed at the young girl. She tried to grab the girls arm to pull her down the ladder, but her hand went right through the girl as if she didn’t exist.
“Come over here, sweet heart.” The King smiled down at his daughter. The girls took to running steps and leaped into his arms.
“You see all of those bad men down there.” The King pointed below.
The girl nodded.
“They want to kill me and your mommy. You don’t want that to happen do you?” He questioned.
Monyka screamed. “No! You can’t do this. She’s a little girl! Your little girl!”
The girl shook her head, her dark braid swinging on her back.
“Would you like to help me get rid of those bad men?” The deranged King asked.
The girl nodded and looked lovingly into her father’s crazy eyes.
The king smiled and gave the girl a squeeze
“Don’t do this, you’re going mad!” Monyka screamed in the King’s face, but he neither saw nor heard her. Monyka raced over to the men standing guard. “Stop him!” She screamed. “Do something. You can’t let him do this!”
The man with the sword slowly drew his weapon from its sheath
“I want you to stand right here and close your eyes and make a big wish for me, sweetie. Wish for all of those bad men to go away.” The King instructed.
Monyka watched in horror as the girl stood next to the low wall and closed her eyes, her lips began muttering. The King took the sword from the soldier and drew his arm back.
Monyka’s heart was racing as she bolted up right almost hitting her pounding head against the wood above her.
“Easy.” A coppery red haired man soothed. “Easy, Monyka. You are safe now. No one will hurt you.”
“He’s going to kill them.” Monyka was sobbing. “Kill them as if they were pigs or chickens.”
“Who?” The man asked.
“The King in Vacana.” Monyka cried.
“Lay back, Monyka.” The man soothed. “Let me get you some tea.”
“We’ve got to stop him before he kills his children and his wife.” She protested, her mind still hanging on to the bad dream.
“They’ve been dead for several centuries, Monyka. There’s nothing we can do now. Try to lay back and relax.”
“Here’s some tea.” Gemma sounded from the other side of Monyka.
The skinny, freckled man accepted the tea from Gemma and helped Monyka sip the hot liquid.
“What you saw, happened many hundreds of years ago.” He spoke in calming tones. “Drink up. Someone will be bringing you some soup in a few moments. Try to relax. You are safe and among friends.”
Monyka lay back down and tried to slow her heart as she fought to calm her breathing.
“You’re safe, dear.” Gemma soothed. “Anchor your core and make sure your shields are up. It will help.”
Monyka did as instructed. “That stuff, happened?” Monyka questioned. “That King murdered his family?”
“A very long time ago.” The man stated.
“Monyka, this is Kaniel.” Gemma introduced.
The man smiled a greeting
“Why am I dreaming about this stuff?” Monyka questioned.
“The souls of his wife, children and even some of his soldiers have never found peace. Vacana is haunted by them. People such as yourself, strong in the gift or sensitive to negative energy, are susceptible to being drawn into their last moments.”
“It’s awful. How can I sleep without getting caught up in it?” Monyka asked.
“Reinforce you shields.” Kaniel stated. He assisted her into a sitting position and handed her a bowl of warm soup. “Gemma and I will also try to shield you tonight. You need your sleep.”
Monyka sipped at the creamy soup made with milk, potatoes, and bits of salted meat. The warmth of the soup permeated her muscles and bones warming her body. The weight of it satisfied her stomach.
“Do you always feel this sick after?” Monyka posed to the two. “How can anyone want this if they feel like death afterwards?”
“You have barely learned to control your shields. You have a lot to learn.” Kaniel stated. “Right now you are using it like an apprentice black smith beating metal. You have no finesse. Once you learn how to control your streams and how to do more with less, you won’t be having these kinds of reactions afterwards.”
Monyka finished the soup and handed the bowl back to Kaniel. He traded her for a wedge of cheese.
“We’ll start some training tomorrow.”
“Will I be able to tomorrow?”
“I’ll give you some reinforcement in the morning.” Kaniel patted her hand seeing the disappointment in her face. “A good sleep is better than a bit of energy given to you.”
Monyka was surprised when he put a mug of juice in her empty hands. She’d already eaten the cheese?
“Did Delizia give you some honovi leaves?” Kaniel asked.
Monyka shook her head slightly. “I didn’t want them.”
“They do help, but they can be addicting.” He stated. “It’s a trade off. Get over reaction headaches faster or want to chew and suck on leaves all of the time.” Kaniel took her empty mug and handed her a piece of bread.
“Now go back to sleep, dear.” Gemma soothed, “We will be here warding your dreams.”
Monyka drank another mug of honovi juice before laying back and closing her eyes.

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