Healing a Princess...40 (Obstacles)

Healing a Princess. . . 40 (Obstacles)

by Anistasia Allread

Ch. 40

The Captain and Horse Lord followed the last person of the retinue down the slope to the bottom of the ravine. Just as they reached the bottom, So’ryn’s ears pricked up then laid back.
::Elves are here.::
::Where?:: Rikki began glancing around.
::Up top there.:: So’ryn tossed his head towards the wall that they had just decended.
::How many?::
::I can’t sense any horses, only blood mages. There are about a dozen of them.::
“Captain! Elves!” one of the rear guard warned.
A fire ball erupted at the top of the trail that they had come down.
“How many?”
“Twelve. Could be scouts?”
“Lets get a move on it!” Rikki called to the people before them. Some were mounted some were walking their horses.
A fireball exploded off the south wall causing a couple of screams.

::We have a problem.:: So’ryn entered Rikki’s thoughts.
::What is it?::
::The scouts have come upon a large ravine.:: So’ryn explained.
::Can’t we go around?:: Rikki asked.
::They are searching for a way now, but it isn’t looking very good.::
::How far away are you?:: Rikki asked. ::Can you take me to scout it out?::
::I’m already on my way back.::
“Johnack!” Rikki called. He looked around and found the cavalryman speaking with Sergeant Galyway. “Johnack!”
The cavalryman galloped his horse over to the Captain.
“There is a problem ahead. I need you to come with me.”
Using hand signals, Rikki told Sergeant Galyway that he was going to scout ahead.
“What’s up, Captain?” Johnack asked as he galloped his mount along side Sefu.
“There’s a ravine ahead. I’m going to switch to riding So’ryn, I’ll need you to take Sefu back for me.”
“Can we get around it?” Johnack inquired.
“I’m going to see if there is a way.”
::I’m coming up to you now, Captain.::
A moment later So’ryn crested a grassy hill. Rikki reined Sefu in and handed them over to Johnack. “Tell Takoda and Galyway to keep every one moving.”
Rikki swung easily up onto So’ryn’s back and held a light hand full of mane. ::How big is it?::
::One hundred or so paces across. But it’s steep and twenty paces deep. Deeper in some parts.::
“Tanek’s hairy ass!” Rikki swore aloud. ::Why didn’t anyone bother to tell Nevyre about such an obstacle?::
::A horse can find a way through or across it.:: So’ryn suggested. ::It’s the wagons that won’t be able to make it though. I don’t think many humans ride out in these parts in wagons.::
Rikki sighed knowing the Horse Lord to be correct.
A few minutes later they came to the ravine created by spring flooding and a change in rock.
::There are two scouts riding in each direction looking for a way around.:: So’ryn stated. ::I think we’ll have to leave the wagons behind and just plough through just using the horses.::
::I hope you are wrong, lets find a way down and see if we can find a way through.::
It took the two a few minutes to find a place for Horse Lord and rider to find a path down the steep, and in most places, sheer side.
Lose rock and dry clay made the descent slippery. Large boulders that the flash flooding had a harder time moving littered the bottom of the chasm.
::We have to find a safer way to get down.:: Rikki stated.
::I agree.:: Even horses will have trouble negotiating that.::
The two made their way east along the ravine.
::There’s a place to get out.:: Rikki pointed.
So’ryn trotted over to the longer sloped side on the south side of the ravine. With three good bounds he was up the other side.
::We have a way to get out, now lets fine a way to get in.:: So’ryn turned and half slid down the side to the bottom. ::I just told all of the telepaths in the scouting group that we found a way out and for them to look for a way into the ravine.:: So’ryn explained to Rikki.
::I hope they find one, because I don’t know how you are going to get out.:: Rikki commented.
So’ryn tossed his head and continued east.


Adiah smiled as a soft breeze blew through her long brown hair. The carriage ride across the grassland had been unbearable. Now, perched upon Horse Lord La’karo she felt untouchable. The Horse Lords had such smooth gaits and they seemed to move so much faster with less effort than regular horses. She wished she could always ride Horse Lords.
“La’karo says that you ride well.” Tonya told Adiah
Adiah smiled. “I love riding.” She patted La’karo’s neck. “Thank you. You have a very smooth gait. You make riding a pleasure.”
The bay’s head rose up a touch higher and his ears pricked forward. He turned his head slightly and eyed her with his ruby eyes.
“How are you doing, Monyka?” Adiah looked over to see the young woman stuffing a large piece of cheese in her mouth. Monyka nodded with a smile.
Every time she was with Monyka lately she was stuffing her face with food. Adiah was surprised that she hadn’t grown as large as Oba Kanu. That fat king never stopped eating. She had heard that he even ate while bathing and using the latrine. Adiah shuddered at the thought.
The Trunonian Princess wondered what she should call, Monyka. She had been warned not to call her or refer to her as Princess until they reached Malden. Although quite striking with her dark burnt cinnamon colored skin and long dark curly hair and green eyes, she didn’t quite have the carriage or elegance of a Princess.
Instead of riding a Horse Lord, Monyka chose to ride Tonya’s horse, Comyn. The horse was beautiful, but compared to a Horse Lord it looked like a mule. Adiah had even heard Tonya speaking about giving Comyn to Monyka as a gift.
Adiah began to wonder if she had any half-siblings. Could her father have bedded courtier or even a common woman and produced a bastard? What if she got back to Truno and found that while she was gone, her father brought her half-sibling out of seclusion. Would she welcome the boy or girl? Could she, knowing that her father had betrayed her mother’s trust?
Monyka’s friend, Midwife Gemma rode up to Monyka and handed her some dried meat and a water skin. The woman was actually encouraging Monyka to stuff her face.
Adiah very much wanted to ask La’karo to go galloping off through the tall grass at full speed. She knew she’d be able to handle it, but she had promised Captain Kalhoun that she would stay with the body guards and Tonya. After getting separated during the ambush, she didn’t plan on being out of spitting distance of a Riponian body guard.
Tonya and Ka’mya came riding up close again. “There is a deep ravine ahead that So’ryn and Rikki are checking out.” Tonya confided.
“How do you know?”
“So’ryn just told Ka’mya.” Tonya explained. “Ka’mya says that So’ryn and Rikki are quite anxious they think that the elves are going to attack.”
“Elves!” Adiah’s eyes bugged out as she quickly darted looks around her.
“Shhh.” Tonya warned. “Don’t go scaring everyone into a panic.”
“Sorry.” Adiah looked abashed. She still stole looks around her looking for the pointed ear demons.
A cold chill ran down her spine causing the hair on her arms to stand up as she thought about her ordeal, hiding from the elves in the woods. She could smell the mustiness of the dead leaves and damp ground. It had been a couple of days but she could still smell it. At one time she had enjoyed that smell, now it caused her to have anxiety. Her sleep the past two nights, what sleep she was able to get, was fraught with dreams of elves, grabbing her, tearing at her, their nauseating breath in her face, their mad eyes staring down at her.
Adiah shook her thoughts away. She saw them enough while she was sleeping, she didn’t need to see them now.
When she got to Malden one of the first things she was going to do was write her mother and let her know that she was safe. She wondered if her mother was thinking about her at that moment. Did she send letters ahead to Malden? She actually missed her mother. The realization was a bit of a shock for her. She missed her mother’s embrace, her warm smiles and even her nagging.
Sergeant Galyway galloped past her and joined Sergeant Takoda. The old scarred Sergeant used to scare her when he came with King Tobias on visits to Truno. Her mother explained to her that the Sergeant at Arms was a very skilled and protective warrior and got most of his scars protecting King Tobias. He even saved his life once so Tobias made him Sergeant at Arms, an honored position. She spent a little time observing him on this trip. He seemed like a nice old guy except that past few days something changed. He was always scowling and had a nasty temper. Tonya’s young maid, Annyka, had confided in her that he had feelings for that half-elf and that she mysteriously died after betraying them and the Dwarves to the elves. Adiah couldn’t see how the death of a dirty half-elf could affect the Sergeant so.
Sergeant Takoda scanned the grasslands in front of him and then started heading east. Sergeant Galyway stayed where he was and began directing the caravan to follow the Sergeant at Arms.
“What is going on, Sergeant?” Adiah inquired as she came up to the large man in armor.
“We have to take a little detour, Princess.” He bowed his head slightly. “There is a large ravine ahead and we have to go this direction to a place where we can pass it.”
“Are elves really chasing us?” Adiah asked.
Sergeant Galyway darted a look at the rest of the column behind her. “We don’t know, but I have found that the Captain is rarely wrong.”
The Sergeant looked at La’Karo for a long moment then nodded.
“You can speak with them too?” Adiah asked astonished.
The Sergeant nodded.
“Why can everyone else mind speak with the Horse Lords and I can’t?” she growled with disgust.
“The will of the Gods.” Galyway shrugged. “You should get moving, Princess.”
Adiah was about to tap La’Karo’s side with her heals, and stopped herself just in time. The Horse Lord understood everything that was going on and a lot that she didn’t. La’Karo swung he head around slightly, his ears twitched back and forth before he stepped on.


::They are here.:: So’ryn announced to Rikki.
The Captain glanced up to see Sergeant Takoda crest a knoll. The Sergeant urged his horse forward and met up with Rikki near the edge of the channel.
“What are you doing?” Takoda demanded. “You leave the road and have us gallivanting all over the plains and now we have a canyon to cross?” The Sergeant glanced around and down at the scar in the earth. “We can’t get wagons down that.”
“No, we can’t.” Rikki stated. “We’re going to have to off load them onto the spare horses and leave them behind.”
“This is ridiculous. Tobias will hear about this insanity.” Takoda snarled. “You’re putting Princess Tonya at risk as well as Monyka, Princess Adiah, and Princess Ka’mya.”
“Sergeant, You many tell his Majesty what ever you please, but right now, you have to trust So’ryn and myself!” Rikki growled. “There are elves out there and they won’t take long to catch up to us.”
“You’re paranoid.” Takoda snapped. “No more than two hundred elves attacked Lyonsgate last night and we haven’t seen hide or hair of one today, yet you are jumping at shadows and circling birds.”
“You may relieve me of duty as soon as the Princess is healed.” Rikki snapped back. “Until then, you will assist me in getting these people and horses across this obstacle and to the river.”
Takoda snapped a salute full of sarcasm and turned as the first of the column approached.
::What are you going to do about him?:: So’ryn asked.
::Nothing for right now. I just hope that he is right and that I am just being paranoid.::
::Not likely. Like you, I believe that the elves had set up an ambush for us. They are probably flogging their horses to death to reach us right now.::
::Can you sense anything?:: Rikki inquired.
“Grymm,” Rikki greeted the Corporal. “I want you and four men of your choosing to assist people down into this ravine and to act as a rear guard.”
“Yes, Sir.” Grymm’s speech was still slurred.
“I see where we are going down, where are we getting out?” Sergeant Takoda sneered.
“It’s up that way a quarter of a league.” Rikki explained in front of Grymm.
Takoda turned and began his decent with the scouts.
Rikki rode up to Tonya. “How are you doing, Highness?”
“Glad not to be in the carriage.” Tonya smiled. “Ka’mya is a much easier ride than Comyn.”
“Unfortunately we are going to have to leave the carriages here.” Rikki looked to Ka’mya. “Is it all right if her Highness rides you for a while longer?”
::Of course Captain. I understand the need under these circumstances; even if your Sergeant at Arms doesn’t.::
::You heard that?::
::He’s practically screaming at you in his head.:: Ka’mya stated.
“Be careful going down that trail. It is a bit slippery.” Rikki warned. “Going up the other side will be much easier.”
“Thank you, Captain.”
Rikki watched as the cooks threatened the soldiers as they unpacked the wagon of their tools and packing them onto horses. Ambassador Kalgar slipped out of his carriage and took a moment or two of walking around to stretch out his short legs. He grabbed a wine skin of what Rikki suspected to be Dwarven spirits and an ax and walked un aided down the side of the ravine.
“Where should we put the wagons, Captain?” one of Galyway’s men asked.
“Just secure them off to the side over there.” Rikki pointed. “I’ll get word to Captain Dobry that they are here if someone doesn’t steal them first.”
Rikki looked around and noticed that only a few of the retinue were left, lining up on the edge of the ravine. The rear guard scanned the waving grass glancing occasionally back to see that everything was all right.
The Captain and Horse Lord followed the last person of the retinue down the slope to the bottom of the ravine. Just as they reached the bottom, So’ryn’s ears pricked up then laid back.
::Elves are here.::
::Where?:: Rikki began glancing around.
::Up top there.:: So’ryn tossed his head towards the wall that they had just decended.
::How many?::
::I can’t sense any horses, only blood mages. There are about a dozen of them.::
“Captain! Elves!” one of the rear guard warned.
A fire ball erupted at the top of the trail that they had come down.
“How many?”
“Twelve. Could be scouts?”
“Lets get a move on it!” Rikki called to the people before them. Some were mounted some were walking their horses.
A fireball exploded off the south wall causing a couple of screams.
“Archers! Where are my archers?” Rikki called.
“Here, Captain.”
Rikki looked to see two men with bows nocked and scanning the top of the ravine.
“Anyone have crossbows?”
“I have one, Sir.” A nearby heavy soldier lifted his weapon.
“You three, take up defensive positions. Shoot anything that looks like it has pointed ears.” Rikki turned to the line of people and horses quickly making their way up the ravine. “Make way!” he shouted as So’ryn leaped forward.
“Skot!” Rikki called.
The Yeoman was making his way down the line.
“Skot we have elves behind us up above us.” Just as he spoke a bolt of lightening slammed into a large boulder throwing two horses and ten people to the ground. The thunder was deafening. Several more horses tried to bolt but couldn’t in the cramped space. Riders hung on for dear life as a couple of them reared, their eyes rolling.
::I’ll try and calm them.:: So’ryn stated.
“Skot, get archers spread out and firing up there.” Rikki ordered.
Another streak of lightening struck, exploding rock and spraying pebbles and rock through the air. Fortunately it was too far to cause injury. Only one horse spooked.
Two fireballs in succession hit the opposite wall. One exploded near the top causing a rock fall as well as the grass on top to ignite. The second caused a small tree to explode into flame.
“Monyka, No!” Rikki heard Gemma scream.
His heart leaped into his throat If Monyka was killed or injured, he wouldn’t be able to bear it. “Move! Clear the way!” he called. So’ryn raced to the source of the call.
Monyka had climbed half way up the south wall of the ravine and was leaning against a large boulder, her eyes closed, Gemma next to her looking frantic.
“What is wrong? Did she get injured?” Rikki asked.
“She’s. . . . “ Gemma’s eyes darted around seeing who might be near by. She lowered her voice. “She’s using the gift. She’s not ready, Captain.”
Monyka’s eyes snapped open and she thrust her hands out towards the north rim of the ravine. Rikki ducked just in time to avoid a stream of flame three feet wide and fifty paces long shoot from her hands and strike the ravine and grass. A scream sounded from the rim as a small human shape engulfed in flame fell to the rocks below.
“What the hell?” Rikki swore.
Monyka thrust a hand towards the burning tree. The flames died down and then disappeared. Monyka swung her hand over to the north side of the ravine and flicked her fingers. Another spout of flame roared out of her hands and engulfed the grass in flame. Two more screams were heard. One elf engulfed in flames, mad with pain ran off the side of the ravine and fell to the rocks below. His scream was cut short when he hit a large boulder snapping his spine. Rikki watched as a cavalryman rode by and slashed the burning figure’s throat.
“She seems to be doing fine.” Rikki told Gemma.
“She doesn’t know her own strength. No one does. She is absorbing the fire balls and throwing them back at the elves. If she absorbs too much, she could burst into flames.
The hairs on Rikki’s neck stood up on end.
“Get down!” Monyka screamed.
So’ryn leaped to the side throwing Rikki to the ground just as a lightening bolt touched down where he and So’ryn had been.
Monyka had her arms stretched towards the ground where the lightening had struck and then flicked her hand back up towards the north.
Rikki was blinded by a violet light as lightening flashed from her fingers up into the grass.
“Monyka!” Gemma snapped. She grabbed the woman’s arm and froze in place like a statue, wide eyed and staring at the young woman.
Monyka ignored the woman’s grip and concentrated up on the north edge. Unseen an elf screamed. The scream was cut short as a gout of flame shot up to the sky.
Another screaming gout shot up two hundred paces east.
Rikki climbed back on to So’ryn, every nerve in his fingers and his face felt numb, tingling.
::Wow! She is a fast learner.:: So’ryn commented. ::And creative.::
::What is she doing?::
::She’s linked into some of Gemma’s gift and using it.:: So’ryn’s voice sounded like a cringe. ::She’s causing the elves to blood to heat up. The heat is too intense and they are erupting into flame.::
Rikki’s stomach turned over. “Grymm!” he called spotting the Corporal. “Come here and guard Monyka.”
The Corporal guided his horse up to Rikki.
“If you have to use yourself as a shield.”
The Corporal nodded and maneuvered his mount right below the young woman.
Rikki looked over his shoulder and spotted the last of the rear guard making their way towards him. He looked the other direction and saw the last of the retinue waiting for their turn to climb the incline out of the ravine.
“Lets go Monyka!” Rikki called.
The young woman’s eyes looked about unseeing, wild. Her eyes kept darting back and forth along the north rim.
“Monyka!” Rikki called again.
::Let me try.:: So’ryn interjected.
A moment later, Monyka blinked tears from her eyes. Gemma took a deep breath and pulled her arm from her as if she’d been burned. Rikki watched as a shudder wracked Monyka’s body and her knees started to buckle. Grymm reached up from his horse and guided her fall so that she sat on his horse in front of him. Gemma, her face ghostly pale, stared down at Monyka as if seeing a monster.
“Let’s get out of here.” Rikki told his men.
The last of the retinue were at the top of the south side of the ravine. So’ryn scrambled up the incline with out any trouble. Grymm’s horse had a little difficulty being a little unbalanced.
Rikki looked back and saw three blood mages pop up from the grass. One drew a knife across his wrist pointed at the party and mumbled something that couldn’t be heard at that distance.
The tall grass seemed to come alive. It’s tall blades, wrapped themselves around the Horse Lord’s and horses’ legs like rope tethers, anchoring them to the ground.
::I can’t move!:: So’ryn yelled inside Rikki’s head.
A cavalryman jumped down with saber flashing but he was immediately snarled by the life-like grass and dragged to the ground and held fast.
From the back of Comyn, Gemma muttered something and flicked her hands. The grass entangling her horse’s hooves tore from the ground
“Monyka can you free the horses?” Rikki asked.
Monyka stared, not recognizing him. Tears filled her eyes.
“Monyka, we need you.” As if on cue, a fire ball landed in right behind them catching the grass on fire. The normal horses began to shriek and panic as the flames ate their way closer to them.
Monyka blinked and something in her head clicked, Rikki could see a fog lift from her mind. The young woman looked at the fire and the flames died down to a flicker, then to a bit of smoke. She pointed behind her; flame spewed from her hands at the elves opposite the ravine. Immediately the horses’ hooves were freed.
“Go!” Rikki ordered. “Run!”
The horses all leaped forward.
Gemma urged Comyn over to Grymm and Monyka. “We are going to have a serious talk when this is done, young lady.”
“Captain!” a soldier called. “They are following.”
Rikki looked back to see four blood-mages running after them through the tall grass. Each of their steps looked to be covering the ground of four or five. They would be over running the horses and Horse Lords in no time.
“Archers!” Rikki ordered. “Fire at will.”
Three of the fleeing cavalrymen easily nocked arrows and turned in their saddles and let loose their missiles. One of the elves side stepped the missile and kept on chasing.
A streak of lightening hit one of Galyway’s heavies in the back, cooking him in his steal armor.
Monyka thrust a hand with fingers spread open at the perusing elves. She suddenly closed her fingers into a fist. One of the elves behind them grasped at his chest and fell flat to his face. Rikki guessed that he was dead before he even hit the ground.
He watched as Monyka made the same motion. He glanced back to see a second elf fall.
“That is enough!” Gemma screamed.
::What is her problem?:: Rikki asked So’ryn
::She is using the healing gift to kill.:: So’ryn stated. ::It’s considered black sorcery; especially by the healers.::
::I don’t understand. She’s healing them to death?::
::There are many aspects to the gift. Some are stronger than others. She is using the healing powers to stop, or crush the elf’s hearts.::
Rikki pondered it for a moment.
::It would be like using your saber for splitting firewood.:: So’ryn explained.
Rikki shuddered.
::Now you can kind of understand why the midwife is upset.::
The ground in front of them suddenly exploded. A second explosion followed causing a horse to stumble. The rider was able to maintain his seat, but the horse was starting to spook. Two more eruptions of earth burst in front and beside them.
“Tanek’s ass! What is that?” Rikki yelled.
::They are causing the earth to explode.:: So’ryn explained.
::I see that!:: Rikki scoffed, ::How can we stop it?::
Dirt, rocks and dust sprayed the Captain. One of the rocks hit So’ryn in the forehead and caused him to stumble.
::I’m alright.:: So’ryn assured. ::Hold on, I’m going to start zig-zagging.::
Monyka held on to Grymm with one hand she looked back at the elves and suddenly thrust her hand out. A ball of fire the size of a large apple went flying back towards the two remaining blood mages. A thin smile spread across her lips.
Rikki darted a look back and saw that the two were still there. Monyka threw her hand out again. This time a fire ball the size of a goat roared back, exploding right in front of one of the elves. The elf stumbled but caught his balance and continued on. Rikki watched as the other elf reached across and slit his own shoulder with a knife as he muttered something. He then pointed at Grymm and Monyka. Three blue bolts of light shot from his finger at Grymm.
“Grymm! Duck!” Rikki screamed a warning.
Before the Corporal could move, Monyka threw out her hand. The blue bolts struck her palm and disappeared. Monyka pointed at the elf and purple bolts emerged from her finger. One struck the elf. He burst into a purple cloud of energy. The last elf chasing slowed down. Rikki watched as he drew a blade across his palm. A moment later, he began to spin. He became a blur he was spinning so fast. Debris and bits of grass began swirling around him. The swirling mass then lifted up into the air and shot north ward.
Rikki scanned the horizon behind him. ::Are they gone?::
::I don’t sense any.:: So’ryn stated. ::We need to rest some of these horses if we are going to keep going.::
::Do you think they are done coming after us?:: Rikki kept looking behind him.
::They want the royal blood. My guess is that we’re in for a long flight to Malden.::
::Do they ever come this far into Blaire?::
::Lyonsgate and Spruce Springs are the furthest that I’ve heard of.:: So’ryn told him.
The small rear guard galloped another quarter of a league before So’ryn insisted that they slow.
Rikki kept checking behind him. Finally he appointed three cavalrymen to act as scouts. They were to walk their mounts back to the next rise to see if anyone or anything followed them.
The rest were ordered off of their horses and to lead them for a bit at a fast walk.
“Captain, I don’t think Monyka can walk.” Grymm spoke up.
Rikki and So’ryn walked over to the two. “Monyka, are you all right?”
“She’s exhausted.” Midwife Gemma stated firmly and coldly. “She isn’t used to using her gift and she just used more of it than ten with the gift can use in a year.”
::I can carry her, Captain.:: So’ryn volunteered.
Grymm helped him transfer Monyka to the painted stallion’s back.
“She needs lots of food. Cheese and vegetables preferably.” Gemma directed.
“Anyone have any food with them? Cheese? Dry rations? Anything?” Rikki asked the others as they began to catch up to the main column.
Everyone dug into their saddlebags, and coat pockets. A few chunks of cheese, and an apple were produced.
“Eat up,” Gemma handed the apple and cheese to the woman collapsed on the Horse Lord’s back.
Rikki looked around and spotted Yeoman Bayley. “Skot, ride ahead and have the column rest the horses. Only a quarter candle mark. We need to keep moving.”
::Save his horse, I’ll inform them.:: So’ryn announced.
“Skot!” Rikki called him back.
::I told your Sergeant Galyway.:: So’ryn notified him.
::Thank you.:: He looked to the questioning Yeoman. “So’ryn just notified them. Save your horse.::
Skot dismounted and joined them in their fast pace.


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