You might all think that i'm jabbering on about Crossdressing Charlie too much these days but I can safely say that the series will follow through to the very end despite some readers doubts. As always I enjoy writing Charlie's throubling journey through his teenage years as he deals with his crossdressing addiction, family/relationship issues and the trouble of growing up in a society where he feels alienated because of what he has discovered within him. I'm going tease you a little bit but Episode 10 will reveal a major new character, a lovely one who I enjoyed creating! Someone Charlie can relate to, someone he can share his desires with, someone he can call a true friend. That's all i'll say about that. The reason for this blog was because I wanted to share an image I did today! Check it out above and comment if you have any questions on the series or any of my work! :)
Sad picture. Well done, but sad.
Thank you very much! Glad the
Thank you very much! Glad the emotion came across!
Lily Florette
I like it!
Well done Lily.
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
Thanks Ole! Which character
Thanks Ole! Which character do you think it is? :)
Lily Florette
There are
much worse things you could jabber about! ^_^
*HuggleSnuggleNuzzleyourcheekPurrsoftlyintoyourear* <3
Thank you, Lily
I don't get here often these days, so I'm glad for the visit. Nice picture. And I know you'll put a smile on the lassie's face some time soon. Annie
Thank you Anne! I hope you're
Thank you Anne! I hope you're enjoying the series so far! :)
Lily Florette