I just put up a new story last night named "The Cure." Several people have jumped to conclusions about the story that might ruin what the story is about and I don't want to do that. Some people have assumed that the cure refers to making someone no longer TG (which I assume is different than doing a body swap or transformation style story). I also wonder if such an assumption has kept others from reading the story, another thing which I don't want.
So my question is this. After I have already posted the story is it okay to change the name or should I just keep it as it is and use the title my muse came up with.
The alternate title I have come up with is :The Cause or the Effect. I kind of like the shorter title better, but I do love having reads and kudos :)
I read the story anyway, and
I read the story anyway, and I really enjoyed it, but its your story so you do what you think is right :)
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Have a mew of a day!
Watch my right hand!
I don't think there is an author on here who isn't up to a little misdirection from time to time. You do what you feel you need to.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Your choice.
I got what it was about, but I see what you mean there. People could have gotten the wrong idea. A title is important, but is secondary to the story itself.
If you feel like more people would understand, or at least read the story, go ahead and change the title. Heck, I changed the one on my last story right after the first chapter. Whatever the title, I'll still read it when you do more. I guess that's what I was leading up to here.
Do what you feel you need to do and get on with things.
Screw 'em. People seem to have a habit of misinterpreting your stories and I have no idea why. I remember when you posted that dress one a few months ago and people thought it was forced femme and got nasty about it. I think if you're happy with your title and your story that should be good enough. Truthfully, I didn't even know you posted a new story (I mustn't have noticed it in the quick cuts), but I'm willing to check it out.
The Cure
Just stick a picture of Robert Smith on your cover page and confuse people even more.