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“I never would either LeAnne. Friends first sweetie, always.” Michelle smiled as they both went into the kitchen to scope out what to make for dinner.
LeAnne giggled a little. “Gawd, this kitchen’s amazing. I haven’t had a real kitchen with anything beyond a piece of crap stove and a 700 watt microwave in like, two years.”
“It’s a damn professional kitchen. It looks like something you would see in Gordon Ramsay's house.” Michelle giggled.
“Yeah, I mean check out this blender. Is this thing a BlendTec? Wow. It is! Maybe I should throw my phone in there along with a picture of Scott and put it on youtube.” She laughed.
Michelle giggled, “Maybe we should kidnap Scott and put him in there instead,” she said teasingly, trying to make LeAnne feel better.
LeAnne laughed. “Believe me, I’d like nothing better right now than to make a nice, penis smoothie and shove it down his throat.” She sighed thoughtfully. “I guess it’s for the best. Better to be dumped than to get a disease, right?”
“Yeah who knows what the girl he hooked up with has, and if you were still with him he’d be sharing it with you right now.” Michelle sighed.
“Gawd!” LeAnne cringed. “Freddie and Jason move over. There’s a new nightmare!” She giggled, and even smiled a little.
Michelle giggled , “You know I hate Jason, but Freddie on the other hand, could kick some butt, I’m also a huge fan of Aliens, but hey, nobody's perfect.” pulling out some chicken from the freezer.
LeAnne laughed. “I’ll be brutally honest with you. Jason X - or whatever it was - the one where he’s in space, was probably the only one I actually liked. Freddie gave me nightmares as a kid, but I gotta agree with you, he was awesome. And I’ll overlook your exobiological interest if you’ll forgive me for liking the Silent Evil movie. I know it ran against the established story or whatever, but for a video game-based movie, that was some scary stuff.” She giggled. “Well, that and Alien Vs Predator kicked some major bootie.”
“Hey I liked that series as well, and no getting Xenophobic on me.” Michelle stuck her tongue out as she grabbed some fresh veggies and some other things to make for dinner.
LeAnne giggled. “Okay, I know the true test of friendship,” she began, as she started some fresh batter for the chicken. “I’ve never told anybody this because it’s just so completely embarrassing. I liked that campy Street Fighter movie - the one with Raul Julia. Everyone else hates it, but I thought for what it was - a bad, campy-ass movie - that it was so awful it was good. Oh do you like a lot of seasoning in your chicken?”
“Raul Julia was also Gomez Addams in the Addams family. Street fighter was was a good movie, and yes I love southern style chicken! My aunt used to make it all the time.” Michelle winked.
“Finger-lickin’ fried chicken,” she replied with a grin. “I swear people come up to my mother all the time and say things like ‘I never liked okra until I tried it southern-fried!’” or “Who knew tomatoes could be so good when they’re still green!” She giggled, and added a bit of pepper to the batter mix.
“Taylor has some getting used to if we are both going to be cooking.” Michelle giggled as she started to peel some carrots.
LeAnne giggled. “I’ll let you do the cooking if you want. Tonight I just needed something to keep me from getting in my car and nailing Scott’s ass to a wall somewhere.”
“Oh God no, We can share the duty, I’m not some kitchen hog or anything.” Michelle giggled, “Besides I think we are working good together right now, just like in class labs.”
LeAnne grinned over at Michelle, dabbing just a little bit of flour on the tip of her nose. “Except I can’t do that in labs unless I want to burn your face off,” she teased, and started laughing.
Michelle crossed her eyes and looked at the tip of her nose. “Oh no you didn’t just do that.” Giggling she grabbed a little and returned the favor.
“Ack! Hey!” she laughed, wrinkling her nose. “God, I knew being your roommate would be fun. I kind of wish Stephanie was here, but like she said, you only get the chance to study abroad once in your life if you’re even that lucky.”
“She’s lucky, no doubt. She got to go to Scotland. I went to Mexico in high school for exchange, and I had a lot of fun down there. ‘Course it doesn’t hurt to speak the language fluently.” Michelle giggled as she wiped her nose off and pulled a pan from one of the cabinets to steam boil the veggies.
LeAnne began to dip and roll the chicken in the sticky batter as she nodded. “I had a couple of Latino friends in high school, but it wasn’t really the same thing. I’d have loved to actually visit Mexico. They did teach me a little Spanish though, and a few choice swear words of course,” she added with a laugh.
Michelle giggled, and without thinking, “Maybe you can I can go to Mexico on vacation sometime.”
“That would be amazing,” LeAnne bubbled. “I’m only at Yale on scholarship though. There’s no way I could ever afford it, at least until I graduate. Linda says if I keep scoring brownie points volunteering that there’s no way the hospital won’t hire me right out of college after I finish med school though.”
“I am on a Scholarship as well, from Mensa, but yeah, um, I offered to take you, I’d pay for it LeAnne.” Michelle blushed as she started to chop the carrots for the steamer.
LeAnne walked up next to Michelle. Her fingers were covered in chicken batter, so she simply leaned her head against Michelle’s shoulder. “How come you’re so great?” she giggled.
“I’m not that great. I just never had any girl friends growing up, never did anything cool like that with them, or anything. Being smart kinda got me beat up a lot.” Michelle sighed as she put an arm around LeAnne for a hug.
“Oh,” LeAnne frowned softly. “I’m sorry. I guess I never thought about … I mean, I’ve only ever known you as this pretty, funny, giving person. Your being about ten times as smart as me never really entered the equation.” She giggled again, leaning into Michelle’s hug with a warm smile.
“I don’t like to brag about it, that’s why LeAnne. I try really hard to not look the part as well.” Michelle smiled brightly.
“Ohh, so that’s why you look like a lightning rod, huh?” she teased, and pretend-flinched. “Just teasing!”
Michelle giggled, “Yup, someday you will find out all about everywhere I got pierced.” She blushed a bit, sticking out her pierced tongue. “I’ve kept that one hidden from Taylor pretty well. It’s bad enough she knows about the navel ring.”
“Oh wow. How did I never notice that before? I guess because I just don’t pay that much attention, but doesn’t that hurt?”
“Nobody really does, and no it doesn’t hurt. It stung like you wouldn’t believe for a moment or two when I first got it, and I had a heck of a time with the Letter S and W.” Michelle smiled. “But the other piercings are kinda private so I won't be showing those to you,” she finished, blushing again.
“Oh wow,” LeAnne giggled to herself as she reached up to open a cupboard. “Odd place to keep pans, but that’ll work,” she added, reaching up to take down a large non-stick frying pan.
“Most all this was here when we bought the place, I haven’t really bothered to see how much they left behind.” Michelle shrugged, as she put the chopped carrots into her steaming pot and smiled.
LeAnne giggled. “Oh, I was just thinking outloud. I’m used to Momma’s kitchen order system. Everything in its place - she’s a little OCD.” LeAnne grinned. “I guess it rubbed off on me.”
“Well if you want to re-organize it, I don’t have any issues. I mean you live here too, so you have every right to.” Michelle smiled.
“Oh um LeAnna, when I go into Kingsley tomorrow, and get a moving company to move the contents of the old house to the three car outside, want me to pick you up a new cell phone?” Michelle grinned, “I can drop it off at the hospital for you.”
“That’d be great,” LeAnne answered, blushing slightly. “I’ll draw out some money for you while I’m out tonight.”
“Oh no, you can pay me back later for it. I don’t need you to do that right now, It’s not like Taylor or I will ever be hurting for money.” Michelle winked.
“Yeah, but it’s the principle of the thing,” she argued, but smiled. “I will pay you back eventually.”
“I know, but you need that money right now. Taylor would tell you the exact same thing, Wouldn't you Taylo?.” Michelle smiled at her sweet pea as she came down the stairs smelling the food.
“What? I wasn’t eavesdropping!” Taylor answered with a giggle. “God that smells so good.”
“Nobody accused you of eavesdropping sweet pea; I was just telling LeAnne that we could afford to get her a new cell phone, and she didn’t have to pay us back right away because she needed the money, and I told her as well that you would agree with that.” Michelle smiled and winked at LeAnne.
“Oh, heck yeah,” Taylor giggled. “Between the money from insurance, selling my old house, and the funding my social worker’s providing money’s the least of our worries.”
LeAnne smiled as she wrapped an arm around Taylor, giving her a careful hug. “You’re both so sweet. I guess it runs in the family.” She grinned.
“Do you see why I call her sweet pea?” Michelle giggled, “But you forgot Auntie’s estate and our inheritance from her as well, so we really really are not hurting for money and probably never will be.”
“Good lord,” LeAnne laughed and shook her head. “I thought my sister was doing well after the big settlement. As long as you let me kick in a little for food and utilities.”
“That was the original agreement right? I’ll let you pitch in a little for food and utils, but I’m going to put you on my cell phone plan like I did for Taylor.” Michelle winked.
LeAnne smiled thoughtfully. “And I’ll find some way to make all this up to you.” She giggled. “With Stephanie it was an even split because we were both starving college students. Since you don’t need money though there’s gotta be something I can do.”
She paused to step away from the gas stove, grabbing a fork, which she used to pry off a small piece of chicken, handing the fork to Taylor. “Let me know what you think? It’s Colonel Margaret Cameron’s original recipe,” she teased.
Taylor smiled and took the fork tasting it, “Oh my! You’re hired.” she giggled, “That was delicious.”
LeAnne giggled. “Now you see why Mom’s restaurant is already the second most successful in Alpine Springs. Southern food done right is just amazing. It was the one thing I missed about leaving home as much as I missed my family.”
Michelle and Taylor both nodded, “I love southern food, but it’s not as good as traditional mexican. Oh, um, no offense LeAnne.” Michelle winked.
LeAnne laughed. “Ohh, none taken. My friend Angelina, back when I was growing up in Arkansas had some family recipes that were just to die for. Gawd I miss that girl,” she giggled. “Wonder whatever happened to her.”
Michelle grabbed the chopped carrots out of the homemade steamer, and put some more in placing it down then she went over next to LeAnne, “You could always look her up, the internet is a wonderful tool.” Taylor giving them both a look over.
“You told her didn’t you Michelle!” Taylor giggled, happy for her sister to get her secret out to her friend.
“Told me what?” LeAnne asked, glancing at Michelle.
Taylor frowned. “She didn’t tell you LeAnne?” then she looked at Michelle, “I’m sorry.” Her face fell because she broke her promise to her sister about not saying anything to LeAnne, waiting to get yelled at even though Michelle said she never would.
LeAnne slowly looked between the two and blinked. Michelle stared in thought for a moment. “Um, what didn’t I tell her? I told her about studying in Mexico for a while?” she asked, taking a shot in the dark.
Taylor just remained silent because now she felt really bad about breaking her promise.
“I need to use the bathroom really quick,” LeAnne suddenly said, shooting Michelle a soft smile and a wink. ‘Would you mind watching the chicken?”
“Sure thing LeAnne.” Michelle winked back.
LeAnne smiled as she lightly patted Taylor’s shoulder, stepping out into the hallway and disappearing. Apparently she really did have to go.
“I’m not mad at you sweet pea, and I didn’t tell her, but did figure it out on her own. She heard us talking, and apparently she's ok with it, but we are just going to remain friends for now, ok?” Michelle smiled.
“Oh thank God,” Taylor exhaled, fighting tears. “I just knew I’d screwed up. But you guys are just so cute together.”
“Taylor sweet pea, you shouldn’t swear, it’s not becoming of such a lovely young lady, and I’d rather not risk losing LeAnne as a friend so I can wait for her to get over Scott before we discuss anything like a relationship.” Michelle smiled at her sister.
“I’m sooo sorry,” Taylor whimpered, hugging Michelle.
Michelle hugged Taylor back carefully. “No need to be sorry sweet pea. I know what you’ve been through was rough, so you're excused on the foul language for right now, and you didn’t do any harm when you asked if I told LeAnne how I felt about her.” Michelle kissed Taylor’s forehead.
LeAnne crept back into the room and gently hugged Taylor. “Truth be told, I’m more afraid of hurting your sister than anything. I care about her so much.”
Taylor smiled at the two, “But you two are so cute together, I’d love to have two mo... sisters.” she started to giggling.
LeAnne blushed brightly, but giggled as well. “We’ll see what happens, but you can always think of me as a sister if you want. As long as you don’t mind being related to two mischievous twins and a redhead who seems to get into far more trouble here than back in Arkansas,” she added with a laugh.
Taylor shook her head, “I met Beth and Em. I like them. They’re both nice to me, so I don’t mind.” as she smiled.
“They’re both great girls. And their dad’s a nice guy too.” She paused for just a moment and giggled, glancing at Michelle. “So you really thought we were dating?”
Taylor nodded her head, “I thought Michelle asked you and you said yes, the way you to get close to each other all the time without thinking about it.”
LeAnne blushed softly. “I guess I hadn’t thought about it. When I’m not thinking about it is when I … Um, well...” she stumbled over her own tongue and shook her head, trying hard not to giggle.
Taylor giggled, “Sorry LeAnne, I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“Oh sweetie, I’m not upset. Just real confused. Let’s put it another way... I like Michelle a lot, and I’ve always enjoyed spending time with her. She’s my best friend-”
Michelle quickly interrupted, “And we make great Lab Partners in Bio Med.”
LeAnne laughed. “Yeah. We make great chemistry together,” she shot back and grinned.
“That’s what Professor Shelton tells us all the time, ‘You two make great Chemistry, if you get to much closer you might blow up the lab.’” Michelle started to laugh, causing LeAnne to lose it and start giggling too, Taylor looked a tiny bit confused about the Science jokes.
“Whatever happens... We both want what’s best for you first, and what’s best for our friendship, but once things settle down we’ll see what happens.”
Taylor nodded, “Michelle is concerned about your friendship as well. So at least now you both know you care about each other. Maybe it will work out for the best?”
LeAnne smiled thoughtfully as she ran her fingers through Taylor’s hair. “Nobody who’s ever been interested in me has gone so far out of their way to protect me from getting hurt. Even if nothing else comes of this, I can honestly say I feel closer to you than I have to anyone outside my family because of that.” She smiled at Michelle and leaned her head on her shoulder.
Michelle smiled and wrapped an arm around LeAnne. “Thats because you mean a lot to me LeAnne, I’d probably go drag Scott through hot coals if I knew where he was at the moment and if I had some hot coals...” She started giggling again.
“He’s probably in the girls’ dorm “studying” with Christina,” LeAnne laughed.
“Christina Apple? Blonde, wears slutty clothes?”
“Changes her eye color about once a week with cheap, fake contact lenses?”
“Fake t..boobs, big fat a.. butt? Michelle grinned.
“That’s her,” LeAnne nodded.
Michelle’s eyes watered as she laughed. “I’m sorry LeAnne. I swear I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing at Scott. I went to high school with Fake boobs. She is the biggest s.. bicycle that I’ve ever met in my life. She slept with just about anything with a penis.”
“Oh Christ. How much do you want to bet I get a call by the end of the week begging to take him back after she dumped him for a local boy right off the plane?”
“I bet you do, but after he sleeps with her I would not touch that man with a ten foot pole.” Michelle giggled. “But yeah, a few of the girls in school can prove she slept with a lot of guys, and even did a lot of nasty things in the girls bathroom with some as well.”
LeAnne playfully covered Taylor’s ears then giggled. “That’s just so many levels of nasty I don’t even know where to begin. How does someone like that get into a prestigious school like Yale University?” She paused, and her eyes went wide. “And please don’t tell me she slept with a member of the board.”
“Rich parents, Alumni, and a few other things I can think of.” Michelle frowned.
“Gaaaah. I think Scott did me a favor dumping me,” she laughed. “I mean, I’m still rightly pi-- furious at him for betraying me, but if that’s the kinda trash he’s interested in... I got no time for that kind of crap. I got into Yale on my grades alone, and I’m here to get a good degree, y’know?”
“Yup me too. I want to get into finding new hormone and maybe gene therapy for people who suffer with Gender Identity Disorder.” Michelle smiled. “That’s what my Bio Med Engineering major is for.”
LeAnne smiled at that. “You know Stephanie was constantly trying to get me to take a couple of gender studies courses. I’m glad I finally did.”
“I’m glad I’m taking those classes myself. I’ve learned a lot I didn’t already know.” Michelle and LeAnne seemed to do it again, standing right next to each other, extremely close.
“I’m not really at liberty to talk about it because it’s kinda an accident that I even know about it, but there’s a transgendered teen girl that lives here in Alpine Springs, that if you met her, you honestly would never know. She’s an amazing, outgoing girl girl. I’d even call her ‘All-American’.”
Michelle nodded her head, “I know all about her if it’s who I think it is. I was in for her surgeries, as part of my summer course.”
“Wow. You were actually in the OR? Kelly asked me if I wanted to observe, but I turned her down. It was when I had that nasty summer cold, and I didn’t want to de-sterilize the room,” she giggled.
“Yes, I was. They were doing an experimental surgery on her and wanted me there because um, nevermind.” Michelle blushed deeply.
LeAnne frowned a little, but nodded, as if to say ‘I won’t push the subject’. “Since you’ve met her I guess I can go ahead and admit that she and Sarah are really close through Girl Scouts. She’s a big part of why Sarah’s living here now. I’ve only met her a couple of times, but I think her courage is amazing.”
“Well that’s cool. She’s a really sweet young lady, and we took very good care of her. Her recovery time should be a lot shorter because of the procedure.” Michelle grinned. “It was kind of neat to be part of something like that, to help someone that has helped a lot of other people.”
“That’s exactly why I want to be a doctor,” LeAnne replied cheerfully.
“Both of us are going towards doctorates, but I’m not sure our fields will be the same, but that doesn’t matter. I’ll always be there to support you when you need help.” Michelle smiled. LeAnne sighed happily as she set the last of the seared-to-perfection fried chicken on a platter. Rather than taking it to the table though, she simply set it aside and turned off the burner.
Michelle finished the carrots and started to steam some fresh broccoli. “I figured chicken and fresh steamed veggies would be ok for tonight, unless you have another idea.”
“No, this is perfect. I literally had a bowl of Ramen for dinner last night and not much else.”
“I had hospital food, then we ate some McD’s.” Michelle grinned, “Which I know isn’t healthy but Taylor deserved it after what she had to go through.”
LeAnne nodded. “Hey, you’ve gotta spoil her once in awhile, right?” she asked, grinning at Taylor.
“I think so, but we have three other girls we have to spoil some time or another as well.” Michelle smiled at LeAnne.
“Four if you count Sarah’s girlfriend,” LeAnne added and giggled.
“Oh that’s right Sarah is dating a girl named Katelyn right? You told me and I totally forgot.” Michelle sighed.
“I thought you remembered everything?” LeAnne teased, giving Michelle’s sides a gentle squeeze as she passed.
“Hey I do, but when you’re standing so close to me”, Michelle giggled, “I can’t be pressed to remember my own name,” giving LeAnne a wink and a squeal.
“Sorry,” she giggled. “I’m trying really hard, but it seems like my subconscious mind doesn’t want to listen. What would Steph call it? Repressed subconsciousness acting out in an extension of … Oh, blah. I never was any good at her psychoanalysis.” She giggled again.
Michelle nodded, “Stephanie the Psych major, sweet pea, if you date girls or even guys, when you get to college stay away from Psych majors because, wow. They are really interesting, but they do make great friends. Even if they try to charge you when you talk to them.” Michelle laughed.
LeAnne started laughing. “Stephanie’s joked on sooo many occasions that if we weren’t roommates, she’d be charging me for our sessions.”
“I've had several coffee shop sessions with Steph, and she's threatened to charge me as well, so I just pay for her coffee.”
“Oh you have, have you? Is that why she set us up as roommates?” LeAnne grinned quite broadly now.
“I think so. Well, she said she had a mutual friend that would need a roommate.” Michelle smiled.
“She said the same to me, but wouldn’t tell me who until I agreed. I think we just got set up.” She laughed.
“I think so too, darn her. I think we need to gang up on her and tickle her when she gets back.” Michelle grinned.
“What really gets me though, is whether or not she knew about Scott. But I can’t really see any way she could’ve intentionally timed this. If anything, knowing her, she probably just knew us spending more time together, and living together would... Um... Set... things in motion?” LeAnne blushed a bit.
“I think she also thought since we take classes together us as roommates could do our homework easier if we were living in the same dorm.” Michelle blushed too.
LeAnne giggled at Michelle’s blush. “Gawd, you really are cute when you’re embarrassed.”
“And, you’re still one strong southern belle. I need to remember to never tick you off.” Michelle giggled.
“Aw, honey, there’s only one thing you could ever do to make me mad, and I know you’d never do that. Even if you break up with me I know you’ll do it in a way that salvages our friendship.” She grinned, waiting to see if Michelle picked up on her choice of words.
“I’d at least try to do that, and I sure the hell wouldn’t do it over the phone.” Michelle nodded her head as she pulled out the finished steamed veggies and put them in a bowl next to the chicken.
LeAnne smiled a little more as she nodded. “So... Um.. Can I be completely honest with you, without embarrassing either of you?” LeAnne giggled.
“I think it’s best we all be honest with each other LeAnne.” Michelle smiled, and Taylor nodded her head yes.
“I know what I said earlier tonight about … wanting to take things slowly, but I really, really want to kiss you, and it’s driving me crazy.”
Michelle blushed, and Taylor giggled profusely, “Go on and kiss da girl.” Taylor sang.
“Dere ya see her... Sittin’ dere across da way,” LeAnne sang, giggled, and leaned up to kiss Michelle softly on her lips just once.
Michelle kissed LeAnne back softly, a soft tingly static, not the painful kind, jumped between their lips and down both their bodies to their toes. “Woah...” Michelle whispered and stepped back slowly as if she got a little light headed for a second.
LeAnne giggled softly as she leaned against the gas range. “Damn girl. That was... um... Wow. Did you...”
“Oh wow.. um, did that go to your toes as well?” They asked, almost at the same time, and giggled..
LeAnne nodded. “I’ve honestly never felt anything like that before. I mean I’ve had some nice kisses, especially when I was younger, but nothing so... incredible.”
“Oh so have I, but wow.” Michelle giggled a little. “Our auntie used to tell me when you found the right person, you would know when you had your first kiss.” Michelle looked deeply into LeAnne’s eyes. LeAnne stepped closer and wrapped Michelle in a tight hug, resting her head on her shoulder.
Taylor grinned, “Get a room you two!”
“We’ve got one - two even,” LeAnne responded without missing a beat, and giggled.
Taylor giggled, “Well go use them. We’re here to eat, not kissy faces like in Titanic.”
LeAnne grinned up at Michelle. “Count of three?”
Michelle nodded. “One.”
“Two,” LeAnne answered, grinning at Taylor.
Taylor squealed before they got to Three. “No tickles!”
LeAnne started laughing. “I guess we can let her off the hook this time, since she did just get out of the hospital. We can always get her when she’s better!” she mock evil laughed - something even Michelle had never seen her do.
Michelle shook her head, “You’re getting off mighty easy there sweet pea.” and giggled at LeAnne’s mock even laugh. “Thats really cute LeAnne, I like it.”
“Aww, thanks. I used to do that to Sarah. Leave her wondering if I was serious or not.” She giggled. “But she does have a point. Our food’s going to get cold!”
Michelle went and got some plates for everyone and knives and forks as well, “I’ll cut Taylor’s chicken for her, so she doesn’t have to work so hard.” she went over and dished Taylors plate and started to cut the chicken.
“Oh yeah, be glad it’s just your arm sweetie,” LeAnne added. as she nibbled off a piece of chicken. “When my brother Ricky had dental work done, he had to have everything put through a food processor. I have to admit his tuna sandwich-blended was actually pretty tasty though.”
Taylor looked at LeAnne with disgust, “I have nice teeth. Even my dentist Rachel said so!”
LeAnne giggled. “Ricky’s started taking better care of his after that, but there’s no substitute for prevention in the first place. Gawd, I sound like my dentist now,” she laughed, shaking her head. “I guess it’s the med student in me.”
Michelle nodded. “I notice it in my humor as well.”
Taylor just shook her head slowly. “I’m doomed.” She giggled.
Michelle shook her head, “You’re fine sweet pea.” handing her a plate of food, then dished herself and LeAnne some food as well, “Here you go LeAnne.” handing her a plate.
“Thanks darlin’,” LeAnne replied warmly, wasting no time in foregoing her polite Southern ladylike ways in favor of tearing into her chicken. “Other than that bowl of ice cream earlier I haven’t had anything to eat since this morning, and that was a month old granola bar. I’m so hungry.”
“Well, the Ice cream was a soother, because of what happened; this is to fill us up the rest of the way.” Michelle grinned. “Besides the earlier we eat dinner, the quicker you can go see your mom and then come back to the house so I can see your lovely eyes.”
LeAnne grinned. “Gawd, I don’t know how I’m quite going to explain this. I mean it’s not even the ‘Mom I’m dating a girl’ part, but the ‘Mom my boyfriend dumped me and I’m dating a girl now’ part. I don’t want it to come off like I’m using you or something. It’s more like I just woke up to what I had right in front of me. I mean, yeah we’re still friends, but that kiss... Wow.” She giggled.
“Hey if she loves you, then she won’t say anything other then she loves you and supports you in anything you do.” Michelle smiled and leaned over to kiss LeAnne’s lips softly.
LeAnne smacked her lips and giggled again. “Mmm. You can really taste the lemon pepper with that lipstick,” she teased.
Michelle giggled and licked her lips, “Yeah you can: just stands out so much more.”
Taylor giggled quietly as she chewed on a piece of chicken, not about to say one single word and smiling almost angelically.
“I think Taylor is enjoying the fact that we are together, now she’s got two people to care for her.” Michelle winked at LeAnne.
Taylor giggled loudly. “Just wondering what took you guys so long. I mean no offense but when I came down I was convinced you had been kissing before you heard me coming.”
Michelle blushed, “Um, I’ve kinda wanted to kiss LeAnne since I met her Taylor.”
LeAnne blushed a little now too as she sheepishly as she munched on a steamed carrot. “I wasn’t even dating Scott at the time. I was kind of sort of coming off a relationship with a guy in my internship program. We went on one date and that was all either of us could stand, so we’re literally just friends.” She giggled. “I should’ve figured it out then.”
“I wasn’t screaming out of myself at that point LeAnne. I wanted to have a friend at Yale, so there was no way I would have ever said or done anything when we met.” Michelle smiled.
LeAnne smiled back at her and squeezed her hand. “I’m really glad we met, but I still feel bad about dragging you all over campus like that.”
“Hey I had fun, and I got to meet the most wonderful person in my life.” Michelle smiled, “Besides you kinda push me to be a bit more open, so I’m glad you did.”
“Which is funny to me on so many levels because without Steph I’d still be the biggest wallflower on the entire campus,” LeAnne giggled. “THE worst part about being friends with a Psych major is that they know how to manipulate you and make it sound so logical that you have no choice but to agree or feel silly. Fortunately Steph used her powers for good, and got me to be a lot less shy about meeting new people, so... in a way it’s her you should blame.” LeAnne grinned.
Michelle giggled, “I guess we better call her sometime soon and yell at her.” giving a wink.
LeAnne laughed. “I thought about calling Momma, but then it hit me that one, I shattered my phone into a billion pieces, and two, she’s literally the next block over. Gawd I’m gonna love living here.”
Michelle smiled, “We are too. Oh um, here, take my phone and call Taylor’s and tell me how it went with your mom ok?” slipping her phone into LeAnne’s top with a wink.
LeAnne giggled. She grinned as she stood, leaning down to kiss Michelle softly. “You two have fun. I’ll be back in just a little bit.”
“Think I went to far Taylor?” Michelle giggled.
Taylor laughed as she shook her head. “No way. I think you should ask her to share that big master bedroom,” she answered honestly. Of course sex hadn’t even entered her nine year old mind, so much as that they’d be miserable sleeping alone, after tonight.
“Well we do have to set some ground rules, in all seriousness, and some with you too young lady, if you do decide you like boys, you won’t be allowed to have them in your bedroom,” she paused then added. “with the door closed.” Michelle winked.
“And if I like girls?” Taylor giggled, but suddenly frowned thoughtfully. “Oh, that’d get so confusing.”
“If you like girls, well we can cross that bridge when it comes up ok?” Michelle smiled.
“Yeah, I think I agree,” she answered.
“I’ve never really been interested in girls before, Taylor. As a boy that would be called homosexual behavior, or being straight if you were a girl, but now I find myself so attracted to my best friend.” Michelle smiled.
“So like... you’re not normally attracted to girls, just LeAnne?” Taylor asked.
Michelle nodded her head, “When I was your brother, I tried to date a girl, we even kissed, but it just was wrong. It felt disgusting, but when I kiss LeAnne, it’s magic every time. The important thing is, never force the issue with them Sweet pea. Just be a friend first ok?” Michelle walked over and kissed Taylor on the forehead.
Taylor nodded and giggled. “So, cookies? Um, I’d help clear the dishes but I’m afraid I might break one.”
Michelle nodded, and started to put the dishes away, then got out all the ingredients to make the cookies, “Ok I’m going to have you help me with this sweet pea.”
Michelle and Taylor spent several hours working on cookies. When LeAnne finally showed back up home, she had totally forgotten the phone was in her top. LeAnne poked her head around the kitchen door. “Anyone home?”
Michelle and Taylor where sampling one of the cookies from the second batch, “Nope, just us cookie monsters.” Taylor giggled.
LeAnne laughed. “Well if you see my girlfriend, tell her I’m sorry that took so long.”
Michelle looked over at LeAnne with a cookie in her mouth, then pulled it out, “Well if you want to say you’re sorry to her you should go over to her and give her a kiss.”
LeAnne, without missing a beat, sauntered casually and slowly over to Michelle, wrapped her arms around her, and kissed her squarely on the tip of her nose then giggled. “It was a um... really productive talk.” She smiled broadly.
Michelle crossed her eyes and looked at the tip of her nose, “I’m glad. So what was the discussion about - us I’m taking it?”
“A little bit, yeah. She also reminded me that when her and dad divorced, that it took her a year of therapy to get over it, but that it didn’t really accomplish anything else in that year. She thinks I’m doing the right thing by not wasting my time even thinking about Scott.” She paused, staring into Michelle’s eyes. “She’s really happy that I finally found someone who’ll treat me right, too.”
“Good, but remember I will still spank you if you get out of hand.” Michelle winked.
LeAnne laughed. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, babe,” she teased, but kissed her cheek. “I dunno how to ‘go forward’ in all this. The hardest part for me was accepting that people are gonna see us as lesbians, and all the stuff that comes with that. I don’t care though. I know who I am, and I know that you make me feel special in a way nobody else ever has. I’m proud to be your girlfriend.” She sighed happily. “Right now I’m just happy with ‘I love my best friend’.”
“I’m happy that you just said yes to moving in here, and now we are dating.” Michelle bubbled, “Well um, we do need to set up some ground rules I guess.” She giggled., “Um, I got two, honesty, and if something makes you uncomfortable say something.”
LeAnne giggled. “Well honey, if there’s something on your mind I want you to be completely honest.”
Michelle nodded, “Since I want our relationship to be based on our friendship, and friends do not lie to each other, and I haven’t lied to you before, it just never came up in subject, but before it does by someone other than me, um LeAnne, I have to tell you, I wasn’t born a girl.”
LeAnne actually let out a relieved sigh. “Jeeze, girl. I thought you were gonna tell me you had a prison record or a crazy ex-boyfriend stalker or something.”
Michelle stared at LeAnne, “You’re ok with that? Wow, if my parents had anything to do with my life I might have had a prison record or even been in a looney bin.”
The older girl smiled as she nodded, squeezing Michelle close. “Robin’s my sister’s best friend, and I work with another transgendered woman at the hospital during my internship. The whole reason I finally listened to Steph and took a gender studies course was to better understand what kind of personal hell those two had to go through. If anything, I feel more sympathy for you guys’ situation now, for what it’s worth.”
Michelle kissed LeAnne on her soft lips, and goose bumps rose on her arms, that magic feeling again she thought. “Thank you LeAnne for not throwing a lamp at me or beating me with a stick.” she giggled.
“Or saying something incredibly hurtful like ‘Oh no wonder I like you’?” she asked gently, nuzzling her forehead against Michelle’s. “You’re female in my eyes. You always have been.”
“Yeah that too, or ‘hey are you one of those she-males with the penis’ and ‘are you on porno movies?’”
Taylor looked at the two and shook her head standing up and headed to the stairs. “Ooo-kay this convo is turning too adult for me. Love you both! ‘Night!”
“Aww,” LeAnne tried hard not to giggle. “Um... Before you go after her can I ask you a really personal question though?”
“Sure sweetie, you can ask me anything you want.” Michelle smiled.
“Just don’t take it the wrong way, and it absolutely changes nothing, but since you brought it up already, have you um... had your surgery?”
Michelle giggled a lot on that one, “I guess you’re going to have to wait till you take me to bed to find that one out,” she teased, giving LeAnne a wink as she headed upstairs to help Taylor into a nighty and to tuck her in.
LeAnne blushed even more deeply and giggled, playfully swatting Michelle’s butt as she passed. She wanted to ask if Michelle still wanted her to sleep in a separate bedroom, but given all that had happened that night, decided to leave things alone for now, sitting down at the table and munching a cookie.
Michelle came back downstairs after a moment and smiled, “Like em?”
“These are really good. So moist and... mmm...” she mumbled around her cookie.
“So LeAnne, I know this may sound weird, but if you want and feel lonely tonight or well any night as a matter of fact, um you can come snuggle with me? I have a California King in there and it’s kind of a waste of space.” Michelle flushed.
LeAnne coughed and put her cookie down, staring at Michelle for a moment or two. “Damit girl. You’ve really gotta stop reading my mind.” She blushed bright crimson as she looked away.
“I think there is a Psych term for that, but we would have to ask Steph about it,” Michelle giggled, “But I think it’s because we are so darn close.” She reached down and grabbed a cookie.
LeAnne smiled shyly as she pulled Michelle close. “It’s something Scott never understood. No, not just Scott... Any guy I tried to date, really. When I want to spend the night with someone, it doesn’t necessarily mean I want to go to bed with them with the intentions of having sex. If sex happens, great, but it shouldn’t be forced.”
Michelle nodded as she got pulled close to LeAnne, “Same here, well not with Scott, ugh, but with men in general.” She giggled. “But it wasn’t an offer for sex, it was an offer to cuddle. or snuggle or whatever.” Michelle really blushed on that one.
LeAnne giggled, leaning in for another quick, yet oh so magical kiss. “I know. I was agreeing with you.” She grinned.
“Is that going to happen everytime we kiss, because if it is, I don’t ever want to stop kissing you.” Michelle smiled.
“There’s only one way to find out,” she teased, kissing her again.
“I’m still kind of a teenager based on my age, but if you base on the facts of what i’ve experienced I’m about the same age as you.” Michelle giggled and gave LeAnne a deep passionate kiss, that spark like the first time went through them.
“Wow,” LeAnne whispered, shivering slightly. “Do you have a battery in that tongue ring of yours?” she teased. “Oh um, since I didn’t really answer your question before, I would love to cuddle with you every single night.” She grinned, slowly trailing a finger down Michelle’s spine.
“No batteries attached to the tongue ring, that would hurt!” She shivered from the finger, “I don’t think Taylor will mind. I think she wants to call me Mom for some reason, even though I’m her sister, and she almost called you mom too.”
“You noticed that too?” LeAnne smiled sadly. “From what you’ve told me I can’t imagine growing up with your parents was any easier on her, just that they’d probably found different shit to take out on her.” LeAnne sighed.
Michelle shook her head, “But Auntie wasn’t in any position to take her, and neither was I till this year.” Michelle sighed.
“I’ll be honest with you, honey, there’s a big, big part of me that just wants to hold her and never let her go. I love my sister Sarah. I wouldn’t trade her for anything, but she’s also a very strong, independent young woman. Taylor though … She’s more vulnerable than she lets on. I think she wants, and needs, a good parental figure in her life. I wouldn’t bat an eye if she wanted to call me ‘Mom’.” LeAnne smiled softly.
“Me either LeAnne, I love my sister to death, and if she wants to think of me as her mom, then so be it. I am her parental guardian.” Michelle rested her head on LeAnne’s shoulder.
LeAnne smiled as she stroked Michelle’s hair. “I’ll do whatever I can to help you take care of her. The only question is, should we tell her, or just let her decide what she wants on her own?”
“Well I think it would be best to let her decide on her own, but along the way we can encourage it.” Michelle smiled brightly as LeAnne played with her hair.
“She’s such a bright girl, but she tends to over analyze things, like someone else I know.” LeAnne giggled softly and kissed Michelle’s forehead. “But then, so do I. It took Momma giving me a verbal swift kick in the ass to finally realize just how much I wanted to be with you, and to stop overthinking it.
“Oh that reminds me, um, would it be okay if the girls stayed here for a couple of days next weekend? Mom and Peter are going on a quick vacation together so the twins and Sarah’ll need a place to stay. I told her I was sure you’d say yes, but I wanted to talk to you about it first.”
“Sure um, the only other furnished room is yours, so we might have to get one more bed.” Michelle giggled. “So I have a personal question, since we will be sharing the bedroom, are we going to be shy and change in private or..?” giving a wink.
LeAnne laughed. “Honey, after living with Stephanie “Strips on the way to the shower, starting at the front door”, I don’t even think twice about modesty anymore, but if you’re uncomfortable with me seeing you,” she paused to search for the right word, “Unclothed, I’ll happily respect that.”
“Well um, as a boy, I never had sex, and well um as a girl, I’m about in the same boat, not like I was lacking in the men willing to have sex with me, I just didn’t well want to at that point, so I’m a bit unsure of the rules of dating, when you're sharing a room.” Michelle giggled.
LeAnne giggled as well, shaking her head. “Whatever makes you comfortable. I promise not to stand in the doorway and stare at you while you’re changing, but I can’t promise not to sneak a peek now and then,” she teased.
Michelle giggled, “But I sleep naked...” She stuck out her tongue.
LeAnne parted her lips, wrapping them around Michelle’s tongue right up to her piercing and smiled sweetly, letting it go again. “You don’t say...”
“I’m not joking,” Michelle giggled. “I haven’t used a nightie since I was like fourteen.”
“I like to sleep in a cami and pajamas if it’s cold, or just the top and panties if it’s not, but if that’s what makes you comfortable, I’m okay with it. It might make just being friends harder, but I think we moved past that point before I left earlier.” LeAnne grinned, gliding her fingers through Michelle’s hair again.
“But if it bothers you at all at anytime LeAnne, the fact that I sleep naked I mean, I can wear my panties and a shirt to bed.” Michelle smiled.
LeAnne giggled. “I’d sooner let you have your bed to yourself than make you change yourself for me, but it’s okay. I mean it doesn’t bother me.”
“Blah sweetie, I want to cuddle with you. If it makes you uncomfortable to hold me or me to hold you, while i'm naked, then I can and will put clothes on.” Michelle leaned closer and kissed LeAnne on the neck softly.
“Oh gawd,” LeAnne whimpered, craning her neck just slightly. “Keep that up, missy, and it’ll be a discussion of how you’ll keep me from inappropriately touching you.” She giggled, flashing a teasing smile. “No, really though, don’t you dare stop doing that.”
“You know if I keep it up, people at the hospital will ask you what happened to your neck.” Michelle giggled as she kissed and sucked gently on LeAnne’s neck.
“My massaging showerhead came loose and fell on me,” LeAnne answered with a giggle as she leaned close, giving Michelle’s earlobe a playful, gentle lick. “I will say this much though... If you do ever want to have sex, I’d rather it be with someone I care about and trust than with someone who just wants to use me and throw me aside.” She smiled and kissed Michelle’s cheek, hugging her close.
“Same here. That’s why I haven’t had it yet. I just couldn’t find the right guy or girl.” Michelle smiled as she shivered going back and attacking LeAnne’s neck with her mouth, giving her a large love bite bruise on her neck.
LeAnne squealed just a little, more like a giggle than anything. “Maybe I’ll just tell them the truth. I have an amazing girlfriend.” She laughed and rested her head on Michelle’s shoulder, practically melting.
Michelle giggled as she held LeAnne close, “It’s been a long day. How about them cuddles? Tomorrow Taylor and I have to head over to Kingsley.”
“Yes please,” LeAnne practically begged. “I’ve got a long day tomorrow, so the sooner we get to cuddles, the longer I can enjoy them.”
Michelle giggled and stood up, and grabbed LeAnne’s hand and lead her up the stairs. She stopped outside Taylors door and whispered, “Going to check on sweet pea really fast.”
LeAnne giggled quietly. “I was just thinking the same thing... Mind if I tag along?”
“Sure, I don’t mind at all,,” Michelle whispered as she quietly opened Taylors door, and slowly and quietly entered the room to check on her. LeAnne followed close behind, not making a sound.
Michelle watched her sister sleep with a smile on her face and turned around to LeAnne giving her a peck and then slowly snuck out of the room, waiting for LeAnne to follow, so they could close the door.
LeAnne leaned close and whispered, almost inaudibly, “Your Mommies love you,” before creeping out of the room after Michelle. She wrapped an arm around her waist and smiled fondly.
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An "Awe" moment
LeAnne leaned close and whispered, almost inaudibly, “Your Mommies love you,†before creeping out of the room after Michelle. She wrapped an arm around her waist and smiled fondly.
That's so sweet, I wonder if she was really asleep? And think of all the fun that will be happening when all the girls are there, can we say "Slumber Party Extravaganza"?

All three are settling in well, and the lovebirds have accepted their alternative / unofficial relationship to Taylor (after all, there's about 9-10 years between her and them - and if a certain Lady Cameron can get away with "daughters" that are only 8-10 years younger than herself, so can our lovebirds here :)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!