I'd like to apolagise to all the readers here at Top shelf for having to put up with my stories for all this time. I've noticed a drop in the number of people reading my stuff, but I never realised that my writing was redundant and mundane. until it was pointed out to me in a comment, so I'll just stop writing and let other people that can write fill the space instead.
I'll be telling Sammi to post the parts she has left for the three stories that are on going, but after that there will be no more from me.
Sara, please don't take a comment from one person to heart.
There are some people who will always criticise, no matter how good some stories are.
They think it makes them important. See below ...
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
have been dropping for everyone most of the time.
It doesn't mean you aren't any good, it's just a trend right now with the new setup on the homepage that is smaller than it used to be so stories don't stay up front as long.
As for comments, some people are either insensitive or intentionally cruel with them.
Give it some thought, let things in your own mind cool down, then reconsider is all the advice I can give here.
Re: comments.
It's just way of life that people are more likely to leave comment when they are annoyed by something then when they like something. It's worldwide thing. As they say in marketing trainings - satisfied customer shares info on product with 3-5 persons on average. Dissatisfied - with 15 to 20.
Another thing.
I happen to like your Guardian stories and would really miss seeing how this new one turns out.
Don't panic Maggie
I have all of Book 2 of Project Guardian so you will get to read all of it :)
Please continue
I like reading your stories. I especially look forward to Project Guardian and To Make a Wish.
Sara... Everything will be better! Soon!
1. Don't give up! (c) Peter Gabriel. (I would recommend to listen to that song. It helps sometimes)
2. I've just started rereading "You got it all wrong" from the beginning to get back the feel of the story and continue trough Kids story.
3. Looks like WW economy is getting back on track and lots of people have to work extra hours while HRs fill all the positions back. I've just worked 160 hours in last three weeks...
4. And sorry I just skip stories with Magic tag. So there will be no reads on those from me in foreseable future. :-)
5. It does not mean that stories are not good.
It can be frustrating
It can be frustrating to receive negative comments and I think it happens to us all. I know I was about to call it quits when someone commented that I got off on abusive situations; it cut to the quick.
I think most writers tend to be redundant anyway. I have yet to produce anything original, just pieced together bits of random jargon from here and there. But I think that if you are getting any feedback, whether good or bad, take that as a positive that someone spent the time to write you something back.
I hope you continue writing, because that is really the only way to improve. My current funk at not producing anything I think was caused by a 5 year layoff of writing (most things posted recently were manuscripts that were sitting around and I typed up). So write for the enjoyment writing brings you.
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
You know, I was once told by a successful writer that there is nothing really original left to do. That the best you can do is find a new little twist for things but the important thing is to write it well. That you do, Sarah.
Dear Sarah,
some idiot has written some comment and upset you, but please, Sarah dont take it to mean that everyone else feels that way. Many of us read your stories and love them. If you leave us we will all be sad and much poorer without you giving so generously the fruits of your imagination and creativity.
I dont read bad comments so I dont know who did it, but I do beg you not to give up. You have no idea how some of your situations have meant so much to me, and many another, as we strive to find our way through this wierd life.
Please Sarah, dont give up. What is one idiot against so many appreciative readers?
Bless you, and may your muse thrive and entertain us for many more years, and thanks for all that you have written already.
Please stay. If you dont, I will CRY until there is such a flood old Noah will wonder what is going on, besides which I have a hole in ma wellies and I'll get wet feet and then pseudomonia and then I will probably die and it will be all your fault ! So be a Good Girl and stay! Please?
Please dont
Come on Sarah!!! Dont let one comment from one knucklehead stop you from doing what you must enjoy yourself.. You must enjoy writing as you wouldnt be doing it so well.. to think that one idiot could stop your flow of tales is incomprehensible to me.... I thought there was more to you than that .. be your own person ,not what someone else thinks
humm, i think that i sometime fall into the category of the insisnsitive.
But i think a lot of it has to do with the way we interpret things
First of all, if i don't like a story i just wont read it..thus no comment at all i think i've only ever commented twice on a story i didn't finish just to SAY that i stopped reading their drivel. (yes it was THAT bad)
but those stories that i DO enjoy i comment on and share my thoughts on the subject, if i didnt find it interesting i wouldnt comment at all. Sometimes the "logic" (if you apply logic to fiction at all) doesn't quite mesh well and needs to be pointed out. This is not to point fingers at the author and laugh... this is to say "Ah!, watch out for this sort of thing in the future!"
The time's i criticize are -i would hope- taken constructively.
you have close to 5,000 thumbs up... i can't see that as a bad thing, and your current running story just happens to be one of my current favorites.
So if you have anything to apologize at all for, it would be for letting comments get to you, forcing you to stop. It would be a shame to loose such a good author.
Definately a BAD idea
You should definately NOT stop writing!!! (That means you should keep writing) I have followed all of your stories and look forward to each new chapter. I see nothing redundant in your stories. Danielle is a totally different twist and Timmy/Tammy has so much to learn from Alexis. Not to mention Spike certainly needs to get his butt kicked. The twist you gave us with Mike's death came from out of no where.
As the others have said, please continue, maybe the voting makes it easy for us to say I read it and I liked it. Also, trying to come up with an original comment is difficult in its own way.
Please don't stop writing.
As always,
As always,
I happen to enjoy your
I happen to enjoy your stories and will miss you when you're gone :(
Click Me!
Become a Patron!
Have a mew of a day!
Please do not go.
I am very sadden by this development. Please do not leave us due to someone's cheep shot. I enjoy your work a lot and I will continue to read your stories where ever you can post them. You have a talent and that talent adds to the light that draws shines on all of us. Please do not remove that source of light please keep writing and posting I for one am one of the people who would miss you greatly and your writing has been teaching me a lot of good skills about story telling the correct way I do not want you to slink away from this source of warmth we all share here. I have lived there being a Lobo wolf for some time and I this place is special and we need you here by the sides of your friends.
PM me for anything I can do or help with.
Michele Whitewolf
The only bad question is the one not asked.
Do what I did :-)
Take those negative comments and count them up. Now compare them with the positive comments in the time you've been writing.
Do I get upset when someone leaves a negative comment or PM? You bet I do. But I try to put it in perspective by looking at the positive comments. For every blockhead who can't hold their tongue and just accept that they're not going to like every story ever written, there are a dozen willing to tell you they love what you write.
Some people seem to forget that this is supposed to be a friendly place, and not a haven for internet trolls and armchair critics.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Authors don't get paid. Don't like wht someone wrote? Write something yourself or shut up.
You should definitely keep writing, Sara. :-) *hugs*
I have sent my own little...explanation of my need to write. I won't rehash it here, but let's just say that the two of us are close to the same hymn sheet.
I "sopped reading" because I liked it and did not want wait for episodes. I did it to a lot of people. I am waiting to read in BIG chunks. I haven't abandoned you. I still consider myself a reader of yours.
Anyway one or even more crappy remark is not worth worrying about. There are trolls everywhere even here. Don't let the trolls win.
I do want to see more. Please don't abandon us.
5 pence
If they don't like it they can go >click for redactional reasons< hell ^^ or whatever their personal equivalent is.
I personaly like reading the Guardian set of stories nah ;) Please keep on writing pretty plz >< and no it's has nothing
to do with having 5 things I like in them no nothing at all >shakes head vehemently<
I agree with the other commentors
Please don't give up just because of someone who doesnt appreciate your writing style. There are many of us who love your stories. I may not comment as much because I am really not so good at saying what I think and feel and it takes me a while to figure out what I wanna say. I really love your Project Guardian series. It is written quite well and is very interesting.
Same for me
I'm reading all three of your stories and like all of them. They each have there style and feel and bring something good to my day.
Please don't stop.
Peace and Love
Thank you Sara,
'For the pure enjoyment that you have always given me.I really despair that these
"self appointed", so called critics are driving good authors like yourself away.
To these morons I say if you don't like the story,don't read it and write your own,
but this is something they can't do so they pick on people like yourself.We need
writers of your calibre on the BCTS site,to tell your story in your own way and if
someone doesn't like it,so what.The problem is theirs,not yours. Tell them to go back
to where they come from,we need you Sara,we don't need them.So please,reconsider.
Please Don't Go,Sara!
Please don't go! I love reading all of your stories. This person who gave a negative comment, does not in any way, reflect the opinion of a majority of your readers. Please don't let this cause you not to write anymore. The world would be a much sadder place if you gave up on sharing your gift with the world!Please, please stay!
Take a deep breath...
...and look at your stories in another light. Instead of viewing the proverbial glass as half empty, view it as half full!
Comments may have been decreasing, but have reads / kudos / buttons?
Even if they have been decreasing, you've almost certainly got a loyal bunch of followers who hang on your every word and can't wait for the next chapter of your latest story. Instead of thinking "Only 5 people bothered to comment on my latest chapter", think "5 people who read my latest chapter were so engaged with it they spent several minutes composing a comment and posting it to the site." With an ever-increasing number of stories posted to this site, it's easy to get hooked on lots of stories - and if someone's been away for a while they may decline to post any comments on anything while they catch up.
An even more pertinent question: why do you write? Are you writing to bask in praise and adulation by devoted fans who'd bow down and proclaim "We're not worthy!" if they saw you in reality?! Even if (worst case scenario) you only got a dozen regular readers, well that's a dozen people in your fan club. A dozen people who like what you're writing and avidly read what you write.
As for the occasional insult, remember that whoever's doing it feels they're protected by the anonymity of the internet - they might be in a bad mood, they might have started reading a story that's not their preferred style, they may have technical complaints... but you could probably bet that if they met you in person, they wouldn't be anywhere near as vindictive (if at all).
Your characters in YHIAW frequently took situations they interpreted as negative, internalised them, took them personally, and blew the threat out of all proportion before being reminded by others around them that they were making a fuss over (virtually) nothing. Rise above them - don't take complaints or insults personally (and definitely don't flame them back!), just ignore them and carry on regardless. To give up because of a few negative comments allows them to win. Don't!
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
The question is do YOU like writing,...
passing on ideas and themes for others to think about? For painful comments just look at the reviews that Arctic Survival received at Fictionmania, but I liked the way I presented that story. Would I do it that way again? most likely not. But I keep on, slowly. Some time soon I hope to pop out a few more, different than some, and some the same as others, I enjoy writing them.
Yes read the comments, they may have valid suggestions, but you write for YOU.
AKA Dean Vandeusen
AKA Work in Progress
Do what I do, laugh
Sarah Dear, don't take comments so seriously, especially negative ones. I know I've mentioned this before, but when I read negative comments I just laugh. I had one reader comment on Show Me The Money that Jennifer was too much like a Saint and wouldn't read another word. After reading the next chapter he said there was no way he could continue reading such horrible chapters. This was during the mother's scare with cancer. Yep the same comment came with the next chapter. The person was obviously a masocist and tortured himself by reading a sweet story. I do have to ask you a question though and it is this, do you write to please yourself or to please others? I write my stories for me and share with others. It's my way of living a fantasy and if others enjoy it, yay, and if not, I still did. If you're writing for others and don't enjoy it then stop, why make yourself miserable, but if you're doing it for yourself continue and screw what others think, Arecee
Personal message
Try not to let a few bad
Try not to let a few bad comments get in the way of something that you enjoy doing. I know that its not always easy to handle but there are lots of people that do enjoy your writing and would like to see more of your work. Everyone gets a few of those kinds of comments, I have had a few myself and felt like you did but realized I wasn't writing for my critics but for the people that were interested in reading my stories, so rather then listening to them I used the ignore button when people were being rude.
My dad was right
He said, "If you can't say something constructive, say nothing."
I only ever made one adverse comment and felt awful.
I don't have a lot of time to read and therefore am very selective. I enjoy reading 'YHIAW' and 'Guardian' and, hopefully, my comments reflect this.
PLEASE keep writing.
You're in good company, I'll wager...
"The only consolation which we have in reflecting upon it is that it will never be generally read"
--J. Lorimer reviewing Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, 1847.
Love, Andrea Lena
Why Do We Write
Come on SarahUK where is the stiff British Upper Lip?
You write these real stories not short chapters like me. So you've touched people all around the world with your stories. Did you ever imagine you'd do that when you first posted?
People on this site write for a variety of reasons. For some, it is serious; for others, a bit of fun. Some write because it helps them to sort out their feelings. Some have a story to tell. And some write because nothing in the world makes them happier.
Come on SarahUK be happy.
Giving up writing
Hello Sara,
Many people have written to you, trying to encourage you to continue writing. I, for one, have enjoyed reading your Project Guardian series. And, I thought there was plenty of room for all sorts of delightful stories.
Then, we recieved this 'boo hoo! Feel sorry for me!' letter.
I ask who do you think you are?
No, you won't get hearty congratulations, pats on the back, or gobs of money for your literary efforts. This site, like so many others, offers thousands of stories, with new ones popping up every day. Few of us can keep up with them all. Few of us reach out to pat others on the back for doing what they do routinely and regularly. None of my students rush up to me after class, congratulating me on another superb lecture. It's not in the cards.
So, mother says, "Grow up!" Appreciate what you do have. Enjoy the compliments you get. Remember that very few people are complimented for doing their jobs, for cooking dinner, for feeding the cat, buying groceries or doing any of the thousands of mundane tasks that are a part of everyone's life.
You are a writer. Write! Don't do it expecting the world to fall at your feet, fawning after you, and lauding your least breath.
Write because you are a writer. Writing is a passion with you. Writing is fun. Writing is a way to make the imaginary real and the unimaginable come to life.
But don't write to get the plaudits of an audience, even one as open, kind-hearted and warm as the one here at BC/TS. You will be disappointed, sooner or later.
Your choices are simple. Either you can give up what you love, or you can cut off your nose to spite your face.
Choose wisely.
Red MacDonald
Illegitimi non carborundum
(Lets see if anyone's curious enough to look up that phrase!)
Put it this way... the world would be a much duller place if published writers begged off at the first negative review.
I'm sure a certain glovemaker's son from Stratford-upon-Avon had a negative review or two of his various plays - imagine how poorer the English language would be if he'd gone back to dad's profession of glovemaking rather than writing yet more plays!
In the world of music, back in 1962, a Liverpudlian foursome were told by one record executive that they had no future in show business and guitar groups were on the way out. Oops. That didn't exactly deter them now, did it? :)
The best way of beating off your critics is to do what you do best - write! You never know, this incident might help serve as inspiration for a plot device... :D
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Well, I think you mean something else...
I don't need to look it up. But what I think you mean is something like :- Nec imperfectum manet dum confectum erit. Not that my Latin is very good but illegitimi has no connection with the birth status in Latin an carborundum is a noun I think.
Cheesy grin...
Illegitimi non carborundum
which according to google translator means "Do not weight"
Try Wikipedia...
I'm more familiar with the English version of the cod-Latin phrase myself.
Carborundum is what silicon dioxide (aka sand) is called in industry, where it's used as an abrasive.
Non is obviously a negative.
Illegitimi refers to the same pun as in English, where the same word for child of a father not wed is also a generic derogatory term.
Put the three together (although Illegitimus non carborundum est apparently makes better Latin), and what you have roughly translates as "Don't let the bastards grind you down."
The context in which I'm familiar with it was from media coverage of this scandal...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I believe Ronnie Barker said a variation of this in an episode of Porridge, which is what sounds better to my ears: "Nil Illegitimus Carborundum".
Or indeed
The aphorism B-cubed, or 'faeces tauribus confundant animos'
Giving up writing
Sara, I have enjoyed ALL of your stories! Heck! if you read my stories, you will see how alike they are. I am hoping that you will take all of the positive comments and cherish them, let them inspire you.
May Your Light Forever Shine
You Have To Be Joking!
Sara writes symphonies.
Oh, sorry! You mean all YOUR stories are alike. However, Stan, you do try and unlike Sara, I don't think adverse comments would ever convince you to stop writing. In fact, it's funny but nobody ever seems to comment on your stories so you don't get any adverse comments.
That's good, innit?
Did I mention you're in good company?
I think, and the consistent criticism was,
‘It’s far too long for children.’â€
J.K. Rowling on Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
Love, Andrea Lena
Stop Writting - NO!
Sara; Just because ONE Single person said so - Don't stop writting for US as you will be seriously missed in this world if you DO! Please giving your almost dailly dose of those tells of yours!!
You shouldn't judge your talents on what others think about it.
A little background information about me. I've been a musician for a good while now, it's a personal hobby so to speak. Made a band about 5-6 years ago, wrote a few songs, and tried to market ourselves. To put it bluntly, they said we were awful...no real changes in riffs, mostly just three chord mumbo jumbo, just not real creative.
But this is the thing. I don't get down on myself because of it, no, instead I just get mad. I'd work harder, I'd practice non-stop, add my own things, and prove the nay-sayers wrong. I was ultimately the one who decided how good a musician I was, no one else.
I'd say about last year one of my songs was in a live webcast of independent bands on R&R world's website. That was out of 10 bands, in the world.
Likewise I hope that you use whatever negative feedback you have gotten and prove them just as wrong. I hope that you'll become one of the most beloved and most read authors on this site. You can do it, just don't quit.
You must not quit, Sara
I recently posted encouraging more people to read and comment on your work.
Sometimes I can't read everything you post as I only have so much time and the quantity of stuff worth reading here at BC is almost overwhelming at times.
If any of us have hurt your feelings be free to tell us off in your classy British way.
-- snicker --
I like the youthful feel to your tales.
Fiction they maybe, fantasy as in the case of To Make a Wish with Sara the lovely young vampire slayer but your stories always entertain me.
Plus the best words a writer can ever follow are "write for yourself".
This, BC, is writing for fun, to learn and to share .
If someone is upsetting you then perhaps they are not upholding the level of community expected here. There is nothing wrong with criticism. It helps us to grow. But it is wrong to be mean about it. There are ways to say something seemed wrong to you or didn't work for you that help a writer rather than "You stink, I hate you" which NEVER helps.
I hope I never come off that way in my comments here.
I am no expert on literature but I know what I like.
I most always like your work.. And often I love it.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I have looked at the comments of your stories and I did not see anything negative per se. I must surmise that it must be some idiot who PM'ed you. Was this person new to BC and do not have any tact? You can't please everyone all the time comes to mind also.
I still enjoyed your stories as it has fun and openness that a lot of stories on the site do not have. A lot of others are also just too convoluted for my taste also. Reading your stories is like have a bit of tea party with the author, we share a cuppa of lighthearted jibes and human foibles and leave our party that much happier for having done so.
Oh and then there the authors who take themselves
much to seriously in their stories. This is also true of commentators and critics also. I betcha you received some from those. And for all those commentators out there who only kudo due to some convoluted storyline or a severe cliffhanger and such, I would suggest the simple art of storytelling something fun deserves a kudo in their own right. Also FWIW, I love Sara's misspellings in her stories, it only brings that much more fun to them
I'm not perfect either
I have a hard time keeping track of every change of my story. Sometimes I go from one scene to the next without filling in the blanks in between, or not filling them enough. A lot of people have many questions often time because of that, and I try my best to fill in what I left out. But I'd like to think by writing I learn to get better.
And as you can see you have a lot of supporters here, so obviously your writing must be pretty good! Keep it up and even the doubters will eat their words!
Final suggestion
Why don't you go ahead, at the end of a chapter in a story, go ahead and set guidelines on what is expected from your readers with regard to comments and kudos and yes, even PM messages. Sadly there are people out there who will never behave themselves. Also, set a mission statement for your stories, as to the why and the what of your stories you tell so any new reader would understand your type of story and POINTEDLY point out to a potential commentator what would be considered out of line if given what the story is, they would be considered out of line.
Again, there will still be bull in the China shop commentators and PM'ers.
Giving Up
Sarha don't give up on the writing even though i do not post comments on the site i do read the work .. I like your work and enjoy following the stories you post ..I wish i could write like you do..
My therapist once asked me when was I going to stop killing myself for everyone around me and start living for myself. I think it was what set me on the path to who I finally have become.....Me.
From a longtime, unregistered reader
I've been a long-time reader of this site, but none of you know it; I have no account and have never once left a comment simply because I have never felt I had anything to add that hasn't already been said. I have to say that while this is still true for the most part, I still have something to add here - another voice that just wants to make sure that you know there are people who enjoy your work and would rather not see you stop doing something you love. Whatever you decide, I'll still be here, reading.