Giving up writing

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I'd like to apolagise to all the readers here at Top shelf for having to put up with my stories for all this time. I've noticed a drop in the number of people reading my stuff, but I never realised that my writing was redundant and mundane. until it was pointed out to me in a comment, so I'll just stop writing and let other people that can write fill the space instead.

I'll be telling Sammi to post the parts she has left for the three stories that are on going, but after that there will be no more from me.




At the risk of being....redundant?

Andrea Lena's picture's someone else who might have known how you feel?


"We do not believe in the permanence of his reputation...
our children will wonder what their ancestors could have meant
by putting Dickens at the head of the novelists of today."
-- Saturday Review, 1858.


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

keep writing

please keep writing as i really enjoy all your stories but saddly life has a way of limiting the tiem i can spend one the computer with out getting any sleep so please keep writing and dont let narrow minded people who probably wont ever write something tell you that you cant do it.

lots of hugs

I don't suppose the no-talent SOB who sent the message...

Ole Ulfson's picture

Wants to step forward and fess-up? No? I didn't think so. Why don't you dazzle us all with your pithy critique? Afraid to do it in public?

No surprise there, It's the way sniveling cowardly bullys like you like to work, in the shadows or hidden in the dark. Disgusting!

Sara I have read some of, not all of, your stories. The ones I have read are above average for this site. Please ignore this idiot!

I suppose now someone is going to tell me I don't play well with others. Well, you're too late! I know that! I hate bullys and I hate that it's allowed on a site that is usually friendly toward all.

End of Rant! At least I feel better!

And if you disagree, my email is ole(dot)ulfson(at)gmail(dot)com


We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!

Gender rights are the new civil rights!

I too, really love your

I too, really love your Guardian Angel story and look forward to next installment. Please, please finish it. You have a gift for writing that I lack. I have started at least 6 stories but always get stuck and can not finish them. If you stop writing, there are those of us who will definitely miss your words.


Please don't quit

Sara -
I'm sorry that I have not left any comments about your work or anyone else's. I guess that it has been kind of selfish for me to read everyone's work and not give you feedback.

You are doing something important here. Just writing and creating a world fr us is something that ninety-nine percent of us can't do. Please don't let the ill-considered thoughts of somebody with less talent than you have make you quit.

Thank you very much,


I will make this the 50th comment to your blog. Ignore the idiots and continue to write and post it here.



Just Stories

Putting up with all your stories seems to be one of the things I do here a lot. I'm willing to think it's because I like them. Not many authors here will take on the big stories with detailed dialog that creates an entire cast of complex characters. I've followed TG fiction for over 25 years and collected over 5,000 stores that I keep in my personal collection. Since all of yours are now part of the collection I think I have enough experience to know what a good story is.

If you have been true to yourself only you know for sure. You write for yourself first! The comments so far indicate we here are better for it and people even like you. It's the Internet - you don't get more than that! The proper response is to stand up and show a bit of confidence with a smile knowing you gave it your best shot. You then act a little bit embrassed for denying your talent and go back to work! End of story - happy ending! Next chapter due Friday!

Turn off comments...

...and write because you enjoy it.

Like you, I got easily upset by careless comments, far more than I got motivated by the wonderful comments that the majority of people on this site make.

But comments are not compulsory for every author. Post your story without the comment facility, and publish and be damned!

You know what I missed here???

Ole Ulfson's picture

I missed all the horrified comments from the site administrators that this kind of bullying would happen here. Or the words of support to Sara. Or the offer to get to the bottom of the problem and deal with culprit.

That's what I missed! Am I the only one here who's surprised and disappointed by their seeming indifference?


We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!

Gender rights are the new civil rights!

Please do not give up!

Miss Sarah 'UK'
This may sound utterly hypocritical to myself considering I have a hard time listening to my own advice, course... is that not like everyone else? lol
Ok, here goes.
Please DO NOT let the opinions of others, undermine your own confidence and pride, do not let the hecklers to dictate your creative endevors.
I do not know you, well not anymore then what I have read from a select few, mainly you have it all wrong series and vengence for hannah.
But from those themselves, if any part of you is akin to the characters, motives, actions and beliefs of your characters, then darling you are one very strong independant woman, that quite honestly and I know it is unladylike to say it but screw it, you girl are 'bad ass' that does not mean your a bad person, that means that at least in my personal opinion you are superior enough in your life to not only stand above those that try to dominate you, but you push them back where they are the ones to find themselves handcuffed lol
You have sooooooo much skill, your so artistic.
I love your works honest to goddess, you are by far one of my favourite top 10, like I think even top 5 perhaps, authors that I am seriously addicted to.
Your writings, have helped me more, then you can even imagine luv.
Every great artist, has issues when it comes to the opinion of the general public... some of the greatest painters we consider genius's and priodigies today, were back when they were alive considered no more then deadbeats and wastes of space, often called untalented, yet now a single piece of there work sometimes even a reproduction goes for millions of $ in every single auction.
Some of the best writers, were sneered at, had editors and such stick their noses in the air & would not even consider publishing the athor's work... 2 of such authors hunny were Laura Elizabeth Ingles Wilder of 'the little house' series (such as 'littel house on the prairie') & even J.K Rowling, the author best known but not only for the 'Harry Potter' series.
I personally reread your works quite often in fact.... I must have reread paying the price at the least 6 times this year, the 4 of you have it all wrong at the least a dozen times since november of last year, vengence for hannah maybe 3-4 times (it is a bit for me given some trauma, sexual assaults trigger me, but I love the revenge stories), sophie a couple times, a few others & finaly getting into others (not all) but majority of your others.
You are such a great writer with sooooo much promise, just the other day even I was searching amazon, thinking, hoping expecting for such a marvelous works to be available on kindle or at least like a paperback etc....
It is your decision hun, but please not for me, but for yourself, do not give up pn something you love, your great at & lots of people that absolutelly adore what you put out on here... maybe it is more then 1 such ****wad that has put you down, been there myself hun & because of it I regret allowing my life and the opinions of others hold me back and destroy my muse.
One of the worst a**holes that put me down & told me I would never make it as a writer, was my 7th grade (I am canadian, so not sure what 'levels' that is in the UK) english teacher, all because why? oh yea, my writing was too emotional... he had me write a short story or epilogue etc of one of the worst days in my life, and at the time it was a then recent issue.... being told I was going to die & needed corrective surgery to at the least give me more time... that was nearly 18 years ago. So I wrote about it, it was fresh so the tears came when I had to read it infront of the class..... he was a d***, complete and utter ugh i could call him so many words and heckles, I could never pronounce his stupid name it started with an S so as he was my english teacher (sorry mr william) I called him mr shakespear, behind his back of course lol
The bastard actually told me, if I was gonna write like that & cry like a little girl that I would never make it as a writer, go home put on a dress ike other s*ss*'s. I was bent out of shape more though when after I first published on here, people did like my work, I went back to my junior high to look for him to shove it in his face, but the dumb POS had a heartattack... I felt sorta bad mind you but he was a complete d*** for years to me mainly, and how he got the 'dress' & 'sissy' idea, well he had me hand out assignments one day, it was a day that I braved a panty outside the house, to school.... well nervous so I did not think, well the drawsptring on my jogging pants or sweatpants came loose or someone managed to untie it without me knowing & well lets just say it was not hard to miss... I have no pokerface, I suck at lieing and mr. shakespear was that fake macho alpha crap that if you were to look in his eyes is a hidden sub beneath.
So ya ya ok I am soooo off track, but seriously girl, do not give up on yourself, by giving up on your skills and enjoyment etc is giving up on yourself, tell whomever has a plug too tight and deep in their a** to take get one as small as they got in the front lol (ya I like making fun of male ass****** lol)
You are awesome miss Sarah 'UK' absolutelly amazing Girl!

Amelia Rosewood Year two.png

With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!

Erin Amelia Fletcher
