Where Angels fear to tread or my life is a Monty Python skit.
Flying in the face of my fears ,of making a complete and total fool of my self in print, I will attempt to share a bit of what I find funny in my life. There for I am going to attempt to start a blog so I may share my odd outlook on life. Or let us get down on our knees and look at things from my point of view. What did you expect I am a wolf we get around on all four's.
There are a few things you need to know about me before we start this.
1] I laugh at my self a lot. It keeps me honest and does not allows me to take the insanity of our world a little more in stride.
2] I can be very irreverent towards the Icons of our culture. Although I am a wolf by nature Coyote is my brother so I do have a streak of prankster in me so beware of being to serious about your self. I am a mandatory reporter to the Coyote clan.
3] I adhere to the policy of champagne for my real friends and real pain for my sham friends.
4] I can and will admit if I am wrong, prove it to me with reason ,and evidence and I am adult enough to say I am sorry.
5] As a women and overly proud of it I tend to pick on men, a bit. Well all right a whole lot. When the Goddess made man it was a prototype, women are the refined version. In short I love being a girl.
6] My being a unrepentant Trans woman may be annoying at times so growl at me when I am and I will take your displeasure as an indicator I am trans passing on someone's turf, and I will ease my self out of your area of concern.
7] I like to play with words, mixing definitions for a comical effect or to more accurately describe what I am trying to convey. See above.
8] Some of my best friends are Cats and I am proud to be species blind.
9] I am culturally Turtle Island first people, Scottish, and German Dutch for a little seasoning.
Note Turtle Island = American to most people.
10] Most of all you do not need to agree with me about anything I say. It is my perspective thus the warning to caution those who might read this my first attempt at public writing.
I think that gives you a hint as to what to expect so remember “No one expected the Spanish Inquisition “, the darn bird is dead, and most of all “Expect something Completely different “
Thank all of you for your time and patience.
Misha Nova
Tribal Trans-women Domestic engineer, Ma-Ma Wolf, Matriarch of the White Wolf [clan members 3].
Only them?
Saxons and Jutes are braver?
I May Just Leave That One Alone
Did you know they Pict their noses?
This tread, I mean thread...
I once saw a Jute complaining in public, so I nudged him and said, "Would you like some cheese to go with that twine?"
Oh dear
I am shocked that you daned to create such a pun
I take it all with a pinch of Celt.
On relection ...
Mirror, mirror on the wall?
Re item five
When God created woman what did he start with? A rib? Nope, no ribs are missing. There is however one bone that exists in most male mammals that man does not have. What bone? The penis bone. Dogs have it, horses have it, almost all male mammals bar man.
Two ironies here;
1) that god created woman to be a companion for man by removing that item that would be most useful in that companionship.
2) that the first known item of censorship occurs in the bible.
God appears to have a malicious sense of irony.
You noticed?
Abigail Drew.
I guess there is even PROOF of your theory
In most cases it still requires a woman to make a man's penis stiff. (or thoughts about a woman)
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
the pleasure is ours, hon
Nice to learn a little more about you. I'm a bit of a Dog myself - fiercely loyal to my "pack", willing to give strangers a sniff, (licks, however, have to be earned) but more than willing to bite you if you threaten me or mine.
Hi back at you.
Dorothycolleen you rock my friend us K9s need to hang tough together. I wnat to thank you and the rest for taking the time to throw in your 2p in to this start up venture. I just wanted to warn people just what to expect when expecting the unexpected. I want to have a little fun and hopefully become brave enough to post some stories fresh from my imagination. I will be begging for some readers to help me edit and clean up the stuff that makes sense to me but others would find nonsense. I do have a bit of story teller in me and I need to open the door to the dungeon and let her out to play.
Again many thanks.
The only bad question is the one not asked.