I'm just sick. Another BC author has chosen to withdraw her stories.
I'd just like an explanation.
As I've said before, if you want to withdraw your stories, I can unpub them. That way if you change your mind, I can restore them. (And obviously, you may change your mind, you already did once since you're withdrawing stories that have been posted, sometimes for years.) Something seems to happen every Sunday or Monday.
I'm very sad and sick to my stomach. I'd just like to know why.
- Erin
... Dear Erin
No!!... I'm not don't sweat it, sorry. I just want to say that without the author in question explaining themselves we can't know. I've had a hissy fit or two here, on both sides of the 'moral' fence. I almost left at one point, but had no intention of wiping the stories. They're there and would stay, if I left... really left.. there just would be no more.
This writing thing can be emotional and extremely personal. If others cannot see the why and accept a different point of view or experience and say so...it can hurt. So the old THINK intro piece comes into play. But, we all make mistakes and sometimes feel more than we should. I dunno...
Erin you do far more than you probably should and I guess in large part that is why this place is the best...but there is nothing perfect and as has been said before, the old... wounded dove.. thing. I trust whoever will change their mind and return. There aint nowhere better, faults and all. Oh.. them faults... well they's little ones really and people is people. So whatever has happened and whoever has left. It is most surely not your fault.
NB... AUTHOR who has just left the building....um, Please explain.
This is the best site without question....
....so one has to assume the issues are those of the departee not the site. I'm sad that they haven't explained why, given the amount you give to each of us. But that's people.
I agree with Kristina, that were I to leave, my stories would remain behind. The bad news is, I'm not going, so you're all stuck with me and my inane scribblings for the foreseeable.
Cheer up it's my birthday, stories all round!
Sorry you're upset Erin
If someone has a problem with the site and doesn't talk with you about it, there isn't much you can do unfortunately. You run such a great site, please don't let one person get you down. The person might have problems completely unrelated to BC that is the cause...hope you cheer up quickly you have an extremely loyal core support base here!!
Oh dear!
Hi Erin,
Sorry to hear that another author does not want to continue here.
It's a pity, I always think that if people have an issue they should try talking about it.
The problem with the written word is that it can be misinterpreted. Sometimes the real meaning does not come out when writing something and that can lead to misunderstandings.
Sometimes authors are criticized for their work and people take it to heart. I try not to worry if some people do not like my work. I just keep going and try to do better. Though you can't please all of the people all of the time.
We don't know what the problem is and unless we do, we cannot do something about it.
We are family here, perhaps a distant and perhaps somewhat dysfunctional one, but still family. Lets hope that the author decides to come back again after reflection.
PS Happy birthday Angharad!
.... I think I've figured out who and that who surprises me quite a bit. Which in turn leaves a very big why hanging there. I do hope she decides to talk because even when I might disagree there's still room. In comparison I'm a raw newbie and I've been her for a couple of years now. So.... if we can help, drop a line eh.
oops, nearly forgot..Happy Birthday Angharad... and keep writing that rubbish.. ok.
Witdrawal sadness
I have no idea who would want to leave here or why Erin. Only one thing is clear - it cannot be for any fault of yours.
People can be unduly sensitive. And some of us can be unduly waspish. Too fond of our own voice, our own cleverness. Let him/her without stain etc. ....
The one exception is yourself, whose calm voice of reason has soothed so many feathers. The others have said it all. This is the best place to be, and you have made it so. This is a large family, and you have made it so.
And if whoever it is stays away, then the loss will largely be her's.
I am probably the only one who has not read, is not reading, Angharad's tale. This is undoubtedly my loss but happily one which can, and will, be rectified. I hope though that this appalling dereliction of pleasure will not disqualify me from joining in the birthday well-wishing.
I'm Sorry
That someone has decided to take her stories away. That hurts us all, and strikes me as a little juvenile (it's my bat and my ball and if you don't like it we won't play). I have no idea who the particular author is because I tend to cherrypick and sometimes miss whole sequences of byplay, and I am a real newbie to BC so perhaps there is some politics which goes right over my head. I know I do not have the word-spinning ability of some of your correspondents,but for my two cents-worth this is the nicest TG site I have found and there is nothing that you have done,Erin, to make anyone uncomfortable with that. Of course there will be comments which will make some people mad at times, and ours is a community particularly prone to looking out for insult, but we are still adults (maybe) and should be able to put those remarks into context. I can't imagine anybody on this site deliberately going out to degrade the people who frequent this space. I just hope the writer in question comes to her senses and leaves her stories in place, and if she doesn't you have wonderful authors here. I would name names but there are too many and I would hate to leave out any of those I really like,
so much for conjecture
I was apparently way off in my speculations (the comment that
was in this box until just now), which I happily rescind...
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I feel better
Sometimes private lives get complicated. BC's 'missing' author got in touch and assured me that nothing about BC or anyone here is involved in the decision to remove stories.
Hugs and best wishes to all,
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I have seen my enemy and she is me.
I have to own up to the idea that being transgendered, I face lots of presures and rejections that I would never have before. Having said that, there is little use in my contemplating going back, since that life no longer exists.
I know that other T girls have had the same thoughts. We all have a life that is tough at times.
Perhaps there are times when there is a need to just lose it and lash out. Very often we lash out at that thing which is least able to retaliate at us. In my old life, I used to go split wood when dealing with my teenaged daughter had gone south. Now, years later, it was probably the least suitable action I could have taken.
It's not about BC, but about them. I've been there too.
Gwen Brown.