Taylor's Modern Life Part 1

“Doctor?” an older girl’s voice called, startled. “Doctor! That kid they brought in the other day just woke up!” she practically cheered, rapid footsteps racing out of the room.

Taylor’s vision slowly started to come back blurry like in the ambulance. The young girl from the ride smiled from the doorway which was the the only thing he could see clearly, and she waved at him then turned around walking through the door, seeming to disappear into nothing.

Moments later an older female with a white coat came into the room, “Just lay still sweetie. I need to take some readings from the machine, and then we can get you something to drink ok?”

Taylor tried to speak but his throat was so dry, all he could do was nod his head yes.

“Thats a good girl.” Wait, what? “Ok I’m going to take your blood pressure then I promise you that drink.” the woman in the white coat said with a gentle smile.

“I’ve got it, ma’am,” the older girl’s voice called from the door. “I’m heading that way anyway so I’ll bring you a pitcher of ice water for her.”

“Thank you Natalie; you’re such a big help around here.” The woman smiled.

Taylor lay in the bed, wondering why everyone was calling him a her and she, he was a boy wasn’t he? He used to play boy games with the other boys, climbed trees, even lifted a few skirts at school which got him into a lot of trouble, but that is what boys do isnt it? Yet somehow this felt right. This was what he wanted, just like his sister.

“Ok sweetie, when Natalie gets back she will help you get that drink down, and maybe you can tell us your name ok?” The woman smiled reassuringly. “I’ve got another patient to go check on, but I’ll be back.” And with that she stood up and walked out of the room.

“Oh, sorry,” Natalie giggled a little as she stepped aside to let the doctor pass. A moment later a 16 or 17 year old with dark hair, dressed in a plain, pale pink hospital uniform approached and wordlessly poured up a glass of iced water, carefully dropping in a bendy straw. “Here you go. Try and take small sips at first okay?” she instructed gently as she held the glass, tilting the straw to Taylor’s lips.

Taylor nodded his head, and put his lips around the straw, taking a small sip of the water which felt good on his badly parched throat. Then he tried to speak again, “Where..” he couldn’t finish because the sip of water wasn’t enough to clear the dryness.

“Where are you?” Natalie guessed. “You’re in the children’s ward at Kingsley Hospital. They almost had to airlift you to New Haven but you suddenly stabilized. You took quite a few hits, from what I was told,” she added with a frown, continuing to patiently hold the glass.

Taylor took some more small sips till the dryness started to fade then started to drink the water faster. He started to become aware of a growing pain in his chest, whispering, “My chest hurts.” He had finally got out a squeak that definitely wasn’t his voice. It was close, but it was a different octave then what he used to sound like, even at his age.

Natalie nodded. “You’ve got some damage still. Broken arm and a couple of cracked ribs I think.” She paused to smile sheepishly. “Don’t take it the wrong way or anything, but I’ve kind of been checking up on you ever since they brought you in. I’m a senior girl scout, and I’ve got a few girls your age kind of under my wing.”

Taylor looked at the girl and then over to his arm, noticing it was lifted up. The pain medication was slowly wearing off, and he was starting to notice the pain in his body, “Oooouch. It hurts alot.”

“Try not to move too much.” She paused, glancing up at the IV drip and frowned. “Oh, hang on just one second okay? I’ll go grab a nurse,” she instructed, without even waiting for a response before racing out of the room, her ponytail bobbing energetically behind her.

“Natalie says you’re having some pain?” a woman with bobbed medium-blonde hair, dressed in a colorful flower print top and fuscia slacks asked as she stepped into the room. “Oh, well no wonder. Your IV drip ran dry. Here, let me just change that out; you’ll feel better in no time.”

She quickly changed out the medicine drip, glancing down at the patient. “So what’s your name, honey? Do you remember anything about what happened?” she asked, trying to distract her from the physical pain.

“Taylor” he said and shook his head no to answer the other part, “I was playing in the park then I woke up here.”

“Thats such a pretty name, like the singer Taylor Swift.” the woman smiled at Taylor, “Ok you’re all set sweetie, If you need anything else just have Natalie come get me.”

Natalie smiled as she poked her head around the corner again. “And just let me know if you’d rather be left alone,” she added with a wink. “You’ve been through a lot. I’m just glad you’re going to be okay.”

“Can.. can you stay with me?” Taylor asked shyly, still unsure why his voice sounded different, maybe it was the cracked ribs?

Natalie smiled softly as she stepped closer. “Of course I can. I’m actually ‘off-duty’ right now anyway. I just came in to pick up the slack after one of the other volunteers called in sick, but the bedpans are all clean for her shift.” She grinned just slightly in that ‘is she joking or serious?’ kind of way.

“Are.. my parents here?” Taylor asked,her big blue eyes a little misty.

Natalie frowned a little as she stepped closer and took Taylor’s hand. “I...”

A moment later a knock was heard on the door, and a head appeared, “Is she awake?” the woman asked.

Natalie glanced back at the newcomer with a smile and nodded. “She’s awake. One of the nurses just changed her IV drip so she might be a little groggy.”

“Thats fine. I just need to ask her some questions, I’m with Family Services.” the woman smiled.

Natalie nodded, turning back to Taylor. “I’m going to go talk to your doctor about getting you something to eat, okay?”

“Please.” Taylor’s tummy grumbled as he said that.

The teen giggled just a little as she lightly squeezed Taylor’s uninjured hand. She turned to approach the woman, whispering softly, “Thank you. Your timing is perfect,” as she passed, disappearing into the hallway.

“Ok I have some easy questions for you sweetie, Before we start my name is Tiffany. Ok let’s start with your full name?” Tiffany smiled at Taylor.

Taylor started to open his mouth to speak what he remembered his full name to be. Something very different came out. “Taylor Marie Evans.” He blinked at “her” own answer. He knew it was Marcus. He remembered how much he hated being called ‘Mark’ or ‘Markie’. He even endured the Taylor Swift jokes in favor of it.

“Thats such a pretty name, ok Taylor sweetie, how old are you? and can you tell me your date of birth?” Tiffany smiled brightly, the woman seemed like a very nice person, and didn’t mean Taylor any harm that he could tell.

“Nine. August Twenty Ninth.” he answered simply, still trying to figure out why he answered that first question the way he did. He added a moment later, “Oh, um, 2001.”

“Can you tell me what your mom and dad’s names are Princess?” Tiffany continued to smile as she wrote..

“Glenn and Deborah Evans,” he answered, trying to ignore the Princess remark, hoping it was just the medication making him hear things. This couldn’t be real, after all. He couldn’t really be a girl, could he? Did he dare hope?

“One last question sweetheart, Can you tell me your address and your home phone number? I know you’re young but do you know it?” Tiffany wrote down the parents names.

He had to think for a minute. Everything seemed foggy for some reason. “Um... Um... 783 um... It’s near the park where I was playing. 783 North Pine? It’s like two blocks from there. 555-0178.”

“Ok Princess, I’m done for now, you get some rest and something to eat, and I’ll try to get ahold of your parents ok?” Tiffany smiled as she stood up and walked out of the room, just in time to catch Natalie coming back with a tray with food on it.

“So?” Natalie asked, hopefully, but softly.

“Oh, I already know I won’t find them,” Tiffany answered. “This just confirms what I had suspected. Poor dear may end up becoming a ward of the state if I can’t find another living relative to take her in, but I’m going to look into it. Her parents may have had a will or something. Don’t mention this to her for now.”

Natalie nodded, but sighed as she propped her back against the wall, balancing the tray in one hand. “I was afraid of that. When she didn’t turn up on any of the missing persons watch lists I started to fear the worst. That’s why I’ve been checking on her constantly... I guess I wanted her to see a friendly face when she woke up, before she found out the news.”

“She’s going to be here a few days, and she won’t be able to leave with her arm and her ribs like that since she has nobody to care for her. The state will pick up the tab, and hey Natalie, be here as much as you can for her ok? She’s special.” Tiffany smiled as she left down the hallway, and disappeared.

Natalie inhaled a slow, deep breath, and while it didn’t have the calming effect she had hoped for, she forced a smile anyway as she entered the room. “I snuck you a hamburger from the staff stock.”

“Thank you!” Taylor said excitedly, the pain medication that he was on allowed him that luxury for now.

Natalie giggled a little as she approached, setting the tray on an adjustable tray table, and sliding it over Taylor’s bed, even as she carefully and slowly elevated it so the girl could eat.

“Natalie? Did Tiffany that woman call me a Princess or is it the medication?” Taylor looked at Natali with some confusion, her blue eyes shined, they kind of reminded Natalie of one of the new girls eyes from Camp, Bethany, but she couldn’t remember if that was her name or not.

The teenager grinned softly. “I didn’t hear it, but I wouldn’t really be surprised. You kind of look like a Princess - or maybe a Pumpkin. Daddy still calls me Princess sometimes. Comes with being the youngest and his daughter.”

“But Natalie.. I.. I..” Taylor couldn’t get it out for some reason. He just couldn’t tell her that he was a boy, and that everyone was just confused. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to be a girl, but he got in enough trouble with his parents when they found out he liked playing with dolls.

Natalie frowned, confused.. “What’s wrong? I didn’t say something wrong did I?”

Taylor shook her head no, “But I’m not a Princess, I’m a P..” He couldn’t finish that sentence either and he suddenly started to cry because he wasn’t sure what was going on with him.

Natalie quickly wrapped her in a hug, careful of her arm. “Shh, it’s going to be okay. I promised Tiffany I’d stay with you as long as you needed.” She knew too well the kind of pain the poor kid was about to have to endure, and she wasn’t about to abandon her until she fell asleep that night, at the very least.

Taylor sobbed gently and as she was held by Natalie, “Thank “ hiccup, “you Natalie.”

“Like I said, I’m a senior scout. It’s what I do.” She smiled down at her. “If there’s anything you need, just ask, and I’ll see what I can do. Just think of me as a big sister who won’t pick on you,” she teased. “Here, let me help you with your food. You must be starving,” she added warmly, as, with one hand, she gingerly pried open the styrofoam container, the scent of a char-broiled to perfection hamburger filling the room.

Taylor smiled as Natalie helped him eat, between bites, “Am I really a girl?” he asked.

“You must’ve gotten hit harder than I thought,” Natalie answered softly. “Yeah. I mean, don’t take this the wrong way, but someone had to help the nurse set up your catheter You’re definitely a girl.” She smiled as gently as she could manage.

Taylor blushed brightly, unsure why he would suddenly be a girl, “Thank you for the food”, as she yawned.

“Hey, no problem. And I’m sorry if I embarrassed you. It was me and one of the nurses, for what it’s worth, and we’re all professional here. I just thought maybe it would help you to know, since you asked.” She gave Taylor’s shoulders a light squeeze. “Get some rest, okay? I need to call a friend of mine, but I’ll be right outside the door if you need anything at all.”

Taylor nodded and yawned again as she closed her eyes and was off to the blackness of sleep. Natalie smiled as she pulled her cell phone from her pocket and stepped outside, dialing. “Robin, hey, it’s Natalie. Do you have a minute to talk? Yeah, I’m okay. Just... thinking about Crystal again - well, how her death affected me I mean... It’s a long story. There’s this little girl in the kids’ ward here at Kingsley hospital, and...”

During Taylor’s dream the girl appeared again this time they both were much younger, and playing with barbies. “Hey, what’s your name?” Taylor asked inquisitively, without interrupting their game. When he woke he might not admit it, but he was having fun with the strange girl.

“My name’s Faith silly! Your name is Taylor, in case you forgot that too. “ Faith smiled at Taylor and giggled as they played with the barbies, “So My Barbie, and your Stacie are going to the park to meet their friends.” Faith continued to smile.

Taylor smiled as the two made pretend their Barbies were going to the park, “Faith, you were with me earlier?”

Faith’s smile broadened into a knowing grin. “I’ve always been with you Taylor, and I will always be with you, it’s time to wake up, Natalie has something for you to drink again. We’ll meet again soon, so try not to act too surprised?” She leaned forward and kissed Taylor’s forehead.

“I’m kinda thirsty again, Is there more water Natalie?” looking around for it.

“Sure is. I brought a whole pitcher because I figured you’d be pretty thirsty.” She turned around and retrieved a tall, pinkish rose-red plastic pitcher from a nearby table, carefully pouring up another glass. Like before she held the glass for Taylor after adjusting the straw again.

“I’m going to try and sneak a peek at the staff roster in a bit and see who your nurses will be tonight. They’re all nice here, but I figure I’ll give them a call so they know you’re awake before they get here, you know?”

Taylor drank the water slowly again then realized that she was past the slow phase and drank it down the rest rather quickly. She smiled up at Natalie, “Thank you again. You are like a big sister.” and slightly giggled, stopping for a second, did she just giggle? That was new.

Natalie grinned. “Oh hey, did you notice?” She pointed to the opposite side of the bed, where a few bouquets of flowers and stuffed animals had been placed on another table, and then turned around to get the pitcher, to pour up some more water. “Some of them are from us volunteers, a few from staff, and that doll there, some girl about your age dropped that off while you were sleeping.”

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