There seems to be a lot of "negative" news stories coming out of my country lately. The transgender beauty contestant or the gender not matching appearance on a passport as prominent examples...
Well, here's something that provides a little hope. Ontario looks like it's poised to take a step forward in transgender rights: changing gender without SRS.
Although I'm sure the comments will be a mixed...
I Wonder Whose Idea it Was... call the complainant "XY"...
Good question.
I'm not really sure how the labelling is done. I can tell you that it's on the official tribunal document though. Hopefully it was the complainant with an interesting sense of humour. The document was quite respectful to her and used appropriate pronouns throughout. I'm sure no disrespect was intended.
This is a good step.
I've just read and commented on the site.
This is a good step in the right direction. Well done Ontario. Well done Canada.
I read the first few and found this:
You can definately change 'gender', which is socially constructed.
However, sex is genetically and bioligically determined - it is immutable. You cannot change it."
Bollocks. I find the same rubbish even oin the Guardian comments section, and it is merely the drivel John Money churned out kept alive. Gender ROLES are social constructs, not gender.
I just clicked thumbs down on that comment.
(No subject)
It's just ignorance.
There does seem to be this opinion among the general populace whenever they comment on these stories that gender is socially constructed. I always take the time out to patiently explain that gender roles are constructed but gender is not.
I find, typically, whenever I explain the difference that people change their opinion. I think it's just inherited ignorance from second wave feminism. No one really preaches that opinion anymore except the people that heard it long ago (or inherited it from their parents).
Education is the key.
Not ignorance
It is a view put forward aggressively by a number of 'gender theorists', the best known of whom was John Money. It is a tenet of certain types of feminists, but some of them think that being a lesbian is a choice made for political reasons, so their understanding of humanity is clearly flawed.
The general public thinks that sex and gender are innate and congruent, that gender roles arise from genitalia. There is thus no way that a 'man' can become a 'woman' or vice versa. Anyone who doesn't see thenself that way is a pervert or insane.
The ultrafeminist/gender as construct psych viewpoint is completely different, and that was the thrust behind that particular comment. People have NO gender. They have sex, which is clearly congenital, but all aspects of gender are taught. Little girls are conditioned to be little girls, little boys to be little boys. There is no such thing as a transgendered person because they cannot exist.
Added to that, the feminazis have their own little twist. Everybody is equal. No gender is superior. Except for women, of course, and that does not include the transgendered. All animals are equal, but natal women are more equal than others, and those others better know their place as pantomime dames (Greer), "an opportunist, an infiltrator, and a destroyer—with the mentality of a rapist" (Robin Morgan), men who want to lurk in women's changing rooms for sexual thrills (Bindell), "All transsexuals rape women's bodies by reducing the real female form to an artifact, appropriating this body for themselves. However, the transsexually constructed lesbian-feminist violates women's sexuality and spirit, as well. Rape, although it is usually done by force, can also be accomplished by deception" (Janice Raymond)
See the difference? That comment was posted because of a bielief, rather than ignorance. I am a feminist, in the simple sense. I believe thatpeople should receive equal treatment and respect regardless of gender/sex/colour, etc. These 'feminists' are actually sexists. According to them, people like me cannot exist, but those of us who make that claim should be persecuted for our 'crimes' in not accepting their superior status.
Can I use the word 'bitch' here?
I'm not sure what to make of the one about being an apple.