Gender Bent

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These pictures can be disturbing, be warned. :)

Gender Bent



Reminds me of the old Conan O'Brien skits

... where he produces composite images of children if two celebrities were to have them. >|<

Though, yes, they are still kinda disturbing.

I have always found male body and facial hair ... unclean .... somehow, and far from sexy.


Gender Bent

Who did the pics and why? Did the actresses give their permission?

May Your Light Forever Shine

Really Skinny Tall Dwarven Women:)

Though Angie looks like she'd really pass for a bearded lady for real, she needs to be smoking a water pipe and the Alecia Silverstone? Looks like Lemmy from Motorhead. Still though not a great idea, very kind of ugh!

Bailey Summers

Eh, there are cders who have

Eh, there are cders who have beards who dress up pretty often, just not usually show up in pictures. But it is kinda jarring isn't it?



I actually think they all look amazingly attractive! Like... beauty knows no gender?