Alien Invasion
I was hoping you, the good folks of BCTS, could help me out with a slight dilemma.
I've been thinking over a story idea that I might work on after my current projects. The story would be set in a future earth where humanity has been enslaved by a malevolent and war-like race of aliens. My main problem is finding a reason for the aliens to invade earth. I find the idea that a race of technologically advanced beings would invade a planet for its resources laughable. Think about it there are numerous asteroids and planets that are rich in all sorts of minerals. Why invade a planet and expend so many resources (especially when they would likely be quite scarce to begin with) when there much easier ways of gaining that which you need?
So barring resources what other reasons might an alien race invade the earth?
Your thoughts and ideas would be most welcome on the matter.
Art, spices, slaves
Or a pre-emptive strike just because humans are potentially nasty neighbors.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Another scary thought...
Religious reasons.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
To construct an interplanetary bypass. :)
Still yet, how does their interstellar drive work? Maybe it goes direct from planetary surface to planetary surface of planets that meet certain criteria. In which case, maybe they do need Earth resources.
Maybe they have a legend on their world that if you eat enough wapiti tongues, you WON'T live forever.
Aliens might have alien reasons that are incomprehensible to us. Like when the US and British navies landed on remote Pacific islands and left things completely unknown to the locals, they came for unknown reasons and they left for other unknown reasons.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
A sacrifice to their gods...
One god may require an offering of fruit, another a lamb, some the lives of many members of one's own species.
These are the small thinking gods of the heathen worlds. The false dieties.
But the one one great true god Xxzztzx who dwells at the galaxy's core demands from the faithful, every hundred years or so, a tribute of no less than an entire planetary biosphere! And the work the humans are put to is the building of the devices of their own doom.
Always wanted to use that in a story but you can have it.
~hugs, veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Well one answer
As to why technological aliens might invade is rare biologicals. Rare off Earth that is, but common here. Maybe human testosterone works as a berserker drug for the alien military. Infinite possibilities.
Or really...
...any biologicals at all. Sci-Fi speculation aside, there are very good physio-chemical reasons why life evolved the way it did on earth, and, relatively speaking, the conditions for life-bearing worlds aren't that common so far as even the most optimistic informed speculation can assume. Therefor, despite it sounding somewhat self-important, the reason "They" come here might just be because we're here. (In the sense of "we" including humans and nematodes and paramecia and pond-scum, of course.)
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
This is kinda based of a sci-fi book, one of the Stainless Steel Rat stories I believe. A race of aliens knows they are the only true race in the galaxy (religion, maybe) and are deeply shocked to find another civilized planet. So they conquer that planet and subjugate the population. That population is then used to subjugate the next planet, and so on.
Earth, with our war-like civilizations is a clear target for their galaxy-wide jihad or whatever. We could be a threat in the future, and when conquered we'd make fine fighters for use in other conquests. There is even an ancient Roman term for it, Janissaries. (Borrowed from another sci-fi story of the same name, by Jerry Pournelle.) Unlike the first story mentioned above this is a serious book, the others are comedies.)
The reasons for the Earth-bred mercenaries in the "Janissaries" series is totally different from the alien invasion idea of yours. The Stainless Steel Rat story is light humor and doesn't involve Earth at all. I think you can get ideas from them that will assist you in your own story. As Heinlein used to say, file off the serial numbers, slap on a coat of paint and you are good to go.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
in battles...
position is strategic, so is "manpower" in ancient times more powerful countries invaded not for glory but for slaves to build things. labour is gdp. without superior gdp you need increasing amounts of favour from your gods!
so hill 232A in vietnam or earth in a intersystem/intergalactic war
labour to build resourses to win the war, or build a pyramid...
We are but ants...
They believe themselves so superior to Homo sapiens that we are but ants to them - insignificant creatures to be used / abused / tortured / killed at will, for their own amusement. The fact we emit indecipherable (to them) vocalisations as they torture us makes the process even more amusing and enjoyable to them - far better than the Alpha Centurions who predominantly communicate telepathically, or the residents of the Sirius system, who communicate via odours.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
To Serve Man
They came to eat us!
Beat me to it. I should have read all the comments before adding my own.
Here's a few more.
Aliens living among us could be enemies of the invaders.
Atlantis...maybe the ancients were advanced and they were wiped out in a previous war but now the invaders had found out that we survived....and so did the Atlanteans.
One of their lost ships was found and captured by us and we have a significant person or person to their culture.
They're looking for a lost relic taken from them by yet another race and it was hidden here.
They were here first and some other race colonized Earth with us.
They were here first and left before the dinosaur killing meteor hit and we evolved from something left behind.
I guess that's it.
*Hazmat Suit Hugs*
Still sick...Bailey.
Bailey Summers
Since it is a war-like race... maybe they wage war across the galaxies looking for a worthy foe? (and all who are unworthy are less than dogs --slaves)
also, you mentioned that resource harvesting is laughable... perhaps, but some elements are very hard to find and a very old (and over-populated) race may be capable of useing a whole planets worth in a matter of decades?
Punishment posting
Punishment posting or place of exile for disgraced member of ruling elite and misbehaving soldiers. A "governor" of Earth is safely out of the way and given the assumed superiority of the war-like race it would be quite a humiliating and boring task. Which would not endear humans to the occupiers.
Ohhh Alien Invasions!!!
I was very excited to see this blog, but darn most of the good ideas has already been mentioned. As you say the usual ones such as resources would seem unlikely. Most of the elements on Earth seem fairly common. Water is even more common on comets ect..
Now it does appear that life bearing worlds are uncommon or rare since we haven't found any of them yet. Could be like another commenter has said it's our biological diversity that has bought the invaders. maybe like Star Trek 4 or John Varely's 'The Ophiuchi Hotline' they are here to save a species from extinction. Save the whales, chimps, apes, bugs ect.
Ideology is a good one too. Earth is too warlike and they're here as peacemakers. Perhaps their religion has them out here spreading the 'good' word. Convert or die! Cylons or Berserkers (Fred Saberhagen) could be out to destroy all intelligent organic life but first humans are enslaved to rebuild,or reprovision the bad guys exhausted interstellar ships.
I liked the ancient Atlantian thing someone else mentioned. Why won't you guys stay dead! Looking for their real enemies hidden in Earth's population could be fun writing.
Could be this group is being chased and Earth is a hiding place.
Like I said most of these ideas have already been mentioned, I had to say something. I's too good of a tropic to stay silent!!!
Several reasons come to mind
I can think of several reasons...
Some of them you have to wonder about - like why invade/conquer instead of just drop a "viral agent" that kills off the people and leaves the earth and/or just "bombs us to the stone age or non existence"... The most obvious reason for Earth to be attacked would likely have the above reactions.
1) Population Growth - the Aliens have a culture that encourages population growth, so they need new land. (This one is a tad questionable as why keep slaves as they take up space.)
2) They aliens are an aggressive species - and ENJOY conquering/battle.
3) The earth had been observed a LONG time, and with the development of nuclear weapons and the first steps into space, the aliens couldn't allow Humans un-fettered access to the universe... So, conquer, and once humanity matures, they can be allowed...
4) They are a "master" race - and "need" slaves... Not only did they conquer Earth, they are playing genetic games - changing humanity to better serve them.
5) They needed a "base" in our area for their long running war with someone else. Easier to conquer Earth than to build something around a lifeless planet. After all, once conquered how much trouble can a few million humans be?
6) Earth's population was growing at a high rate, We'd just managed to plant a colony on the moon and were ready to move on to mars and likely beyond. The universe is crowded, and the aliens didn't feel like having more competition out in the universe, but could benefit from turning the earth into a manufacturing center (get the pollution away from THEIR worlds.
7) The only way they conquered us was through their "robot" soldiers and advanced technology. They're fighting a losing war using these automated "soldiers" (& space ships and...). They can no longer (if they ever could) fight themselves, but need to defend themselves. Humans have shown they are warlike... So, why not take Earth and "harvest" fighters to provide the edge they need (imagination, etc.) to turn the war around... With, perhaps, the "promise" that when the war is over and/or when a "soldier" has served long enough, successfully enough, they can retire as free men...
And, the list goes on...
Keeping Up With The J'onzzes
An expanding population requires new worlds in stars' habitable zones, carved into good-sized estates. A factor in gauging one's power is the number of intelligent beings that one has subjugated: the more one has, the more prestigious the estate, and the better chance one has to escape this fourth-rate solar system and find someplace more worthy of their presence.
Making it a prestige thing gets around the point that automatons would be more useful to aliens (and cheaper to operate) than human slaves are.
Another one: humans lost a pre-emptive war, and alien realpolitik requires complete subjugation, both to prevent humans from resisting and as a demonstration to other races that might contemplate revolutions of their own.
A third: something like the Egyptian situation preceding the Exodus: the Israelite tribes were kin to the Hyksos invaders who ran Egypt for a couple of centuries. After throwing the Hyksos out, Egyptians enslaved the Israelites, not so much because they were a major threat in and of themselves, but because they were likely to ally with any future invaders.
They're a malevolent and warlike spacefaring species, so they must have some enemy they're fighting. Perhaps our solar system makes a convenient spot for an outpost particularly because we the locals are sending out so many radio waves their own broadcasts won't stick out, and they chose to build it on Earth rather than one of the uninhabited planets because our atmosphere best fits their needs.
you can draw some parallels to our history
North America wasnt an intended destination at first, it was just in the way of a route to India. But in the process of looking for a way across the continent, they found many items that were valuable back home, as well as things that started fashion crazes making the items valuable. (Beaver pelts were the Canadian example) Then, later some Europeans came to live permanently, forming settlements and colonies, neither good news for the native population. So you could pull from that history and make some parallels if you wanted.
Another idea would be one that was in a number of science fiction books when I was growing up - The aliens had legends of a destructive force called "man" who were the boogie-men of their childhoods. And then they would find humans, and want to wipe them out due to that fear.
Resources are a very good reason...
...but not a good reason to keep slaves.
Consider things outside the box when you talk about resources. Battle: Los Angeles is a prime example of this. They came for water. Yes, there are ide asteroids in the solar system, but we have a LOT of water, and a high tech race will have discovered how to purify salt water efficiently.
But, you may have noticed that I mention this is a horrible reason for them to enslave the populace. If the resource is abundant enough on the planet for them to come, then they just ignore the population, by and large, as they take it.
In my opinion, the end of Battle: Los Angeles is a humanocentric cop out. Sure, it was nice to have a melancholy ending where a sad one was almost guaranteed, but the alien race should probably have won.
Ok, on to my ideas...
They are an "uplift" race. They feel that races must be properly brought into the galactic community. Properly means that the race must be conditioned to look at the universe the way that they do, whatever that us. As such, they find races about ready to join the galactic community and 'enroll them in school.'
They are human. Maybe not what you're looking for, but what if the race is human, and have been looking for earth for thousands of years. Similar to the Atlantis idea, and possibly linked to it, but humanity shed the chains of earth before a calamity destroyed much of the technology that was here. They're back looking for the homeworld of legend. When they find it inhabited, they enslave those that remained because they want the planet for themselves. It's their birthright after all.
He entered the hall to get warm. She left it two hundred years later.
Alien Invasion
We might make a tasty meal.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Wow, I didn't expect so many comments! Thanks folks, hopefully some of your suggestions will get my creative juices flowing.
Have delightfully devious day,
To Serve Man
Maybe they want to eat us.
(Just kidding. Cows are probably tastier. Also, vat meat is probably less expensive.)
If they're warlike, it could be for the sport of it. After all, it's cheaper to raise animals than to go out in the woods and shoot them, but flocks of hunters do it every fall. Maybe the Kzinti-wanabees want to set up Earth as their own game preserve.
Or maybe for something like bull fights.
I'm For Biological Reasons
Like the billions of unique genes in our biosphere.
We are (will be) not advanced enough to take advantage of them and we don't really have the need. Our biosphere works well or used to and could again if we decrease greenhouse gases in our atmosphere and do a lot more to protect all species; completely stop the reduction of biodiversity.
Maybe the aliens are very good at physical, mechanical, electronic, etc. technology, but they aren't good at biology. Long ago they might have eliminated their own biosphere and just turn raw materials into food or whatever. Now they are intelligent enough to grasp biology, but have very little to work with. All genes from bacteria to trees and people have had long evolution to make very subtle, beautiful solutions to countless physical/chemical problems. Bacteria species can live in a very wide variety of environments, use all kinds of things for food, excrete all kinds of materials/chemicals and breakdown many chemicals that are toxic for most other kinds of life. Plants can't "run away" from their predators, so make amazing chemicals to fight off animals, fungi, bacteria, viruses, etc. Animals physically solve very many problems and create eagle eyes, humyn brains and all other sorts of wonderful apparatus. (apparati ?)
These genetic resources could solve all sorts of problems like terra-forming planets, fighting plagues or invasive species from other planets the aliens have encountered, but don't know enough bio to effectively deal with.
I remember a sci-fi story where Earth tech was not advanced compared to other races, but we were best by far at biology and medicine; it was the one thing humyns could trade for alien tech.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
mass effect3
they could do the prothean thing and help other races advance and make them adopt their ways
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
For Fun
They saw the broadcasts of all our classic INVADERS FROM BEYOND-type films from the 1950's, which made attacking Earth seem like a really fun thing to do.
~Gregory Benford
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I tend to favor
The do unto them before they do unto us principle.
Besides, an easy to win war is fun if you are a warrior species.
Just Because
Why do you need a specific reason. For matters of pure curiosity they visit all planets that their astronomers find that will be able to sustain life as they know it. Once there they then decide what to do with the planet, it resources and inhabitents if anything.
I'm pretty sure...
...this hasn't been mentioned yet, but there's also the idea of interstellar refugees.
A year or two back there was a particularly badly done series on, I think, either CBS or NBC about a group of aliens that looked, oddly enough, almost exactly like humans, but was distinguishable readily enough with simple blood tests. They had come to earth to scout out a potential refuge for their planet, which orbited a star on the verge of going nova. On arrival, most were captured and detained for decades in a secret base in Alaska.
Push came to shove, and due to a variety of poorly thought out factors, the aliens became rushed in having to get their homeworld evacuated, and Earth, of course, was the only habitable planet they'd been able to find. They determined that not only did humanity not have any capability to co-habitate planet, but that there were just too darn many of us, and so started doing very dumb and, again, not well-thought-out (by the characters or by the writers; very bad epidemiology is very, very bad) things to cull the current tenants (us). The show was (correctly, as it was a real stinker) canceled, so who knows whether or not they would have gotten all their population here, or whether the increasingly jingoistic government would have stopped them (or whether the very ambiguous protagonists would have taken a third way), but the premise holds: THEY want our planet because they are running from something, it's habitable, and, unfortunately for us, they have no compunctions about taking slaves.
tl;dr: Alien refugees take over.
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
Peanut butter!
Just kidding, of course. Peanut butter is primordial.
You don't need a reason. In some of John Varley's fiction (like The Ophiuchi Hotline) no one really knows why the aliens came to earth and rearranged things. It *seems* that they considered whales a higher form of intelligence and humans of no real account.
If *I* were an alien who enslaved humanity it would be for two things: the television and radio shows, and because humans are so clever and resourceful. I'd set up strange and difficult circumstances and watch how they dealt with and overcame them. I'd leak information about weaknesses of mine and see how far the humans could get with that knowledge.
In a way, I don't really understand your question. You have a story idea, and part of it is this alien enslavement. It sounds like you don't know where the story will go, and above all, how it will end. Once you figure out how it will end, the place and purpose of the aliens will become clear.
Kaleigh has-
a good point. They are aliens! Who knows what their reasons are and if we did they probably wouldn't make any sense to us. They're Aliens!
"Why are you here?"
"Sorry you don't have the concept and it doesn't translate."
"What's the closest you can come to it?"
Thinks about it a while.
"Well, why did the chicken cross the road?"
"I told you it didn't translate!"
PS: Lots of kool ideas here!
Oh I have a pretty solid idea
Oh I have a pretty solid idea where things are going. The story will be set far into the future after earth has been conquered. The aliens will be quite human-like (there will be a good reason for that) so they will have a reason for invading that humans would be able to comprehend.
Have delightfully devious day,
While driving home...
I had a pretty cool idea. Some people say their best ideas come to them in the shower, mine are when I'm driving.
What if this alien race is adaptive biologically? They need to adapt or they begin to die out. Their Genome has a terminal flaw in that if they breed with their own race, then it actually homogenizes after a few generations and they would become susceptible to numerous genetic related ailments.
So, they have enslaved the humans as breeding stock.
On a related concept, an egg laying a-sexual race wants to use us as mobile incubators.
He entered the hall to get warm. She left it two hundred years later.
That is a pretty cool idea
but unfortunately it wouldn't fit well with the story.
I get my best ideas while laying in bed and staring at the ceiling.
Have delightfully devious day,
Because they have noticed...
…that the nations of earth are getting ready to destroy each other again, so they come give us something to unite against in order to save us from ourselves…at least for a while, until the next big international crisis blows up. Oh yeah, and because they want to give the computer cracking community a chance to try out their latest nifty new viruses on an alien spaceship’s comm system…
Altruistic aliens who actually think humans are cool, what a concept! :D
…or perhaps they are coming to share that black box instantaneous transformation technology so we can all have the bods of our dreams! I think I better stop, now…
Sounds like you have
Sounds like you have a good starting point for a story. If you have the inclination perhaps you should give it a go and see what comes of it. ;)
As far as the blog goes, this idea eventually evolved into my story 'Battle For Earth' in which the Qharr (the aliens) have enslaved humanity and have ruled over the Earth for over twenty five years. The early parts make the reason for invasion seem like a simple territory dispute, but let's just say it's a little more complicated than that.
Have delightfully devious day,
If I wrote that
it would certainly be a most outrageous “shaggy dog” story. I know you already started the story and this blog entry is years old but, as a straight line, I found it irresistible! :D