As I move towards transitioning to full time I have certain things that I see as small milestones. It would be nice if I could just start wearing dresses and be beautiful, but everything is a process. I don't want to force me being fem on people, but right now the only place I am not fem is at work (where I am androgynous).
So what's new with me. Tonight I went to my first TG support group. I don't know if it was successful, but at least I went. Even though I wanted to inject some of my thoughts, I would up being talked ontop of. I am more prone to chalk this up to me being the new girl and not as something personal. But I did find out of another support group closer to home, so that's good and I will probably go back to the one I went to tonight again next month.
The other thing that is going on is I start counseling on Monday and hopefully I can be put on hormones shortly. Actually, I have a friend who has the hormones I need, but I am leery because I rather be monitored by a doctor.
baby steps, hon
do it the right way, under a doctor's care.
You'll get there, I just know it.
One thing you'll learn about
One thing you'll learn about some support groups...
is that everyone is an expert. All you need do is ask. Oh, you didn't? Well, that's okay, I'll be glad to tell you all about it... (I think you get the point.)
Even though we tend to see transitioning as this big sort of highway, we each have to walk our own paths. Still, some folks delight in being experts, being much more willing to talk at you than listen to you.
Good for you for trying to speak up at your first meeting. I've known girls who lurked in the corner for six months trying to work up the courage just to say, 'hi.'
Best of luck to you on your journey,
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Another step forward
Take your time,
May Your Light Forever Shine
Yes, check out the other support group, too
There are support groups and then there are support groups.
While living in the San Francisco Bay Area I tried 4 groups.
Two were genuinely supportive during their meetings. Both groups went out to a nearby restaurant for a late dinner after the meetings, but it was not required, nor was it required that attendees at the restaurant buy a dinner. Both restaurants knew the group and were cool with their attendance, so said nothing if only a soft drink or just water was ordered by a couple of members.
One of the other to was just a social group that met at a club, and most of the 'members' were part of small cliques that sat and talked to each other, but spent little time talking to anyone not in their subgroup.
The fourth was somewhat like the 3rd, but would sit down and provide support for newcomers who really needed some support. But usually, it was for just one or two nights.
As to doing HRT under a doctor's supervision, you have the right idea. Unsupervised HRT can be dangerous, even deadly.
One BCTS member I know, not me, I know began HRT under supervision, but when funds got tight, just continued with the same levels she had been on without supervision, and got her meds online.
After more than a year, it caught up with her. Spironlactone can cause the body to hold back potassium. In this case, by the time she got to ER her potassium level was above the danger level and into the probably fatal level. Luckily, she got there is time. When they saw that level, the ER staff panicked, but brought the level down with several hours of intensive work, before they sent her to the intensive care unit for several more days of work to being the level down to 'normal' levels.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
Congrats with being so courageous!
You're much further than I am at this point. So don't worry about taking it slow.