Another step forward

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As I move towards transitioning to full time I have certain things that I see as small milestones. It would be nice if I could just start wearing dresses and be beautiful, but everything is a process. I don't want to force me being fem on people, but right now the only place I am not fem is at work (where I am androgynous).

So what's new with me. Tonight I went to my first TG support group. I don't know if it was successful, but at least I went. Even though I wanted to inject some of my thoughts, I would up being talked ontop of. I am more prone to chalk this up to me being the new girl and not as something personal. But I did find out of another support group closer to home, so that's good and I will probably go back to the one I went to tonight again next month.

The other thing that is going on is I start counseling on Monday and hopefully I can be put on hormones shortly. Actually, I have a friend who has the hormones I need, but I am leery because I rather be monitored by a doctor.

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