Final Fantasy - New Moon Part 2

Authors Notes:
A bit of Fluffy stuff some action not much, Next part I promise more, some more characters introduced Enjoy.

One week before Summer holidays, Natali had been living on Cocoon in her parents’ big house for almost a year. She had been going to school via holo’s and Serah’s class so she didn’t have to go to the public school. She had also been doing a lot of practice with her gunblade, and learning how to shoot a bow. During the time away from her Aunt’s place she had been keeping in touch constantly with Alexa and Mindy though, and all three of the girls missed each other very badly.

During her stay on Pulse, Natali , Alexa and Mindy managed to get three chocobos which now resided in a stable outside the NORA house. Unlike her mother Lightning, Natali had begun letting her hair grow after the summer. She kept it the same lovely shade of pink, but it now reached past her shoulders in a style somewhat like Vanille’s; she insisted it was because she liked it however and not out of some desire to honor either of them. Truthfully it was, if anything, a fangirl thing.

That, after all, was what the double-set of earrings were for. She had two sets of piercings done - one lower, where she always wore the silver earrings she received from defeating her first monster, and an upper set to honor her mother Vanille’s people. For months, she woke up from terrible nightmares, screaming about not wanting to go, but in time, like memories of her old life, they faded. The changes were remarkable. No longer a scrawny, frightened little girl - or boy - she had really come into her own over the past year.

Natali’s comm unit in her room started to ring while she was out in the living room enjoying a warm drink with her mother Vanille. Natali squeaked just a little. “Oh I bet that’s Alexa and Mindy. Can I go see?” she asked politely.

Vanille smiled at Natali, “Sure sweetie; go on and go talk to your friends. I’m sure they miss you.”

“Thanks Mommy,” she bubbled and kissed her cheek. “I miss them too. I wish we could see each other more often,” she sighed, setting down her mug and racing for the bedroom. “Don’t hang up! Don’t hang up!” she chanted.

Natali reached her comm unit before the girls decided to hang up and on the other end, and the two twins fought a bit to be seen on the video screen. “Hey girl your birthday’s tomorrow right? Well when you get here, we have a gift for you ok?” Alexa managed to get out.

Natali giggled. “Hi guys! Yeah, I’m super-excited. I’m still working on my Moms about the trip. Aunt Serah’s pregnancy kind of threw a wrench into things. It’s not that they don’t trust me, they’re just worried about Serah, y’know?”

“Oh Uncle Snow and Gadot said they would make sure we were safe you know!” Mindy bubbled.

“Oh cool! I’ll tell Momma Vee when we hang up,” she giggled.

“Oh hey Tommy isn’t picking on anyone anymore. There’s this big kid that moved into town with his parents, and he kinda trashed Tommy.” Alexa grinned.

“Ouch!” Natali tried not to giggle. “I guess he figured out the hard way that there’s always a bigger fish. Hope the bigger kid’s leaving you guys alone?”

“Oh yeah, he’s a nice boy. He’s your age, but almost as tall as Yuj!” Mindy bubbled.

“Oh God. So which one of you is he going to ask out? Hmmm?” she teased, grinning from ear to ear.

“Oh God no way! Ugh!” Both girls giggled. “There is no way I’m ever going to date a boy,” Mindy smiled as she nodded.

Natali laughed at that as she leaned back in her chair. “Just teasing.”

Alexa stared at Natali for a second then asked bluntly, “Did your boobs grow, girl?”

“They’ve been kind of itchy for awhile. I guess I hadn’t really thought about it. Do they look bigger?”

“Serah! Your niece has boobs now!” Alexa called across the room.

“Oh Gawd!” Natali blushed. “Just don’t do that when Mom’s in the room or she’ll never let me come back to NORA house!” she teased.

“Well at least we didn’t call them tits. Maqui might embarrass you and tell you that your tits are growing in nicely!” Alexa and Mindy both giggled.

Giggling, Natali shook her head slowly. “God I love you guys. I can’t wait to see you again.”

“We love you to Natali, and miss you so much, Mindy’s been feeding your chocobo for you like you asked by the way,” Alexa informed Natali, and Mindy just smiled.

“Oh, thank you. I’m so scared he won’t recognize me. We only had a little time together when he was just a chick and all.”

“They always remember their owner. They have the best smellers on the planet you know!” Alexa smiled. “At least that’s what your Aunt Serah says in class.”

“Oh, that’s good. I’ll have to ask Momma Vee or Momma Light if there are any exotic greens for sale up here. I’ll bring some down for them if there are. Not like I’m using my allowance for much,” she added with a giggle.

“Hey I wish we could stay longer Natali, but it’s getting late and Mom just pointed at the clock telling us it’s almost bed time.” Both the girls frowned.

“Oops. Hey, no problem! You guys take care, and give your mom and everyone down there a hug for me!” she bubbled cheerfully. She hopped up from her chair, her bare feet echoing in the hall as she raced back to the living room.

Vanille was still sitting on one of the chairs on her second cup of warm liquids. “Have a good conversation sweetie?”

Natali nodded as she bounded over to hug her mother, seating herself again. “Alexa and Mindy said that if I still wanted to come, that Uncle Snow and Gadot promised to keep take care of us. I know Momma Light already said no, but I promised them I’d bring it up.”

She smiled, trying to hide her sadness as she picked up her hot tea and sipped it. “I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about sneaking down there. But number one, I’d be spotted before I got halfway down, and two, I just couldn’t do that to Momma Light,” she giggled.

“That’s a good girl, for not going on your own. Hey I’ll talk to Light, but I won’t mention Snow. I think I’ll tell her that nice boy Yuj and Gadot said they would watch after you girls and make sure you three don’t put too much stress on Serah.” Vanille smiled.

Natali giggled. “I could even help around the house, you know, keep Uncle Snow in line,” she joked.

“You know Snow is afraid of you? You’re just like your Mother Light in the aspect that you don’t take crap from him.” Vanille laughed a little.

The girl laughed as she shook her head. “Afraid of me? Don’t tell Momma Light, but I kind of like our little banter. I mean it’s nothing like watching them go at it, but it’s all in fun for me. I’m really proud of him and NORA.” She paused and shook her head, taking another long sip from her cup before continuing.

“God she’d threaten to disown me if she heard me say that,” she giggled. “But I won’t be running off to join them or anything. I really want to join the military like her someday. Anyway, I can’t believe tomorrow’s my birthday already. Alexa thinks I’ve … um, ‘grown’ a little,” Natali blushed brightly.

Vanille studied her daughter closely with a big smile on her face, “Well not only are you developing a chest, you have actually grown in height as well.”

“Yeah, that first one was what she asked me about. … And proceeded to scream at aunt Serah about. God half of Bodhum probably heard her,” she giggled, shaking her head.

“That friend of your Alexa is pretty loud.” Vanille laughed, “But she is a sweet girl.”

“Yeah, she’s got a good heart. She and Mindy are both great, but I swear it’s hard to believe they’re sisters sometimes.” Natali shook her head.

“I’m thinking of taking Moogie for a walk tomorrow morning after practice, just to get some fresh air, then maybe see if they’ll let me use the training room for awhile. I feel like if I can just get some more time in I can tighten up my swordplay some more,” she changed the subject, trying not to think about how much she missed her friends.

“So why don’t you go to the new clothing shop, and get yourself a pretty dress for your birthday party?” Vanille grinned.

“Ooh. I haven’t gone shopping in awhile. It’s just not as fun alone. I don’t suppose you’re free tomorrow?” she asked, giving Vanille the puppy eyes.

“No, I have to go help Lightning at the new facility tomorrow, but maybe you can ask the neighbor girl, Erika? I think that’s her name, to go with you?” Vanille smiled at Natali.

“It was worth a shot,” she teased. “But I guess I can see if she’s interested. We haven’t really talked much with all my training and stuff. I guess I have been pushing myself too hard.” Natali absentmindedly pushed her fingers through her bangs, causing them to flutter back down, framing her face.

“Natali honey, are you okay?” Vanille finally asked, setting her cup aside and standing to pull her daughter into a hug. Natali nodded into Vanille’s shoulder.

“I’m okay. I’m just restless I guess.” She smiled.

“Just like your mother Lightning.” Vanille sighed. “I really should talk to her about letting you go down there this holiday.”

“After my birthday, though. I want to spend as much of it with you guys as I can, even if that’s just watching you work,” she added and giggled.

“What kind of cake do you like? This is your first birthday with us. We don’t want to get it wrong you know.” Vanille kissed Natali’s forehead.

“Gysahl,” Natali teased, giggling. “Sorry, sorry. I couldn’t resist.”

“Chocobo food eh? No it’s not bad made into a cake, but Lightning is going to fall over when I tell her,” Vanille giggled to herself.

Natali shook her head and giggled. “Really I’m okay with anything sweet though. Weren’t you just saying the other day I don’t eat enough sweets for a girl my age?” She added with a laugh. “Ooh, maybe something with berries!”

“Yes I did, when I was your age, I ate a lot of chocolates!” Vanille giggled. “You know I know the perfect cake to make. You’ll love it.”

“Sounds great! Do you need any help, or is this one of those surprise things?” Natali teased.

Vanille grinned as she shook her head. “Go out and enjoy yourself. Let me worry about the cake. I promise you’ll love it.”

Natali smiled as she nodded. “Oh okay. I guess I should go get ready for bed.” She leaned up to kiss her mother’s cheek, hugging her. “Good night Mommy,” she whispered and smiled brightly.

“Sleep well, Princess,” Vanille answered, giving her backside a gentle, playful swat. As she walked away Vanille returned to her chair, a proud smile on her face. “Just like her mother,” she echoed her earlier words, giggling to herself and picking up her mug again.

The next morning, following her morning exercises and a shower, Natali exited her bathroom to find Moogie hovering up and down over her bed, smiling happily.

“Moogie says good morning Natali, kupo! Is Natali taking Moogie for more practice today, kupo?”

“No practice today, kupo,” Natali giggled. “Today I’m going shopping for a new dress for my birthday.”

“Oh, how exciting kupo! Can Moogie come too kupo?”

“Of course you can! I’m going to ask the neighbor girl if she wants to come too.”

“Neighbor girl kupo? Neighbor girl doesn’t know about Moogie kupo. Should Moogie be Natali’s gunblade kupo?”

Natali giggled as she snuggled the little moogle closer. “No sweetie, you can be Moogie if you want.”

“Moogie will be Natali’s gunblade for now kupo, then surprise neighbor girl if neighbor girl turns out to be nice kupo,” she responded, transforming herself into her weapon form.

Natali hadn’t really noticed, but Moogie’s Firedance form had taken on a few extra silver embellishments here and there in addition to the slightly increased size over the last year. She hummed to herself as she picked up her blade and sheathed it then turned to leave.

Natali approached the large house next door to her own, and knocked on the door. A rather large man answered the door. “How can I help you young lady?”

A year ago Natali would have been terrified. She was frightened of Snow after all, but today she simply smiled warmly and offered her hand. “Hi there. I’m Natali Farron. I live next door. I know it’s going to sound weird, but my Mom said there’s a girl my age that lives here, and... Well, I was wondering if she might want to go shopping with me?”

“Ah you’re Lightning’s kid. My wife is in your mother’s unit. Eh, but yeah, Erika is here. Let me go get her.” The man smiled down at her then stepped back inside.

“Big man kind of scary kupo,” Moogie giggled quietly. Natali laughed.

“God, I thought he was going to bounce my rump down the street for a second there.”

A moment later a young girl with long strawberry blonde hair came to the door, wearing a pink plaid skirt and a pink top. “Hello, I’m Erika. My daddy said you wanted to talk to me?” She looked a bit confused.

“Hey, nice to meet you. I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself before. I’m Natali.” She smiled just a little nervously. “Um, do you maybe want to go shopping or something? Mom wants me to find something nice for my birthday party, and I could use some company. I hate shopping alone.”

“Oh, um, um, ok, I guess?” she replied softly. “Well, I should ask my daddy. Mom’s off training. Um hold on ok?” She turned around and went inside for a moment or two.

Natali folded her hands neatly behind her as she stepped back away from the door. She used to feel conspicuous about carrying a gunblade, whenever Moogie didn’t want to reveal herself as a moogle, until Lightning explained to her that she need only act like the weapon belonged on her hip.

‘Act like a nervous hoodlum, and people will treat you like one. Act like a proud warrior and the same will hold true,’ echoed in her mind as she quietly watched the passers-by on the street, waiting for Erika’s answer.

Erika quickly came back. “Daddy says it’s ok. Um, Natali, why do you carry a sword?” looking at Firedance a little nervous.

“Oh,” Natali giggled. “I’m training to be a warrior like my mothers, Lightning and Vanille,” she answered matter-of-factly. “I was thinking about doing some training today, if you had decided not to go with me so... I hate going to these big social places alone, but my only other friends live down in New Bodhum, so I never see them.”

“Oh wow, that must really be awful, being so far away from your friends. So It’s your birthday? Can I come?” Erika kinda bubbled then blushed.

Natali giggled. “Oh my God yes! It’s just going to be my parents and maybe some soldiers if I’m lucky, and a quick video call from my friends on the surface, and, maybe one other friend if she decides to show herself,” she added with a giggle. “But I’d love it if you could come.”

“Thank you. We just moved here a month ago when mom transferred units to here, and I don’t have many friends, and well in the public school it’s so hard to make any friends.” Erika blushed.

“Wow, I’m sorry. I should have come over sooner, but I’ve been feeling kind of mopey lately about missing Alexa and Mindy, and throwing myself into my training to take my mind off it. I’m in a private tutoring program so I’m not in public school, or I’d try and introduce you to people.”

“They sound really cool, maybe someday I can meet them, and we all can be friends?” Erika smiled for the first time since the two started walking to the mall area.

Natali giggled. “I’d like that so much. You’d love Mindy. She’s a little quiet. Alexa’s more … Well, loud, but not in a bad way. She just thinks private things like breast growth should be announced to half the neighborhood.” Natali giggled again and blushed just a little.

“I might - emphasis on might because Momma Light already said no once, be heading down to the surface to see them soon, and check on my chocobo Tweezer, but when I get back I promise to come hang out again. You seem way too nice to not have any friends. I’d even offer to ask your Dad or Mom if you could come too, but aunt Serah’s having a baby so they’re already worried about me being there.”

“Oh, well I probably can’t go anyway, my mom wants to send me to my aunts house for the summer too, except I hate my aunt’s. My cousins are such bitches.” Erika frowned.

“Aw, I’m sorry. You know we should totally get our picture taken together so you can show them.”

Erika smiled. “If I told them I’m best friends with the daughter of Lightning, then they would defiantly leave me alone, Sally, my best friend Natali Farron would stomp you if you pulled my hair again!” gigging after finishing that.

Natali giggled loudly. “Oh we so have to get our picture taken together now!” She grinned.

Erika looked over at Natali, “I would never ask you to stomp my cousins, I mean um, you know, And well thanks for being my friend.” she smiled.

“Not like I could anyway, but ever since I blasted that bug monster, the one bully that might’ve given me trouble stayed far away,” she giggled. “Probably because of Mom dragging his butt home by the ear though. But I still want to get a picture with you to remember my new friend while we’re both away.”

“Thank you. Hey um, while we’re in the big shopping district, can we um, stop and get something to eat too?” Erika smiled.

Natali held up her Gil card and winked. “Sure. My treat. My parents, my aunt, everyone tries to spoil me. It’s not every day I get to pay it forward.”

Erika looked at Natali blankly, “I can’t let you do that. Daddy gave me some gil to spend.”

“Oh, fine, but you have to come to my birthday now,” she answered with a grin. “Since you won’t let me treat you to lunch, then you have to try my Momma Vee’s cooking instead. But don’t worry, unlike Momma Light, she’s a fantastic cook.” She giggled.

Erika giggled, “Ok, I wouldn’t miss it, and not being you’re a Farron either, but because you’re my friend.”

Natali giggled as she gave the girl a light hug. “Thanks for coming out with me. I’ve been going out of my mind with boredom lately.”

Erika smiled, “Thanks for asking me. I was going to sit and watch Holo’s all day if you didn’t. Daddy hates when I do that.”

“You remind me a lot of a boy I used to know a long time ago, you know. Not that I’m trying to say you’re a boy, just that he had the same kind of tendencies.” She giggled.

Erika wrinkled her nose when Natali mentioned that. “I have a secret to tell you when we eat lunch ok? But you can’t be mad at me when I tell you.”

“Okay, I won’t be mad,” she answered honestly, still smiling. “Hey, I didn’t offend you just now did I?”

“No.. um, so “ trying to change the topic, “What store do you want to go to first?” Erika looked around the big shopping center.

“Mom Vee wants me to pick out a nice dress, but I’ll be honest with you. I’m still trying to figure out what girls our age are ‘supposed’ to wear,” she giggled.

“Oh! Let me help you with that then? Clothes are my specialty, unless you don’t like pink..” Erika trailed off a little.

“Oh my God, girl, we have got to introduce you to my aunt Serah some day.” Natali giggled, practically bubbling. “She looooves pink. I’m a bit of a fan in the right shades too,” she added, tossing her hair to illustrate the point.

“Someday I am going to be a big fashion designer. I really love clothing.” Erika smiled.

“I wish I could do creative stuff like that. I know we all have our own talents and stuff, but I just think creative people are really cool,” she added, glancing around. “Let’s see. Clothing or food first?”

“Lets shop first, that way we can build up our appetites. Mom says ‘Shopping helps a girl get hungy’” Erika giggled.

Natali laughed softly. “Oh, good advice. I wonder if I’ve met your mom? But I guess it’d be a pretty slim chance since she’s only been here a month. Sorry you had to leave all your old friends behind by the way,” she added sympathetically, as she ducked into a clothing shop with a pretty pink dress hanging in the window.

“It’s ok, I still talk to them when I can. I didn’t have too many there either. But I had a few.” Erika smiled as she v-lined for the pink dress. “I think this would look so wonderful with your hair color.”

“Really?” Natali giggled. “I wasn’t really sure about the shade, but I like the style.”

“Yes and it might even accent your eyes a bit too.” Erika continued to smile.

Natali hurried over to the counter, smiling warmly up at the store owner. “Hi, can I try on that dress?”

“Let me get you the key card for the dressing room miss.” The young lady behind the counter smiled, and grabbed a key card from under the counter.

“Thanks!” she announced cheerfully. “I’m not sure if it’ll fit, but my friend says it would look great with my hair. Plus my aunt Serah would just die if she saw a holo of me in something like that.” She giggled.

“Oh Serah, as in Serah Farron?” The girl behind the counter asked.

Natali nodded, smiling. “Yes ma’am. My mom’s Lightning Farron.”

The young woman winked, “Then well, welcome to the family sweetie. I’ll be at your birthday party later tonight.”

Natali blinked up at the woman a few times. “Wow, really?”

“Yes ma`am. I think we’re cousins if I’m not mistaken.” she giggled.

“Oh my God. That’s so cool! Erika!” she bubbled, pulling her friend closer. “I have a cousin I didn’t even know about.”

“You have a lot of family around these parts, but Lightning tends to stay away from us all. Lately though, and I think this is due to Vanille making her soft, she’s been talking to some of us.”

“That’s a shame. Family should stick together. I mean without my Moms I’d be lost.”

Erika nodded. “If only. My cousins hate me, like I said before.”

Natali nodded. “I guess I’m just really lucky. Alexa and Mindy are like my adopted cousins back on Bodhum, and Serah and Snow and Yuj and everyone else was super nice to me and took me in even though I’m “just” a clone. Well, mixed DNA from both, but still,” she rambled. “Anyhow, I can’t wait to see you there.”

The young woman smiled as Erika handled Natali the pink dress to try on, “Does it fit or do I need to get a different size for you?”

“Hmmm,” Natali hummed critically after a moment or two. “I dunno. What do you think?” she asked, stepping out. “It feels a little loose in the bodice, but I dunno if a size down would be too tight elsewhere?” She spun around once, slowly, then paused, wiggling her butt at the pair. “I like the way it hangs though. It’s more comfortable than I expected.”

“Well it looks almost perfect. I don’t think we can get any other size that will fit you. I think you should get it, and when we get home I can hem it up a little and make it fit better.” Erika smiled brightly.

“Great!” Natali giggled then covered her mouth. “Dear God, I’m excited about shopping. I’m turning into Serah.” She laughed as she stepped back into the changing area. “I think I have a nice pair of shoes that I can wear with it. I can’t wait to see the look on their faces though,” she added.

Erika giggled as she was holding something so Natali couldn’t see it. “So you want that dress. It looks so pretty on you, I’m envious.”

“Yeah, definitely,” she answered, hanging it on the door before slipping back into her old clothes. “Doesn’t look too cute with these clunky boots I’m wearing, but like I said, I think I have some nice shoes that should look okay. I should pick up a few more things while we’re here, just in case I get to go down to Bodhum.”

“Sure I’ll meet up with you in a second ok?” Erika looked a little sheepish with a grin on her face.

“Sure, no problem,” Natali answered and smiled, turning to browse through some of the shop’s other selections.

Erika went up to the counter and paid for a very cute set of Chocobo earrings thanked the young woman and hid them inside a box in the bag, and as she returned to Natali, “Oh! Look at this dress!” she gushed, holding it up to herself.

“Oh that’s gorgeous. It really makes your eyes pop - and for once, I understand what that means,” she added, giggling.

“You think so?” Erika smiled then looked the price on it frowning, “Well I’ll have to wait till mom gets paid to get it.”

“You know that offer’s still open, if you change your mind. I have more Gil saved up than you really want to know.” Natali grinned. “And it really would look so good on you. You could wear it to my party.” She added with an even broader grin.

“I couldn’t let you do that, We only just became friends, and I don’t want to mooch of my friends.” Erika frowned as she put the dress back.

“Well, okay. But I don’t really have many friends. Just Min and Lex, and Moogie, who you might meet later. I just wanted to do something nice for you.” She smiled warmly.

“Thanks for the offer Natali, I do really appreciate it, but Mom says we have to earn what we get and not take from others.”

“I guess that’s why I don’t do this very often - going shopping I mean. I have a lot of gil saved because my parents give me a lot for allowance, more than I need, and other than keeping my room clean and keeping my grades up, I don’t do much else to earn it. It feels kind of weird, you know? I know they mean well, but I don’t make a good spoiled rich brat.” She giggled.

Erika smiled, “I think they are just looking out for you, and you come from a rather famous family you know. I think it would be neat to be in your shoes. At least then I would be me.”

“Huh?” Natali asked, confused, but shook her head. “Listen, just promise me one thing okay? Promise me you’ll let me see you when you do get your dress, or if I’m away or whatever, you’ll send me a holo?”

“Sure I promise! My Mom will get it for me, but I have to wait since it’s between pay right now, and when we are between pay it gets a little crunchy at home. Daddy is going to open a shop here in town soon to help Mom out.” Erika smiled.

Natali giggled, hugging her. “Yay! Thanks. And I hope your dad’s shop works out too.”

“Daddy makes jewelery; well he did back home, and he wants to do it again, here. He was just waiting to find a perfect place to open shop.”

After ringing up her purchases, including a couple of skirts and tops with her new dress, Natali turned back to Erika. “So has he found anything yet?”

“Yeah, there’s an empty shop here in the shopping center hes going to get. “ Erika’s tummy grumbled, “Ok now see, shopping does make a girl hungry.” she giggled.

Natali laughed. “I’d try and talk you into at least letting me split the bill on lunch, but it’d be unfair in my favor because I burn a lot of energy, so I have to eat like a chocobo,” she teased. “C’mon, let’s go find some place quiet to chow down. I’m starved.”

The pizza shop was definitely ultramodern at least in terms of the kitchen. The oven looked to have a high-polished glass or crystal door set to a pristine brick frame, and every surface looked so clean Lightning would’ve been proud, but it also had a certain kind of old-world charm. The tables, each carved from some sort of dark hardwood and covered in matched red-and-white checkered table cloths had sets of matching chairs - two for the smallest tables, and eight for the two largest.

A small group of boys began whispering as the girls brought their pizza to a far two-chair table near the back and settled in.

Natali rolled her eyes. “I’m sorry. I get those stares sometimes. ‘Oh my God is that Lightning’s daughter’ or ‘Sign my neck slash hand slash hoverboard’.” She giggled, tearing into a bite of pizza. “I’ve gotten used to it, but if it bothers you I’ll ask them to go find someone else to oggle.” She smiled.

“I don’t think they are looking at you Natali, they are trying to place me. “ Erika sighed, “At school, I don’t dress like this, I wear the schools boy uniform. and go by the name of Eric”

“Wow. Really?” she asked, surprised, adding barely a moment later, “I never would’ve guessed. You’re way prettier than Yuj, and she looks pretty good.”

Erika blushed, “Well I’ve been doing this all my life, I just can’t get the courage to do it at school. “

For the first time in what certainly felt like years to Natali, she thought back to her life before Natali. Part of her suddenly, deeply wanted to confide in Erika that she wasn’t really a clone, but she swallowed her pizza bite, setting the slice down and reaching out to squeeze Erika’s hand, letting her talk.

“There’s doctors here in town that can help me, it seems that this issue isn’t only mine , and they have been studying for awhile now, which is good.” Erika smiled.

“God, you poor thing. I wish I could help somehow.”

“Just being my friend is cool” Erika smiled, “I couldn’t ask for a cooler friend then Natali Farron” she giggled.

One of the boys from the other table finally stood up and walked over. “What’s a Farron doing with a freak like Eric?”

Natali stood, staring the boy right in the eye. “What’s an animal like you doing in a civilized place like this?”

“Oh, a smartass bitch huh?” The boy smirked, “You know if you wern’t a girl I’d kick your ass, but I think I’ll settle on beating the shit out of Eric instead.” The boy pushed Erika out of her chair, but as he lunged for her, Natali stuck out her foot, causing him to tumble to the ground.

“Get her!” he shouted at the three still sitting a few tables over. They looked at each other, and Natali spun to face them. The first threw an awkward punch which she avoided easily, thrusting her hip into the boy and using his momentum to send him to the ground. The second and third boys started to gang up on her as the instigator who attacked Erika got to his feet.

The second boy grabbed Natali as the third tried to punch her, but she lifted her feet, kicking him square in the chest and knocking him into an empty table. As she struggled to break free, the instigator took a swing. She managed to force herself just far enough out of the way for him to punch his friend instead.

“Uh... I-is that thing real?” the second boy asked, staring nervously at her gunblade. Natali nodded seriously.

“Yeah it’s real!” Natali shouted.

“Shit!” he squealed as he scampered to his feet. “Man this ain’t worth it! Let’s get outta here!”

The third boy released Natali and followed hot on the heels of his friend.

“You fucking cowards!” the instigator bellowed after them, ready to take another swing at Natali. She tried to dodge his swing, but grunted as his fist landed squarely in her shoulder, knocking her back into the table, and causing it, along with the pizza to go flying.

Just as she got back to her feet, he swung again, and this time she caught his arm, twisting his wrist around behind his back as an armored guard raced inside, weapon drawn..

“That’s enough!” he barked, as Natali pinned the boy to the ground. Erika sat up, holding her bruised face as she sobbed quietly, and the guard frowned. “Young lady, I’m going to have to ask you to let the boy up.”

Natali immediately complied, letting go of his arm as the pizza shop owner stepped around from behind the counter.

“Excuse me sir. I saw the whole thing. That little hoodlum,” he pointed at the boy, “attacked that poor little girl for no reason, and this nice young lady fended off his three friends and him to protect her.”

The guard nodded as he grabbed the boy by the arm. “You three are coming with me. I’ll take your statements at the PSICOM facility.” He paused to glance at the pizza shop owner. “We’ll be in touch about the damages.”

Natali knelt beside Erika, wrapping her in a hug and helping her to her feet. “Don’t forget your bags,” she managed through tears. Natali smiled at her, picking up both their bags off the ground, dusting them off, and handing Erika hers as she hung her own off the hilt of Firedance.

“Sorry sir. We’re ready now,” she offered respectfully.

The two girls embraced as the guard moved the boy along, knowing that it was him that caused the mess, but needed everyone to come along as it was.

“I promise I’ll talk to your parents, whatever happens, okay?” Natali spoke softly. “You’re not going to get in any trouble if I can help it. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

Erika sniffled and nodded, then the guard spoke again as he left them into a building that looked extremely familiar to Natali. “Ok you two girls wait here, and you boy wait over there, if you try anything any of you, I’ll put you behind bars now.”

Natali stepped well away from the boy and shook her head. She started to speak, but realizing it would only make things worse, stayed quiet for now. “Mom’s gonna kill me,” she mumbled under her breath.

Lightning stepped out from the hallway and looked the three over, then looking at her daughter with a certain look in her eyes, then she turned her head to the boy, “You, in that room over there now.” She turned back to Erika and Natali as the boy disappeared into the room with a slight smile.

“I’m not happy with you, but somehow I know it’s not your fault. Since you’re my daughter, I’ll have to get one of the other guards get your statement.”

“I understand, ma’am,” Natali answered softly. “I did what I believed was right, ma’am,” she added.

Lightning gave Natali a kind of ‘I understand you want to stick up for people’ look and smiled then turned serious as she entered the room with the boy.

Natali turned to give Erika another hug. “Erika I am so sorry for dragging you out into all this. I never dreamed crap like this could happen here. When I met NORA and saw how laid back everyone was about Yuj, I thought it was the same with everyone. I mean I didn’t even realize you weren’t... I mean...” she fumbled, trying to find the right words. “I hope you can forgive me.”

“It’s not your fault Natali; I guess things are different for this Yuj but in public school its bad to be different. To that boy I’m just a sissy who draws.” Fresh tears rolled down Erica’s face.

“I guess some things never change, no matter what world you’re from,” Natali frowned as she tried to comfort her.

The guard pointed at Erika, “You in the room over there, now.”

Natali let her new friend go, standing with her hands neatly folded in front of her as she waited for further instruction. Living a year in a military family had taught her a few things: when in doubt, respect authority, don’t talk back, and follow orders to the best of one’s ability.

Moments later the boy came out of the room with Lightning, looking like he was in tears, wearing manacles on his wrists. “Merrik, get over here and take this boy down to Cell Block C, then come back and take Natali into this room and get her statement.”

Natali frowned slightly as she looked away. She had hoped things might end without more violence, but she couldn’t question her mother’s methods. At least the boy had all his fingers intact, but she couldn’t fathom what possessed him, or anyone, to act that way either.

Moments later Merrik came back to the main room, “Natali, in the empty room now,” he ordered.

“Yes sir,” she responded crisply, not at all mockingly or jokingly as she might on a normal day. These were far from normal circumstances. She walked swiftly into the room then turned back to face Merrik, waiting for further instruction.

Merrik entered the room behind Natali and closed the door. “Sit down there and relax. You’re not in trouble, but I do need to take your statement.”

Natali relaxed, but she didn’t smile either. Just below the calm surface, a raging volcano rumbled. She pulled the chair back just a bit and sat down.

“So tell me from the start what happened in your own words, Do not lie; you know the drill hon. I have to do this. It’s part of the regulations.”

“I understand. Do you want the whole recap, or just the incident?” she asked.

“The whole thing hon, even before you got to the pizza parlor because there might be details in what happened before that led up to this attack.”

“Alright. I have to ask for confidentiality - as much as possible because Erika is … She’s a special girl, and she’s been hurt enough today.”

“We know all about Erika’s case Natali. Her mom is part of our Unit.” Merrik nodded.

Natali’s lips curled into the beginnings of a smile at that, and she nodded. “Okay. I just had to say that upfront because... Frankly I’m still on edge and I don’t know what the fuck.” She flinched.

“I’m sorry. That slipped. Okay, this all started this morning. Well no, actually it started last night. Mom Vee - I mean, Vanille, said I should go shopping today and take a break from my training. She couldn’t go so she suggested I ask Erika if she wanted to go. So this morning I went next door to ask if she wanted to go shopping.”

Natali proceeded from there to explain, in almost painful detail, exactly what had transpired that day, visiting the clothing shop, trying to get Erika to let her buy that dress for her, meeting her new cousin, everything. As she drew closer to the incident though, a noticable scowl crossed her features.

“And when he knocked her off her chair I lost it. It took all I had in me not to pull my gunblade on him honestly. He started to reach for her, and that’s when I confronted him. He had two friends with him who tried to hold me down while he attacked me, but I kicked one of them in the lower region to buy myself some time. When they saw my gunblade - still sheathed - they fled, leaving me to deal with the instigator, whom the guard found me pinning to the ground when he approached.”

Merrik nodded, “Well it’s defiantly a good thing you didn’t pull the gunblade on the boy, and from the sounds of it, you’re going to make a great soldier someday. You can go out and wait for Erika if you want. I’ve got all I need from you. We’ll check the security feed, but I don’t doubt that your story will line up with it. We should be able to pull his cohorts’ faces and get a positive ID on them as well.”

Natali nodded as she stood. “I’m sorry about all this. Even if he did start it, I did push him too. I shouldn’t have snapped back at him.” She frowned.

“It’s just words Natali. When someone gets physical that’s when we have to step in. You did a good job detaining him, and Lightning will be proud of you when she hears your statement.” Merrik smiled.

Natali smiled a little as she bowed her head respectfully. “Thank you.” She quietly turned to leave, stepping out into the hall.

Lightning was talking to Erika in the waiting room as Natali stepped out to join them, “Do you want to press charges for assault?”

Natali stood back away from her mother and Erika, not wanting to influence either her decision of the conversation. Actually, she wanted to very much influence the conversation. She wanted to encourage Erika to press charges, but she felt she’d done enough already.

“If I don’t how long will he be away from me?” Erika’s makeup was all dried but ran down her face.

“Well, for assaulting an officer of the Guardian Corps, he could be in that cell for at least 2 years.” Lightning responded. “If you press charges you will get compensation for distress, and he won’t see the light of day till we deem him fit to be released.”

Natali turned just a slight shade of pale at her mother’s revelation that he tried to attack her as well. She shook her head slowly as she quietly listened.

“The severity of this crime Erika is, that boy attacked you. That’s a hate crime in Palpolum because your gender wrong, and it’s not your fault that you have this issue. Nobody should be able to attack you for it like that. I recommend you press charges, but if you want to talk to your mother first I can go get her.” Lightning watched Erika.

Natali couldn’t take it anymore, and finally approached. “Erika, I’ll stay with you if you want her to go find your mother. I know it’s a big decision, and you’re probably feeling pretty violated right now, so it might help to talk to her before you decide. I’m partly responsible anyway,” she added softly, “So I want to try and make this right.”

Erika nodded and hugged Natali tightly, “Thank you for sticking up for me.” She looked at Lightning, “Can you go get my mom please?” She looked like she was about to cry again.

Natali held her close, in an almost motherly or sisterly gesture, lightly stroking her hair. “I shouldn’t have let him get near you in the first place. Erika I am so sorry.” She saw so much of her old life in Erika, but she never even had the courage to step outside on a weekend dressed like that. Erika at least had that much courage, and Natali, feeling like she almost took that away from her for her own selfishness, nearly burst into tears herself.

Erika’s mother came out from the back area, with Lightning. She looked like an older version of Erika in her, her strawberry blonde hair pulled into a tight bun. She went over to her daughter, smiling at Natali. “Mind if I take over the hugs sweetie?”

Natali quickly nodded, letting go of the distraught girl and stepping back out of the way. She scurried to Lightning’s side, but thinking Lightning hadn’t seen her statement yet, simply folded her hands behind her rather than leaping into her arms as she so wanted at that moment, chewing her bottom lip.

Lightning wrapped her arm around her daughter she looked down at Natali and smiled, kissing her forehead, “I am proud of you.”

Natali threw her arms around Lightning’s waist as she nuzzled into her side, whispering, “I shouldn’t have let him get near her. Everything’s in my statement, but I left out the part about feeling horribly guilty for even bringing her out and exposing her to that jerk.” She sighed as she rested her head against her mother’s shoulder, watching the pair.

“You did fine,” Lightning whispered. “She wanted to go out. Erika’s mom told me all about it. She needs a friend like you, Natali.” Lightning smiled still. “I’ve been teaching you, and you choose your battle fine; sticking up for peoples rights is what you’re supposed to do.”

“How do you... What do you do in that situation, when you want to say something to someone like that, when your gut emotion takes control of your mouth before your brain can engage?” She cracked a smile.

Lightning looked down at her daughter again, “In time you’ll learn that sometimes actions speak louder then your words, and to not let your words get the best of you,” she answered, squeezing Natali close to her.

Nalai smiled at that. “I’m kind of glad you didn’t let me go to Bodhum now. Erika’s going to stay with her aunt soon, but until she does, I’m glad I can be here for her.”

“Your mother Vanille, I and Marriete have been talking about a trip down to New Bodhum, actually. Erika and you will be making a trip down there for summer holidays, just the two of you.” Lightning smiled.

Natali’s eyes lit up as she stared, shocked, up at her mother. “Really?” she tried hard not to exclaim too loudly, not wanting to interrupt Erika and her mother.

“Yes really sweetheart. You can go , and Erika will be joining you, if you don’t mind?” Lightning smiled, “Get your rear home, and I’ll be there shortly so we can start your birthday party.”

“Yes ma’am. Erika was going to help me hem my new dress,” she added in a low whisper, “But I think we can safely forget about that. I still would love it if she can come, but I won’t hold it against her if she changes her mind,” she added with a sympathetic smile, and gave her mother a quick hug. “Um... Just one really quick question. Did he really attack you?”

Lightning frowned a little. “Yes, he tried to grab my gunblade, and then hit my shoulder plate.”

“Wow... So like, no matter what I did or didn’t say, that wasn’t going to end well. I can’t believe I was able to stop him.” Natali almost scowled, shaking her head. “Anyway, I’ll head home right away.”

Natali turned, pausing beside Erika and her mother. She didn’t say a word, but stepped closer, giving the girl a quick hug and an apologetic smile. Erika hugged her back before she dashed out of the building, her nearly forgotten shopping bags still dangling from the hilt of her gunblade.

The streets were empty, and rain started to fall as Natali started to head home. She groaned, using her hand to shield her eyes, and ducking under awnings as often as possible while trying to keep her shopping bag closed. She practically jumped out of her boots as soon as she got inside her house. She paused, glancing around.

“Momma Vee? I’m back!” she called as she stood by the doorway, letting the worst of the rain drip off her clothes and onto the small, rugged mat.

The house was empty but smelled of freshly baked cake. When Natali entered the living room on the Entry table were a bunch of wrapped boxes. “I guess she stepped out,” Natali mused to herself. The front picture window’s drapes, a rich, deep rose red, hung closed tight, and the thought crossed her mind to strip down right there to keep her wet things from dripping on the nice, clean floors, but she thought better of it, and raced for her bedroom instead.

She quickly dropped her shopping bags on the hardwood dresser, resting alongside Kupo, her stuffed moogle, and her smaller pink stuffed chocobo, as she pulled a pair of clean underwear from the drawer. She pulled her new pink dress from her bag and laying it across her bed then disappearing into the bedroom’s adjoining bathroom - painted in the same rosy pink as her bedroom.

Several minutes later, steam billowed out into the cooler bedroom as she emerged, dressed in only a white terrycloth bathrobe, her long, wet hair wrapped tightly in a towel on her head. She stepped into a pair of fuzzy house slippers and padded out of the room, intent on cleaning up the mess she made coming in before Vanille or Lightning could see.

Not much had changed in the year that Natali had lived in the big house. The furniture somehow looked as clean and new as the day she came to live with Lightning and Vanille - fine, hardwood tables, big comfortable chairs, and a lovely rug she might have called oriental in her old world, sat as centerpieces to the living room, raised about a foot from the entryway.

Natali grabbed a mop from the small utility closet just off the kitchen and began furiously mopping up the little puddles that she’d left behind on her way to her bedroom.

Vanille opened the front door as Natali was mopping up, “Oh sorry kiddo, I don’t mean to make a mess after you clean it up.” Vanille smiled, “Oh and it’s you’re birthday, why are you cleaning?”

Natali shook her head. “No, it’s my mess. I got drenched on the way back from giving my statement at the facility.” She frowned a little. “Erika was attacked by some boy, but he’s going away for a long time.”

Vanille nodded, “That’s how it works sweetie, if your a bad person, you go away for a long time, but there are ways to prevent innocent people from going away and we use them.” Vanille leaned over and kissed Natali’s forehead, “Happy birthday girl.”

Natali smiled a little. “Momma Light already spoiled your surprise. I guess she figured I needed it early.” She giggled and hugged Vanille. “Thank you so much. Erika and I really had fun before the incident at the pizza shop. I know Mindy and Alexa will love her. This is going to be my best birthday ever.”

Vanille smiled as she went into the kitchen to finish the cake with a topping and candles, and before Natali could get back to her room, the front door opened. Lightning, Marriete, Erika, the young woman from the clothing shop, and a few other people entered the house, including various family members that Natali didn’t recognize and a few people from Lightning’s Military unit.

Natali, still in her bathrobe and slippers, holding the mop in one hand, and her hair up in a towel, stared like a frightened wild chocobo as everyone piled inside. She could feel her cheeks burning, but she just couldn’t bring herself to move.

Erika came over to Natali and rescued her hiding her behind her as she took her to the bedroom, “This one yours?”

“Yeah, this is mine,” she answered. “You’re a lifesaver.”

“Lets get in here and get that dress of yours fixed up ok?” Erika smiled as she opened the door to let Natali inside.

The poor girl sprinted inside, backing against the one piece of bare wall she actually had, with the rest either occupied by furniture - desks, vanity, dresser and such - or chic posters of the latest in popular bands of the day-and-age. She shook her head and laughed. “God I completely lost track of time,” she added as she raced to her bed.

The pink of the new dress accented to lighter pink bedspead nicely. She blushed a little as she held up her birthday attire, straightening the lone wrinkle that had managed to work itself into the fabric.

“My moms went overboard on the pink when they decorated my room, but I kind of like it now. Hey, how are you holding up? You seem a lot better now,” she asked almost out of the blue.

“I don’t think its overboard in the pink. Your room looks really nice. I’m trying to talk my Daddy into letting me paint my room pink.” Erika grinned, “I’ll turn around and you can put the dress on and I’ll fix it up for you ok?”

Natali giggled. “Sure, if you want,” she answered with a reassuring smile that just screamed ‘You’re too much of a girl to be a boy’. “I just didn’t want half the city to see me in my bathrobe,” she added as she turned around, slugging her robe off and stepping into her new dress.

Unlike the typical fashions of the day it had a simple, elegant flow to the form. The hemline started at her knee on the right side, tapering to just slightly above it on the other side with a kind of long, flowing ripple effect that she fell in love with. The neck, while cut a little low, was still quite modest for a girl her age. “I wonder if I should wear a belt? Maybe something red, or white?” she giggled, adding, “Oh, you can look now.”

Erika smiled as she turned around, “Oh God a red belt would look so darn cute on that, and I think after a minor adjustment in the bust area this dress is perfect. You’ll look like a real Princess in that.” She then grabbed out of her pocket a small sewing kit.

Natali giggled. “Need me to change while you work, or do I just need to stand here?”

“Nope it’s easier to work with the subject in the clothes. I promise I won’t poke you with the needle. I’m an expert!” Erika grinned.

“You know,” Natali mused, mostly just making casual conversation as she watched Erika work, “I think our parents have been planning something for a little while now. Momma Vee just happened to suggest I invite you out, and … Well, I don’t know if you heard what Momma Light and I were talking about earlier, so I won’t say anymore.” She giggled.

“I think so too. Daddy was so quick at letting me go out as a girl. He’s always afraid of me being outed.” Erika replied. “And Momma told me I’m not going to my cousins this summer, but wouldn’t tell me any other plans.”

Natali just smiled innocently as she nodded. “That’s what Momma Light told me too. I mentioned being glad I could stay here and hang out with you until you left for your cousins’, and she told me you wouldn’t have to worry about that this year.”

“Oh guess what! I learned that I can create fire with my hand!” Erika bubbled as she gently sewed the bust of the dress with careful, expert precision.

“Oh my God. Seriously? Like, magic?” Natali gasped, trying not to move too much.

“Yeah! Momma says I maybe to do a lot more someday too, like create ice and maybe summon things.” Erika beamed trying not to mess up on the pretty dress shes working on.

“I guess you won’t need me to protect you anymore, huh?” she teased, but smiled softly. “I’m so happy for you. It’s an amazing gift.”

“Oh I don’t think magic would have stopped those boys,” Erika frowned, “But it might have slowed them down. I’m glad you were there to help me.”

“That’s what friends are for,” she replied cheerfully. “But I’m glad I was there too.”

Erika finished the last touch on Natali’s dress, hemming the bust line just right to fit her body better. “Perfect, You and I make a great team you know that?”

Natali giggled, pulling the girl into a hug. “Thank you. It feels perfect!” She turned to check herself in the mirror then grinned. “Wow. It looks perfect too! Okay, belt... Belt... Oh, I think it’s in here,” she bubbled, rushing to the closet. She pulled the faux-shutter-style white doors open to reveal a large walk in closet with two rows - upper and lower - of varying styles of skirts, tops, dresses, and pants hanging on all three sides.

“I have way too much stuff,” she sighed, pushing some of the articles aside so she could get to the hidden shelves. Despite the chaotic mass of color, a pattern could definitely be seen too. Shoes, belts, even purses, each seemed to have their place.

“I wish we were sisters,” Natali teased. “Because I have a lot of things that I think would look fantastic with that beautiful hair of yours. Oh here it is. And the shoes that go with it,” she added, emerging a moment later with a small, almost cherry red leather belt with little silver accents in one hand, and a pair of red flats in the other, stepping into the shoes even as she hurriedly fastened the belt.

“Goddess I’m going to have to come over here and borrow some clothes from you sometime,” Erika whistled. “That’s like a department store in itself in there.”

Natali giggled. “Now you know why I hate shopping alone. If I just go alone, it’s just buying more crap I have to find a place for.”

She paused, carefully poking her finger up under the towel on her hair. “Dry enough,” she nodded to herself, unraveling the towel. Her hair flew every which way, some matted to her head, some sticking out at a strange angle. She groaned, picking up a hair comb and trying to sort it out. “If it wasn’t so pretty I’d hack it all off,” she joked. Erika shook her head as she grabbed a brush, tackling the other side.

“No way. I love it. You can always just braid it if it gets in the way when you’re training,” she advised.

In no time the two were finished, and with Erika’s help, Natali had managed to style her hair into an elaborate style perfect for the birthday girl’s big day. Natali giggled as she stepped out of her room, re-emerging into the living room where everyone had gathered, some sitting, some standing, some drinking fruity beverages. All eyes settled on Natali as the room grew silent though.

Vanille emerged from the kitchen carrying a rather large cake, with twelve candles on it, with a big smile on her face as she set it down on the table and looked at her beautiful daughter.

Natali turned to Erika with a kind of ‘this is all for me?’ stunned expression before turning back to Vanille again, stepping closer, and wrapping her in a hug. “Wow. Thank you everyone,” she added, reaching up with one hand to dab at her eye.

Marriete grinned. “Well, young lady, what are you waiting for? Blow out the candles and make a wish!”

Natali giggled. “I wish Alexa and Mindy could be here.”

From the outside covered porch Natali could hear some giggling, as the door was cracked partially.

She blinked a few times. “I can’t believe that worked,” she giggled, causing a round of laughter from the gathered adults as she raced to the door and threw it open.

Alexa grabbed Natali as she opened the door, “Happy birthday you!” she cheered, hugging her tightly. “Mom said we couldn’t miss such a special birthday for you. It’s your twelfth birthday and your first rolled into one.”

Natali squealed as she hugged Alexa then grabbed Mindy in a hug. “Thank you so much. It just wasn’t going to be the same without you guys here! We have so much to catch up on, and I have a new friend to introduce you to as well. Come inside!” She motioned, as she returned to her cake.

She waited a moment for everyone to make themselves comfortable before inhaling sharply and closing her eyes, apparently making another wish for herself before blowing out all twelve candles.

“Happy birthday sweetie.” Lightning walked up to Natali and put a Guardian Corp dog tag around her neck, “You are now an unofficial member of the Guardian Corp.” She winked as she moved off to the side, and Vanille started to slice the cake for everyone.

Natali giggled as she lifted the dogtag to examine it. She grinned. “Oh, I don’t plan to stay unofficial. I want to apply as soon as I’m old enough. I like helping people. It’s...” she paused, searching for the right word. “I can’t explain it.” She smiled as she shrugged and sat down, still giggling quietly.

Mindy grinned as she quietly sat down next to Natali, offering her one of the two finely decorated dishes, with the larger slice of cake. “I figured you probably still eat like a chocobo,” she teased. “I’m so excited about the coming holiday. NORA’s grown since you were last there too.”

Natali grinned. “I can’t wait to see everyone again. Oh hey, Mindy this is my friend Erika,” she added as Erika shyly tried to edge away. Mindy giggled.

“It’s great to meet you. I’m glad Natali’s finally making friends up here. Alexa and I felt so bad about letting her go. We at least have each other, and the older girls in New Bodhum are nice enough.”

“Plus Tommy’s been awfully quiet lately,” Alexa added as she bounced over, offering Erika one of her two plates of cake as well. “Hi, I’m Alexa,” she bubbled. “Erika I love your shoes!”

Erika blushed, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear as she accepted the cake. “Oh, thank you. I love your dresses,” she answered, starting to smile.

“Erika wants to be a fashion designer,” Natali added. “She hemmed my dress for me, so it would fit better.”

“Wow really?” Alexa asked, inspecting Natali’s dress critically. “Where?”

“Right here,” Natali answered, pointing to the bustline. “It was too big here, but everything else fit.”

“Oh, you’ll have to let that out again soon enough,” Alexa giggled. Natali blushed as she shoveled a mouthful of cake between her lips. Her eyes widened. “Oh, this is great!”

Alexa grinned as she ate her piece of cake with her friends, “Hey how big did your boobs grow anyway?” she giggled.

“Alexa!” Natali gasped.

The other girls were giggling at Alexa’s question and Natali’s embarrassment. After a moment or two she started giggling. “Um, not enough to fill out this dress. I’ll leave it at that. I’m just glad Erika can sew. I may be asking her for a lot of favors with that needle before long. Momma Vee said I looked like I grew a little taller too.”

“Sooo,” Mindy finally couldn’t wait any longer. “Did you talk to your moms again?”

Natali giggled loudly. “Yeah, but shh! It’s still a secret.” She winked.

“Ohh,” Mindy giggled loudly, a little out of character for her, which caused her sister Alexa to snort and start laughing as well.

“Okay birthday girl,” Lightning finally came to her rescue, “It’s time to open your presents.”

“Oh, yay,” Natali cheered as Vanille held out the first of the brightly colored packages.

Natali tore the shimmery paper aside to find what, at first, looked like a bright pink purse, but Vanille simply grinned. “I figured you’d be able to use a new ammo pouch - pink, of course, to match your hair,” she added, before handing Natali the next of several gifts.

The process continued until only one box remained, and a mountain of plushies, clothes, an adorable snowglobe with a ceramic moogle playing with a chocobo sat close by, and a nice, silver ring set with a tiny purple crystal now adorned one of Natali’s fingers, as well as a new coral necklace around her neck courtesy of Alexa and Mindy.

Marriete giggled under her breath. “Oh, that one. That’s from all of us at the Guardian Corps” Lightning eyed the woman briefly. “Okay, ALMOST everyone. You wouldn’t believe the trouble we went through to keep this one secret!”

Natali giggled as she carefully pulled away the paper. On opening the plain, white box and pushing away the gossamer-like paper, a twelve inch tall Lightning Farron doll, dressed in the trademark uniform, complete with gunblade at its side, stared up at Natali. She squeaked as she pulled it fully from the packaging and held it up.

“Oh my God. I love it!”

Lightning’s cheeks turned just the tiniest hint of rosy pink, and she shook her head slowly. “Now I see why you had to sneak that thing around behind my back,” she said with a glance at Mariette.

“It was Merrik’s idea, ma’am,” she answered with a grin. “But we all chipped in.”

“Thanks everyone! This has been such a great birthday!”

The day wore on and the four girls talked and examined all the things Natali got for her birthday, as the adults slowly left for the night. Natali stood and approached Lightning and Vanille, “Can Erika stay the night with me, Alexa and Mindy? before they go home tomorrow?”

“I don’t see why not. Light?” Vanille asked, glancing at her. Lightning smiled and nodded.

“Sure, just let your parents know, Erika.”

She gave Natali a knowing grin, adding, “You can tell them now if you want, too. I’m surprised you held it in this long,” she teased, squeezing her daughter’s shoulder. “Happy birthday sweetie.”

“Tell us what?” Mindy asked cautiously.

“Well Momma Vanille and Momma Lightning agreed to let me go down to New Bodhum this summer, and Erika’s mom thinks it’s a good idea for her to come too!” Natali squealed.

Alexa and Mindy both squealed, though Alexa’s bordered on an excited shriek, as they bounced up and down, grabbing and hugging Natali repeatedly. Erika stared in utter disbelief, very nearly in tears.

“Y-you’re serious?!” she gasped.

“Yeah, that’s why your mom told you that you weren’t going to your cousins’ this summer.” Natali hugged Erika tightly and smiled.

“Oh my God,” she whispered, and started bouncing and giggling with Alexa and Mindy. “I have to go talk to my Mom about staying over and give her and daddy a big hug for this! Natali you just made this my best day in a long time!”

Natali caught her hand before she could go, grinning and whispering in her ear, “And the best part is no more pretending to be a boy. You’re you, and I won’t let you be anything but.” She grinned, letting her go, and Erika, tears streaming down her face, raced off, still giggling.

Later that night the girls, getting tired, pulled out their sleeping rolls. All four girls decided to sleep on the floor together. Alexa broke the comfortable silence that had fallen over the room. “Hey, I’ve been thinking.”

“Uh oh,” Erika giggled. Alexa stuck her tongue out.

“Really! We just all click so well together. Let’s stay a team forever okay?”

“Agreed,” Natali answered with a bright smile. “Whenever we’re apart, let’s continue to stay in touch via commlink. This summer is going to be the best ever.”

Erika smiled, dressed in a long pink nightgown, as she snuggled down into her sleeping bag. “Yeah. Being away from my cousins and with friends I really enjoy, no bullies, no school,” she yawned.

“And if anyone does give you trouble, we’ll kick the crap out of em!” Alexa pronounced.

Meanwhile back on Earth

A lone woman sat at a lonely bar on a corner of a lonely street. Outside, rain fell hard against the building’s weathered shingles. The bartender had seen the woman countless times since her son disappeared, but he knew the only comfort he could bring her was another bottle. She paid her tab, and never caused trouble, so he always left her alone.

That night though, another stranger had wandered in. The woman hadn’t noticed him, staring at her half-empty whiskey shot glass as he ordered his first and second drinks. Finally though, the black-haired gentleman approached her.

“They say misery loves company,” he said in a friendly tone. The woman pushed back her disheveled hair as she looked up. At first she glared, but something about his friendly smile disarmed whatever remark she had prepared for her intruder.

“Buy me another round, and I’ll share more misery than you know what to do with, buster,” she sighed, turning away again to down her glass.

“Oh, I’ve got plenty of my own,” he laughed, but it had a certain bitterness to it: a kind of pain that resonated with hers. “My kid’s been missing for awhile now. I try not to let it get to me but sometimes it’s just too much. You?”

“My... son,” she answered softly. “He ran away from home a year ago. He was so excited about that damn game of his, and then … gone,” she snapped her fingers, “Just like that.”

“My Amy did the same thing,” he remarked gently as he sat down beside her. “Left a note saying she was going to look for her mother. Her mother died giving birth to her,” he added, and for a moment, looked like he might almost break down into tears. He cleared his throat as she turned to stare blankly back at him.

“Nathen left a note like that. His father died in a plane crash a few years ago, returning from a convention.” She paused and cracked a small smile. “Well you were right about one thing. Misery does love company.”

He laughed a little as he offered his hand. “I’m Scott. Do you still want me to buy you that drink?”

“Katherine,” she answered, slowly looking down at her glass. “No, I … I think I’ve had enough. Scott,” she started to stand, stumbling right into him as her legs gave way. “Could you call me a cab? I think I’m a little too far gone to drive.”

He smiled as he helped her to her feet again. “Sure. I know this is going to sound cliche, but if tomorrow, when we’re both sober, you’d feel up for it, I’d like to take you out for coffee. You can tell me about your son, and I’ll tell you all about my Amy?”

She smiled genuinely for the first time in years, nodding a little. “I think I’d like that.”

The bartender smiled to himself as he watched the pair leave. “Never thought I’d be so happy to lose a customer.” He mused to himself as he wiped down the bar, getting ready to lock up for the night..

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