After reading Dorothy's Blog, I decided to go to My Account to see how I was doing (Yes, I am that vain. I'm weak, I know. Somebody spank me?). Anyway, I noticed a Favorites that really shouldn't be there, but I can't seem to remove it (I don't have permission?). I know what happened, sometimes when I hit "comment" I accidentally hit the Add to Favorites tag. I really do need better glasses! How can I clear out my favorites file so I can add the stories I really love? If I keep adding favorites, will the old ones be pushed out of sight?
It's not too hard...
You click the "favorite" link and go to the "story"...
If you look at the bottom of the story (where the "Add Comment" link can usually be found) you'll see a NEW link - "Remove from Favorites" or something like that.
If you click that "remove" link - poof. Like Magic, it's no longer a favorite.
And, yes, I had to figure this out a ways back, because I too, hit the wrong button on occasion. (do those links at the end of the story change their order periodically or is it just my eyes playing tricks?)
Annette is correct...
with her instructions, but just in case, her's the FAQ that Erin posted on the subject recently:
It doesn't work on one story.
I think it's called Robin's Baby, or something like that. I don't remember the story, but when I try to get into it, it says I don't have permission. I'm guessing that it was removed or pulled for some reason, and I'll admit, it's not a huge deal. It just...bugs me that it's there! Oh well.
I went and looked at your
I went and looked at your account, and didn't find any such story listed. Did you get it removed?
It was "Jill's Baby, Ch.1"
I don't remember the story, I must have found SOMETHING interesting about it. I used Dorothy's suggestion, and dropped a few of my real favorites on the list, which moved Jill's Baby out of sight, so I'm a happy girl!
Thanks for trying to help, Piper!
if you have enough favorites
the full list will only appear if you actually click on it. What shows at first is like the last 5 stories you've added to the list.
I wondered about that.
So I'll add a bunch of my favorites, and push it out of sight, and out of mind. Thanks, Dorothy!