The Story Of Hank/Hanna Wells

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This is the poignant story of Henry Thomas Wells. A hero to some, while to others noting more than a school yard bully. With his father gone and his mom all to willing to believe those who have accused her son of wrong doing. His life soon seems to spin out of control. Tim, Tammy, and many other know the truth but Hank will not allow anyone to stand up for him and what he did. Every hero needs a villain, You decide which he was.

(Authors note) I had to remove or edit much of the events that landed Hank in his condition. They are referred to in other parts of the story. Take the tissue alert to heart as even my editor shed more than a few tears over this one. I was/am hesitant to tag the story as forced femm even though it reads that way. A perceptive reader will realize he did it willing even though it was presented as an ultimatum.

Chapter 1

It was the last day of school and for the most part everybody was happy. Tammy, my girlfriend, and I were walking down the sidewalk where the buses were parked. Most of the grade school kids were running to get on the bus and get home to start their summer vacation.

My name is Henry Thomas Wells, Hank, to most of my friends and family. Tammy and I have been together as a couple almost since we started school 11 years ago. She knows me better than anybody and was my rock when my dad was killed about three years ago.

As we stood in the student parking area talking with friends, we watched as the last of the school buses left. Carl, our school crossing guard, hopped on his ten speed to leave, as soon as the last bus was out of sight, but he got quite a shock.

Some kids had tied a rope to the back of his bike and to the phone pole where he normally parked it. When he ran out of rope, the bike stopped right then, but he didn't. He went over the handle bars then through a hedge row and landed on his back with his feet straight up in the air.

Tammy and I, along with most of our class mates, thought it was funny and laughed for several minutes before we got in our cars and left. You would have to know Carl the way we do to understand. Picture the worst school bully you can remember then multiply that by 10. He's a cop and a distant cousin to our school principal so he does whatever and get's away with it.

He once tried to stop a little girl who was running by grabbing her arm and literally pulled her shoulder out of her socket. I popped him right in the mouth for doing that, then took the little girl to the school nurse. I got in trouble, but not a word was said to him.

Tammy lived just two blocks from my house so I dropped her off at home and then went home myself. It was mom's Friday off so she was home when I got there. I gave her my report card and the promotion slip to the 12th grade. We talked about me getting a summer job like I did last summer and I was all for it, just as she was.

Mom's name is Abigail, but everybody called her Abby, save me. She was my mom and that was what I called her. There were some things dad, when he was alive, just would not tolerate. Dad's name was Henry James Wells, but he was dad or sir, and it was Mom or Ma'am. And heaven forbid if I allowed someone to mistreat my older sister and did nothing about it.

Granted, sis was a fiery red head just like mom, so I seldom had to. But the few times I did, dad backed me all the way and I never got in trouble for it. Unfortunately, mom didn't see this the way dad and I did.

Dad had been dead most of three years now. Sis was on the East coast attending college so for the most part it was just me and mom at home, save a visit from sis from time to time. School had become a nightmare for mom, as I had been branded a bully.

I wasn't a bully and anybody that really knew me would tell you so. Just like when Carl hurt that little girl, and I took up for her, there were many, many such times I had done the same for other kids in school. Tammy had often told me I was too goodhearted, standing up for other people and then taking the blame alone for whatever I did. Even to the point of not telling the right people why I did what I did. I even asked the people I helped to never tell anyone what I did.

Tammy knew everything and I told her I would never speak to her if she ratted me out. I'm nobody's hero and never wanted to be seen that way. But then I couldn't stand by and watch the bullies at school or Carl, for that matter, treat other people so badly. My dad was a very loving man and protected me and sis like we were made of gold. I guess that was why I was the same way.

I had tried many times to explain to mom about the trouble I got in at school, but mom was much quicker to believe the school than she was to believe me. So after so many times of getting sent home or punished in one way or another I just gave up. I couldn't get mom to understand that I got in trouble because I was taking up for someone who couldn't defend themselves.

And now, not 10 minutes home from the last day of school the principal had just driven up.

After mom and Ms. Jackson exchanged hello's, she set into to telling mom about the prank that had been pulled on Carl. I had been blamed for it and I told Tammy this would happen on the way home.

"Ms. Wells, do you realize I have sent your son home five times this year alone? He has been kept in detention 7 times this year and expelled once for slugging Carl, the crossing guard," Ms. Jackson spoke with fire in her eyes.

"I do," mom replied, while she gave me an evil look.

"Your son has been completely out of control since his father died and if you're not going to take some measure to stop this, I am," she spat.

"And how do you propose we or you do that?" Mom asked.

"I have a petition signed by over twenty parents of kids your son has beaten up or hurt in some way. They all want him out of our school one way or another. I'm not willing to go that far. He has been an otherwise good student and his grades are great. But it seems for the most part he has a problem with understanding a girl's modesty," she paused and gave mom the petition.

"He seems to think it cute to go in the girl's locker room and steal their bras. He flipped up the skirts of more than one or two girls while they were at the blackboard so the whole class saw their panties. Do you see a pattern here?" She asked and paused again.

"I see what you're getting at, yes," mom replied.

About that time Tammy came in the back door and sat with me at the kitchen table. She had been out on the front porch and heard most of the conversation so far. Mom had run me out of the living room almost as soon as Ms. Jackson arrived, but I had heard it all so far myself. And I could see everything from the mirror behind the couch where Ms. Jackson was sitting.

"So here is my proposal," Ms. Jackson started again.

"If you and he agree to the terms, he can come back to school next year. If not, it will be up to you to find a school that will have him for his senior year. First, he will attend school next year as a girl. He will not be allowed to wear pants of any kind. He will wear stockings or pantyhose everyday. High heels and no less than two inches on the heel. He will not be excused from P.E. so he will need a leotard and tights to dress out in. Makeup will be required, as well as an appropriate hair style. In short, he will appear to be a girl from the skin out for the full class year," he paused.

"And the prom." Mom asked.

"Well, that is held on the school campus. So, yes, he would have to come as a female. He can even have an escort if some guy is brave enough to be around him," she added.

I could see Tammy's blood boiling as Ms. Jackson pronounced my sentence for next year. And worse yet, I all but knew mom would go along with it. Why? Because when sis was home and we got in a fight or argument of any kind, I would wind up having to dress in her clothes for punishment.

I didn't give mom the time to go over the fine points of the agreement. I just got up and went to the living room and signed it. I was not going to change schools and miss graduation and prom with my friends and Tammy, as well. If this was really what Ms. Jackson wanted, then that was what she would get. Mom gave me a look that defied any explanation, then signed as well.

"I look forward to seeing Hanna at school next year," Ms. Jackson spoke with some sarcasm. "Let's see you be a bully wearing a dress and high heels," she added, as she got up to leave.

Tammy went out the back door almost taking the door off the hinges as she did. She knew I wouldn't allow her to take up for me, not for a second even. But she was plenty mad and even mom figured she knew why.

Chapter 2

Since when did my son and a bully, no less, become a wimp. You didn't even challenge Ms. Jackson's demands," mom looked at me as if she was seeing a ghost.

"I'm your son and even you didn't stick up for me. You would have accepted her terms anyway. You always believe them and never me, so why bother," I added.

"Hank, do you expect me to just take your word for whatever every time you get in trouble? Do you think the school would lie to me about your behavior?" She added.

"No, the school wouldn't lie to you, mom, except maybe if they needed to cover their own butts," I stated with some sarcasm.

"You always have an excuse, somebody did something and you just stepped in to stop it. That's what you're asking me to believe?"

"No, mom. I'm just telling you the other side of the story. The least you could do is check it for yourself before you call me a liar," I stated.

"See? You're all too willing to argue with me, but you didn't say a word to Ms. Jackson. Could that be because she's telling the truth and you have no reasonable defense?" Mom stated with a smile.

"Okay, Mom, you win. What do we do now?" I asked.

"I have some calls to make first, then we'll get started making you over into a girl. I'm not sending you to school looking like some parity of a girl," she added.

The next morning after breakfast mom sent me to her shower in the master bedroom. It's very large compared to mine and that was where she covered me from my nose to my toes in hair remover. I didn't have a lot of body hair to start with, but after that I had none, not even around my crotch area. And I learned then this would be a weekly ritual until I could be trusted to do it on my own.

It seemed clear that mom had a plan and there was little I could do save to go along with it whatever it was. Mom gave me a pair of sister's panties and a pair of gym shorts to put on while she got ready for work. Once my hair was somewhat dry she gave me one of sister's old tank tops to put on as well. None of sister's shoes would fit me so I wore my flip-flops and rode to the hospital with her. She's a nurse, by the way, almost ready to retire, but still highly thought of at the hospital.

I got a complete check up and the doctor mom worked with most of the time said I was in great health. Then I was taken to the O.R. where under local anesthesia I got a set of saline implants for breasts and my manhood was neatly sewn up to look like a vagina. Mom made me watch the whole thing start to finish.

Since I wasn't put to sleep, I went home with mom that evening when her shift was done. There were pills I would have to take to stop me from trying to become erect, while my manhood was put away and pain pills to boot. Needless to say, the pain pills would be used long after the pain of the operations was gone.

I moped around the house with my new A cups and what looked like a vagina between my legs for most of a week before Tammy came to see me. The pain was mostly gone by then, but my mood wasn't any better at all.

"I can't believe you're letting the school and Ms. Jackson force you into this!" She shouted after she had seen my nude body. "Someone yells ouch and you run to their aid, but you won't even take up for yourself," she added.

"But I have, Tammy. I have argued for hours with Ms. Jackson at school. Then came home and did it all over again with Mom. All Ms. Jackson is looking for is someone to blame and punish. As much as it pains me to say it, I don't think mom believes a word I say either."

"I know the truth. Sherry knows it, too. So does Allie and all the other kids you have stood up for. OH! But heaven forbid if you will let them stick up for you," she spat.

They never ask for my help and I will NOT ask them to help me. I did what I did and I still think I was right to do so. But I will suffer the consequence on my own, thank you," I added.

"Well, you're going to need a lot of help to get through the school year pretending to be a girl and you can bet Ms. Jackson will make it hell if she can. So I am here for you. If you need or want anything, all you have to do is ask," she added.

"So far it seems that mom has this all planned out, but I am sure, as you are, I will need some help. So thanks for the offer."

That Friday night after dinner mom added some saline to my breasts and I was a full B cup that night before bedtime.

Saturday we started going through all the clothes sis had left behind and everything that wasn't too dated or just way too small found a new home in my bedroom. Mom had done the first round of shopping on her own, so I now had a few bras and panties that were new. As mom and I removed the last of my boy's clothes from my room, I had to ask her if she didn't think my punishment was a little extreme.

"Unique and maybe different, but they have expelled you and kept you after class for hours on end. "So did they have a lot of other options?" She asked. "If you want to change schools and graduate with a bunch of people you hardly know, that is still an option," she added.

Mom had no clue that if I changed schools, Tammy would quit. I wasn't prepared to have that on my conscience.

"Wouldn't that be kinda like admitting the things I did were wrong?" I asked.

"As opposed to taking your punishment and insisting your were right?" Mom questioned.

"Yes," I replied.

"Well, when you do what is right, as a rule, you don't get punished. Now, do you?" Mom spoke softly.

"As a rule, you're right mom. But there are people that are more than willing to break the rules if it suits their purpose. You think about that one for a while," I added.

Mom looked at me a little stunned, then went on about arranging the clothes in my dresser. She set aside one drawer for things that were a little too tight in the waist for me to wear and hinted that I would lose some weight over the summer and by the time for school to start they would fit.

"Get a good night's sleep. Your Aunt Jean is expecting us at the salon early in the morning," mom said, as she headed for her room to go to bed.

"I thought she was closed on Saturday," I replied.

"Normally, she is, but you have a long way to go before you look anything like a real girl, much less learning to act like one," mom smiled as she headed down the stairs.

I cringed at the thought of dealing with Aunt Jean. She was what I called a prissy woman, if it wasn't cute or pretty it didn't exist in her world. I knew no matter what I did or how I looked, it would never be enough to suit her.

I slept pretty well through the night, but the added saline in my breasts was a painful reminder of my situation if I rolled over on them. And I did more than once or twice.

Before breakfast Mom came to my room and introduced me to my first corset. This was a real corset, not some playthings to look cute in and when she had finished lacing it tight, I knew it was there, trust me.

As you might have guessed, those clothes that were a bit tight before weren't now. And I ate just a few bites of breakfast before I was way too full. Thankfully, mom let me have all the coffee I wanted and I drank plenty of it.

By six in the morning we were at the salon and mom left me there with Aunt Jean. Mom told Aunt Jean to do what she had to, but she wanted to see a girl when she came back around lunch time. I knew then I was done for.

Aunt Jean was my father's sister and reminded me right off that her business was not just some salon. It was a spa and I was about to get the works.

Today should have been the day for my hair remover bath, but Jean took no pity on me, as she waxed every inch of my body that had any stubble. No, the crack of my butt and my crotch were not spared her wrath.

Satisfied that my body was hair free, my next step was a hot shower where I used some perfume scented soap, as well as scented shampoo and conditioner. Now, I admit my hair was long for a boy, but there were lots of boys with hair much longer than mine.

Jean insisted that I would be much prettier as a platinum blond like her and there was little I could to do to stop her after what mom had told her. The smell of the chemicals was burning my nose and I so wanted to bolt right out the door after she rinsed it all out and gave me a new more girlish hair cut.

She then rolled it all and set into giving me a full set of acrylic nails. And not just the average length one like many women have, they were long and too long for my liking. I did protest loud and long, but she just carried on like I hadn't said a word.

I got a pedicure as well and when all my nails were shaped to her liking she painted them a dark plum color. She moved me to sit under one of the driers for a while and she basically just stood around and smoked a dainty little cigarette while she waited. She did offer me a magazine to read while I sat there, but Cosmo was not what I called good reading.

Just before she stopped the drier she stood at her station and mixed a bowl of chemicals that I had no clue about. What she was mixing was a light acid peel for my face. I had acne real bad back several years ago and she was going to see if she could peel away some of the scaring it had left behind. Granted, it wasn't that bad, but fat chance for an acid peel to fix the damage, I thought to myself, once I knew what she was going to do.

The burning sensation of the acid peel wasn't all that bad, but right about then I realized Jean was taking great pains to keep me away from anything that looked like a mirror.

While the peel sat on my face, she added a clear top coat of paint to all my nails, never mind that it was a high gloss paint to start with. Then she rinsed my face several time and put a moisturizer on to ease the burning of my now very dry skin. She had already picked out all the makeup she was going to use on me and that was next on her list of things to do.

She did the makeup pretty quick like and then started to take the rollers from my hair. Jean was a makeup artist long before she ever had the spa, so she knew full well what she was doing and was very good at it. Just as she put the final touches on my hair, mom came through the back door with her arms full of shopping bags.

When mom got to where she could see me full on, I saw a big smile break across her face. She was pleased for a change and I knew then this was not so good for me. She hadn't smiled like that since sis left for college.

She took each of my hands and looked them over and then checked out my painted toe nails as well. She pushed the hair back away from my ears and then held a set of earrings up to see what they would look like. Jean pierced each of my ears twice and gave me the after care stuff to take care of them with. I would need to wear the studs for a week or two before I wore the pretty ones mom had gotten me.

Now it was back to the dressing room and the corset was the first thing that went back on. Mom helped brace me while Jean did the lacings this time and Jean got it a lot tighter than mom did. Then mom put the garters back on the corset and gave me a new pair of stockings to put on. She told me how to do it and watched to make sure I got it right and didn't run the stockings in the process.

Then mom got a school girl outfit out of one of the sacks she had. The skirt fit really tight and stopped about half way to my knees. Then she gave me a camisole, which went over my bra, then the top to match the skirt. I had to tuck the bottom of my top in my skirt and then zip the skirt closed behind my back. Trust me that was not easy to do. The outfit was red and striped with white, which was our school colors.

Then, finally, I was given a choice, open or closed toed pumps, both white, but at least I got to choose. I quickly decided the open toed would be more comfortable and mom placed them on the floor for me to slip my feet in. I didn't realize till I had them on and was looking mom eye to eye that the heel was three inches high. Mom is five foot ten inches tall, I was only five-seven at the time.

I had never worn a pair of high heels, but mom said I took to them like a duck to water, as I walked across the room. Aunt Jean and mom walked with me to the main salon area and parked me in front of a full length mirror.

There are no words to describe what I felt when I saw myself in the mirror. My sister won every beauty contest she had ever entered. She was the homecoming queen three years running and the prom queen the year she graduated. I knew a pretty girl when I saw one. The image I saw in the mirror was every bit as pretty as her and then some. I just stood there for several minutes trying to assure myself nothing had changed and I was still a boy.

I finally sat down and waited for mom and Jean to finish their lunch. I swept my skirt as I sat so it wasn't bunched up under me, and sat up straight with my hands together in my lap just as I had seen sister do so many times. My knees were tight together and my feet flat on the floor. I didn't move or say a word till mom told me to get our things from the dressing room, it was time to go. We had other things to do today.

We went straight to school where I got my picture taken for my new school ID and all my school records were changed to the name of Hanna Wells. With that in hand, the next stop was our lawyers office and from there it was the D. M. V. where I got a new drivers license in my new name and it was marked female, as well. Mom was pulling out all the stops all at once. Last, but not least, was the bank and it was the same story there. Now, in a manner of speaking I was legally a female or so it seemed on paper.

It was even more real to me, but I wasn't about to let mom know what I was thinking at the time.

By the time we got home it was almost dark. My head was spinning to say the least and sitting at the kitchen table putting all my new ID in my wallet and, yes, it was a girl's wallet. Then sorting out my purse with the list of things mom told me to put in did little to lift the fog that surrounded me at the time.

Sunday was no better and, yes, mom made me go to church with her. Nobody had a clue who I was and later when Tammy came over for lunch, her comments about how pretty I was and so on just added fuel to the fire. I was in a daze. I couldn't tell you even now what I wore to church that morning. That would end and all to soon.

Monday morning mom rolled me out of bed before the sun was up. I had slept in the corset two nights running and now mom was rushing me to shower and get ready for work. I composed myself long enough to remind her that I didn't have a job or not that I knew of.

"You're working at the spa with your Aunt Jean for the summer," Mom stated flatly.

That statement kinda brought me back to my senses, as it were. "I can't work at her spa. The customers will know I am a guy in a dress," I huffed.

"I really doubt that," mom said with some bravado.

Out of the shower and back in the corset, which mom got even tighter than before. I quickly started to get dressed. After the stockings were on, I put on a matching bra and panty set. Mom brought in the smock or uniform I was to wear for work and the short slip she assured me I would need under it.

Jean had actually given me a perm when she died my hair, so once it dried it pretty much went back like it had been. Dad was an artist and I took after him in that way, so the makeup wasn't a big deal to me. It took me longer than it did Jean, but it looked just as good when I was done. I could give you a laundry list of all the movies dad worked on, but Disney wouldn't approve if you know what I mean.

The smock fit me like it was a second skin, save the bust area, which I didn't fill out in any way. Mom told me it was supposed to fit tight and with my booty sock and tennis shoes on we were out the door. I did eat a little breakfast, but I wasn't hungry and the corset wouldn't allow for much anyway.

Before work Jean looked me over and told me I had done well getting my makeup right and so on. She wasn't happy about my above average waist size and tightened the corset even more.

"It will get smaller," she lamented, as she showed me my duty station as the new shampoo girl.

Before she left me, she told me to talk to my customers. It tends to make them relax and feel at ease while they're here.

By lunch time I was one big bundle of nerves. Every woman that came to my station seemed wowed by my appearance. They talked so fast and about things I never talked about to anyone. I tried to keep up and take part in the conversation, but I was losing it fast. Jean was watching me pretty close and stepped in and sent me to lunch for an hour.

From somewhere I found the determination to finish the day, but I was so worried my male voice would give me away that I was a wreck by the end of the day. In fact, it wasn't till I was in the car with mom that I realized my breasts were hurting a little as well as my ribs that were being crushed by the corset.

I took two pain pills right then with the bottled water I had brought with me from the spa. I was forcing myself to say spa now as Jean had corrected me about a dozen times already.

Mom asked me how the day had gone and in what seemed like one breath I told her the events of the whole day. How confused I was, how nervous I was, and right on down the line, I just spat it all out before I realized it. It was the same the next day and right till quitting time on Friday. By then I was all but sure I was headed for a nervous breakdown. School and Tammy and all the people that knew the real me hadn't even crossed my mind yet.

Friday night with my paycheck in hand I plopped in the kitchen chair where I usually sat. Mom had fixed dinner every night just like always, but even now I wasn't hungry and my head was spinning like a top.

Mom filled the garden tub in sister's room with bubble bath for me. I all but felt like a zombie till mom helped me in the tub and then got in with me. The hot water and sweet smell of the bath water seemed to relax me and then from nowhere I broke out in tears. Mom just held me till the tears stopped and once again I poured out all my fears and frustrations on her.

Once I was calmed down, mom explained that the pills I was taking to stop me from getting an erection was messing with my hormones. Kinda like a girl when she has her period, but not in the same way. Your moods will settle down once your body adjusts and you'll be fine. You already know nobody sees you as a boy now. So just become the girl you see in the mirror each morning and it will all be fine, she told me.

My breasts grew another cup size that night when she added the saline. She actually let me sleep without the corset that night, too. I slept till I woke up and after breakfast mom gave me a new bikini and we laid out by the pool together. I told mom I was past the tears for now, but I could see nothing but trouble coming from this, especially with school and boys.

Just about then Tammy and her twin brother Tim came through the pool gate. I saw the shock register in Tim's eyes, but Tammy had seen me already and was very cool about it. When we started talking amongst ourselves, mom just slipped back into the house.

Tim and I were friends, just as much as Tammy and I had been boyfriend and girlfriend. Still I caught him looking right at my breasts and to his eyes the flat front panel of the bikini said I was all girl now. Tammy knew I was still a boy and told Tim that very thing a number of times that day.

Tammy was still more than a little upset that I wouldn't let those who could speak up in my defense. I reminded her of what I had said before and she backed off. Tim on the other hand could have ratted me out long ago. I had saved him more than one beating at school. Instead, he promised to protect me now that I was a girl when school started back. I wanted to laugh, Tim was maybe all of five foot tall and weighed one hundred pounds if he was soaking wet. But I knew he meant well, so I told him sure.

We had no clue at the time that mom was standing two feet away behind the fence that enclosed the pool pump and filter. Never mind she had been there long enough to hear Tammy talk about what happened with her and Sherry, along with Allie, and some of the others I had stepped in to help.

Later, around lunch time, when Tammy and Tim went home, mom came back out and took the chair beside me. I could see the fire in her eyes and streaks in her makeup from the tears she had cried, but I had no clue as to why. I asked her several times what was wrong, but she just looked right through me and said nothing.

Mom never missed church on Sunday unless she was near dead or sick. But not this Sunday, we stayed home and spent the whole day by the pool. The pastor was also Mr. Jackson and the husband of my principal. He had spent many a day at our house, with Ms. Jackson, Sunday dinners and weekend bar-b-ques they were almost like family. At school Ms. Jackson was a whole different person.

Another week passed and I was getting better and keeping my wits about me while I was at work. Nobody had to correct me as far as acting like a girl was concerned, I just acted like I knew my sister would have. Once I had my nerves in check, mom and I spent a lot of time shopping and generally paling around together. We had fun like we hadn't before and mom was so easy to be around, she was almost like a different person.

Mom even tricked me into buying a pair of five inch heels to match our school uniform and then had me wear them the rest of the day till we got home. Let me tell you five inch heels are quite a trick to walk in and, yes, we laughed about it later when we were home.

On the first of the month she filled my breasts for the last time.

"I was a full D cup just like her," she announced when she was done, and sis, she added as if it were an after thought.

I also got my third acid peel and much to my surprise the skin on my face was baby smooth now. Of course, I got several more waxings over the summer and heaven forbid if my nails got the least bit chipped or some such thing. Jean was all over that in a heartbeat.

The closer it got to time for school to start back, the more the tension grew on mom's face. I had no clue she had hired a private investigator to check out the things she had heard Tammy and Tim and I talking about. She knew about all the reports that had been filed against Carl. In short, she knew it all right down to the real school bully whose name was Ted.

Ted was our start quarterback and on the fast track for a scholarship at U.C.L.A. If the college people had any clue about all the stuff he had done at school, that was out the window. But his dad was president of the booster club and had more than enough pull with Ms. Jackson to see to it that never happened. He was a wimp, to tell the truth about it. On the football field with all the padding to protect him he was a big man. Bloody his nose and he ran off crying like a two year old.

I had more than a few reservations about going back to school, but would start this Monday. I had spent my whole summer vacation learning all I could about being a girl and a modest one at that. Jean gave me her stamp of approval in the form of a bonus check on my last day at work.

Mom took me out all dressed up with Tammy and Tim to a really nice restaurant and she even let me have a glass of wine that night. That was so not like my mom at all, but I wasn't about to complain. Later when we got back home she, for the first time in more time than I can remember, hugged me with tears in her eyes and told me I was even more beautiful than my sister.

Our school was one of a few that did drug testing and the pain pills I had been taking had to stop. I didn't take them often as the breast and corset just seemed like a natural thing now.

I dressed very modest for my first day of school with a dress that fully covered my breasts and stopped just inches from my ankles. I had agreed to the high heels so I had to wear them, but they didn't bother me anymore either. I had spent plenty of time wearing them by now.

Mom insisted on coming to school with me and drove her own car there. I got all kinds of strange looks from the guys, but Tammy and Tim quickly stepped up and started talking to me. Mom politely asked me to wait in the school counselor's office while she spoke to Ms. Jackson. The walls in our school are paper thin and the two offices are side by side.

Mom and Ms. Jackson exchanged polite hello's and that was where it ended and rather quick like.

"Ms. Jackson," mom stated, as her voice went up a notch. "Hanna is here per the agreement she and I signed. But let me make one thing very clear to you lady. I know all your dirty little secrets and if she comes home with so much as a paper cut on her pinky I will take this so called school apart with my bear hands, starting with you. Do you understand me?" Mom spat.

Ms. Watson, our counselor, was looking at me like she had seen a ghost. Now, I knew what had brought on the sudden change in my mom. Her son or daughter, as it were, wasn't the bad person the school had made me out to be and now she knew it. Mom calmly walked up and gave me a hug and told me to have a good day, then left.

Ms. Jackson came out and manually rang the first bell of the school year. It was a long standing tradition and all us kids quickly headed for our home room. I sat next to Tammy and were by the windows that looked out into the staff parking area. I saw Ms. Jackson literally run to her car and she left like her head was on fire.

I fully expected she ran straight to the cops and reported mom for the threat she made and I would be proven right almost as soon as I got home later that day.

After I answered to Hanna Wells at roll call, it was if the whole school figured it out at light speed. I took some playful ribbing from the kids I normally associated with, but it was all in good fun. Still there were more than a few kids, who seemed outright mad even after one of my teacher's explained that I was in school as a girl as punishment.

I dressed out for P.E. in one of the coaches offices. I figured being a boy, the girls class would be a cake walk. That was not true and I was really stunned that I had seemed to lose so much muscle tone in just three months. I didn't realize it was actually because my hormones had taken a hard turn to the girl side of the bench. And even mom didn't know till I told her how weak I felt and she took me in to get a checkup. Needless to say, that ended the other pills I was taking or at least till my hormone balance tilted the other way again.

I was a bit of an outcast for the first few weeks a school or at least till the novelty of me looking like such a pretty girl wore off. There was one thing that I couldn't shake and that was the high heels that clicked out the warning of my presence everywhere I went.

Tammy and I had always studied together and she promised that would not change. When Tammy wasn't somewhere close by, Tim was and you could tell he was on edge or ready for the fight he felt sure was coming.

At school I had to use the bathroom at the nurse's station. She unwittingly started the rumor working on the fact that I really was a girl. I had to sit to pee now and she caught on pretty quick like. I don't know who she told that to, but in the end she admitted that she was the one who started it.

On the final day of midterm tests, Ms. Beasley came and got Tammy and Tim from school as soon as their tests were done. Save the rumor mill trying to make me out to really be a girl, it had been quiet for more than a few weeks now. I should have known better than to stand around talking to Mr. Howard after science class. He was a nice old man and never treated me with anything other than respect, so I really liked him.

When I hit the hall and headed for the main entrance and the student parking area, Ted, Bill, and a couple of the other football players jumped me from the boy's bathroom. In seconds my dress was around my ankles and Bill had his hand over my mouth so I couldn't yell for help. Ted pulled my panties down and I know it was him because he bragged about what he was about to do, while the others held me down on my knees.

Ted dropped his pants as I swung my head wildly trying to get Bill's hand away from my mouth to call out for help. I didn't realize there was no one around to hear my call but Mr. Howard and he wore a hearing aid. Finally, just as Ted shoved his penis up my butt I bit down hard on Bill's hand. He was bleeding and took off running with the others, save Ted, who was all too busy taking me doggie style.

I caught my breath and tried to break free, but Ted was way stronger than me now. I let out another ear piercing scream just as he finished and Mr. Howard heard me that time. He arrived in time to see Ted running away while I scrambled to get my dress back on right.

Mr. Howard called the police and a proper rape kit was done later at the hospital with mom there with me. Mom and I had already filled out the papers for the police to arrest and charge Bill and Ted with rape. Mom was being all too calm considering what she had already told Ms. Jackson. I fully expected her to explode at any second and didn't want to be anywhere around when she did. Tammy and Tim came by later that night since I was kept overnight for observation. They both cried for hours and swore to never leave me alone at school again.

Mom and I didn't know it at the time, but I would never be a man or boy again. Not because of the rape mind you, but because I had cancer of the testicles. That was the real reason for my hormones being so out of wack. Later on the doctor said I had had it long before I even started my journey to womanhood, but I will get to all that later.

The next morning when mom took me home, there were cars lined up around our house for most of two miles. Tammy had contacted the parents of all the kids that I had helped or stood up for and one by one every kid told mom their story.

I sat in the stairwell and listened as child and parent alike sang the praises of Henry Thomas Wells. Some of the parents had already offered to stand up for me, but I told them no and asked them to keep my secret. Allie was seven now, but she was just six and celebrating her birthday the same day Carl pulled her shoulder out of socket. I was crying as much as mom was and I was all but sure she would run out of tears before they were all done.

Ms. Flanders, Allie's mom, told my mom that she had considered moving her girl to another school till she personally talked to me. Then added that I was the most kindhearted and loving seventeen year boy she had ever known. If I didn't return to school she was pulling Allie out, without question. Then she hugged my mom and left.

Story after story was told and with every breath Tammy just got more and more upset. This went on almost till dark and it had started just after eight in the morning. When the last mom and child were gone, Tammy took my seat at the table with mom.

"Do you know who and what Ted is now, Ms. Wells?" Tammy said as I watched the rage build inside her. "Do I have to tell you it was mine and Sherry's bras that Ted stole when he raided the girls locker room and that it was Hank that cornered him in the boy's room and brought them back to us? It was my skirt that Ted flipped up at the blackboard and when Hank asked him to apologize to me, he spat on me. Do you understand now why he got a black eye and fat lip for Hank?" Mom couldn't get in a word edge wise and Tammy was spitting mad by now.

"I have been in school with Hank since the first grade and I can tell you first hand he has never started a fight. He finished more than you will ever know. And hell, yes, he gave Carl a black eye after what he did to Allie, I saw it happen," she all but shouted.

Tammy paused to catch her breath and in all the years I had known her I had never seen her this mad about anything. Mom was shocked beyond words and Ms. Bailey was just standing at the door like she was watching some scene from a bad movie play out.

"I love Henry Thomas with all my heart, Ms. Wells, but now that I have let the cat out of the bag he will never speak to me again. He told me so last year when he got expelled for giving Carl that black eye. You have no clue who your son really is. For what it's worth, now, you know the truth about all the stuff you son was accused of. Trust me, Henry Thomas doesn't put up with trash and that is all Ted and Bill and rest of that bunch are. And you can bet your last dollar he will never speak to me again. Whatever else he is, he is as good as his word."

Tammy's face was still red as a beet when she left and her mom all but carried here home. She was shaking so bad she could hardly walk. Mom sat at the kitchen table for quite a while before she started up the stairs to check on me. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me sitting on the stairs.

Mom got down on her knees and looked me in the eyes. "It will never happen again not so long as I live and breathe. And every person responsible for this will answer to me, bar none," she added through her gritted teeth.

Then she took me by the hands and we got a shower together, she put me in her bad and cuddled up behind me and we went to sleep. That was Saturday night and that was the way we awoke on Sunday morning.

Sunday mom called the president of the P.T. A. and asked for an emergency meeting that night. She had already gotten the police to get my records from school and from that she started to call all the parents that had already spoken up for me and told them about the meeting. Mom had called Ms. Bailey while I was in the bathroom and she was calling all the parents that weren't already on mom's list.

The damage was done, I would never be accepted in school again, not by anybody. Ted and Bill had already been arrested and they ratted out the other boys trying to save their own skin. The whole town knew what had happened and why for that matter. The way I saw it mom was just wasting her time. Nobody would show up, nobody cared now that the truth was out and our star quarterback was in jail. You know they would blame it on me somehow. Our phone bill next month would look like the national debt, but mom was determined to do it despite the number of times I asked her to just let it go.

Later that night when we got to the school and we were early, mind you, we had to park out on the street and three blocks from the main building where the gym was and that was where the meeting was being held, as well. The police escorted me and mom down to the first row and nobody sat beside us.

Mr. Latham called the meeting to order such as he could and it was standing room only. The police were stationed by the main exits now and after quite some time the people did settle down and get quiet.

Mr. Latham gave a short synopsis of what had happened to me and the reasons he was given as to why. A low soft boo and hissing sound moved across the room and the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Mr. Latham was in this up to his neck, but didn't have the good sense to know it. But he would and soon, too.

"Ms. Wells asked for this meeting so I will turn it over to her," he spat.

"Not so fast, Mr. Latham," mom said, as he was about to leave the stage. "Why don't you ask your lovely wife and child to come down and join you here on stage?" Mom pointed to the row of chairs behind her and then started reading off the names of the parents that had signed to have me kicked out of school. Believe it or not they were all there and all came down with their children and took a seat.

Then one by one every parent that had came to our house stood and told their story again. Allie and her mom were last and when she was done, I don't think there was a dry eye in the building. Save mom, of course, but she was so far past being mad I don't think she would have cried for all the tea in China.

Mom took the microphone from the holder and turned to the parents and kids behind her.

"Now, unless I have lost my senses you are the ones that signed the petition to have my child kicked out of this school. Am I right?" She waved the paper in front of them. "If any one of you had an ounce of the integrity and character of my child, you would take your kids and leave town and I wouldn't wait till tomorrow to do it," she added.

It took like all of two minutes for those 20 some odd families to exit the building and, no, it wasn't on fire, but you would have thought so had you seen the way they were moving. Mom seemed cool as a cucumber, but I knew her blood was boiling like it never had. It took longer for the building to quiet back down than anything else.

She asked for Mr. and Ms. Jackson to join her on the stage and while she waited she took off her jacket. It was rather hot in the building that night, but I knew full well what was about to happen.

Mom spoke real clear as she asked Ms. Jackson if she recalled what she had told her the day school started this year and then mom gave her the mic. As soon as she opened her mouth, mom popped her right in the nose. Then she kicked Mr. Jackson right between the legs and started hitting them both just as fast and hard as she could go.

I looked over my shoulder sure that police were headed for the stage to break it up, but several of the bigger men now stood in the aisles and blocked them. Mt. Saint Abby had erupted and there was nothing to do, but stand back and let her blow. The police did finally get to the stage and it took all four of them to get mom off of Mr. and Ms. Jackson.

The school nurse came down and bandaged up mom's hands where she had busted the skin on her knuckles. Save that she didn't have a scratch on her. The police escorted the Jackson's from the building and not a single parent even left the building till mom got back on the stage.

When mom got her wits about her, she got back on stage and apologized profusely for what she had done.

"Even if Ted and Bill, along with the other boys, go to jail it in no way covers what has been done to my child," she added.

Mom got a standing ovation and while the meeting had started at 7:00 p.m. it was 2:00 in the morning before we got out of the building and every parent thanked mom for having the courage to do what she did. She would have none of that at all, thank my child for showing me the way, was her reply.

Chapter 3

School was postponed for two weeks till a new principal was elected by the board of trustees. At mom's request or mine, as it really was, they gave the position to Mr. Howard.

I did see a shrink, but only because mom asked me to. He told her what I already knew, I was fine and should just get on with my life.

As for the Jackson's. Their house was up for sale the next day and they left town long before it ever sold, along with some twenty odd other families that I suspect actually feared for their life after the news printed the story of what mom did to the Jackson's.

Mom was never charged with anything for what happened and while the Jackson's did try to get the DA to press charges, he was also handling my rape case, so that was a no brainer to figure out. He told them, no, and hell, no, he wouldn't charge my mom.

Ted, Bill and the other two boys were found guilty at the trial. The jury deliberated less than an hour before they gave the verdict. They went to prison I know, but for how long and where I could have cared less.

Back at school, Mr. Howard laid down the law where I was concerned. And that was even if you just acted like they wanted to harm me, you would be expelled from school permanently. That statement broke no argument from any of the staff and teachers.

Tammy and Tim were never more than a few steps away once school started back. And while I wasn't speaking to Tammy and she knew why, all you had to do was get a little too close to me and she or Tim were right there.

I guess I should explain my thinking and why I was so upset with Tammy. Mom may have found out some of what the school had done to cover for Ted and some of the other boys, but that wouldn't have set her off nearly as bad as it did when Tammy spilled the beans. The rape was just icing on the cake.

I know and knew my mom well. Even though she was a fiery red head it took a lot to get her really upset. The parade of people that Tammy brought to our house was like lighting the fuse for a stick of dynamite. I knew then and there, there was noting to do but stand back and watch her explode, and she did. So as much as I loved her, she didn't realize the chain of events she set in motion.

Tammy was elected class Valedictorian and with all the rumors floating around school it seemed a sure bet I would be the Prom Queen. And that was pretty much the way it happened. And Tim put out the word I was his date for the prom, all others need not apply.

It took three days for mom and I to settle on a prom dress she and I both liked. What I liked showed to much skin and what she liked showed almost nothing at all. I finally settled on a Donna Karen gown that dragged the floor, but was split all the way to my hip. It was a halter style up top and royal blue with silver sequins on the bust and arms. I was sure Tim would look rather dashing in his matching blue tux.

At graduation and it was held in the gym at school. After all the diplomas were handed out Tammy gave her speech. I was kinda lost in the moment thinking about what I would do now that school was over. Then she paused and we all applauded. But she wasn't done.

"If there is any one person I owe a great debt to, it would be Hanna Wells."

Now, I was listening full on.

"Most of you don't know that I dropped out of school three different times, but Hanna kept dragging me back. We started school together here and she was determined that we would finish together. So Hanna this is my personal apology to you for all the trouble I know I caused you.

The gym erupted in applause and cat calls for me to say something to her as well. Everybody knew we weren't talking, but not all of them knew why. The building was literally shaking from all the noise and Mr. Howard came off the stage and escorted me back to the mic.

When I stepped up to the mic, it got so quiet you could have heard a pin drop.

"It's true, Tammy Bailey and I have been together almost since our first day of the first grade. She is as beautiful now as she was to me the first day I met her. We have been the keepers of each others secrets for many years now. There is not a man on the planet that could ask for a finer woman than Tammy Bailey,," I said.

The prom didn't start for another six hours and that was plenty of time to go home and get ready. I couldn't not speak to her now and our bond was still strong as ever. At the prom we all had a great time and, yes, I was the prom queen that year. And mom got enough pictures to wallpaper the house to prove it.

The next morning over breakfast mom asked me if I was ready to be Hank again. I told her no and didn't have to think about it. She did insist that the stitches between my legs get taken out and that I got a full checkup before the end of the week and I agreed to that no problem.

A full checkup to mom meant blood tests and that was when they found the cancer in my balls. X-rays confirmed it and even I could see it once the doctor pointed it out. He told mom and I that my balls were dead at this point and I might as well get them removed before it had the chance to spread any further and he was sure it would if I waited very long at all. To mom it wasn't an option and since she was a nurse, I didn't question her judgment.

That day right in his office, with mom assisting, as was normal, the doctor took my balls. They were black as the ace of spades and mom told me normally they would have been a pale pink color. The doctor didn't suggest that I become a girl right off, but considering I was living as one already he did say I ought to think about it.

Mom and I decided not to tell anyone about the cancer and to wait a while and make sure it didn't come back right away before we went any further.

My penis was rather small now and my empty sack made it all too easy to hide even in a bikini. So for most of the summer, per moms orders, I took it pretty easy. I laid out by the pool and spent lots of time with Tammy and Tim before they headed off to college. I led them to believe I was going to college, too, but just not right away and that was the plan.

Then just after the fourth of July the long forgotten law suit against the drunk driver that killed my dad finally settled and the insurance company's had to pay up. In all honesty, mom, sis, and I never expected to see a penny from the law suit.

Mom and the lawyer never said just exactly what the dollar amount was, but sis and I both got a million dollars each and mom retired on the first of the month. But that was after she had put in for her vacation pay and the time off. Overnight I became what some would call a debutante.

Mom and I got invited to Hollywood to see the first screening of the last film dad had worked on. They had held up the release till the law suit settled just in case dad was found at fault and it placed them in a bad light.

My sister, Marie, met us there and that was when I met Wayne Hardy, the man that would become my husband just a year later. Some would say it was wrong of me to do so, but I never told him I was born a boy.

I did pay out a lot of money to have all my records sealed when I turned 18. And a few days before that I had my G.R.S. surgery and I was very pleased with the results. It hurt like hell and I was out of my head for most of a week on pain killers. But after that I never looked back.

After Wayne and I were married I did tell him that I couldn't have children because I had had cancer and my reproductive organs were gone. Wayne was actually pleased when I said that, he had already decided he didn't want children.

Mom was pleased that my life was going so well. And I was really surprised when sis had no problem at all accepting me as a sister. I didn't know mom had filled her in almost from the start about what had happened.

Once Wayne and I were settled in, life became very enjoyable. He had way more money than I did, but he enjoyed his work and wanted to continue so I was glad to support that decision.

He fawned over me like a prized jewel and I loved him equal measure. For a change, all seemed right in my life and I was very happy with things just as they were.

Over time Tim and Tammy also married and we eventually lost touch with each other. Sis married and stayed on the east coast, but she often came to visit and mom did, as well. There wasn't another man for mom and she never remarried.

She was happy for sis and I and it was as if the family was whole again even though dad was gone. Mom and I never argued again till the day she died and what I told her she accepted for the truth like it or not. I would bet not a lot of kids these days could say the same.

The end.

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My huge issue with this story

My huge issue with this story is Mom's refusal to accept any responsibility for what she has done to her son.

"Mom got down on her knees and looked me in the eyes. "It will never happen again not so long as I live and breathe. And every person responsible for this will answer to me, bar none," she added through her gritted teeth."

But the person who really has to take the most responsibility is herself, and she doesn't even seem to have a sense of personal guilt about what she has done.

She never even apologizes to her son in this story for what she has done.