Road to Myself 24: Catching Up

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Road to Myself - 24: Catching Up
Annette MacGregor

It's been a while, and a LOT has happened. I even posted another segment in my slowly developing serial. But, that's not the topic of this blog. Life HAS been interesting. Yes, I think that's the right term, interesting.

Now, where were we... Oh, yes. The end of 2011 had little in the way of "excitement", except for visiting my parents for the holidays. That was both eventful, and not - at the same time. How can this be? To start with, my mom noticed how much happier I was, than when she saw me last summer (I can't imagine why, can you?). But, she also was soooo busy telling us things she felt we needed to hear that we never had time for a long chat about what's happening. That said, she saw the bling my girls gave me for Christmas and even gave me a gift certificate to Victoria's Secret. (She does know I need support for "the girls"... Unless you wear compression or loose clothing, "C" cups are a tad difficult to hide. LOL But otherwise, my family "avoided" discussing my issues.

As for the trip itself... I was in drab for most of it (trying to avoid possible problems as time becomes short and such). I apparently "sometimes" pass better than I think (or can believe - more later, but it applies here). In an early rest stop, I used the "Men's"... BUT, as I was washing up afterward, there were two other people in the room. I heard the little boy ask "Daddy, why's that lady using the boy's room?" and heard what his dad replied "They probably had a long line next door and she really had to go." I left then, but gave up trying to use the Men's rooms on the trip. LOL (The first even was in Western Virginia, but I also traveled through Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi. VERY Liberal areas, NOT!) *shrugs* Not sure what to make of it. But, it IS confusing.

The last few weeks, I've been commuting to the Houston, Texas area for work. The first night there, my project manager and I went out to dinner. The hostess called us both sir. But, (you knew there had to be one, didn't you... Else why bring it up. Yes, there is.) the waitress called me "ma'am" every time. The PM appeared to ignore it the first time, but the second he said "You're NOT my date." and Asked about it. I just srugged it off, and suggested it might be due to the long hair. (He already knew I'd donated my hair to "Locks-of-love" twice before. (He even told our current client that I had, and was growing it out to do again - one of them grows her hair out for that reason). I didn't contridict his assumption that I'd donate again (and, who knows, when it gets long enough, I might. LOL). But, it was an interesting experience. I was not just in drab - but attire appropriate for a GUY to go to work. Go figure. Wish I could.

Then, another strange thing about the trip... At the Houston airport, I got ma'am'd by all the folks that talked to me... But, back in New Jersey, it was Sir. I was the same person wearing the same clothing. I don't get it... Not at all. It gives me hope though!

While in Houston, I visited a cousin and her extended family. At the end of the day, the two of us had a 'long' chat - talking about how our parents were doing *they're getting up there in years. But, I also came out to her. She was totally accepting (and convinced her parents would be as well)... (Only bit - since I've NOT transitioned as yet - and was in drab, she's asked if I remain in Drab when I visit again while visiting Houston so her twins don't have to deal with the confusion yet - they're five years old. No problem on my part there, as I wasn't planning on outing myself to the rest of her family - yet.)

Funny thing, the next day, her mom came out and asked her if I was trans... Then, when cousin confirmed it, asked if I'd like her to call my mom (her sister) to let her know she has a sister that supports her. I think that's good... We'll probably chat this week - before she calls mom.

I also had a FFS consult with Dr. Spiegel. He's an interesting man, and answered all my questions... But, given the number of things he'd like to "fix" I don't see how I ever pass. Oy! Something to think about... I do need to make a decision and he is an option (he is on the insurance plan, and he recently did a friend's face - on the same plan.) The wife's even supportive of taking time to visit Boston with the family, culminating with my 6-9 hours under the knife. I still have one or two more consults to work out... But, there's some insurance details to work out. (Neither of the others I want to consult with are currently participating with my insurance plan.)

Yes - I am working out HOW to claim benefits with the insurance plan... It's a learning curve - for me, my company AND the insurance company as the coverage is VERY new! Luckily I have time to work it all out. (I hope!)

No, I'm NOT done yet... This past weekend, my wife and I, our pastor and his wife and another couple (VERY GOOD friends - they're our youngest's God Parents) got together, and I came out to them... In preparation to coming out / transitioning at church and to ask their support/help in both the transition and in helping to plan for the transition. (Another couple would have been there too - but he was out of the country, so they'll be hooked in a few weeks from now.) They were immediatly accepting, and for the first time someone actually asked me questions about my history and the like! I have to believe others have been curious. It was a relief that he and his wife were such good friends that they felt they could ask! But, a VERY good two hours... And, we left with a tentative plan going forward. More importantly, we left with my wife knowing that she HAD support - support from good friends (new, in the pastor and his wife - as well as old, in the couple) and this seemed to really help her.

I should also point out that our Bishop has given our pastor his full support... Which can't hurt. :-)

There will come a time when the cat will be out of the bag. When does it happen? Time will tell.

Plans are moving forward on the work side as well.

It is beginning to feel like things are really going forward now. I can't wait for the next five (5) months to get over. Wow, is it really only five (5) months now. It's really hard to believe!

For the few dozen who have been following this, thank you. Coments and questions are welcome. LOL They actually incourage me, so perhaps you'd best not. Else I might be encouraged to keep on talking about plans.

Thanks for reading.


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