This is a refrence blog of things that people have mentioned to us as being broken or different.
Item's that have been "fixed" or we have decided to not fix, are marked with a strike through.
My Inbox link was renamed Messages(My Inbox again).Comments were in reverse/random order(Fixed).- Kudos are still flakey.
BUEditor Buttons don't work(Fixed).My Inbox/Private Messages now use "Tagging" instead of "Folders(Not getting changed).- My Inbox/Private Messages don't have a "Forward" button (looking into fix).
Clicking on a Taxonomy Term brings you to a "Search" interface (Taxonomy Interception).Turned off till it works better.- My Stories page shows "Kudos" now.
Anonymous Users count doesn't work right(This is due to caching - can't change - please read "Caching and Why it's Good for you! :)").- Logo overlap on top of page is worse on some browsers (looking into fix).
Comments are now "Paginated" so that they aren't just one REALLY long listOn further thought, we undid this.- Write to Author links replaced with "Send Private Message" or "Send author a message"
Signatures are missing from comments(Fixed).Some comments have double Signatures(caused by incompatibilities with how signatures USED to work and how they DO work now - can't change).My Blogs link Missing(Fixed)."Body" is "required" when posting a comment(This IS NOT going to change).- Pictures (85x85) may be uploaded and added to your profile and is used on comments posting and in Private Messages. :)(See this nice Avatars Tutorial written by Mittfh)
- Story Outlining works differently and can be applied from the ++fiction/add story pages.
WebLinks still borked(Database Corruption, it's on our todo listIt was a conflicting module, not database corruption).Sometimes when you preview a story/blog/forum submission it "loses" your "Author" and "Audience Rating" selections.Fixed. (manual code update to 3rd party module)The "My Inbox" link in the navmenu no longer says how many new messages you have.(But a block above does).
If I left something off this list, or if you have found something that needs to be added, please comment below and we will add it to the list and decide the appropriate action based on priority.
-Piper, Erin, Catrina Lochley, and Samantha Jenkins
Too Cool
It looks like the search database is complete, and you've got the author page looking pretty much like it did before. Thanks so much. It's like practical magic.
When posting
I get to the final stage - saving- and find it's dropped my name or permission or audience type. I had to repeat this about four times tonight before I got it posted.
The other bits will I'm sure be just a question of using a slightly different system. So thanks for he hard work.
Every time I post
I have to re enter my name and permission. Is that just a bug?
I suppose I should have put this as a reply to something much further up the list,
but in case you're wondering how to do the comment pictures like this one -->
I've written a quick how-to guide...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Oh yeah
Thanks for getting the email notifications working again!!! <3
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
to Piper et al! Being a retired Broadcast Engineer, I know what it is to work under the gun of a deadline, and I applaud your efforts! To have such short list of things to fix after such a big project is nothing short of phenomenal!
Kudos and hugs to you all
Liz Reynolds
Missing from the list...
Here's something that should be on the to-do list but isn't:
Everyone involved in making this web site work should take the weekend off. Go ahead, rest on your laurels for a while. We'll be fine.
Any user who doesn't think this belongs at the top of your to-do list can go jump.
Hey, I'm watching you! Put down the mouse
and go put your feet up!
Comments paginated
Is this supposed to be a good thing? 'Cause I see it as a hinderence. If the comments are split between pages, then trying to read just the new comments on a story or blog doesn't work. When you make the jump to the second page the "new" tag is gone.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
May require a hack
I don't like it either but so far we haven't found where to turn it off. CMS's are not designed by people who actually use them, I sometimes think.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Thanks. Just didn't know if it was a deliberate or not. :-)
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Found the setting...
I can't turn pagination off but I did set the number of comments to 300 before pagination kicks in. I've gone in and set it to that value in Blogs, Forums and Fiction, the three kinds of pages here most likely to get a lot of comments.
I also clicked to add comment controls at top and bottom.
Apparently, I had done this before in Fiction but not in Blogs, so this situation was waiting to happen, even in 99shoes. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I prefer newest comments first. The controls allow that.
An interesting error
I was entering a comment, the connection timed out, so I hit refresh. I ended up with a double post and a "CAPTCHA session reuse attack detected.".
I took a screen shot, but don't know how to upload it here in the slightest.
I could link to the picture if there was an up load site.
When the site times out on a
When the site times out on a submit, do me a favor. Open a NEW tab/Window and load the site/front page to make sure your submission didn't show up before you refresh the submit. The problem is that the "cache" server is storing your "submission" till the underlying webserver is available then it submits them once for every time you hit refresh.
The captcha error is related. Hopefully you won't see it again. If you do, click on the "Insert/Edit Image" button on the editor tool bar, then click the "Browse" button. When the "File Browser" window shows up, just click the "Upload" button, when the file is uploaded, select it and it will insert the code into your comment/story/blog/etc for you :)
Good enough
Then close the other screen if it does?
Sorry about the bad habits, I have done it before the meltdown because I have a twitchy index finger.
When it happens I delete as much as possible off the second post, leaving something for people to puzzle over later.
Best Practice on Deleting Duplicates
For a comment, the best thing to do is change the subject to Please Delete.
For a post, if you are author, you have delete authority. Otherwise, you don't even have edit privileges so you will just have to wait for one of the ClosetCrew to get to it.
When I'm deleting duplicates, I delete the oldest.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
okay, a yay
I was all set a day or so ago to get all whiney about stuff not being where it ought and well...just different. Sulk. Umm not really whiney but I was worried, I've had enough stuff to deal with recently without more change here. Yes that C word is as good as a holiday maybe, but... I hate it when they re-arange the supermarket isles and this is a bigger deal, but I was all set to cope. Turns out I didn't need to mostly. Yay.
My petty whines aside I have nothing but applause and curtseys for all the no doubt hard work that I have no idea of and I would guess most that come here are in the same boat. My gratitude to all.
Yeah, I haven't been around much recently, a few months. Real at home crap with a capital C just stomped on my life. But hey there appears to be a small glimmer on the horizon. So I added a pic, 'avatar' whatsit to my profile last night. It's the best view of me.. from behind. Taa for the how to Mittfh... Resized the original using MS Paint in about 30 seconds.
Oh yeah.. Glitches... the comments string. I used to love skimming the comments list, it's now truncated and shows the entire comment and the link and is down to 20 or so rather than a list of I think 100. Plus the 'more' link at the bottom goes nowhere. Maybe that's deliberate..shrug. Sorry if so. Plus the retro comments link is dead. Haven't poked about enough to come across any other possible glitches but I shall.
Small, perhaps insignificant worries aside.. Brilliant work ladies.. applause. The loading trouble I've had for weeks is gone. Thank you.
Sig pics
Any chance of getting all those huge sig line pics converted to the smaller pics up in the corner of the comment? It seems silly to have a pic in a signature taking up 10 times the vertical space the actual comment does. It would do wonders for making it easier to scroll through the comments looking for the one you want to read (or reread).
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Sig Pics and Profile Pics
Any user that wants to add their sigline pictures to their profile are welcome to do it.
We will not mandate that they do so. Nor will be going through and policing anyone's signature unless it falls into the criteria of being unfriendly or otherwise breaks site rules.
I hate to keep on
But why do I have to re-enter my name and permission each time I actually press save - it doesn't happen on preview and it didn't happen before the upgrade.
Will the grand Alphabetic Story Listing ever return?
I felt it rather convenient for finding stories when you had a general idea what you were looking for such that if you saw it, you'd know, but you didn't quite have a concrete enough memory of it to search for it (used to be via google, now can do searches on-site).
It was also fun to just go down the list and go, oh, yeah, that looks cool, and click it to give it a closer look when looking for something new to read.
It played no favorites at all, just a pure alphabetized list, and the stories could be anything from novel chapters to serials to one-shots to title pages.
OK, so yeah, it got a bit unwieldy to skip through some of the longer serials out there (yikes bike!) but meh, in my opinion, for whatever that's worth (one penny maybe? two pence? OK, yeah, a whole lotta nuthin.) Anyways, as I was saying, in my opinion, that story list doohicky was real convenient for multiple things, and I'd much appreciate its return whenever possible? I'd presume that there are others who'd be interested as well.
Abigail Drew.
Definitely interested
You don't have to presume there are others because there is at least one, me! Thanks for saying what was already on my mind.
Hugs, Sarah Ann
Problem with Quickcuts
Quickcuts seems to only be able to display the first page of stories. I've tried in IE, Firefox, Opera, and Safari and in all four you get either an error or a repeat of the first page of stories.
My Stories - again. Sorry
I use the 'My Stories' link several times a day and wonder whether anyone else feels the same ...
When I go to My Stories, I go to see what's being read and what isn't at that time. It's not a lot to do, but since the upgrade, instead of simply clicking on the heading of the column I want the stories sorted by, twice, I have to go to the drop-down box, select daily hits and then hit the go button. Its an upgrade I don't understand as it was two clicks before the upgrade and is at least two clicks now (three if you select the box and then select the order, rather than clicking and dragging to the order required).
Here, nothing has been gained from the users perspective. If anything, it has become more complicated - unlike the other upgrades implemented (Bravo, by the way, if I haven't already said it in one of my other postings in this thread).
My question therefore, is whether it is possible to choose a default order, i.e. whichever one we use most? I for one am more interested in which of my stories or episodes have had hits that day, rather than the newest story posted.
Thanks in advance,