What's New / What's Broken

This is a refrence blog of things that people have mentioned to us as being broken or different.

Item's that have been "fixed" or we have decided to not fix, are marked with a strike through.

  • My Inbox link was renamed Messages (My Inbox again).
  • Comments were in reverse/random order (Fixed).
  • Kudos are still flakey.
  • BUEditor Buttons don't work (Fixed).
  • My Inbox/Private Messages now use "Tagging" instead of "Folders (Not getting changed).
  • My Inbox/Private Messages don't have a "Forward" button (looking into fix).
  • Clicking on a Taxonomy Term brings you to a "Search" interface (Taxonomy Interception). Turned off till it works better.
  • My Stories page shows "Kudos" now.
  • Anonymous Users count doesn't work right (This is due to caching - can't change - please read "Caching and Why it's Good for you! :)").
  • Logo overlap on top of page is worse on some browsers (looking into fix).
  • Comments are now "Paginated" so that they aren't just one REALLY long list On further thought, we undid this.
  • Write to Author links replaced with "Send Private Message" or "Send author a message"
  • Signatures are missing from comments (Fixed).
  • Some comments have double Signatures (caused by incompatibilities with how signatures USED to work and how they DO work now - can't change).
  • My Blogs link Missing (Fixed).
  • "Body" is "required" when posting a comment (This IS NOT going to change).
  • Pictures (85x85) may be uploaded and added to your profile and is used on comments posting and in Private Messages. :)(See this nice Avatars Tutorial written by Mittfh)
  • Story Outlining works differently and can be applied from the ++fiction/add story pages.
  • WebLinks still borked (Database Corruption, it's on our todo list It was a conflicting module, not database corruption).
  • Sometimes when you preview a story/blog/forum submission it "loses" your "Author" and "Audience Rating" selections. Fixed. (manual code update to 3rd party module)
  • The "My Inbox" link in the navmenu no longer says how many new messages you have.(But a block above does).

If I left something off this list, or if you have found something that needs to be added, please comment below and we will add it to the list and decide the appropriate action based on priority.

-Piper, Erin, Catrina Lochley, and Samantha Jenkins

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