I'm quite sorry, but I am feeling a bit off, but please no cause for alarm. I promise not to do anything I shouldn't OK? I just need to emote a little here. If I do not feel better by Monday, I will seek to get back under care again.
There are a couple stories going right now that I find absolutely irresistible, but they dredge some old feelings up and it really confuses me. I know that it is perfectly healthy to have feelings of grief for the suffering of others, so if it gets too much, I'll likely just have a good cry. I know people right here on BCTS that have suffered more than I did and I am sorry for that. And, I think the healthiest thing to do after the abuse is over is to move on and have a good life in as much as we are able.
Both these stories, while they may seem to be fabrications to many of us, come perilously close to reality. People can be programmed to think a certain way, to respond a certain way to certain stimuli. They can be triggered very easily even when they think that they are all well. In spite of how difficult it is for some of us to see these stories, I think they need to be told. But some of you need to realise just how real in some respects they are.
Much peace
You know I'm here for you.
All you gotta do is skype me, or call me. I always have time for you hon. If you need me, I'm here.
Many hugs and much love,
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
me too, hon
pm me anytime.
I feel for you Gwen
I couldn't disagree more with this statement "I know people right here on BCTS that have suffered more than I did and I am sorry for that."
Certainly some people have suffered more than you, and other people have suffered less than you, or not at all in some cases. Don't diminish your own pain and feelings by trying to compare them with someone else's. It is yours, and you have to deal with it however is best for you. It isn't lessened because it isn't bad compared to others. It is valid and pertinent to yourself. You are important, you matter. Just because someone has more pain it doesn't diminish whatever you are feeling.
Pain/sadness isn't a competition. I'm sure you don't feel better by knowing someone had it worse, just as I'm also sure you are happy to share someone's joy.
P.S. I don't Skype, but I do Yahoo and keep very late hours.
I can relate
I have so many skeletons in my closet that i can't keep track of them all. I can only imagine what you're going through. PM me. Please!
Hang on in there Gwen.
I'm so sorry to hear of your issues, I'm hoping that what we talked about t'other day (new relationship,) has no bearing on your issues.
I'll Skype you tonight,
Hugs and love,