Had one of my female co-workers come into work with the best excuse for missing time I've heard - She was told by her husband of 10 plus years, a man with whom she has two kids, that he couldn't live with a "incomplete" woman anymore. (She has lost the bottom half of one leg to disease and works with an artificial one.) My immediate gut reaction was "Men suck". Afterward, I chided myself, and remembered I know a number of very good men, and have met some pretty awful women. Its good to remember that one person doesnt carry the flag for the whole gender, and that you have to treat every person you meet as the individual they are.
A little surgery
Maybe she can make the pr*ck an incomplete man, especially where it counts.
already is one
With an attitude like that it sounds like he already is an incomplete man.
~hugs, veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
True enough that women can suck big time too
... but it is far more likely that it is a sucky man who is able to break every bone in your body though.
Ha! You ain't met my wife!
Seriously, people like that aren't worth worrying about. My 2nd wife divorced me because she was afraid I would lose my leg. A year later it turned out she was right, and she was also deceased. You just never know what will happen (No, I had nothing to do with her passing. How could you think that?).
I would have to respectfully disagree with that
When one realizes the alarming percentage of college age women who have been raped in college or being a woman alone say bicycling or jogging ( remember the Central Park Jogger. ) No it is due to those very men that make nice F->Ms disgusted when they find that women are now are leery and even fearful of them when they encounter them at night. Whereas before as women they were obviously not as feared.
No hon, it is for those 'few' that women fear. I mean, look at all the effort we make to prevent terrorism. Those people are a pretty small percentage, no? Oh, who btw, they are mostly men exercising their masculine prerogative written into the rules of their society, no?
is overrated. Why buy an entire pig just to get a little sausage?
- - -
BCTS's resident Extravagant Honorable Trans-Cat-MegaTomboy! ;D ...But I do like cuddles from soft but strong arms... ^_^

My god
That's funny.
For Better or Worse
In most Christian religions it says, "...in sickness and health..." I believe he forgot that vow.