California's domestic partnership law grants the same rights to domestic partners as to surviving spouses except for narrow areas BUT, the state agency overseeing crematories does not accept this and refuses to grant licenses to crematoriums on the authority of a surviving domestic partner.
Unless EVERY existing law is changed or countless court battles are fought to establish that "same" means "same" by precedent, some asshat somewhere is going to insist that a law that says spouse does not include domestic partners.
This is the situation I am now in regarding the remains of my partner, Jeanne who died last Saturday. I don't have time to fight a legal battle because the law gives me only eight days to take charge of things and then the county is in charge.
Separate is NEVER equal.
- Joyce Melton
the practical problem is most likely solved, Jeanne's sister Marsha is faxing me the authority to go around the obstructionist state agency.
I am very relieved.
- Joyce
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Whew, ma'am. I saw this and o
Whew, ma'am. I saw this and on the list. I am just so glad that her family was there to work with you on this matter, It is shameful of that agency to burden the survivors in this fashion.
Shouldn't be needed
It is absurd that you have to go to these lengths. This is why marriage is a necessity, anything less allows them to deny equality and it's obvious that they'll do so. It boggles my mind that the transgendered community is divided on this issue.
Anyways, Joyce, I'm glad you were able to find a resolution and saddened that you were forced to go to extraordinary lengths to do so.
Hugs & love,
r'all hira hugs Lynne /
r'all hira
Lynne / catx5
You have my condolences Joyce
You have my condolences Joyce. I wish it was different here in ca too, maybe one day.
Take care
Andy R.