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Before you start reading this article, just remember that we are winning this battle that has taken us so long and caused many of us to shed so many tears.
I remember when Reker was
I remember when Reker was caught at the airport. He had already been kicked out by NARTH and other ex gay organizations, but had testified for money at several hearings on the fitness of gay parents to raise kids, in the negative side of course. His contemporary Kenneth Zucker, who chaired the rewrite of the trans/gay sections of the DSM-v, shares beliefs in his aversion therapy as a cure. Zucker calls it Reparative Therapy when applied to possible trans and Sissy Boys to MAKE them gay. Considers that to be a good outcome. Dr. Richard Green, who is mentioned in the article, is one of Zuckers buddies. and supports aversion therapy.
What's with that crap?
Once again...
It seems the inmates are running the institution. Whats wrong with these knee-jerk haters? Why don't they realize we're each as God made us? Accept it: Embrace it!
How many wonderful people have these evil people killed?
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
Sissy boy experiment.
There are ALWAYS those who REFUSE to accept the fact thats and try to FORCE others into a mold..
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Smells very much like the stink of Money....
From the Sissy Boy Experiment Archives
Here's rare footage of Dr. Reker's Sissy Boy Aversion Therapy in action.
(the good doctor himself appears at the beginning & end of the film...)
I'm no psychologist but it doesn't appear to be working too well.
~hugs, Veronica
What borders on stupidity?
Canada and Mexico.