I hate muses. Can someone PLEASE tell this muse to leave me in peace. I cannot seem to be able to read more than a paragraph of any story. No this this thing insists I continue to write. I can't play my games, nor watch a movie, nor even sleep. Tis not fair!
Gosh blast it to the depths of heck twill nay let me even swear as I must be a *LADY*
Signed a damsel in distress Oh come on already!
I wish that was my problem
Everytime I start to write, I look to see if there's anything I want to read, and sure enough, another excuse not to finish Assassin. If I had your muse the story would be done. Word count for part eight, 65400 and counting, Arecee
There ARE treatments for stubborn muses
But none are recomended.
Severe concussion, being sedated, passing out drunk and death may work.
But the side effects....
Maybe you and your muse can work out a compromise?
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Heh heh heh.
Now you appreciate just what the rest of us have to put up with.
Now, if there were only some way to deal with Real Life (tm)...