If your main comment about a story is that you don't like the genre, theme, premise or morals of the characters, then you don't have a comment, you have a complaint.
It's not criticism, it's simple whining that someone did not write a particular story to fit your requirements. Get over it and go read something else.
There is way too much of this sort of thing going on. Don't post your complaints about genres, themes, premises or motives -- when I see them I will remove them because they are not helpful. They are in fact destructive criticism, whose clear effect and sometimes stated intent is to intimidate authors and reduce the number of stories posted on this site.
Some people are repeat offenders of the worst kind on this, in that they seem to only comment when they want to complain that they don't like a certain kind of story.
Guess what? This site EXISTS for stories that most people don't like. Get over yourself and read something else, there's plenty to read here.
Thanks for reminding me Erin :)
I agree
There are lots of stories here I don't read because they don't appeal to me, but ho hum. When I see an author's name I can pretty much count on something I'll like. If I don't like the story, then I close it out and get on with my life. I like comments as much as others, and I've had my share of ones that were just plain goofy and wondered if they were reading the same story I wrote? As Erin said, I don't mind criticism, but I can live without complaints, Arecee
Put this on the home page
Complaints are taken three doors down from the city dump. If you have to complain stand before your mirror and tell the reflection what it was that bothered you when you read a story. I'm sure your reflection will udnerstand
There are plenty of genres I don't read, and those that I do I try to leave a thank you more than a comment. When someone peaks my mind into seeing the story taking place I am delighted for their effort and story
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
My Maternal Grandfather had a saying
The complaint department is on the roof.
Writing is painful, it's lonely and you suffer and there's no immediate feedback.- Actor, writer, playwright Robert Shaw
Daniel, author of maid, whore, bimbo, and sissy free TG fiction since 2000
What the world needs is more geniuses with humility; there are so few of us left.- Oscar Levant
Well said Erin!
Well said Erin.
Whingers are a right pain.
I have no worries on either score, criticisms or whinges. I get very few of either, but what the hell; see if I care.
I've got a hide like a rhino, (but I moisturise it every morning and evening!)
Ho hum, back to the type-face.
Growing Old Disgracefully
I only complain about my own stories!
I don't post negative reviews or comments. If there is a real issue, I might send a diplomatically worded PM, but I would not embarass anyone in public. I have some problems with my own work (after being away for a while, I totally HATE "Transformation Blues"), but not with anyone else. These stories come from our souls-how can anyone complain, really? If ya don't like it, don't read it, please!
Be friendly, be nice...why cause problems?
I agree!
Though I have not (yet) been a victim of this, nor have I done this to anyone (i don't think?), I completely agree! Please post this on the home page for everyone to see.
If anyone sees me posting anything close to a complaint, please give me a mental kick because my brain won't be working properly!
Hugs from British Columbia! :D
Hugs from British Columbia! :D
Stories I like
I look at each story and if I do not like it I do not read it.Its quite simple.I do not tell the world I do not like it as it is my personal choice.When I like a story I always leave a Kudos or if I feel brave enough ,a comment.We are not all the same and we have a free choice as to what we read.Remember one of the basic rules,treat everyone as you would want to be treated.Sorry for the rant but negative comments annoy me and I feel for the authors.Thank you all for your stories and the wonderful dreams I have at night because of them.
Complaint vs Criticism
I don't criticize anybodies stories, because I think it takes a great deal of courage to post something in the first place. I do not have any creative ability of my own so I'm grateful to all those who post their stories for us to read. My first instinct is to encourage the people whose stories I like. And if I don't like something I keep it to myself. Just because I don't like it, doesn't mean that it isn't good. About the only thing that does bother me is spelling mistakes and usually I only see a lot of that in the comment section anyway. So a Big Thank You!!! to all those who share their stories.