Pippa's post about her half-thirteenth anniversary remind me. Last week was the twelfth anniversary of BigCloset.
Did you know that I almost named the site BlueSpider? I was trying to think of a good name that started with a B. :)
Originally, BigCloset was just one department in a site called AtEros. BigCloset was for LGBT stories and I posted my own lesbian erotic fiction there, along with one long TG story I had written. I invited other people to write LGBT fiction and send it to me so I could post it. I also had regular erotica and several writers of erotica sending me stories for the main AtEros site.
Then the first week in December, 1999, Mindy announced that FictionMania would be going away sometime after the first of the year because she was tired of the hassles some people were causing. There were constant flamewars and even email threats. I think, anyway, that's the way I remember hearing about it.
About the same time I started AtEros, and BigCloset as a department on AtEros with it's own sub-domain, Crystal started StorySite as a place to post her own stories. Mindy's announcement prompted both of us to open up our sites and actively start recruiting authors. I got permission from Mindy and several FM authors to move many of their stories to BC which I did. Mindy even gave me permission to copy down all the stories from FM so that all I had to do was get permission from the authors to repost. I'd actually been one of her volunteers, helping to post stories for several months.
In late December, as I remember it, the FM TaskForce was formed to keep FM running after the departure of Mindy. In consideration of the TaskForce's mission, I stopped actively recruiting authors to move their stories to BigCloset and in March of 2000, I decided to take a one month break from the internet to deal with some things in my own life. I kept paying the hosting bills and renewing the domains I owned but I was not active on any site for over a year.
About a year and a half later, I came back to the internet and discovered that BigCloset still got several hundred hits a day. Several hundred hits when it hadn't been updated for nearly two years? Okay, that was intriguing.
Mat Twassel hired me about that time to run his website for him and we put it up as Calendar.ateros.com. Mat's idea was an erotic calendar of stories, vignettes and artwork. We gave it a year. During that year, I also revived BigCloset, rewrote the software and started looking at off-the-shelf software to make running both Calendar and BigCloset.
Crystal had been running StorySite all this time and it had grown a great deal and impressed me with the quality of the writing and the site. And FM was still up and running and growing and had a lot of good stuff being posted. I joined the TaskForce and helped out for awhile but then stopped that since it seemed a conflict to be setting up my own site while working for the TaskForce.
I thought about it a lot. I decided that if I were going to run a website, it would have to be a lot less work than what went into running FM and even StorySite. I tried automating BC with an email-submission system that made me crazy and convinced me that the way to do this was to find something someone else had written so I could concentrate on editorial and not have to mess with writing and maintaining software.
I picked PostNuke as my Content Management System software and set BC up to run on that at about the time Mat decided to abandon Calendar. I ran Calendar for a month or so more but finally just let it be a static site with no more updates. This was near the end of 2003.
The PostNuke version of BigCloset ran as bigcloset.ateros.com/newstuff. There was a streamlined submission form that let me do a bit of editing before posting a story that someone submitted and I wrote teasers and created artwork for almost everything that got posted.
At this time I realized that BigCloset had turned into a site for TG fiction; NOT TG erotica. Very few of the stories being submitted were erotic in the least. I expanded the categories and keywords available to reflect that the center of the site had become literature rather than erotica.
PostNuke had a comment system and BC rapidly developed a cadre of very active commenters. I enforced a strict no-flame policy and removed comments that seemed argumentative rather than constructive.
I updated the PostNuke software several times but a crisis developed in the community of programmers that maintained the code. Groups of them abandoned PostNuke to "fork" the software and it became obvious that there would be no obvious survivor of the mayhem.
In June 2005, I launched BigClosetr.us/TopShelf using the Drupal software. Drupal had several advantages over PostNuke including better submission procedures, better editing software and a multi-dimensional category system.
With authors able to post their own stories and see them online immediately and edit after posting, BCTS became something that had not really existed before in the world of TG fiction. Authors could really OWN their stories in a way that wasn't true of other sites.
Bob Arnold began helping me with technical aspects of running the site and did so until his death earlier this year. Bob's assistance freed me up to concentrate even more on editorial and moderator tasks.
I wrote "A friendly place to read, write and discuss TG fiction" as the motto and terms-of-service of the website and here we are six-and1/2 years later.
Pippa, it's not just your anniversary, it's TopShelf's anniversary. :) Well, on Tuesday.
Hugs to all,
and thanks! Thanks to all who help you out with this as well.
...I always wanted a Blue Spyder, and I occasionally write NEUROTIC Lesbian Fiction; does that count? Seriously, I cannot begin to thank you enough for this site and for what it has meant to me these past two plus years. Being here literally saved my life! And I'm having a blast as well!
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
it saved mine as well
This place gave me an opportunity to not only post fiction, get feedback, or read and give comments on others stories, but thanks to the blog function, it has given me a place to figure myself out while getting support in the process.
Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels
And thank you so much for this safe haven.
In the time that BCTS was coming into existence, my old life was ending and I firmly believe that had it not been here to provide an outlet for my insane rambling, I might not be here.
I believe that a lot of writing is cathartic, and in almost every story I read, I do wonder how much of the author's personal life is in it. Not so much the actual occurances but the feelings of sorrow, terror, remourse and joy. It is therapudic.
I thank you so much for that.
Much peace
Happy Anniversary (on Tuesday!)
I am very glad to be a contributor to this site, and to have the chance to read so many wonderful stories! I have been very impressed by the quality of many of the stories (okay, so we're not talking about MY stories) and I'm sort of frustrated as I try to catch up on everything I missed while I was in my forced exile. Y'all are wonderful storytellers! I laugh, I cry, and I admire so many of you! I hope BC/TS goes on for many years!
Thanks you, Erin,
'for all you have done for us over the period and especially the last 2 plus years that I have been here.
I have loved every minute of it and it gave me the strength to do something that I should have done
years ago but never had the chance to do,transition.And I have an anniversary today,thanks to BCTS,
it is exactly 1 year since I started HRT and I have no regrets despite my age and if I drop off the
perch tomorrow I will die a very happy old girl as I have discovered a happiness that I never knew
existed and I thank BCTS.Bless you Erin.
Thank you Erin
Erin i would like to thank you for letting me become a member on this site ,I made a few mistakes when i first started commenting, but you soon sorted me out and i take a lot more care now before i post anything, Since becoming a member i have made a few very good and trustworthy friends ,it has saved me from becoming a very depressed human being . love and Hugs
As someone else said...
...WOW. I just looked, I've been a member for 5 years and 38 weeks, damn where'd the time go??!! I followed a comment from another author and ended up here. It quickly became the place I came to first for quality and a feeling of more than just another story site. Sure there's the odd hissy fit and pissing contest, but this place is something no other site comes close to... not sure community quite fits or family but there are elements of both.
I think a large part of it is down to the skills and knowledge of the owner manager, Erin or Joyce even. For doing what you have done for a long time a great many people owe you a debt, never doubt that it is acknowledged.
Oh, maybe it's just me but I'm sorta glad you didn't go with the Blue Spider thing. Yours humbly and with love
Thanks Erin,
for creating a place where I can let my cats' creative spirits flow and waste loads of people's time trying to make sense of them >^^<
Apart from that, it's the best site of its sort in the known universe, congrats kiddo.
Angharad :)
Thank you :-)
And thank you Erin for all your hard work in keeping this a friendly place. :-)
"Just once I want my life to be like an 80's movie, preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason. But no, no, John Hughes did not direct my life."
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Happy Anniversary!
I've been a member for "3 years 52 weeks" -- and I need to congratulate and thank Erin and the others who keep this site going.
I know I would have been writing even if this site didn't exist, but not as much and not as well.
There are a number of things I really value about this place, and one is obviously knowing that people read my stuff. Another is the presence of some outstanding writers who deserve a larger audience. And above all, the friendships with people who frequent this site.
You are such wonderful people, and I would not like to even imagine my life without BCTS.
The numbers Six point Five keeps coming up. What does it mean? :) It appeared in my latest tale and here is Pippa and Erin mentioning it as well, 6.5. I know discovering BC has helped me immensely. I can't say it saved my life, but I was in a dark deep pit of depression that had a pack of salivating Black Dogs upon me. Being able to read and see myself in the marvelous stories here let me address issues I simply couldn't before. It finally gave me an outlet for all the stories that lived within me.
What Erin has somehow created and nurtured is a community that cares and reaches out to others. Like any family it has its problems and arguments, but it also pulls together too. So many of us would be lost without BC in our life.
Thank you so very much Erin, and to all the others here who give so much of their time and heart to help out here.
Blue Spider Anniversary?
Thanks for the history lesson. Lets us know how special Big Closet is and how much you care for us.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Thank you, Erin, for all you
Thank you, Erin, for all you do, and for that fascinating history of BC. Thanks too to your dedicated helpers, and to the spirit of Bob, who I'm sure is still looking over the site.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Thank you!
I've been a registered user for 3 years 19 weeks, but I didn't really start to hang out here until after Bob died, and this was a major source of information on what was happening with the Crystal Hall. I refresh the main page many times over the course of each day, and there are stories and authors that I follow religiously. I can't say it's had as great an impact on my life as it has had for many here, being non-TG, but I spend a lot of time here, and I don't know where I'd be hanging out otherwise. There's a great deal of excellent literature here, and the commenters add very much to the experience. My life would be the lesser if this site wasn't here.
So thank you, Erin, for dreaming of this site, and thank you to the friendly people who make it a pleasant place to hang out.
John Robert Mead
A humble thank you.
Wow, Erin... this should be required reading for new members.
With all the work that you (and others) put into this, it's obvious that it's a labour of love. It brings to mind the Winston Churchill line about so few doing so much for so many. I can only hope that we are worthy of all this; of all you're doing for us. Thank you.
The girl in me...
She's always there and she's very grateful.
Two years and thirty-two weeks
As a member, but a lurker for quite a while before that, trying to find a place where I could talk to people like myself, whether directly or through my writing, the latter almost erupting out of me once I let it go. I was already a writer, but not of fiction, submitting travel pieces and for some time writing for a custom motorcycle mag. My first parts of Something to Declare show my nerves, and while I am tempted to go back and polish them, I have resisted that temptation as they show how scared I was. I am a very shy person, in real life, which is hardly bloody surprising given my circumstances, and so many of the support groups I have been pointed at are for transvestites rather than transwomen.
That is not a dig at the former, just an observation that I am not in the same boat; the issues are different. This was the first site I found apart from the advice pages my therapist pointed me at that addressed me, my core, my self. I was no longer the fat old tart that folk stared at, the oddity in the upstairs flat (though my downstairs neighbour is sweet about what I am). I was an Author, and sometimes people laughed, often cried, occasionally shuddered. I could externalise the pain and the fear, I could hold my head a little higher in the street, because I knew there were others who understood.
Wow that's a pretty significant milestone especially for a TG website. I hadn't realize BCTS had been around so long.
Have a delightfully devious day,
My stats show six years and change. That change makes those stats off by about five years.
I dropped out of the TG fiction world for several months after receiving a note form a reader that one of my stories had brought her to the edge of suicide. It was early on in BC's existence that Erin read a version of Baseball Annie on FM and invited me to write on BC.
I've enjoyed being here because of her insistence on maintaining a place for everyone who will meet her rules.
It's been quite a ride.
Thanks . . . my friend.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Me Too!!
Thanks Erin and everyone else who helps out with the site. I've been here for half that time and it has been enjoyable to see the membership grow. I remember when you posted a note saying that 200 people were on the site at the same time. Now it seems there are always 200 people logged on to the site. I remember when we could search for stories. I remember -- and that is what is special. I remember this as a special place for all of us. Thanks Erin.
As always,
As always,