Black Balled?

I first discovered this site a year ago. Imagine my joy when I found like minded people. But Alas!

I find there is a small town mentality here. The same village that I ran away from at the tender age of fifteen. I did not know where I was running too,I only knew I had to escape that small minded village full of cliques.

I ran blindly towards the big city and annonymity, it worked for a while. Sadly the true nature of myself always came through. I would move on to a bigger town in order to preserve my true self. Everywhere I went the inevitable happened.

A friend of a friend would pass the word; "that guy is a tranny." So all the walls would tumble down. The friendships I built up no longer wished to know me once the rumor mill started.

Time to move on. I never ran away from myself but only to preserve my own sanity.

Fortunately things are settled at the moment. I guess the ultimate question at this moment in time is. Why is my signature a different colour from every one elses? Is it because I speak my mind? Does my honesty offend?

I have seen some good authors post briefly on this site and then leave. I empathise with them.

Once again I think I should run to the next big city. I've heard good things about a place called fictionmania. Perhaps I will go there in the hope of acceptance.

I find myself marked once again and most betrayed.

Why are all my comments highlighted in a different colour?

WebDeb signing off.